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Chapter 126: The Bridget Family

As Bridget drew closer, the sound of music from inside increased her irritation.

Danny, though older than her, was even more rebellious.

He had set up a music system in his room, claiming he wanted to work on music, but in reality, it was just to satisfy his own pleasures.

Thinking of how their mother had reluctantly agreed and then paid for it, anger surged within Bridget. She had long had issues with Danny.

Approaching the door, Bridget kicked it open without hesitation.

The door burst open with a loud bang.

Casey, who had just gotten up from the couch, curious to see what was happening, was startled and watched Bridget storm in, unsure of what got into her today.

As expected!

Danny was there, headphones on, swaying his body while DJing to the blasting music. Bridget's frustration grew as she first scanned the room for the antique book, then walked over to the wall outlet and unplugged everything.

The booming music stopped instantly, bringing a rare silence to the space.

Danny, puzzled, took off his headphones and turned around, only to see Bridget holding all the plugs, his brows furrowing.

"What are you doing, Bridget?"

Bridget scanned the room again for the antique book and asked coldly.

"Where's the antique book you found in the basement?"

"Antique book?" Danny stared at his sister, realizing she was truly at her limit.

"I threw it away. Didn't you say it was cursed and told me to dispose of it? Why, do you want it back now?"

Danny glanced at the plugs in Bridget's hand.

"Plug them back in, and don't make me say it twice!"

Bridget remained unmoved. Danny's attitude was terrible, and she didn't trust him, frowning.

"Danny, are you sure you're not lying to me?"

"Lying for what, money?"

Danny's patience wore thin with her accusatory tone, staring at the plugs in Bridget's hand, he demanded coldly.

"Bridget, I won't say it a third time. Plug them back in now!"

Bridget, however, ignored her brother's command, her expression souring as she continued to search the room.

Danny slowly put down his headphones and demanded again, loosening his wrist in preparation.

"Now! Immediately! Now!"

Bridget glanced at him without fear, dropped the plugs, and walked towards Danny's desk on her own.

She needed to search to be sure but found no sign of the antique book when she opened the cabinet.

"You're crossing the line, Bridget!"

Danny, seeing her still rummaging, stepped forward and grabbed her hand.

"This is my territory."

"Territory? About to be kicked out and still talking about territory?" Bridget mocked, shaking off Danny's hand and continued her search, heading towards the wardrobe.

"Bridget!" Danny yelled, "Don't make me get physical!"

Bridget continued her search, undeterred.

"Damn it, Bridget, you asked for this!"

With that, Danny kicked, sending Bridget flying half a meter. She got up with rage, charged at Danny, and tackled him to the ground.

The room turned into a chaotic mess.

In the living room, Casey, standing in the hallway watching the siblings fight on the floor, sighed like an adult and resumed playing with her dismembered Barbie doll.

This was not the first time Casey had seen Danny and Bridget fight.

"Let go!"

"You first!"

"No, you let go!"

Hearing the commotion, Casey stopped her play, contemplating whether to call Aunt Belle, who had recently moved in, to break up the fight.

But remembering Belle was pregnant, Casey decided against it...

Until dinner time.

At the dining table.

"What's going on with you two?"

Red-haired Lisa, a tattoo artist with both arms inked and a single mother abandoned by her husband, looked at her bruised son Danny and equally injured daughter Bridget, sighing.

"Can't you two stop fighting at a time like this? I have enough problems without dealing with yours, ok?"

"It's none of your business."

Unlike the silent Danny, Bridget retorted, sipping her soup and wincing in pain from her wounds but continued.

"Just keep to your own business."

The atmosphere turned deadly silent, and Lisa rubbed her forehead, feeling a headache coming on.

As her cute children grew up, they became harder to manage. Busy looking for a house and taking care of three kids plus her sister, Lisa felt overwhelmed.

Belle, sensing her sister's thoughts, glanced at the brawling siblings and tried to lighten the mood by engaging with Casey, who was playing with a bizarrely modified doll.

"Casey, who's this friend of yours?"

"She's called Stephanie."

Belle, trying to change the subject, received attention from everyone else.

"Hello, Stephanie," she said casually, looking at the doll transformed into a strange figure.

"Oh my, what have you done to it..."

Casey sneaked a glance at Danny.

"Danny told me about a bank cashier who died in this building. If you walk around with coins in your pocket, his ghost will hear the jingle and scare you to death, taking all your money."

She paused, raising the doll she had turned into something neither doll nor ghost.

"My Stephanie will scare him to death first."

Seeing her youngest daughter's cute antics, Lisa smiled.

Children at this age are indeed the cutest.

The mood shifted as Danny added,

"It's true. There are ghosts here."

Belle smirked at Danny.

"Danny, there are no ghosts in this world."


Danny shrugged, not arguing, and began eating.

Casey tilted her head. "Aunt Belle, have you seen a ghost? How do you know they don't exist?"

Hearing this, Bridget silently stood up, not wanting to listen to this pointless conversation.

"I'm done eating."

With that, Bridget walked to her room.

Belle, watching Bridget leave, continued answering Casey's question.

"Sweetie, because I only believe in what I can see."


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