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Older Brother

As Alaric strolled through the Gardens, the weight of contemplation lifted from his shoulders, replaced by the gentle whispers of nature. The academy, the duchy, and the intricate web of continental politics unfolded in his thoughts.

The duchy, once ensnared by the machinations of the underworld, would find solace as he unravelled its clandestine threads. The puppet master, identified as Martin Arthur Donniero, would face the consequences of his orchestrations. Alaric knew who the mastermind was because of the novel. With the underworld dismantled, the duchy would breathe free, and the careful watch of Alaric's father, the current duke, would ensure its continued prosperity until the mantle passed to the next in line.

Continental politics, a realm of intricate alliances and power dynamics, also demanded Alaric's attention. He pondered the pivotal role he could play in preserving the balance. The impending expedition that led to his father's demise loomed in his mind. A decision to intervene and alter the course of events became a resolve etched in his thoughts. To allow the expedition's tragedy would unleash a cascade of repercussions, and Alaric, viewing his father as a steadfast guardian of stability, couldn't let that come to pass. He had also grown attached to the old man.

Yet, as his mind teetered on the edge of considering the academy, a soft melody drifted through the air. A voice, dulcet and serene, sang a peaceful tune that wove through the air like a comforting breeze. Alaric, drawn by the ethereal notes, decided to follow the melody, letting it guide him through the verdant expanse of the Gardens.

The singer, hidden from view, continued their melodic serenade. Alaric's steps led him closer, the lyrics weaving a tapestry of tranquillity. The academy, continental politics, and even the weight of duchy affairs momentarily yielded to the soothing embrace of the song. As he approached the source, a sense of calm settled within him, and the burdens of his thoughts momentarily lifted. 

Beyond the verdant shrubs that initially concealed the source of the melodic serenade, Alaric discovered a scene bathed in the golden glow of the sun's gentle rays. His younger sister, Adelaide, adorned in a dress that mimicked the hues of the blooming flowers around her, stood surrounded by her three attendants. A man, dressed in what appeared to be the attire of an academy teacher, stood among them as well.

Adelaide, with an aura of innocence and grace, was the enchantress behind the beautiful melody that caressed the air. Alaric, hidden in the foliage, watched in quiet admiration as his sister, with a voice that resonated with both sweetness and purity, immersed herself in the song. The simplicity of the garden setting transformed into a haven of artistry.

Entranced by the captivating notes, Alaric listened to the song's every rise and fall, feeling the emotional currents woven into the melody. Adelaide's voice carried the essence of the serene surroundings, casting a spell that temporarily lifted the weight of responsibilities and plots that had occupied his thoughts.

In the quiet seclusion of the garden, Alaric became an unseen spectator to this intimate moment of beauty. His sister, unaware of his presence, poured her heart into the song, and Alaric found solace in the simplicity of the melody and the purity of her voice. The enchanting melody lingered in the air, and as Adelaide finished her song, Alaric couldn't help but be captivated by the beauty of her voice. His applause was met with a sudden display of defensive readiness from her attendants, and even the man in the peculiar attire took a guarded stance.

"Easy there," Alaric chuckled, raising his hands in a placating gesture. "No need for swords. I'm just here to enjoy the performance."

The attendants, recognizing Alaric, quickly dropped to one knee, their swords abandoned. "We greet the young master and pay our respect to you, Lord Alaric. Forgive us for the disrespect. We did not mean to level our blades at you," one of them stammered.

Alaric nodded, acknowledging their swift response. "Rise, it's alright. By law, I decline your challenge. I'm glad my sister is under the watchful gaze of such competent individuals."

The man in the peculiar attire offered a respectful bow. "Greetings, Lord Alaric."

Returning the nod, Alaric turned his attention to Adelaide. "I didn't know you could sing, young lady."

Adelaide blushed, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of joy and shyness. "Thank you, Alaric. It's a recent addition to my lessons. They thought it would be a good way for me to unwind and express myself."

"Well, I'm impressed," Alaric admitted, a warm smile on his face. "You've got talent, little sister."

As the attendants were dismissed to give the siblings some privacy, Alaric gestured for Adelaide to walk with him. "So, how have things been with you, Adelaide? Learning new skills, I see."

Adelaide walked alongside her brother, her enthusiasm evident. "Yes, Alaric. They've been teaching me self-defence, and the singing is a recent addition. I've also been learning about history and various other subjects. It's been quite exciting!" 

'Self-defence huh? They are probably teaching her to fight... it's just that she doesn't realize it yet. This is probably the duke's Arrangement, what a marshmallow.'

Alaric listened attentively, enjoying the genuine excitement in his sister's voice. "That sounds like a lot. I'm glad to see you're in good hands."

Adelaide nodded. "They've been wonderful, Alaric."

As they continued their walk through the garden, Alaric couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and responsibility for his younger sister. The familial connection, nurtured in the tranquil surroundings, became more pronounced with each shared moment. The kind of environment his younger sister grew up in seemed tranquil and loving, it was hard to imagine how the previous Alaric had grown distant. Perhaps it was the death of his mother, he mused.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the garden. Alaric found a stone bench beneath a blossoming tree and gestured for Adelaide to join him. They sat in companionable silence for a moment, enjoying the serene ambience.

"Adelaide, there's something I wanted to talk to you about," Alaric began, his tone serious yet gentle.

Adelaide turned to him, her curiosity evident. "What is it, Alaric?"

He took a deep breath, contemplating the right words. "I haven't always been there for you for a while, and I know things have changed. There's a lot happening, and I want you to know that you can always talk to me about anything. Whether it's your lessons, concerns, or even just to share your thoughts."

Adelaide looked at her brother with gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you, Alaric. I appreciate that. But you seem different, too. Is everything alright?"

A faint smile touched Alaric's lips. "I've been through some experiences that have changed my perspective. There might be challenges ahead but know that you have your family's support. And I'm back now, so you won't have to face everything alone, since we are the younger ones we ought to stick together don't you think ."

Adelaide nodded, a mixture of relief and reassurance in her expression. "I'm glad you're back, Alaric. I missed having you around. Although I will say there is a larger age gap between me and you than between you and Eldmund, brother. Your last statement was very cringy." she said the last part while barely suppressing a giggle. 

The sincerity and mischief of her words touched and annoyed Alaric. "I missed being here, too, Adelaide. And I promise to be more present from now on. We're family, and that means we look out for each other. That also means we keep each other disciplined, it seems you require some... discipline."

As they sat beneath the blooming tree laughter,joy and play present, the bond between brother and sister strengthened. and Alaric couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility not only for the duchy but also for the well-being and happiness of his family, especially his younger sister, Adelaide. He decided to shift the conversation to something more lighthearted, aiming to bring a smile to her face.

"Adelaide, have you been enjoying your studies and time here in the duchy?" Alaric asked, attempting to steer the conversation toward a more cheerful tone.

Adelaide's eyes lit up, and she nodded eagerly. "Yes, Alaric! I've been learning so much, and Lady Elena has been helping me with my lessons. She even taught me some songs and poems!"

Alaric chuckled, glad to see his sister's enthusiasm. "That's wonderful to hear. Elena is quite knowledgeable, isn't she? Speaking of songs, I heard you singing earlier. Your voice is truly beautiful, Adelaide."

A rosy tint touched Adelaide's cheeks as she modestly lowered her gaze. "Thank you, Alaric. Lady Elena says that music can soothe the soul, so I've been practising."

Encouraged by the warmth of the conversation, Alaric continued, "I'm impressed by your dedication. Keep honing your talents, Adelaide. And if there's ever anything you want to learn or discuss, don't hesitate to ask me. Whether it's about your studies, your interests, or simply to share a song, I'm here for you."

Adelaide beamed at her brother, her trust evident. "Thank you, Alaric. I'm glad you're back. Can we spend more time together then ?"

Alaric's heart swelled with affection for his younger sister. "Absolutely, Adelaide. We'll have more moments like this. As long as you promise not to call your older brother cringe. Do we have a deal?"

As they delved into a delightful discussion about Adelaide's interests and aspirations, the bond between brother and sister deepened, creating memories that would linger in the corners of their hearts.

Croppedtrolley Croppedtrolley

Hi guys I dont know I feel like I should say something so um as always Enjoy and take care. :)

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