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Chapter 8: Plans

As Alaric delved into the intricacies of the Duchy's finances, he seized a piece of paper from the depths of his drawers. The flow of income into Lysandria painted a picture of prosperity, with taxes levied on local businesses and the lucrative mines, brimming with precious metals and minerals, owned by the Duke. The affluence of the region spoke of its economic prowess, a fact that stirred Alaric's strategic mind. Positioned near the Eastern Mountain Range, Lysandria enjoyed a climate distinct from the rest of the nation—chilly yet inviting. The favorable weather attracted a steady stream of visitors and tourists seeking respite, a potential Alaric saw as an opportunity to exploit.

Considering the surplus accommodation in the region, Alaric envisioned the potential for a thriving entertainment industry. The revelation struck him as an untapped market, and he contemplated spearheading this venture. However, discretion became his guiding principle; he harboured reservations about disclosing his plans to the Duke and the family. Fearing the possibility of his brainchild being co-opted as another source of wealth and influence for the family, Alaric opted for a clandestine approach. The prospect of utilizing the entertainment industry to channel resources for his personal goals eclipsed the notion of seeking more financial support from the Duke, recognizing the delicate balance he needed to maintain.

Contemplating the untapped potential of Lysandria's entertainment landscape, Alaric recognized a void in the realm of leisure and recreation, he strategized to fill it with his discreet initiatives. The notion of transforming the Duchy into an entertainment hub, however, carried its own set of challenges and considerations. While tempted to seek additional funds from the Duke to fuel his ambitious plans, Alaric remained pragmatic. He weighed the delicate dynamics at play, understanding that pushing too hard for resources might strain the familial ties he needed to navigate the intricate world of politics and power. In the quiet of his study, Alaric's mind churned with possibilities as he meticulously plotted the course for his envisioned entertainment empire.

Surveying his financial landscape, Alaric found the prospect of opening a chain of restaurants to be the most practical endeavour with his current funds. The notion of contributing to the local economy while satisfying the town's culinary needs appealed to him. However, before delving into this business venture, Alaric recognized the necessity of conducting a thorough exploration of the town. The mental checklist was quickly etched in his mind, positioning a reconnaissance mission as a top priority. With the memories now accessible to him, Alaric's financial acumen allowed him to approach potential business ventures with a strategic mindset. Echoes of lessons from faceless tutors reverberated through his recollections, shaping his understanding of financial matters and business dynamics. As he contemplated the prudent use of funds, Alaric couldn't help but question the previous owner's fiscal decisions, particularly the squandering of wealth on extravagant but mismatched wardrobes and an unnecessary collection of watches. He realized he could probably sell a few for more money.

With his personal financial affairs mapped out, Alaric's focus shifted to the next sheet of paper, which bore the weight of crucial information about future events, significant characters, and the remnants of Alaric Astreaus's existence that lingered in his memories. As Alaric delved into the narrative's foresight, he started to grasp the complexity of the events set to unfold in the coming days. Key figures and their roles in the unfolding drama became clearer, guiding him through the intricate tapestry of political and personal dynamics. Yet, amid this wealth of information, Alaric remained aware of the training he might receive in preparation for the academy—a crucial element he needed to incorporate seamlessly into his burgeoning plans.

As Alaric delved into the intricate details of his family's respective fates, the legacy of his father, the Duke, took centre stage in his contemplation. He recalled the pivotal permission and subsequent northern expedition that would reverberate throughout the nation. The loss of a multitude of Special and Tactical Grade warriors cast a long shadow over the Nation and sent shockwaves across the entire realm. Eldmund's decision to relinquish his claim to the Duke's position altered the trajectory of succession, leaving Alaric as the sole heir to the Eastern Duchy. The weight of leadership would fall squarely on his shoulders. His sister, Elena, emerged as a potential ally, ready to assist him in running the Duchy. Meanwhile, Adelaide, the youngest, assumed the role of the military representative for the Astreaus Duchy. Their mother, the Duchess, continued to hold her position until Alaric's eventual ascension, though the loss of their father had inevitably shifted the dynamics within the powerful Astreaus household. The absence of his father's formidable strength left an indelible mark on the family's influence.

Alaric's exploration of his romantic history uncovered a broken engagement to a noble house, specifically a Marquis. This engagement, a political strategy to strengthen ties, ended without much conflict, but the specifics eluded him. The details of past alliances and agreements remained unclear, prompting Alaric to wonder about the forgotten intricacies surrounding this particular noble house. As the sun set and evening descended, the festivities of his awakening ceremony continued. However, notably absent from the celebration was an envoy from the Royal Palace. Considering the Duke's friendly relationship with the royal family, Alaric couldn't help but ponder the reasons behind this notable absence—a captivating mystery that piqued his curiosity..

As the soft glow of lamplight filled Alaric's study, he looked up from his notes and met Elara's patient gaze. She had entered when he summoned her and she stood at attention, ready to receive his instructions. "Elara," he began, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. I have a few matters to attend to, and I'd like you to help me organize my schedule."

Elara nodded, a quiet assurance in her eyes. "Of course, Master Alaric. I'm here to assist you. What would you like to include in your schedule for tomorrow?"

Alaric leaned back in his chair, a slight smile playing on his lips. "Firstly, I'd like to take a trip around the city. We're going to survey the culinary landscape. I want to know where the locals and visitors alike go for their meals. It's an excellent opportunity to understand the city's pulse and maybe find an investment opportunity in the burgeoning culinary scene."

Elara noted down his request diligently. "A culinary survey understood. What else would you like to include?"

"I need you to compile a list of properties for sale, particularly in areas frequented by tourists. I have an idea for a venture that could cater to the city's visitors, and having a prime location is crucial."

"Properties for sale in tourist hotspots, duly noted," Elara replied, her pen gliding over the parchment.

Alaric continued, "Next, I want someone to appraise the worth of every watch in my collection. It's time to trim down the excess, and I might as well make the most of it."

Elara raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity and surprise in her eyes. "An appraisal of your watch collection. Is there a particular reason, Master Alaric?"

Alaric chuckled, "Just a little spring cleaning, Elara. No use holding on to things I don't need. And speaking of cleaning, send word to my father that I'll be retiring early tonight and skipping supper. I want to ensure I'm well-rested for the day ahead... oh don't tell him that bit."

Elara's expression remained composed. "Noted, Master Alaric. Is there anything else?"

"One more thing," Alaric said, a contemplative gleam in his eyes. "Find me an accountant. Preferably from outside the Duchy. I need someone objective, someone who can keep a clear ledger without any familial ties."

Elara inclined her head in acknowledgement. "An accountant from outside the Duchy. I'll start the search immediately."

"Thank you, Elara. I appreciate your efficiency," Alaric said, a genuine warmth in his voice. "Let's make tomorrow a productive day."

With a respectful nod, Elara excused herself to set the plans in motion, leaving Alaric to his thoughts as the night enveloped the study in a tranquil ambience.

Croppedtrolley Croppedtrolley

Oops almost missed my deadline... Enjoy:)

***Reworked as well

Yours Faithfully


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