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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: The Book

[Third Person's Point of View]

Augustus stood before the table, quietly taking in its contents. His mind raced as he tried to make sense of how the objects on display were connected to his sudden 'deportation' to this unfamiliar world.

His intuition was strongly indicating that those items were somehow linked to him.

The books or tomes atop the dark walnut wood table looked as if they held secrets and stories from ancient times. Their covers were worn and faded, with intricate designs that hinted at their age. The cracks in their spines revealed years of use and handling, showcasing their importance and value.

The tome at the top of the table stood out, its cover a deep, rich black adorned with still discernable intricate silver markings that seemed to shimmer in the dim light of the library. The other two books were faded and worn, their spines cracked and pages yellowed with age. But this book appears almost new as if it has been well-preserved for centuries.

At first glance, it can be mistaken for hardly a few decades old.

None of those details on their own demanded Augustus' full attention, but when combined with the copious amount of blood splattered across the cover of the book, his mind was filled with ringing bells.

Lying nonchalantly next to the tome, a silver knife gleamed with a sinister purpose, its sharp silver blade tinged with the red evidence of a recent violent act as if daring anyone to question its involvement in the events of the previous day.

His gaze lingered on the worn leather journal, its frayed pages hinting at frequent use. He couldn't resist the temptation and reached out to take it from the corner of the table.

As he flipped through the pages, he realized someone had been reading it recently. Augustus' heart raced as he absorbed the words written in neat cursive, finally finding proof for his suspicions.

The journal was recorded by one 'Neas G.' who discovered the tome and documented his findings. It contained detailed information on the tome's discovery, including the date and location. However, despite all of this data, Augustus could not find any evidence explaining the functions or nature of the tome. This suggests that either the author was unaware of its abilities or chose to keep them secret by not disclosing them in the journal.

Augustus' hands trembled as he flipped through the pages, his heart racing with anticipation and dread. He stopped abruptly at the second to last page, the words on it both shocking and illuminating, tearing through him like a knife. His eyes widened in disbelief as he read on, unable to look away from the harsh truth staring back at him.

After multiple rounds of testing and experimentation, it has been confirmed that the object U-731 does not possess any trace of magical properties. Even advanced spells designed to detect even the slightest hint of esoteric energy were unable to detect anything in this book. Furthermore, when subjected to various levels of attack spells that would have easily destroyed any other object, U-731 remained completely unscathed, despite its already-worn appearance. As a result, the researchers at GRI-01 have classified this tome as a Class Z 'Indestructible' object.

.....The effects of this book vary greatly among individuals. Certain devils who have come into contact with it have reported that it 'commands' them to offer specific sacrifices. These requests have included human sacrifices, sacrifices of other demons, and even the sacrifice of virgin girls.

Upon concluding the ritualistic offering, the intricate symbol on the front of the tome began to emit a vibrant shade of purple. To our shock and horror, each research team member who participated in the ceremony perished in a harrowing manner.

They convulsed uncontrollably, emitting wails in an unfamiliar tongue before succumbing to death, blood gushing from their eyes and ears.

There has never been a recorded case of opening the book.

Chills ran up Augustus' spine as he understood the picture that was clear for him to see.

The thirst for revenge and power consumed the original Augustus, driving him to desperate measures.

His search through his father's library led him to the forbidden tome and journal. Despite the warnings and dire observations recorded within its pages, he was determined to proceed with the ritual, blinded by his insatiable hunger for control.

Nothing would stand in his way, not even the ominous words staring back at him from the journal's yellowed pages.

The tome must have asked for blood sacrifice, the reason for the silver ritual knife and the sharp cut across the palm of his left hand.

To Augustus' sheer terror, the ritual unfolded in the exact same manner it had countless times before.

With his final moment filled with pain, agony, despair, and rage, Augustus The Devil died, and his death facilitated Augustus Ashford's soul and consciousness to take over his body.

Augustus turned over to the last page and noticed that unlike the pages before, it only had two lines.

'UZ-731' has been designated for sealing.


Head of Gremory Research Institute - 01

R. Gremory.'

And this time the shock was greater than before. Augustus' eyes widened like saucers, and a faint beard of perspirations slid down his forehead like dewdrops on a silent morning.

The panic that had eluded him since the beginning punched him in his gut with full force.

Augustus bent forward and supported himself with his hand on the table. He felt like throwing up even when he didn't eat anything for more than a day.

Headache seemed to relapse again as a few pictures flashed through his mind.

In hindsight, it should have been obvious by now.

Augustus subconsciously decided to ignore all these small and seemingly insignificant up till now and now he was paying the price.

Like the fact that the sky was purple instead of blue.

The fact that the Underworld, the dimension they were in was ruled by Four Satans.

And the inconsequential fact that the Underworld was not ruled by a Lucifer Morningstar, The Lightbringer, but one Sirzechs Lucifer.

Highschool DxD.

Panic reached its peak, simultaneously as terror consumed Augustus as he came to the startling realization that even the most feeble High-class could simply sneeze and obliterate him from existence. And then there were beings, more powerful than one could fathom, capable of destroying entire planets and solar systems for their own amusement. It was too horrifying of a reality for him to survive.

Continent Busters?

A random pervert with a fancy gauntlet on a regular Tuesday can destroy North America if he so wills it. 

A bullshit world in which power-ups are measured by the bounciness of girl's chest.

'I am truly fucke--'

Comforting darkness enveloped him as he lost consciousness.

[End of Flashback]


Author-san here!!!!

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A 5*Star is preferable hehehe <3

See You In The Next One!!!!


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