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In the quiet seclusion of his study, Alaric found himself deep in consideration. Elara, his patient maid, waited for any instructions he might have. As he pondered, he decided to break the silence and asked Elara to bring him something to drink, a small distraction to clear his mind. As she left, he couldn't resist the temptation to explore the contents of his desk drawer. Amongst books, pens, and watches, his hand gravitated towards an oval object, a communication device that resembled a phone from the novel. Intrigued, he inspected it carefully, his eyes feeling a little peculiar due to the effects of the Celestial Gaze attribute. A sigh escaped him as the memories of the novel collided with his current reality.

Alaric's fingers gently traced the sleek surface of the communication device, memories from the novel flooding his mind. As if in response to his touch, the device activated, projecting a holographic interface. Alaric navigated through the menus, feeling a strange connection with this foreign yet familiar technology. Lost in thought, he pondered the implications of his current situation. The celestial gaze seemed to alter his perception, offering glimpses beyond the ordinary. The weight of his responsibilities settled heavily on his shoulders, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh. The device, a bridge between his past and present, held secrets yet to be uncovered. Just as Elara returned with a drink, Alaric closed the drawer, his mind swirling with thoughts about the potential consequences of his newfound abilities.

Elara observed his thoughtful demeanour, sensing the weight of the revelations that accompanied his awakening. Setting the drink on the table, she inquired softly, "Is there anything else you need, my lord?"

Alaric looked at Elara, his gaze reflecting a mix of uncertainty and determination.

"No, Elara. Thank you. I need some time to myself," he replied, dismissing her with a nod.

As the door closed behind her, he returned his attention to the holographic device, contemplating the mysteries it held and the path he was now destined to tread.

Alaric sighed heavily, sinking into his chair, feeling the weight of the day's events pressing down on him. The facade of portraying himself as the distant, unassuming young scion had been taxing, meticulously upheld during the awakening ceremony and subsequent festivities. Now, the realization that he was free from the scrutiny of prying eyes offered a brief moment of relief. The room enveloped him in a soothing silence as he pondered the intricacies of his new reality. With a deliberate glance towards the door, he acknowledged Elara's presence on the other side, a silent guardian ready to assist him. The unspoken understanding between them spoke volumes.

Alaric appreciated the comfort of having someone reliable in this unfamiliar world.

"Elara," he called softly, and the door creaked open, revealing her presence. "Thank you for your patience. I might need your assistance later, but for now, I wish to be alone."

"Of course, my lord," Elara responded with a gentle nod before retreating, leaving Alaric alone with his thoughts. The solitude offered a sanctuary for contemplation, and he allowed the silence to linger, absorbing the magnitude of the changes that had unfolded.

Alaric's focus shifted back to the information displayed before him, his gaze narrowing in on the peculiar details. The Principality Origin, a powerful and insidious trait, was not something he was supposed to possess. The confusion deepened as he pondered the meaning behind the asterisk attached to his race. In the novel, the Alaric he knew was a skilled but not overwhelmingly powerful character, certainly not endowed with extraordinary attributes. The revelation of the Celestial Gaze and the Lesser Ascended Physique further fueled the mystery. Dialogues from the book echoed in his mind, conflicting with the tangible reality before him.

Frustration crept into his expression as he muttered to himself, "This doesn't make sense. I wasn't supposed to have these abilities." The incongruity between his fictional counterpart and the person he now inhabited puzzled him. The lines between fiction and reality blurred. The universe's consciousness remained silent, withholding answers that seemed just beyond his grasp.

Alaric made the decision to postpone delving into the mystery of his newfound abilities. Despite the unexpected nature of his strength, the idea of becoming more powerful intrigued him. He couldn't shake off the thought of the Alaric from the novel, meeting an untimely demise against powerful adversaries.

"Strength might be my key to survival in this world," he mused, embracing the idea of evolving beyond the confines of the written narrative.

A peculiar side effect of his enhanced perception caught his attention. His eyes, now attuned to the subtle movements of cosmic energy, could discern the dance of motes of light. While the spectacle fascinated him, a growing concern gnawed at his consciousness. A subtle warning signalled the potential onset of a headache induced by sensory overload. Recognizing the looming challenge ahead, he opted to set aside the issue for later resolution, unwilling to give in to discomfort at that moment.

Shifting his focus away from the intricacies of Mystic Arts, Alaric delved into more mundane matters that demanded attention—his finances. Rummaging through the memories of the previous Alaric, he discovered a less-than-ideal financial situation. Despite the substantial funds received from the Duke, he couldn't shake the feeling that the previous Alaric had overlooked opportunities for more judicious financial management. Opening the drawer, he retrieved the oval device, a conduit to information about his current account balance and past expenditures. The figure displayed didn't boast opulence, but it provided a tangible foundation to navigate his financial affairs. With an account balance of 2,090,839 celestial crowns, Alaric considered the possibilities for resourceful use in the challenges that lay ahead.

Croppedtrolley Croppedtrolley


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