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Chapter 281: Returning to Spirit Hall, Summoned by the Pope!

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"The seventh spirit ring's extra skill should be this one: spatial creation," Tang San suggested. "The main purpose of the seventh spirit ring is to grant a true martial spirit. Moreover, the spatial perception of the sixth spirit skill serves as a transition, so you don't need to worry about this skill affecting your future spirit fusion."

"Additionally, we might be able to help you control the space left behind by other Soft Boned Rabbits. If that happens, you could potentially control the wealth accumulated by generations of Soft Boned Rabbits."

Although Tang San had never truly delved into spatial concepts, his upper dantian housed a Holy Necromancer from another world, capable of traversing space and time. As a summoner himself, Tang San naturally had a deep understanding of space and was confident he could help Xiao Wu control those spaces.

Furthermore, the space created in the future could be integrated into the star space he intended to create.

"Brother Tang, you overestimate me!" Electrolux remarked wryly, yet he was eager. Despite his expertise in space, even the Silver Dragon King would pale in comparison. "However, being too exceptional can be a burden. Who can blame an old man like me for reaching for the stars?"

"Speaking of stars, Brother Electrolux, can you still pluck stars after understanding their true size?" Tang San teased. "Even the creator gods of your world would merely sigh at the sight of a star."

"Ahem! People need dreams, but extraordinary power sometimes limits their thinking, causing them to overlook basic principles," Electrolux coughed awkwardly, growing more respectful and yearning for Tang San's previous world.

A world devoid of extraordinary power, yet capable of developing science and technology to observe and understand the universe through sheer intellect, had immense potential.

After their chat, Xiao Wu asked Tang San about his sixth spirit skill.

Upon learning about the effects of the Twelve Heavenly Stars Array and Star Cloud Forge Soul, Xiao Wu couldn't help but exclaim, "Brother San, are you trying to create a world? Maybe our spaces can connect in the future."

"That's exactly what I was thinking... Hey, what are you doing?" Tang San was breathless and speechless as Xiao Wu suddenly jumped on him. "Huo Wu is right here!"

"Who cares? We're all sisters, aren't we?" Xiao Wu retorted nonchalantly, tugging at her clothes. "It'll be good practice for sharing a bed when we're with Guang Ling and Ning Rongrong."

Blushing deeply, Huo Wu headed towards the door, saying, "I won't join your debauchery..."

But before she could finish, Xiao Wu's scorpion braid wrapped around Huo Wu's arm and pulled her onto Tang San's back, and the three of them fell onto the wide bed...

... When they returned to Spirit City, Hu Liena hurried over, uninterested in their spirit rings and skills, and focused solely on the development of Spirit City.

With the establishment of the Soul Guide Technology City, Grain Capital, Fantasy Film City, Medicinal Pill City, Soul Martial City, and Economic Capital, numerous work reports poured in daily. Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan, besides their necessary training, spent their time managing various affairs with the elders of Spirit Hall.

Even Pope Bibi Dong had become increasingly busy.

Newly established departments within the Pope's Palace, such as the Administration Department, Economic Department, Industrial Department, and Civil Department, all faced personnel shortages.

Hu Liena had believed that Tang San's influence would lead commoner soul masters from all over the continent to join Spirit Hall, increasing their workforce. However, most soul masters could only perform simple mechanical tasks, with very few capable of handling administrative duties.

This situation revealed the true capability gaps within Spirit Hall's upper echelons.

Currently, Spirit Hall's strategy was to continuously promote its ideals, establish better regulations, and create clear promotion pathways to motivate grassroots members to learn management skills autonomously.

"Spirit Hall is already on a path of stable development. In ten years, it will undoubtedly become the center of the Douluo Continent," Tang San assured Hu Liena.

"Ten years? That's too long," Hu Liena hoped for a quicker pace.

Tang San asked, "Have you ever heard of 'pulling up seedlings to help them grow'?"

"No, what does it mean?" Hu Liena shook her head, anticipating another of Tang San's self-made anecdotes but willing to listen.

"A farmer once thought his crops were growing too slowly, so he pulled them up to make them taller. The next day, the seedlings withered because their roots had been disturbed," Tang San explained. "It sounds foolish, and nobody would do that when growing crops, but if you compare it to Spirit Hall, two years is just the beginning of laying a stable foundation. Your idea of speeding things up is like pulling out the roots."

Hu Liena's expression changed, realizing her impatience, but she argued, "But the two empires are also catching up. If they imitate us, what then?"

"They can only imitate the surface," Tang San dismissed her concern. "Their core is to serve the emperor, whereas Spirit Hall's core is to 'establish martial spirits for heaven and earth and forge souls for the people.' Our development is based on principles like 'martial spirits serving people' and 'soul guide technology,' aiming to serve all the people of Douluo Continent, not just the Pope."

Admittedly, the titled Douluo of Spirit Hall still received unearned stipends.

This is, after all, a world where strength grants access to more resources. However, following Tang San's advice, the principle of 'distribution according to work' was being introduced.

Bibi Dong's faction of titled Douluo had no objections since they had already been subdued by her and held high positions with enforcement responsibilities.

The offerings hall's devotees, however, had some complaints.

Bibi Dong reduced their stipends, citing their lack of contribution to Spirit Hall, and Qian Daoliu had to endure it.

Golden Crocodile Douluo and others could only tolerate it, not daring to confront Bibi Dong.

As long as Qian Daoliu remained silent and Bibi Dong was not seriously injured, Golden Crocodile Douluo and his peers didn't dare to challenge her.

"You're changing the core of Spirit Hall!" Hu Liena trembled.

"Isn't that what the Pope wants?" Tang San shrugged indifferently. "Besides, I'm just making suggestions. I'm not the one implementing them."

Hu Liena was at a loss for words, knowing her teacher's deep disdain for the Angel lineage and her desire to eradicate it.

She didn't know the specific reasons, but as a disciple, she naturally sided with her teacher.

"Is there anything else? If not, I need to get back to forging and studying the essence of vibrations to strengthen my body..." Tang San prepared to focus on the experimental forging of the Divine Throne.

"There is."

"What is it?"

"The Pope has summoned you."

(End of the chapter)

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