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Chapter 42: The Mist Orb

James had seven wooden resource boxes and one bronze resource box.

He placed all eight boxes in front of the fireplace, creating an impressive sight. Under the flickering firelight, they seemed almost sacred.

"Let's try our luck with the wooden resource boxes first."

Rubbing his hands together, James sat up straight and carefully opened the wooden boxes.

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

The crisp sound of seven boxes opening was like the most wonderful music to James's ears.

There were 22 items, all ordinary grade but numerous.

James inspected each one and found their quality average, except for one good-level item.

He remembered that a weak good-level wild wolf had dropped only an ordinary resource box.

This good-level item was likely from that box, as it was a Wolf Bone Bow.

[Name: Wolf Bone Bow (Good-Level)

Function: Made from good-level wild wolf bones, it's a bow with powerful lethality.]

It was a strong bow, but James didn't know archery.

He had seen Luke use a bow and arrow, even though it was just ordinary level, it was quite powerful.

Having obtained a good-level bow, James couldn't help but consider practicing archery to enhance his strength.

Although he had improved physically, his combat ability was not high. He usually stayed back during fights.

If he could master precise archery, his combat ability would surely increase.

Deciding this, James planned to start archery practice the next day.

The remaining items were of common quality, categorized as food, warm clothing, and tools.

The food included noodles, instant noodles, potatoes, chips, cucumbers, etc. The quantity was small and the quality average, but it was better than nothing and diversified his diet.

There were plenty of warm clothing items, 13 in total.

Five pairs of warm socks, a box of five cotton underpants, woolen hats, scarves, thin quilts, thermal pants, woolen blankets, etc.

However, there were also some inexplicable items like fishnet stockings, bras, and women's dresses, leaving James a bit helpless.

What would he do with these?

The last two items were a set of table and chairs and a bedside cabinet.

Not very significant, but they added to the shelter's furnishings, giving it a more lived-in feel.

The final item was the bronze resource box from the adult Ironback Mountain Pig.

According to Luke, although it was also a bronze box, stronger beasts dropped boxes with better items.

The Ironback Mountain Pig was powerful, witnessed by James, so its box should contain premium items.


A blue light shone as James opened the box!

Three items appeared, all seemingly good-level judging by the color of the orbs.

[Ironback Pigskin Blanket (Good-Level)]

[Fine Snow Boots (Good-Level)]

[Mist Orb (Good-Level)]

The first two were high-quality warm items, but the Mist Orb was special.

[Name: Mist Orb (Good-Level)

Function: Within a two-mile radius of the shelter where the Mist Orb is placed, the area will be covered in mist, causing other creatures to lose their way easily.

Description: To some extent, it may also attract the curiosity of wild beasts.]

A regional item?!

James was surprised, as this was the first time he had found such a type of item.

It was unclear whether it was useless or a premium item.

The mist created by the Mist Orb could effectively protect the shelter and impair the vision of outside wild beasts.

But it was a double-edged sword, as such a special area could attract curious creatures.

James decided to consider using the Mist Orb after the cold spell.

The shelter's defensive strength was not very strong at the moment.

He would have to wait for warmer weather to focus on expanding the bee swarm and growing the protective thorns, ensuring they could effectively deal with intruding beasts.

Then, he could use the Mist Orb to cover a two-mile radius in mist, making it his territory.

Thinking this, James felt a surge of excitement. The future development of his shelter seemed bright.

Satisfied after opening all the boxes, James felt it was a fruitful day.

Next, he waited for midnight.

With nothing particular to do, James idly browsed the "Mist Survival Handbook," wandering through the trading market and chat channels, waiting for time to pass.

Today was the most active day for all survivors in seven days.

The initial panic had subsided, and they were gradually adapting to the world of mist. It wasn't as busy as the first seven days.

Human adaptability was indeed fast.

In just seven days, life in the civilized world seemed to disappear completely, blending into the survival rules of the mist world.

The chat channel was all about food, survival, items, resource boxes, wild beasts, and battles...

Everyone was struggling to survive.

James noticed that initially, there were over 7 billion people.

But now, the chat channel showed just over 5 billion.

Although it still seemed large, it meant that about 2 billion lives had been lost in seven days.

Nearly 3 million people were dying every day.

Some starved, some froze, some succumbed to illness, others were killed by wild beasts...

In many unseen places, shelters were collapsing, and lives were fading.

Looking out into the darkness and cold, James felt a sense of bewilderment.

We call ourselves survivors, but where is our path to survival?

Is it in establishing a new civilization in this mist world, or perishing in natural and human-made disasters?

Lost in thought, midnight arrived.

Amid the eager cheers of all survivors, the system announcement descended again.

The system's deep and resonant voice echoed in everyone's ears.

"Poor survivors, congratulations on surviving seven days in this wonderful world."

"Many weaklings have perished, but many still live."

"Next, the comprehensive evaluation of all survivors will begin."

"In the most straightforward way, your achievements over these seven days will be validated."

"Are you just one of the many, or a standout among all survivors? Everything will be revealed."

As the voice faded, a chart appeared in front of everyone.

[Evaluation Criteria]

Top 10,000: S

10,000 - 500,000: A

500,000 - 5,000,000: B

5,000,000 - 50,000,000: C

50,000,000 - 200,000,000: D

200,000,000 - 60%: E

Bottom 40%: F

The system began grading all survivors, displaying the results as S, A, B, C, D, E, F grades.

The evaluation started...

At this moment, 5 billion shelters glowed faintly, scrutinized by an immense power.

Everyone held their breath, staring at the "Mist Survival Handbook," waiting for the system's verdict.

James's gaze was steady, but his rapidly beating heart betrayed his nervousness.

Luke sat at the table, his serious gaze expressionless, while the little girl beside him looked solemn.

Nancy sat up in bed, hands clenched and sweaty, waiting anxiously.

In a shelter resembling a large tree in a forest, a young man with bright eyes awaited the results.

On a several-kilometer-high ice mountain, a shelter made of ice housed a stern-faced foreign man, gripping the handbook tightly.

In an oasis in the endless desert, under a protective dome, a middle-aged man looked up quietly.

At the bottom of a vast lake, a woman in her thirties in a water-repellent stone shelter waited silently.

Elsewhere underground...

On a small island in a lake...

On the branch of a gigantic tree, ten meters in diameter and a hundred meters tall...

At a volcano crater...

In a cave in a mountain...

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