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Chapter 210: Xiao Wu VS Spirit Hall Team(P-1)

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The other experts in Douluos were puzzled by Huo Wu's ability, speculating about its nature, while the transmigrators quickly grasped the essence of her powers.

Even though they understood, there wasn't much they could do about it.

After all, they couldn't just ask Huo Wu to stop developing her abilities, could they? That would probably end in a brutal beating.

"Has Tang San gone mad? Is he really unafraid of how the Tian Dou Royal Team might retaliate against him in the future?" Mu Tian was visibly shocked. "And that Yu Tianheng... is he heading towards an 'Electromagnetic Cannon' path? His Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon attack style reminds me of the Railgun from that anime. The only difference is that his projectiles are condensed soul skills made of lightning."

Huo Wu's attraction was understandable; maybe Tang San was building a harem.

But Yu Tianheng... Does Tang San play for both teams?

However, Mu Tian quickly dismissed that thought. Tang San likely had other reasons. If Mu Tian were in Tang San's place, even if his teammates had that kind of talent, he wouldn't help them develop such high-profile skills.

In the Tian Dou Royal Team, Wang Chen had a similar mindset, but he didn't overthink things. He'd already decided to lay low. As long as he obeyed Xue Qinghe's orders and stayed on her good side, he'd be fine. At least Qian Renxue might, possibly, potentially, remember old favors.

Xu Xing from the Xingguan Sect squinted, thinking, "You play with cosmic laws, and I play with immortal formations, right? Hmph! My Grand Wilderness breaks everything!"

Since realizing his transmigration goldfinger was a formation similar to the Zhoutian Star Formation, Xu Xing had become extremely confident.

The Douluo natives? Just straw and clay.

The only reason Xingguan Academy didn't make it to the finals, according to Xu Xing, was because he was ambushed by Huyan Zhuo from the Elephant Armor Sect. Otherwise, how could they lose?

Once the Zhoutian Star Formation is unleashed, it crushes everything!

On the other hand, Mi xue from the Tianshui Academy was stunned by what she saw earlier, exclaiming in shock, "Was that a Planetary Devastation? Oh my gosh, is Huo Wu also a transmigrator like me? Or is it possible that the entire Tian Dou Royal Team is composed of transmigrators?"

"In my past life, I think I saw an anime about multiple people transmigrating into another world. Re:Zero, Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka... Could my situation be the same?"

Meanwhile, Huo Wu exhaled heavily, noting to herself, "That move just now consumed nearly half of my soul power. Gravity—this ability is formidable."

Yan's injuries had been treated by Ye Lingling, but he walked off the field in a daze, unable to believe he'd lost to a Soul King.

Nearly a ten-level soul power gap!

The opponent treated it like nothing!

Was the other person's spirit just that much stronger? Yan tried to find a reason for his defeat, but then shook his head, thinking, "No, it can't just be that their spirit is stronger. Even though that might be true, it's not the main reason. It's the overwhelming soul power control and the gravity-like pull that allowed her to defeat me with her first soul skill."

After recognizing the gap between himself and Huo Wu, Yan came to terms with it and decided to find ways to create his own powerful soul skills based on his spirit's characteristics.

At least, as someone who grew up under the Spirit Hall's training, he understood that the elders, the Super Douluo, rarely used soul skills in battle. They relied on their powerful self-created soul skills and vast combat experience.

Having self-created soul skills was a sign of a truly powerful Soul Master.

"Yan, you did great. I'll avenge you in the next match," Xie Yue patted Yan's shoulder, comforting him. "The opponent is strong, but that move must've consumed a lot of soul power... Yeah, maybe winning this way isn't the most honorable, but hey, it's a tournament, right?"

However, just as Xie Yue stepped onto the stage, Huo Wu jumped off, replaced by Xiao Wu. When she released her spirit, she had one yellow, two purple, and two black soul rings, a configuration almost identical to Tang San's, except for the fifth soul ring.

"That's Tang Wu, Tang San's sister, right?" The Spirit Hall had information on Xiao Wu, but because it was reported by Ma Xiu nou (under Tang San's instructions), the Spirit Hall knew her as Tang Wu, Tang San's sister.

"Yes, but not by blood," Xiao Wu corrected.

"Really?" Xie Yue didn't seem overly concerned. According to the information, both Tang Wu and Tang San were commoners. A Soft Boned Rabbit spirit and a Blue Silver Grass spirit—hardly the most impressive animal and plant spirits.

However, despite their seemingly weak spirits, Tang San had made them incredibly powerful.

The title "Master of Spirit Theory" was well-deserved.

"Let's see what you've got," Xie Yue said, his eyes narrowing as he crossed his arms in front of him, forming a circle. Slowly, he spread them apart, and two crescent blades materialized in his hands, their edges flashing with a cold glint. A quick flick of his wrists sent two sharp blades of energy hurtling towards Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu anticipated the attack and smoothly dodged to the side, bending her knees slightly. As she avoided the twin blades, her fourth soul ring suddenly flared.

A burst of light!


Golden electric arcs flashed, and Xiao Wu seemed to teleport, closing the distance to Xie Yue in a blink. Her hands morphed into sharp blades, shimmering with a cold jade hue, and her fifth soul ring glowed, coating her blade-like hands with golden flames.

Xiao Wu's fifth soul skill was Flaming Punch, which could be used for both close combat and ranged attacks. With increased control, she could concentrate the power into her hands, turning them into flaming blades.

Since the tournament prohibited the use of physical weapons, this was her alternative.

Despite not using traditional weapons, Xiao Wu's physical attributes, thanks to her completely refined jade bone structure, combined with the speed from her fourth soul skill and the firepower from her fifth, made her a formidable force. Even Soul Saint would struggle to withstand her.

And this was without utilizing her third soul skill, True Spirit Bone. If she did, even Soul Douluo wouldn't be able to defeat her in under a hundred moves.

Facing Xiao Wu's lightning-fast assault, Xie Yue barely had time to react. He instinctively positioned his crescent blades in front of him, but the force of Xiao Wu's flaming blades sent him stumbling back.

If he hadn't quickly stabbed his crescent blades into the arena floor for traction, he might have fallen out of the ring.

"What a powerful strike. Is she really a sensitive attack type?" Xie Yue felt one foot hovering in the air and knew he was at the edge of the arena.

Xiao Wu, after her initial attack, stood upright, stretching her wrists. "Nice, those blades are pretty sturdy," she remarked.

Sturdy? Xie Yue's heart sank.

Though he blocked the strike, his crescent blades were still vibrating, and his hands were trembling from the force. His palms had split open, and the shock waves rippled through his body, causing his internal organs to churn.

Could he withstand another hit like that? It was uncertain.

Moreover, her speed was incredible. Though his own speed wasn't slow, compared to hers, it felt like a tortoise racing against a hare.

"Again!" Xie Yue gritted his teeth and stood, refusing to back down. As a member of the Spirit Hall team, he couldn't show weakness.

"Heh, still standing, huh? In front of Sister Xiao Wu, you're either running away or getting knocked out," Xiao Wu teased before disappearing in a blur.

"Where did she go?" Xie Yue felt a rush of wind by his ear and instinctively swung his crescent blades beside his head, only to find them hitting nothing.

Xiao Wu had just dodged the attack by tilting her body back at a sixty-degree angle to the ground.

"Watch your feet," she said, her long braid wrapping around Xie Yue's ankle. With a sharp tug, Xie Yue lost his balance.

"Not good!" he thought, alarmed. Usually, he wouldn't lose balance so easily, but the earlier blow had left his internal organs shaken. Plus, with his crescent blades still pointing upwards, he couldn't swing down quickly enough to sever Xiao Wu's braid.

Xiao Wu shifted her weight, bracing her right hand on the ground, which flipped Xie Yue over. Using the momentum, she activated her first soul skill, Waist Bow, and with the coiled energy in her waist, kicked Xie Yue in the stomach. Her scorpion-tail braid released its grip as her legs shot out like a spring-loaded catapult.


Xie Yue flew like a cannonball out of the ring, embedding himself in the arena wall.

The force of the blow was astonishing, leaving everyone stunned.

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