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100% Thy Stargazer / Chapter 1: The Stargazer: Prologue

Chapter 1: The Stargazer: Prologue

In the vast and boundless expanse of the universe, there stands a solitary figure, a man of mysterious origins with a sleek and stylish black suit that fits his lean body like a second skin. His top hat adds an air of refinement and elegance to his already enigmatic demeanor. His piercing gaze is deep and intense, revealing a lifetime of experiences that span across the cosmos. He carries with him a sword cane, a weapon that glows with a shimmering energy that hints at its otherworldly origins. The hilt is intricately carved with alien symbols, and the blade appears to be made of a star.

Next to him is a black cat whose fur is as smooth as silk and glistens like starlight in space's darkness. Her eyes are a deep and mesmerizing gold, filled with a keen intelligence that seems to know no bounds. She is a creature of mystery, and her presence adds an element of unpredictability to the man's journey.

Together, the man and his feline companion inhabit a crystal-clear home that drifts through the vast emptiness of the cosmos. It is a fragile haven of life in an infinite void, a sanctuary that offers a glimpse of hope in an otherwise desolate and unforgiving universe. The home is a marvel of arcane technology and design, with its crystalline walls that refract the light of distant stars and the many gadgets and devices that fill the space with a soft hum.

Despite the infinite expanse surrounding them, the man and his cat seem perfectly at home, as if they belong amongst the stars. Their presence is reassuring and enigmatic, beckoning them to explore the mysteries of the universe and discover the hidden secrets within its depths.

The man's journey is one of exploration and discovery as he travels to distant worlds, both familiar and alien, in his quest for knowledge. He has dedicated his life to understanding the universe and unraveling its mysteries. Over his existence, he has ventured through the cosmos, encountering an array of strange and wondrous beings while unraveling the secrets of long-forgotten civilizations.

Through the ages, the man's journey has taken him to places that are beyond mortal imagination, where he has borne witness to the rise and fall of civilizations, as well as the birth and death of stars. The vastness of the universe has left an indelible impression on his mind, and his memories are full of ancient wonders and forgotten ruins that he has encountered on his travels. He has seen the face of God and heard the whispers of the universe, and his knowledge is unparalleled.

Despite his vast experiences, the man remains ever-humble, always seeking to learn more about the universe and beyond. His thirst for knowledge and discovery fuels his journey as he continues to push the boundaries of what is known and explore the unknown.

The black cat, who accompanies the man on his journey, is a mysterious and intriguing creature. Her presence adds a touch of unpredictability to the man's travels, as her playful and mischievous personality often leads them on unexpected adventures. She is an enigma wrapped in a ball of fur, and her mysterious nature only adds to the allure of their journey.

The cat is never far from the man's side, and even in the face of danger, she remains a loyal and steadfast companion. The man and the cat may seem like an unlikely duo, yet their bond is unbreakable. He is the provider of food and obedience, while the cat offers love and companionship. Together, they form a unique and inseparable friendship that transcends time and space.

Their journey has been long and arduous, filled with experiences that most beings could only dream of. Through it all, they have grown and evolved into the beings they are today.

Their travels have taken them to the farthest reaches of the cosmos, where they have witnessed the birth and death of entire galaxies. They have traversed realms where time has no meaning, and they have beheld wonders beyond imagination. The light of dying stars has illuminated their path, and they have braved the crushing force of black holes.

They have been to the very edge of the universe and back again, their memories a treasure trove of secrets and mysteries that will never be revealed. But now, their journey is reaching its end. The man has seen all that there is to see in his home universe, and he knows that it is time to move on. He has come to the realization that there is more out there, so much more than he could ever imagine.


— Oz Wolfe, The Stargazer —

Oz stood in front of a massive piece of glass overlooking the endless expanse of space that lay before him. The stars twinkled brilliantly against the dark canvas of the universe, each one a beacon of light that had guided him through his many journeys. As he gazed out into the infinite abyss, he reflected on all that he had seen and experienced in his long life.

"I have lived many lifetimes," he said softly, his voice carrying on the gentle breeze that blew through the emptiness of space. "I have seen the end of countless worlds, watched as stars were born and died, and traveled to the farthest reaches of the cosmos. I have met beings of unimaginable power and intellect, and have witnessed the rise and fall of entire civilizations."

Oz's eyes took on a faraway look as he continued, "But through it all, I have learned one thing above all else: the universe is a truly wondrous place. The stars have been my companions throughout my many journeys, and they have taught me much about the beauty of simplicity and the power of the smallest actions. I have seen the universe in all its glory and have marveled at the beauty and complexity of it all."

He paused for a moment, lost in thought, before continuing, "But my travels have also taken me to places that were never meant to be seen. I have seen the shadows of things that should not exist, and have felt the chill of a place where even the stars dare not shine. I have glimpsed the end of all things, and have tasted the despair of a universe gone dark."

Despite all of this, however, Oz remained undaunted. He had always been a seeker of knowledge and truth, and his thirst for exploration had never been quenched. "There is still a wonder in the unknown," he said with conviction. "There is still beauty in the endless possibilities that exist beyond the boundaries of our understanding. There is still joy in the simple act of exploration and discovery."

Turning his head to the side, Oz looked at his feline companion, Tanya, who had been resting beside him. "Our journey is far from over, my friend," he said, a note of excitement creeping into his voice. "There are still countless secrets to uncover and mysteries to solve beyond this universe. We must carry on the legacy of our forefathers and seek out the answers to the questions that have plagued us for so long."

He paused for a moment, lost in thought, before looking back out at the stars. "But no matter how far we travel or how many years pass, I know that there is one truth that will remain constant: the stars are always there to guide us. They are our constant companions, and they will lead us to the places we need to go and the things we need to see. They will light the way on our journey, and they will help us find the answers we are seeking."

As Tanya began to meow in agreement, Oz smiled and bowed slightly, acknowledging his companion's enthusiasm. The two of them set off into the vast, endless cosmos, ready to uncover the secrets that lay hidden in the depths of space. The stars and galaxies stretched out before them, offering an endless array of possibilities and adventures. As they traveled, Oz knew that they would continue to be guided by the light of the stars and that their journey was only just beginning.


As he stared out of the window into the vast expanse of the starry sky, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the cat's meowing. It was a loud and startling sound that jolted him back to reality. He turned his attention to the feline by his side, who was rubbing herself against his hand as he stroked her soft fur. The cat's purring grew louder as she arched her back, seeking more of his affectionate touch.

Curiosity was getting the better of her, and it was evident in her meows. He knew what the cat was trying to tell him; it was time to go. He had promised her, and he wouldn't break his promise, even though he was too old for this life. He stood up, stretching his limbs, which popped and cracked as he did so.

He made his way to the library, which was massive, with shelves upon shelves of books. He walked between the rows of books, scanning them for a particular volume. The library was enormous, and it wasn't easy to find what he was looking for. After a few minutes of searching, he finally found the volume he had been seeking.

The book was ancient, with a worn leather cover that he ran his hand over. He opened it, and the words and diagrams in the book were familiar to him. He began to read through them quickly. The book was one of the few surviving records of the great catastrophe that had befallen a galaxy. It contained information about a spell that could open a portal to another universe, one that remained unexplored.

The cat's meowing grew louder, and he knew that she was becoming impatient. He turned to her and said, "I know, Tanya. I know. I'm just making sure I have everything I need."

He took the book with him and walked to the center of the room, with the cat following closely behind. He could feel his heart beating faster as he realized that this was it. He turned to Tanya and asked, "Are you ready?"

The cat looked up at him with her shining golden eyes, and her tail swished in the air as she replied with a loud "Meow!" He smiled at her and stroked her fur gently, reassuring her that everything was going to be okay. He knew that whatever lay beyond the portal, he and Tanya would face it together.

"It's time."

He opened the book and began to recite the incantation that was written inside. The words were ancient and powerful, and they flowed from his lips as if he had been born to say them. As he spoke, the air around him began to crackle with energy. He could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, and his heart was pounding in his chest.

Suddenly, a shimmering portal appeared before him. It was as if a hole had been ripped in the fabric of reality, and the darkness of space could be seen through it. The cat jumped back, startled by the sudden appearance of the portal. She looked up at him with concern in her eyes, but he assured her that everything was fine.

He took a deep breath and stepped through the portal, with Tanya following close behind. The darkness of space engulfed them, and the cosmic currents swept them away. As they were pulled through the void, he could see the stars and galaxies rushing past them, and the vastness of the universe stretched out before them.

They were moving at incredible speeds, but it felt like they were barely moving at all. The universe seemed to have no end, and they could have traveled for an eternity without seeing anything other than the stars and the galaxies. The cat was clinging to him, and he could feel her deadly claws digging into his flesh.

Suddenly, they were both pulled through a blinding white light, and then, they were standing in a different place altogether. The portal had taken them to another universe, and the darkness of space was replaced by the light of the sun. He could feel the warmth of the sun on his skin, and the fresh air in his lungs. They were standing on a lush green meadow with trees and flowers all around them. The sky was blue, and there were no stars to be seen. It was a different world, one that he had never seen before.

The End... For Now...

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Just an idea....

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