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*Ajax POV* 

'They're fast.'

I wanted to watch the fight normally, not the slowed down broadcast but the speed of the fighter was beyond my perception. 

I did my best to keep up naturally but would often find myself stealing glances at the screens above to see what I had missed. 

One thing bothered me though, out of all the fighters I'd seen take the stage, all the weapons they used, not one of them was a mage. 

"Why are there no mages?"

I decided to straight away ask Adam, he was a former student after all. 

"The mages will only do practiced demonstrations today, fights between the two are saved for actual tournaments." 

I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed, watching these duels between students helped a lot and I was hoping to see more variety. 

"Why do you want there to be mages?" 

"To see how to counter them. I've never seen a mage fight a warrior." 

The only mages I'd met were helping me hunt monsters. 

"This is a festival, not a recon gathering mission." 

Adam said with a sigh but continued anyway. 

"Although I think you'll do just fine against mages." 


"You're primarily an agility-based fighter, right?" 

I nodded as I guessed where he was going with this.

"It's obvious and boring but the best way to beat a mage is just to speed blitz them, kill them before they can cast defensive spells." 

"That's easier said than done." 

I replied to which Adam began laughing.

"True, their senses may not be enhanced but that doesn't mean they can't keep track of you, they can process information just as fast as us. 

To an incredibly strong mage, you'll be walking in slow motion." 

The show matches came to an end as a group of robed students took to the stage, wearing colors corresponding to their element. 

The red robed mages created a large fiery phoenix raining hellfire from above. 

Blue robed mages created a floating aquarium, consisting of creatures made entirely of denser water mana. 

Brown robed magicians molded the Earth to create a large golem, its imposing figure blocking out the evening sun. 

Finally, the green robed magicians created twisters of violent wind contained within the stage which left deep marks on the ground. 

Mages held devastating power, underestimating one would be my undoing. 

"As long as you get some sparring experience under your belt before you actually fight one you should be fine." 

Adam said in an attempt to comfort me, having the opposite effect. 

Today instilled hopes into the hearts of many for the future, the war against the corrupted could often seem like a lost cause so moments like these were a brief respite. 

But the corrupted preferred if morale was down, it made it easier for them to gain more and more influence, so they'd strike back very soon. 

There were a few locations that would be under threat, and I wasn't stupid enough to think I could take them on my own. 

I wanted to tell Adam, if he was there then the threats would basically become nonexistent but how? 

How much information could I give away without seeming suspicious myself?

If I didn't hand over the information, wouldn't there be blood on my hands? 

"Will you be busy tomorrow?" 

I asked as the mage spectacle came to an end. 

"Hm? Yeah, the association only allowed me on break today because of this." 

"Are they planning to reclaim the city?" 

"Yup, pretty hell bent on starting reconstruction too." 

They won't let him go because of the hunch of a strange teenager then, I don't know what I was expecting. 

"Why? Is everything okay?" 

"Yes. I was just curious." 

Ending the rather awkward conversation, I couldn't help but feel disgusted at my cowardice. 

To change the future, I had to fight them, I had to kill them, I had to get that through my head. 

"If it's something related to training, I'll be free next week and I'll do my best to help out." 

I nodded in response; I'd probably already given away too much already. 

"Well for today, just try to enjoy the rest of the festival and rest, that's what I'm going to do." 

He reclined as the stage changed from a battlefield into a stage seen in only the largest of music festivals.


I suppose this was a festival, and not every performance would be related to fighting. 

Idols, musicians and bands took to the stage as the crowd responded with the same enthusiasm they did for many of the students on stage. 

Maybe my confusion was obvious as Adam picked up on it pretty easily, even a bit surprised by it. 

"Don't you have idols or bands you like down there?" 

"I don't know any of them." I responded bluntly. 

They were all very talented and it was clear to see why they were popular, but I simply hadn't been here long enough to care about such things. 

"You're kidding right?" Adam asked in disbelief. 

I shook my head eliciting a sigh from Adam as he watched the performances go on until the event came to a close. 

"That's it from us! Please feel free to enjoy the food and merchandise sold in the stalls outside. Have a good day everyone!" 

An energetic announcer declared the end of the event as people began to move out of the stadium in waves. 

"Come on, let's go see what they've got outside." 

Adam got up as well, leaving the luxurious room as he once again put on his 'disguise' the crowd outside the stadium too chaotic to notice him as we walked past.

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