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Chapter 45: Long Overdue

Meliza's POV

"I'd rather stay in my room, Rubs; I can't afford to go out right now," I said after my best friend asked me to go with them to the capital.

"You are here in San Fernando to have fun," she replied as she sat beside me on the edge of my bed. She was wearing an above-the-knee sleeveless black dress showcasing her assets. Ruby is sexy in her own way.

"You know I am not; don't you forget about those men who wanted to capture me?" I asked, and she smiled at me.

"You don't need to worry about them; you have bodyguards now, thanks to your hot ex-boyfriend." She answered, and she couldn't stop giggling.

"Here, I brought you a dress and sandals," Ruby added as she put the paper bag on my lap.

"I am not going," I insisted.

"Yes, you are," she replied as she pulled me up with her.

"I don't want Ethan to think I was abusing his men," I muttered.

"You are not; besides, he is coming," her words made me feel hot, and I could tell my face turned bright red without reason.

"The more I can't go with you," I answered as I tried to get away from her hold.

"Come on, Iza. Don't be a killjoy." My best friend replied.

"Ruby, please," I begged.

"Why don't you want to be with Ethan? It seemed to me you two made up; I saw how you winked at him this morning." She declared, and I covered my face with my hands.

"That was uncalled for; I didn't know what had gotten into me," I replied as I sighed and felt so embarrassed about what I did.

"You made his girlfriend so jealous, and that is good. I don't like her for Ethan." She stated, and I stared at her with wide eyes.

"You are my best friend, my dear. I am not blind, and we are somehow connected. I knew you weren't over him, not in a million years." Ruby added, and I inhaled deeply before I turned my gaze away from her.

"You are bad at reading emotions. I was over him a long time ago. There would never be us, Rubs. Besides, Ethan would never settle for someone like me." I answered.

"Why don't you try using your charm? Flirt with Ethan; let us see how long he can resist you." She responded, and I widened my eyes at her.

"Are you crazy? I am not going that road. I told you I don't love him anymore, and I am marrying Eli." I replied.

"You can't marry that old man, Iza." She responded with disappointment on her face.

"I didn't have a choice, Ruby. I can't have bodyguards forever. I am broke and nowhere to run. I have to face what was in store for me." I declared, and she hugged me for a long time before she spoke again.

"I knew how much you wanted your freedom, but since you already made up your mind, I think I can do nothing to stop you." She responded as she released me from her embrace.

"Now, all I ask from you is to come with us tonight and have fun. You were hiding for how many years? I am sure you didn't have time to get a kick out of what single ladies had been enjoying." My best friend added.

"Okay," I responded, and she shrieked. I opened the paper bag, and my eyes turned so big that I realized she brought me a sexy dress.

"Oh, no! I can't wear something like this, Ruby," I said.

"Just try it first before you complain, okay? I won't choose something that won't fit you perfectly." She responded, and I knew she wouldn't stop unless I wore it in front of her. I undressed my clothes and put on the dress she bought for me.

"Oh, I can't wear this dress, Rubs. It showed a lot of skin," I mumbled as I stared at my reflection in the full-size mirror where I could see my cleavage in full display.

"Yes, you can. You have to flaunt your beautiful curve, Meliza. Women were dying to have that luscious body of yours, and I am sure men at the bar would be crazy just looking at you in that dress." She excitedly said as she combed my hair.

"You looked amazing, Iza," Ruby mumbled as she peeked at my reflection in the mirror after she applied light makeup to my face

"You can wear a scarf, but you must remove it when we reach the bar.

"Thanks," I replied in more than a whisper as I stared at my face and couldn't stop smiling. I looked beautiful.

"He isn't coming?" Ruby asked his fiance after we settled inside his car.

"Yes, Ethan wanted to stay in his room and sulk," Vince answered.

"Don't worry, Iza, your bodyguards are coming with us; they are riding the black van. I want you to enjoy the night with us." He added.

"Don't mind Nicole and her friends; they won't bother you. Besides, you are no longer the object of their jealousy since you are not Ethan's girlfriend anymore." Vince continued, and I couldn't stop feeling hurt as I thought about my ex and his perfect girlfriend.

"Thank you, guys," I mumbled as I leaned my head on the glass window of the car.

I was riding with Ruby and Ethan together with Jonathan, and I didn't understand why I felt a little disappointed that Ethan was not coming with us.

Nicole and the rest of Vince's friends were riding in another vehicle.

I was in awe as I watched the changes in San Fernando capital as we drove around town. I could see tall buildings and establishments that weren't there five years ago, and I knew with the growing population of the town, condominiums are now a trend.

The bar was packed with men and women, both young and old, but we were able to squeeze in since Vince made a prior reservation. There were couples dancing on the dance floor as the live band performed on the stage.

We went straight to our reserve table, and Vince ordered drinks and finger foods.

"What do you want, Iza? Is it beer, wine, or cocktail ?" Ruby asked with excitement all over her face.

"I am not drinking, Rubs. I want to be sober." I replied, and she laughed.

"Come on, in three days; I will be married. I want to enjoy this moment with you as a single woman." She answered.

"Let us enjoy this night, Iza. I wanted to drink all night with you and lost control." Ruby added.

"I don't want to make a scene again, Ruby. I don't want to give Ethan another reason to hate me." I responded, and I could see the mischievous grin all over her face.

"I thought you didn't feel anything towards him anymore, but why did you wish to please him?" She asked, and I shook my head.

"I want to have a shot of Tequilla Rose," I responded, evading her question. And her face lit up, and she added my order to the waiter.

At first, I started to have a little sip, but as I looked at my best friend having so much fun, for the first time, I wanted to feel that way. For once, I wished to feel intoxicated with alcohol since they said it would make me feel free and liberating.

I didn't remember how many shots I had, and I started to feel dizzy, and it felt so good. When Ruby pulled me up and dragged me to the dance floor, I didn't protest.

I don't feel ashamed anymore as I danced with my best friend. I mimicked her actions, and I loved it; I swayed my hips in a graceful manner as I danced like I had never danced before.

I was laughing and grinding my hips down to the floor and up while I heard the cheers of the spectators around us. I was having so much fun as I looked around and realized the crowd was going crazy. And they are all looking at me, or maybe I was just a little drunk.

I was dumbfounded, and I couldn't believe I was enjoying their attention so much as I continued to dance with the rhythm seductively. Ruby laughed hard as I saw Vince come to her side and start dirty dancing with her.

"May I dance with you?" Someone asked me from behind, and when I swung around, I froze when I realized he was an older man, but I am sure he looked younger than his age since he was handsome and well-built, and he was towering over me.

I didn't know what to do as I stared at him speechless, and suddenly, my dizziness was gone, and I felt so thirsty.

"I am sorry, but I needed to drink some water," I responded.

"You are not running away from me, Meliza." He declared, and my heart raced as my eyes turned so big as I realized who he was. I only saw his picture once, but now that he was standing so close to me, I remembered his face.

I wished to run, but my feet were frozen on the floor as I felt his hands on my waist and ordered me to put my arms around his neck.

I felt so scared, but he looked so calm and friendly that when he smiled at me, I suddenly felt relaxed under his intense stares and slowly obeyed his command as I curled my arms around his neck.

"Good girl," he whispered.

"I am not a bad person," he added as he brought me closer to him.

"I could have you a long time ago, but I loved playing your little games, and I let you have your freedom. But it was now long overdue, and I must take what is mine." He murmured in my ear.

I could feel goosebumps covering my body, and my entire body turned cold as I stared at him. I couldn't believe I was face to face with Elijah after years of hiding the man I had been hiding from for all those years.

"I had given you enough time to come to me on your own accord, but you were hiding. And it was funny. Do you think I didn't know where you were working and staying?" He asked, and I remained speechless.

"You kept running away, thinking you had fooled me. I have you under my wings, Iza. You are working in my company." Eli added, and I could feel the blood in my veins drained as his eyes scrutinized me.

"You are so beautiful, and I couldn't wait to have you as my wife." He continued without taking his gaze away from me.

"Elijah, please, let me stay here in San Fernando; I promise to come with you after my friend's wedding," I begged.

"Of course, my dear," he responded as he caressed my face, took my hand, and kissed my knuckles.

"Now, I should bring you back to your friends before they attack me. You better tell them who I am to avoid misunderstanding," he added and walked me to our table, still holding my hand.

My body trembled, and I couldn't explain how I felt; I suddenly felt so weak, but Eli was supporting me until we reached our table. He greeted everyone with a smile, and I was shocked to find Ethan sitting at our table, looking at me with anger all over his face.

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