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15.02% Exposing One Piece with QnA / Chapter 81: Chapter 80

Chapter 81: Chapter 80

Luke:" The answer for the Question is correct, the reason Teach become a traitor is because of a devil fruit he want, The name of that Devil Fruit is Dark Dark Fruit. It has the ability to invalidate other Demon fruit power, absorb damage, and suck things into a black hole to compress and smash. It is a very terrifying fruit. Teach had seen the appearance of this fruit from the Devil Fruit illustrated book a long time ago, and has been waiting for this fruit to appear. He believes that only this fruit can support his dream. He stayed in the Whitebeard Pirates for the same purpose, and he believed that the chance of encountering this fruit would be greater if he stayed here. Teach is a gambler. Whether he can meet this fruit it his luck, if he can't touch it for a lifetime, then just stay with the Whitebeard Pirates. If he does, he will continue his ambitions. In fact, Teach and Luffy are the same, they both want to become The King of Pirate. It can only be said that as a pirate, his luck is not so bad, but for you Whitebeard Pirates, your luck is not so good."

After listening to Luke's words, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirate Group finally understood why this guy Teach would kill his brother for a mere Devil Fruit.

It turned out that this guy didn't make a temporary motive, but had an ulterior motive.

He had been eyeing this Dark Dark Fruit a long time ago, waited for more than 20 years, and finally waited for this fruit.

However, this fruit does not belong to him, and Teach, who is in a hurry, does not want to miss this hard-won opportunity, so he kills Thatch and grabs the fruit.

Unexpectedly, Teach, who they had always thought to be a simple and honest person, had such a big ambition hidden under this appearance.

The King of Pirate?!

They never noticed it.

Everyone couldn't help but feel a chill at Teach.

This guy has been pretending to be honest in front of them for more than 20 years. What kind of person can do this level?

And Whitebeard heard Luke say that Teach thought about staying in Whitebeard's pirates for the rest of his life if he didn't find Dark Dark Fruit, as his son.

Teach has been on the ship for more than 20 years, and unexpectedly met Dark Dark Fruit at this time.

Whitebeard couldn't help but regret it. If they didn't meet the pirates yesterday and didn't get the Dark Dark Fruit from the pirates, then such a tragedy would not happen to the Whitebeard Pirates.

It's all caused by a Devil Fruit.

Whitebeard thought of this and turned to look at Thatch and said, "Thatch, you can eat this Devil Fruit now, and from now on, on our boat, the Devil Fruit obtained must be eaten on the spot. I will not allow Something like this happened anymore"

Whitebeard felt that he had underestimated Devil Fruit's position in the hearts of others.

After hearing about Dark Dark Fruit's abilities, he probably could understand why Teach was willing to take the risk of killing his brothers and betraying the Whitebeard Pirates. The powerful abilities really made people crazy.

He didn't take this matter to heart before, thinking that it was all the people on the boat, and they distributed the food, but after this happened, he realized that even if it is a close brother, he needs to face huge benefits. cautious.

In order to avoid such things from happening again, this matter must be taken seriously. Thatch nodded when he heard the words, he glanced at Teach, Teach was obviously slightly shocked when he heard Whitebeard's words, but he didn't do anything, still lowered his head and couldn't see the expression on his reputation.

Thatch then took out Dark Dark Fruit and took a bite. He felt that Devil Fruit was as unpalatable as he had heard before.

After taking one bite, he put the rest aside and felt the power he gained.

he saw two clouds of black smoke attached to his hands after a while.

Marco took the initiative to come over and let Thatch activate his ability.

they saw that Thatch stretched out his hand to Marco, and Marco was sucked into his hand by Thatch in the air. At this time, Marco wanted to activate his ability, but found that his phoenix fruit had lost its effect.

Sure enough, "As Mr. Luke said, my ability has failed." Marco said to Whitebeard.

The rest of the Whitebeard Pirates were very happy to see this scene, and they were very excited that Thatch had obtained such a powerful fruit ability, which could invalidate the abilities of other abilities, which means that Thatch is now the owner of all abilities nemesis.

And you must know that the Four Emperors on the sea now are all devil fruit user except for the red hair, Shichibukai are all Devil fruit user except for Mihawk, and Marine three Admiral are all Devil fruit user

This means that another powerful force has appeared in their Whitebeard Pirates, and they are even stronger!

Hearing their words, Teach raised his head and watch Thatch's smoky hand and immediately lowered his head, a fiery look flashed in his eyes, this is his dream ability!

Compared to the excitement of the Whitebeard Pirates, other people who saw this scene had a bad look on their reputations.

Big Mom, Kaido and other big pirates have very unpleasant reputations. Originally, they were very happy enjoying the drama, but they saw that Whitebeard has added such a useful person. they must know that their subordinates are mostly devil fruit user.

The Whitebeard Pirates now have one more strong person. Originally, the Whitebeard Pirates were very powerful because of the existence of Whitebeard, and Whitebeard himself has returned to his peak. Now there is a Dark Dark Fruit User, Thatch, now The momentum of the Whitebeard Pirates has already slightly overwhelmed the other Four Emperors, and the situation is not very good.

The same goes for Marine.

Sengoku immediately realized the threat of having such a powerful person in the Whitebeard Pirates.

Immediately increased Thatch's bounty to 850 million Berry.

The current Whitebeard Pirates are too dangerous. Not only Whitebeard is back in its prime, but also Dark Dark Fruit user. In the face of such an enemy, Marine and Admiral are useless. Fortunately, they have Garp on their side.

It's better to let Teach eat it. This will not only cause a split within the Whitebeard Pirates, but also be a huge blow to the Whitebeard Pirates.

Sengoku and the others couldn't help complaining, how could this Luke cause them trouble.

Is this also Luke revenge against World government and Marine?

Even so, the Whitebeard Pirates became Marine's most dangerous enemy.

As for Luke, he is the most dangerous enemy in the eyes of the World government.

After Dark Dark Fruit was eaten by Teach, Whitebeard was relieved, and finally there was one less point of contention, and now there is only what to do with Teach, but this matter will be discussed after the live broadcast of the answer.

Luke also started to ask the third question.

"3rdQuestion: What was the real intention of Marshall D Teach after defeating Ace who was chasing him and giving him to Marine in exchange for becoming Shichibukai?

Here are the four options.

a. in exchange for Marine's protection

b. Collect Ace's bounty from Marine

C. get permission to go to Impel down

d. to provoke a dispute between Whitebeard and Marine."

Hearing this question, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirate Group glared at Teach.

And Teach also felt their sight, and couldn't help groaning in his heart, please, don't give me hatred anymore, He will be a good boy now.

But Teach didn't dare to say this, he didn't dare to say it in front of Whitebeard, and he didn't dare to offend Luke.

He is a man who even dared to face the Five Elders. To provoke such a guy, he is not that stupid

The third question is easier than the previous two questions because they now havr more information

Marco thought for a while and said: "Teach has power and ambition so option a and b might not be the answer,Among these four options, a and b can basically be eliminated, and the remaining ones are c and d, to gain the permission to impel down and divert the attention of the old man.

The answer should be in these two options. "

"As expected of Marco, he narrowed it all at once."

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

"In this case, the fourth one should also be eliminated." Ace rubbed his nose and said.

"Why do you say that?" Whitebeard asked, looking at Ace.

"Since Teach has handed me over to Marine, it will inevitably cause conflicts between Pop and Marine. This is also an obvious thing."

"Then there is only the third option left to get permission to Impel down. I remember that in Summit War it was mentioned that Luffy came from Impel down, and there was a group of pirates in prison uniforms with him. They should have run away from Impel down. "Marco continued.

All the prisoners suddenly realized something.

Seeing this scene, Sengoku's reputation suddenly became gloomy, and he was actually asked by this guy named nbtained permission to Impel down.

There are pirates captured by Marine for so many years in Impel Down.

And in the six underground levels, everyone is a big pirate who is extremely sinful and powerful. Even if one is released, it will cause no small disaster to the world.

This Teach actually plan to trick both him and Whitebeard.

Use Ace to provoke the war between him and Whitebeard, and when Marine's attention is all caught by Whitebeard, he borrows Shichibukai's identity to impel down.

Teach, who left the Whitebeard Pirate Group alone, must have partners if he wants to become the The King of Pirate King, but where one can find a powerful partner at once, of course, it is the place where other strong pirates are gather

In other words, the entire Summit War was not a conspiracy planned by Sengoku to exterminate the Whitebeard Pirates.

The real planner was Teach. From the moment Ace was handed over to Marine, his Marine Fleet Admiral Sengoku, The Resourceful General Sengoku, and Four Emperors Whitebeard were all plan by Teach.

Moreover, after the Summit War, the Whitebeard Pirates suffered heavy losses and the Marinford was severely injured.

Damn it, Sengoku's reputation is very ugly, he was trick by an unknown pirate, which is simply a shame.

"Marshall D Teach…I remember this hatred!" Sengoku said coldly.

In the live broadcast at the moment, Whitebeard also answered the third question.

Answer: c. get permission to go to Impel down.

"The answer is correct, Marshall D Teach, when Marine and the Whitebeard Pirates were fighting at Marinford, took the opportunity to come to Impel down and enter the sixth underground level of Impel down. He allowed the pirates in the sixth underground floor to kill each other and would only take away the strongest person inside. After a fierce battle, finally taken away from here, such as Shiryu of the Rain, Avalo Pizarro, Catarina Devon, Colossal Battleship Sanjuan Wolf, etc., are taken away from there. successfully made up for the shortcomings of the Blackbeard Pirates' shortage of manpower."

Every time Luke reported a name, it made the reputations of those who heard the name more ugly.

Except for Shiryu of Rain, these people are big pirates who were once fierce at sea. Teach brought so many powerful pirates together, which is not good news for them.

Especially Sengoku was even more ugly after they heard it, and they realized that they had been trick by the guy Teach.

If this incident spreads out, he is afraid that Marine will become the laughing stock of everyone. Being used as a sword, it will also cause Impel down to release so many pirates and bring even greater disaster to the world.

It's so ridiculous.

This is not a battle of strength at all, but a crush of wisdom. The Resourceful General Sengoku was defeted by Teach.

Marine originally wanted to use this Summit War to execute Roger's bloodline Ace, destroy the Whitebeard pirate group, establish Marine's prestige, and deter the pirates, but did not expect that not only was the huge price paid in Summit War, on the contrary, more pirates were released. This kind of operation is really a drag.

Everyone can't help but sigh that they didn't expect Marine Fleet Admiral Sengoku, who has always been famous for The Resourceful General, to have such a day.

The name Teach has finally been remembered by people all over the world. The guy who can fooled Sengoku is destined to not be an ordinary character. It is indeed a werewolf who has been able to endure in the Whitebeard Pirates for more than 20 years.

At this moment, everyone was staring at the guy who was tied down on his knees and bowed his head in the live broadcast.

Teach remembered everything Luke had said in his heart.

Impel down… A gleam of light flashed in Teach's eyes.

The third question ends and the fourth question begins.

4th Question ": Who stab Whitebeard's on the chest in the Summit War?

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