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11.11% Modernizing a Fantasy World with a System! / Chapter 2: On that Baby Grind!

Chapter 2: On that Baby Grind!

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(Remove the Underscores)


"Rel, you should probably see this," Aedon's voice woke me up the next morning, as I found him staring down into my crib. He was already dressed in his elegant clothing, with his crown of a blue gem-metal hybrid sitting on his head. On his face, was a look of concern.

"What is it?" Rel asked, somewhat annoyed at being woken up so harshly. She rolled out of bed and walked over, before laying eyes on me and blanching. She quickly ran over to the crib and scooped me up against her chest, staring down at me with a worried expression. "He's already gone through his first awakening? That shouldn't be possible until he's six, at the very least!"

' Ah, did I mess up by doing magic so soon? ' I paused. ' Whatever, I never intended to settle for normalcy, anyways. '

"Is this something we should be worried about?" Aedon asked, brow furrowed. "I've never heard of something like this happening, before."

"It's happened once in the history of magic - an Elven woman, name Milner. She awakened at two years old, both light and dark. She is regarded as the most brilliant Elven mage to ever be born," Rel said. "Half-Human-half-Beastfolk, and seven days after brith? Never in the history of either of our kingdoms, or the East World in general."

"Should we contact the Elves?" Aedon asked seriously. "They may know if something is wrong-"

"No, nothing is wrong," Rel shook her head, her eyes unfocusing as she stared down at me. "True, his core is developed beyond even someone at ten-years-old, but it's... organized... More so than some apprentices I've seen in the academy! I think this may be the result of a blessing."

"A blessing?" Aedon's eyes widened. "A blessed child hasn't been seen in Eilon in... a thousand years! Let alone in the royal family! If it has happened again after so long, I fear for what is to come..."

[Title <Blessed> Gained!]


You have been blessed by a deity, and are destined to change the fate of any land you touch. Whether for good or bad, that is up for you to decide.

+25% EXP with all Holy-Related Skills

"I have no doubt that Alistair will be able to stop whatever is coming. He has such intelligence in his eyes; he's even listening to us, right now! He is much easier to handle than Ravelus was, as well," Rel pressed her forehead against mine. I was suddenly very aware of my mana, as It spread up through my head and seeped through the walls of the channels and into my forehead. At the same time, a foreign pulse reached out of the darkness. It pierced my body and gently touched my own mana, intertwining with it before pushing mana into my system, while taking an equal amount out. Suddenly, I could feel a new set of emotions welling up within me.

I realized they were her emotions - separate from my own, but just as clear, if not more so. Above all, I could feel the immense love she had for me - I could even feel how that extended to her husband and first son. Before I could take in any more, the connection retracted, and I was left staring up at her in awe. "Yes," she said. "He is definitely blessed. The spirits say so. What do you suggest we do?"

"We wait and watch," Aedon said, smiling at me. "In the meantime, I shall organize with the Elves. It seems our son will be a competent mage!"

"Ha!" Rel exclaimed, pointing at him. "No silly sword-waving for him!"

Aedon simply sighed in defeat.


Later that day, I explored more of the system options, and came across the {Quest Board}. It was a list of simple challenged, separated into four categories. Dailies, weeklies, monthlies, and others . Yeah, they were just called 'other's. The list wasn't very large, as it only contained things I could currently do, but I could do them. I selected eight of those available and added them to my quest list. Three of them involved me charming people - three times a day, for a month - while another three had me meditating for an hour every day, for a month. Both of these were easy, as mother liked to show me off to the maids every chance she got, and my eighteen charisma combined with <Royal Presence> met the requirements to charm all of them.

Well, all of them except the head maid, Hegna. She was a hard woman, and Ravelus's attendant. I almost felt bad for my brother, but I decided that Hegna wasn't a bad woman. She was Nuetral Good, according to <Observe>, and level 143, which put her a tier above even some of the knights - who averaged between 110 and 130. Speaking of <Observe>, I spammed it on anything and everything.

I was able to use it roughly six times per minute, as we came across new things for me to scan, allowing me to use it eighty-one times before running out of mana. Mother didn't seem to notice when I used my magic, which was comforting. Either way, I got a bunch of skill levels for my troubles.

[Skill <Observe> Leveled Up! (14/100)]

[Skill <Mana Control> Leveled Up! (7/100)]

[Skill <Royal Presence> Leveled Up! (3/100)]

By the end of the day, I completed my <Baby Charm I> quest six times over,granting me a 3x reward when I turned it in.

[Quest <Baby Charm I> Completed!]

Overtime Bonus: 3x

+9 EXP

+3 Stat Points

+15 SC

Not as much as I would've hoped, but three stat points every day was a godsend, as far as my baby body was concerned. I decided to put these three towards wisdom, bringing my mana regeneration up to 2.7% per minute. With that, I could almost use <Observe> twice a minute, indefinitely.

The last thing I did, that day, was meditate. Once my parents had fallen asleep, I focused inwards and maintained the lowest level of <Mana Infusion> on myself that I could manage. It cost twenty mana to activate, but at the level I was maintaining it at, it only cost one per following second. At that rate, I could maintain it for over six minutes before running out. I noticed, while doing this, that my mana would regenerate faster, while I was focusing on my core. It would jump from 2.7% to 3.6% - a 30% increase. It didn't do that while I was using mana, but it decreased the time between my stints of using <Mana Infusion>.

[Skill <Mana Infusion> Leveled Up! (5/100)]

[Skill <Mana Control> Leveled Up! (11/100)]

I turned in the <Meditation I> quest, receiving a 2x multiplier for three hours meditated. It required an hour to be turned in, so I would've needed to meditate six hours to get 3x rewards.

[Quest <Meditation I> Completed!]

Overtime Bonus: 2x

+3 EXP

+2 Stat Points

+10 SC

I immediately allocated a point towards wisdom, bringing my regeneration per second to over ten, which would allow two uses of <Observe> every minute. The other point, I put to intelligence. I went to sleep after that, determined to manipulate fire for the first time the next day.


I was tired of being unable to move, so - while my parents were still awake - I tried to crawl. With my ten-year-old strength and dexterity, I was able to push myself up onto my ass and then rotated onto my hands and knees. I was able to hold myself up, which was miraculous for someone only eight days old. However, as soon as I lefted one hand off the floor of my crib to start moving, I fell forward onto my face with a tiny oof . Pushing myself back up, I tried to glare at my own, oversized head, but I couldn't, for obvious reasons. Adjusting my form for the weight imbalance of my newborn body, I moved a hand forward, then a leg, and crawled to the other end of my pretty big crib. At least, it was pretty big compared to me.

I laughed triumphantly, crawling back to the other end of the crib, where I had started, before moving to the bars on one side and gripping them tightly. I was able to pull myself up to a standing position, though I ended up just hanging off of the bars via my hold, legs wobbly as hell. With about ten minutes of practice, however, I was able to stand. Not unassisted, of course. The moment I let go, thinking I could stand on my own, I fell onto my back. This drew my dear parents' attention.

"Is he already trying to move?" Rel asked rhetorically, picking me up and kissing me on the nose. "Such a smart baby!"

"Blessed indeed," Aedon added. "He'll make a fine Prince, some day."

' Aww, thanks, dad, ' I giggled. It was weird, giggling instead of chuckling, but it was the most I could do with my lungs, as they were. Either way, I had met my physical standards, for the day, and could get started on magic as mother and father laid down to sleep. I waited until they had started snoring softly before focusing inwards once more, quickly finding my mana pulse and cultivating it through <Mana Infusion>. After many times doing it, and with my leveled-up <Mana Control> skill, I could do so in only a few minutes.

Instead of maintaining it at a low level, however, I brought it up to as high a level as I could currently manage. My core swelled immensely, and the channels in my body were put under physical stress as the mana condensation in my very blood became heavier. My body was enveloped with warmth, and my MP drained quickly, but the pressure in my channels forced mana through the weaker sections, flooding into the space beyond it. I felt my muscles burn brighter, as the mana coursed through them. Checking my stats, I realized my physical strength had been raised by an additional five points - one per every ten mp used per second. Of course, this quickly ended when I ran out of MP, causing my strength to leave me. Mana exhaustion took over, almost knocking me out on the spot, but I managed to retain functionality.

[Skill <Mana Control> Leveled Up! (14/100)]

[Skill <Mana Infusion> Leveled Up! (8/100)]

Exploring the new spaces with my mind, I discovered where they were in relation to my primary channels. Mana originated in my core, which aligned with my heart, and spread through my arteries, veins, and nerves from that point. The new openings lead to my muscles and bones, which directly improved my physical stats at the cost of increasing the overall mana usage for the skill. According to the <Mana Control Book>, this was called the second awakening . Spreading one's realm of control from just their core channels to their secondary channels - their body. The third awakening was my goal, this night - which was the skin and aura.

Using breathing to increase my MP regen, I was able to restore my mana in fourteen minutes. Then I once again flooded my system with mana. At first, I thought the amount I had currently wouldn't be enough to push beyond the third awakening, but due to my better <Mana Control> level, I was able to increase the pressure to the point of breaking through my very skin and into the air immediately around me. Suddenly, I was extremely aware of what was around me. I could feel the very air itself, the cot and blankets beneath me, and even the silk clothes I wore. I could normally feel those things, yes, but I could feel them.

Then, it was gone. My MP ran out, and I was left exhausted. Still, I wasn't done, yet. It was time to put my skills to use. My parents left an ever-burning candle next to my crib - not so close that I could reach it... at least, not by hand. If I held my arm out towards it and drove mana into my aura, then it would just barely envelop the flame, which would allow me to use my <Fire Manipulation> skill. So, after another fourteen minutes of meditation, I cultivated my mana within myself and allowed it to flood through my body and aura, reaching out towards the candle.

Visually, it immediately reacted to my mana, expanding as if it had access to more oxygen and fuel. Mana was a substitute for both, which was why magic fire could apparently burn underwater and in oxygenless atmospheres. That was very interesting, for various reasons, but those reasons could wait until I was big enough to do the sciences involved. Continuing to breathe deeply, in consistent intervals, I began to channel my mana towards the flame, taking from the aura behind me to do so. It spread out around the flame before I willed it into it.

The flame expanded even more, and burned brighter, fortunately not waking up my parents. A new feeling became apparent to me. Like a fifth limb - sixth, really, because I could move my tail as an independent limb, too - I could feel the flame just beyond my hand. Like I had learned to move my tail, which I had used to charm some maids for my quest, I willed the flame to the side, causing a large portion of the flame to break free and hover in the air. I grinned as I moved it up into the air, then over towards me. Then, I ran out of MP and finally passed out.


Three days came and went, which I spent shadowing my mother around as she did her work. Of course, I had no say in that, so I didn't complain. I liked watching how she interacted with the dozens of castle staff we came across, as well as how diligent she was in her work. She didn't do much magic, mostly creating water for herself whenever her glass went dry, but sometimes she would make a flower flourish, just to show off to me. Father was a very busy man, which was expected of a king, but he always made time for his wife and two sons. They spent breakfast, lunch, and dinner together, talking about whatever they had done. Through Ravelus, I started hearing about his studies with his tutors.

Father mostly commented on the requests he got from the nobles - logging rights for a town expansion; permission to raise taxes in one duchy or another; reports of monster swells in the less tame regions of the capital island of Eilon - stuff like that. Mother updated the family on her work, which involved the kingdom's financials and updates on the war. Apparently, she was the treasury minister, as well as the Queen, court sorceress, and foreign affairs representative. All in all, I had the least on my plate, of my family, even with all of what I was doing. Being a baby - being unable to help, really - made me feel somewhat bad.

So, I did my best. I charmed as many people as I possibly could, getting most of the maids and guards to coo easily, and I meditated for three hours every night. While doing that, I would practice my <Mana Infusion> and <Fire Manipulation>, leveling up both skills. I was also able to stand, after some effort. Apparently, my growth was already getting affected by my stats, because I was much bigger than I had been when I was born, little more than a week prior. As such, I needed to eat much more, though, which didn't get any more comfortable than the first time.

On the second day, I attended my very first royal court meeting, which apparently occurred every month. I was 'introduced' - pranced around like a doll - to the nobles as a prodigious baby who had achieved the first awakening on his seventh day in this world, blessed by a god. I spent enough time among greedy people in my first life that the looks in the noblemen's eyes was quite apparent. They wanted to use me for their goals, which probably involved wealth of some kind.

Three people in particular caught my attention, Duke Stede was a portly, bald man whose beady eyes lit up when I was introduced to him. Not because I was cute, either, even though I was absolutely adorable. In fact, before he even knew my name, he was glaring at me - more specifically, at my ears. At the same time, he couldn't keep his eyes off of mother's chest. Now, I don't judge people based on their appearance, but their actions, and this man displayed the actions of a lecherous racist.

The second was a woman, Duchess Ir, who was only barely considered a noble. She was the great-granddaughter of a war hero, whose parents had squandered their wealth and lost their land. Based on what Rel had muttered about her as she approached, the woman was a 'manipulative bitch' and an 'Axriel sympathizer'. That latter one was a surprise, considering how much her great-grandfather had done to fend off the neighboring kingdom from coming in, slaughtering their people, and claiming their land. She tried very hard to present her young daughter before mother, her implications obvious, but I chose to ignore that.

Little girls aren't my type.

The third and final man was General Wyham, an Elven Lord of slim stock, who eyed me like I was a Notch apple. He looked like if Legolas and Orochimaru had a baby, then allowed Lucious Malfoy to raise him. His eyes didn't display greed, like the others, but malice. I could tell, from the moment I was introduced to him, that this man would try to kill me. Corruption among noblemen? Who would've thought!

The rest of the nobles fell into two categories: suck-ups and Karens. The suck-ups did anything for a little bit of notoriety from the royal family and the more powerful nobles. The Karens thought they were the absolute shit - Rel glared at me - and even talked down to mother. Rather, they talked down against her Beastkin heritage. Well, she was far better than them at anything! I'd have to find a way to make them respect her more, once I could walk, and stuff. Maybe choose summoner, next, and have a knight give them all atomic wedgies.

Other than that, father simply announced some new policies, fielded questions, and dismissed the group to mingle some more. I made sure to charm everyone there, netting me a nice 5x multiplier on my quest, that night. That brings us to the fourth day, where I was just finishing my second session of <Fire Manipulation> training. By the end of it, I was ready to turn in my quests, too.

[Skill <Fire Affinity> Leveled Up! (5/100)]

[Skill <Fire Manipulation> Leveled Up! (12/100)]

[Skill <Mana Control> Leveled Up! (27/100)]

[Skill <Mana Infusion> Leveled Up! (19/100)]

[Quest <Baby Charm I> Completed!]

Overtime Bonus: 3x

+9 EXP

+3 Stat Points

+15 SC

[Quest <Meditation I> Completed!]

Overtime Bonus: 2x

+6 EXP

+2 Stat Points

+10 SC

In total, my three-day grind had earned me forty-two EXP, seventeen Stat Points, and eighty-five SC. I then had twenty-one Stat Points to spend, so I thought about it for a while before doing so. Two into STR, CON, END, DEX, and CHA, and the remaining eleven into INT.



Name: Alistair Eil

Race: Human; Beastfolk (Cat);

Age: 0 (17)

Class: Fire Elementalist(2/100)

Rank: Mortal* (1.2x)

Titles: Blessed;

Alignment: Lawful Good

Level: 2 (77/100)


Health Status: 80/80 (+0.8%/m)

Mana Status: 6/510 (+2.8%/m)

Stamina Status: 80/80 (+0.8%/m)

STR: 8(7) (+1*2/)

CON: 8(7) (+1*2/)

DEX: 8(7) (+1*2/)

END: 8(7) (+1*2/)

INT: 51(43) (+3*2/)

WIS: 28(24) (+2*2/)

CHA: 20(17) (+1*2/)

LCK: 24(22) (+1*2/)

Points: 0 (+5/)

[For Reaching 50 INT, You Have Obtained the <Calculator> Perk!]


You can instantly run any calculation, so long as you know the equation.

' Oh, yeah, it's all coming together, ' I smiled. As I leveled up <Observe>, I was able to gain more information on people I scanned. Someone like my mother, for instance...

[Rel Eil]

Race: Beastfolk (Cat)

Titles: Mage Queen of Eilon; Second Princess of Rhana'Vi; Flowerbed Maker; Nature Maiden;

Age: 31

Rank: Beast Spirit Avatar (1.8x)

Level: 323

Health Status: 5814/5814

Mana Status: 17442/17442

Stamina Status: 5814/5814

Like... Holy shit - she twitched - seventeen-thousand mana? What the hell is that about? The first three awakenings are within two-hundred mana of the one before them, but they go up exponentially, after that, as did their effects. Right now, I could manipulate flame within about a meter of myself. According to the book, with the fourth awakening I would be able to do so within eight meters. But, it required twice as much mana to breach into, meaning I'd need one-thousand mana, or one-hundred effective levels. That meant I had to get to eighty-four base points, from which point my soul rank multiplier would get me to one-hundred.

It doubled, from then on, so my mother was just over eighth awakening, and I had no idea what that even did. My book only went up to fifth! ' I can't worry about that, now. I've reached third, and I'm less than two weeks old. For now, I think I'm ready... '

[ID Create:]

{ Empty ID }

{ Nymph } (1:1/Y)

I took a few deep breaths, stood in my crib, and selected the {Nymph} dungeon.

It happened in an instant. One moment I was standing in my crib, the next I was in the middle of a grassy field, next to a campfire. I immediately pulled out the ever-burn candle I had stolen from a hallway as mother carted me through the castle and readied myself. I listened to my surroundings intently, searching for any incongruity. This dungeon was, effectively, a forest. The air was rich with the smell of petrichor, as if it had just rained, and the dirt was damp beneath my unclothed feet. Mother would certainly question how I got dirt on me, when I spent all night in a crib, but that was alright. I loved it when she asked me questions, as if I could answer.

I calmed down somewhat when nothing came to attack me, but didn't let my guard down. I'd played enough video games to know that one could never rest in a dungeon, even in a safe area. This wasn't a game, though, this was real life, and I had no idea what lied ahead of me. I was about seventy centimeters tall, thanks to the growth inspired by my physical stats, so I could see over the grass and shrubs with no issue. The forest surrounded me on all sides, except for a small trail, which lead under the canopy and into the distance.

With nothing else to do, I steeled my nerves and fell onto my hands and knees, careful not to light anything on fire as I crawled towards the path. It only took about ten minutes of crawling for me to come across my first enemy. I knew to expect nymphs - forest nymphs, judging by the setting - which usually entailed nature magic. So, I wasn't surprised to see a living vine coiling through the air like a prey-seeking snake. I laid down on my belly as I watched the thing twist around, absorbing the sunlight. ' <Observe>, ' I thought, noting that the 'spell' only took four mp to activate, now.

[Vine Whip]

LVL: 1

Health Status: 40/40

Mana Status: 1/1

Stamina Status: 220/220

I carefully brought up my candle, and focused my aura into the flame. When I reached fourth awakening, I would be able to do that without using <Mana Infusion> on myself, but I still had to, for now. I split the flame in two and took one part. I cultivated that part into a ball of fire that was almost too hot to be so close to - like standing next to a campfire. Then, I directed it at the Vine Whip and threw it. It flew through the air in a straight line, striking the Whip about halfway up its length and spraying fire across its midsection. It started flailing, turning towards me and lunging for me, but the fire burned through its body before it could get to me, and it fell to the ground.

[Vine Whip (LVL 1) Killed!]

+1 EXP

+3 SC

' Oh? I get SC from kills, too? ' I asked rhetorically, pleasantly-surprised. That was good, as I didn't have to rely on levels, quests, and contracts to earn it. Good-old-fashioned grinding would help me on my path. As expected. Jeez, what would Anne say if she saw me, a baby with cat ears and a tail, throwing fireballs at sentient vines...? Nevermind that. I needed to kill twenty-five more Vine Whips to level up, unless I found something of a higher level. I wouldn't be surprised if this place only had level one enemies-


Little baby me was sent flying through the air, landing in a bush several meters away. I immediately got up and looked around, but there was nothing there. Either way, I had lost forty percent of my health, and that did not make me feel comfortable. Plus, it hurt, and I don't like pain. At least it didn't hurt as bad as getting shot four times.

At first, I couldn't find what had hit me, but then I saw the tree I had been laying by shifting. Like, not in the wind, but the trunk was actually twisting. I quickly used <Observe>.

[Young Ent]

LVL: 3

Health Status: 500/500

Mana Status: 30/30

Stamina Status: 800/800

' Okay, ' I huffed. I focused again, and launched a fireball at the base of the Ent's trunk. It struck it and burst apart, dealing two-hundred damage. Before the fire went out. It didn't just not catch fire - it did - it simply vanished after a few seconds. ' Magic resistance? ' I questioned. It immediately started healing, too - at a rate of five hp per second. I launched two more fireballs, killing the thing. Fortunately, the magic resistance persisted after the thing had died, so the fire dissapeared before it could spread.

[Young Ent (LVL 3) Killed!]

+6 EXP

+18 SC

' Cool, ' I pumped my fist. Unfortunately, my lost health would take about fifty minutes to heal, at my current rate of 0.64HP per minute, but I could continue if I was more careful. I decided to <Observe> every tree I got close to, just in case, as I continued down the path. Within the next five hours - the most I was willing to risk away from the castle - I killed seven more Young Ents and fifteen Vine Whips.

[Level Up!]


+4 WIS

+5 Stat Points

+6 INT

+250 SC

+1 <Gacha Token>

I put the five new Stat Points into CON, not wanting to risk getting hit for almost half of my HP again. Doing so doubled my health, thanks to my <Human*> rank. I took out the token and bit it.

[Rolling 1x Gacha Token…]


[Entry 58 Rolled…]

[<Dungeon Locator> Added to {Inventory}!]

<Dungeon Locator>

A phone-like device that displays the location of all dungeons within 1km. The rank of the dungeon is shown as the color of the blip.

' Cool, ' I thought as I used <ID Escape>. I appeared back in my crib. Immediately, I was met with rushed footsteps as Rel ran across the room and scooped me up into her arms. ' Uh oh… '

"Where did you go?" She demanded, on the verge of tears. "When I woke up, and you weren't in your crib, I thought someone had kidnapped you! I'll have to assign a Hek'Netir to you, so this doesn't happen again… We should've had one on you, anyways, just because of your status as blessed…"

' Ah, I made her worried, ' I frowned, wrapping my arms around her neck as best as I could. I should've known straight-up disappearing in the middle of the night would be a bad thing. My parents were the damn King and Queen - of course they would notice if their two-week-old son disappeared from his crib for the night. ' I hope nothing bad happened… '

"Hegna, tell Pyarron that I found him. Call off the search," Rel said, sitting down on the king-sized - literally - bed with me in her arms. "How did you do that? Did someone take you?" She asked, looking down at me. I hesitated on whether to answer her, or not, but I'd rather reveal my understanding of her words than have her worry about me. I didn't need to tell them that I was a seventeen-year-old reincarnator. So, I shook my head. "Oh, you really can understand me? The gods must have blessed you with intelligence, after all!"

"In that case, I have to tell you that we were very worried. I woke up as soon as I felt your mana signature disappear, and I thought an Axriel mercenary had warped in here and stolen you... Your father rallied the royal guard started searching the castle ground, looking for you. Even your brother was awake, calling your name!" She said, rubbing my back. I felt really bad. I always hated it when Anne would stay up waiting for me to come home from one of dad's business meetings, which I would officiate to make certain things were fair. She'd hug me just like mother was, and rant about how stupid dad was for dragging me into his affairs.

' I guess I can tolerate being weak for a few years, ' I thought, enjoying the warmth passing through me via contact with my mother. ' Sure, I handled two basic enemy types well enough, with my apprentice-level magic, but that was only the first two enemy types. If it jumped from level one to level three so quickly, I don't want to attempt the next types until I can properly run and dodge. So, for the meantime, I will enjoy being with my family, and just do the {Quest Board} challenges to strengthen myself .' I decided, shutting my eyes and quickly falling asleep on my mother's bosom.

Mhiktur Mhiktur

Thank you for reading the second chapter of this story! We're still working hard on writing and editing, so we can release these in a timely fashion, for you all to enjoy! Hopefully, we'll be able to build up a backlog, so that we can release consistently, no matter what we end up having to do IRL. We might even be able to publish those chapters early on Patreon, if we get enough of them!

The gacha rolls are 100% random, drawing from a list we are still adding to! If you want to submit your own things for the gacha, whether that be items, skills, boosts, summons, or whatever else, make sure to check out our form at

Thank you for reading, and check out our discord at

See you next time!

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