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100% TWD: Lone Marine / Chapter 2: Ch. 2

Chapter 2: Ch. 2

Sorry about the slow upload. Had this chapter basically finished a while ago, but then I got bored and distracted.

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The next morning was a good one. Lucas hadn't been able to sleep in since before Atlanta. Letting out a grunt as he stretched out. He slowly put on his socks, boots, and blouse; before coming out of his tent with his rifle in hand, he walked over to the RV. There was a group of people outside, with a few new faces.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty." Walsh said, a smirk on his face. His shotgun on the RV hood.

"This everyone?" Lucas asked, looking around at the new faces.

Two middle aged women with their children, a boy and girl. Three middle aged white men. An African-American woman, and two Hispanic children and their presumed mother.

"Just missing three, an elderly couple and Carol's husband. He's still sleeping." Walsh said, sounding annoyed.

'So including myself, ten men, seven women, two teenagers, and two children. Not much to work with.' Lucas thought to himself as Amy walked over to his side, a small blush and smile on her face as she offered him a tin bowl with food.

"Thanks." He said with a smile while taking the bowl of beans. Nearly letting out a moan at the first 'real' food he's had in a while. "Delicious." 

"Thanks." Amy said, her whole face going red now. Looking down and playing with the hem of her shirt.

"Okay lovebirds, you can play footsies later. Let's get introductions over with so we can get on with the day." Walsh said, a big grin on his face. "That's Merle and Daryl Dixon." He said pointing at a couple of rednecks off to the side. Looking annoyed they had to be included. The younger one was giving Lucas a gruff look, holding a crossbow. It looks like he was about to head out, before being dragged over. The older one was sitting on a beach chair, looking off into the woods. Cleaning his nails with a knife looking completely out of it. A pistol in his lap and a rifle leaning next to him, he was probably going out with his brother.

'Definitely on something.' Lucas thought, looking at the high older redneck.

 "Lori and her son Carl Grimes." He said, giving her a smile. "Carol and her daughter Sofia Pelletier. Her husband Ed's still sleeping. Morales' wife Miranda and their kids Luis and Eliza. Over by Dale is Jim. And over by T-Dog is Jacqui. Everyone else you know." Walsh said, giving me the proverbial stage.

"My name is Cpl Lucas Payne, I was stationed in Atlanta. Our mission was the protection of civilian safe zones. Then it turned into an evac mission. And then my unit got overrun and now I'm here." Lucas spoke loud and clearly so everyone could hear him. 

Sounding slightly awkward even to himself, because technically Lucas wasn't even in the military anymore; but he's spent his entire adult life, even if that's just three years, being a Marine and nothing else. Even before that he had spent his teenage years working towards it. It was sort of a family tradition. Every man in the family had been in the service and more than a few women had stayed true to that tradition.

"So does that mean there isn't any more military?" Lori asked.

"Ma'am there isn't any more of anything." Lucas said solemnly, placing a hand on Amy's shoulder, as she gave a quiet whimper.

She glanced up, giving a weak but thankful smile.

"Okay that's all, you can all go on back to whatever you were doing." Trying to stop the growing dread, Walsh tried to shoo them away.

Staying quiet, Lucas watched everyone wander off. While he stayed right where he was. A million different things going through his mind. Number one, survival. Yesterday he was exhausted and just happy to have found a group. But now he had to focus and regroup. He needed a game plan; inventory supply, managing people, and securing their temporary "base camp".

"Let's talk." Lucas said, walking into the RV.

Followed by Shane, Dale, and the girls. He quickly took a seat at the table. Still deep in thought. Not noticing Andrea sitting close to him while smirking at her sister. Or Amy trying to sit even closer to him; an adorable glare at her sister that had no real fire due to her glowing red face. Fidgeting at the closeness.

Starting with the most important thing Lucas turned to Shane, as he entered last.

"What's our defenses look like?" 

"Getting right to it, huh?" Walsh said with a humorless and tired chuckle. 

"We usually have someone up on the RV as watch." Dale answered, gesturing at the rifle slung over his shoulder. Lucas glanced at him before turning back to Shane. 

Dale still thought that this was all a group effort, but society was over. And with it all the democracy and freedom people fight so hard for. Maybe one day they could bring it back, but for now it was back to square one. Survival of the fittest. And he knew for a fact Walsh was the main guy here.

"Really?" Lucas asked Walsh with a raised eyebrow.

"We don't have the manpower for a proper watch. And the people we do have aren't exactly team players."

"Well they're going to have to start. You've been doing alright for now, but I'm guessing you haven't had too many run-ins with the walkers; or other people."

"Nah, you're the first, anything, we've seen since we've settled down here. Been lucky." Walsh said, nodding his head in agreement.

It really has been luck that they were all still alive. They've been staying at the quarry for a few weeks now and Lucas had been their first encounter, undead or otherwise. 

"What kind of weaponry we looking at?" Lucas asked.

"A few hunting rifles, handguns, and my shotgun." Walsh moved over to the table reaching for a bag in the upper cabinet.

Pulling down a black gun bag, he unzipped it and started taking out all the guns, ammo, and some cleaning supply. Setting them all on the table. There were two hunting rifles, so that's four including Dales and Merles. And a box and a half of rifle rounds, so around 30 rounds and whatever Dale has on himself. Two Glock 17's, probably from Walsh, with only about five mags, 50 bullets. And lastly Walsh's shotgun he had leaning against the table, and the handgun he hand on him. There was a single box of shotgun shells; 25 shells.

"Pretty good." Lucas said after going through everything.

"I have a gun too." Andrea said with a flirty smile.

"Let me have a look at it." Andrea nodded, getting up to get her gun.

"What about you?" Walsh asked.

Lucas grabbed his rifle, M4A1, that was sitting between his legs, placing it on the table. Walsh letting out a whistle.

"Beautiful peace you got there." Walsh said, admiring the gun.

"Yeah, until you've had to clean it." Lucas chuckled, more to himself. "I have five and a half mags left." He finished.

"What about the big gun you were carrying?" Amy asked, leaning over Lucas' shoulder to look at all the weapons.

Glancing at the cute, very close blonde, Lucas finally realized how close Amy was sitting. Keeping his cool, he just held eye contact with the blushing girl, smirking as he answered. 

"That's a M240B, a medium machine gun. I only have a belt of two hundred rounds for it. No spar barrel, cleaning kit, or tripod. Just what I was carrying." Lucas said most of that for Walsh, but he was still looking over the now red blonde.

"Oh." Amy quietly responded.

Lucas just took a moment to look at the pretty young woman. He had all the time in the world after all. What was a few seconds staring at a pretty blonde that had a growing crush on you? Was he being a little too open/forward about it? Was the situation he found himself in weird, and possibly awkward for everyone else in the RV. Yes. Did he care? No. He didn't care much about social norms when the dead weren't walking around, he wasn't about to start now.

"Ahem." Lucas turned around to see Andrea, with her pistol. A Smith and Wesson 3913 "Ladysmith". 

Not what you want to see when the girl currently holding the possibly loaded gun, was the sister of the girl you were currently teasing and 'lovingly gazing into each others eyes'. Especially when said sister was sending 'fuck me eyes' ever since she found out her little sister had a crush on you. Protective sister/jealous woman, not a good combo. 

She was, thankfully, giving a playful glare at Lucas before smirking at her sister for being so 'bold'. Amy herself was trying to make herself as small as possible and wishing the ground would just open up and swallow her. She had gotten distracted by the very intimate moment she was having with Lucas and completely forgot they weren't alone.

Andrea just kept her smirk, as she dropped back down to her previous, nearly sitting on his lap. She held her gun out for Lucas, placing a hand on his knee, trying to coax her sister out of her embarrassment the only way she knew how. By going after her 'man'.

Lucas knew what was going on, he was a grown man. Not some oblivious bone head teenager. But who was he to stop this from going on.

"Cute gun." Walsh laughed, turning Andrea's attention to him. And this time it was certainly not a playful glare.

"Guns a gun. As long as it works all it takes is one lucky shot to put a man down." Lucas tried to stop the rising tension and at the same time have Andreas back.

By the way she was currently rubbing and squeezing his thigh, it seemed she appreciated his comment. 

Shane grunt, sounding annoyed, "Yeah, a man. If you haven't noticed, only a shot to the head will put those ugly fuckers down."

"And you think now that the apocalypse is upon us, all of mankind is just going to come together?" Lucas asked, sounding slightly annoyed, glaring at the deputy. "Yeah, and later we can all hold hands around the fire and sing, 'Kumbaya, My Lord'." Walsh now had a glare of his own. "Those fuck faces out there are the least of our worries."

"Okay, okay, how 'bout we all just calm down." Dale stepped forward. Standing between the two mens line of sight. Hands raised in a placating manner.

Dale was right, Lucas did not have to reply like that. Guess one good night of sleep and a little bit of flirting wasn't enough to fully decompress. Everyone was on a timer, one little thing could set them off and then it would be a chain reaction.

"It's a good gun for beginners. Small, easy to maintain. The only real "drawbacks", is that the mag only holds eight rounds. Never know when those two rounds will be life or death." Lucas continued to Andrea. "Do you have any training with firing and maintaining your gun?" He asked while clearing, unloading, and taking apart the gun.

"I've shot it a few times at the range, but that's about it." Andrea slowly said, sounding a little embarrassed.

"Does anyone in this camp have weapons training?" Lucas asked Walsh.

"Myself, obviously, but I'm also a trained weapons instructor. Used to go to the schools and teach the kids some gun safety rules. The brothers obviously know how to use a gun, they seemed to have grown up hunting, same as Dale here. And I'm pretty sure the older one, Merle, was military."

"For safety reasons I'm going to keep this on me." Lucas said to Andrea, putting the gun back together. "When I get the time I'll show you how to properly handle it."

Andrea smirked at Lucas' poor choice of words. "How to properly handle it, huh?" She said quietly, so only Lucas and her sister heard her.

Lucas just rolled his eyes and smirked at her. "Maybe if there's time I'll show you a thing or two about that as well." He quietly said staring Andrea dead in the eyes, quickly stopping when he got a small pinch on his other thigh from Amy.

Glancing at the younger girl she was angrily staring at her lap, blushing from a mix of anger at her sister and embarrassment from what the two were talking about. Lucas quickly refocused and the task at hand.

"And what about supply? Food, water, medical, sanitary." Lucas seamlessly got back on track, as if he wasn't just playing footsies with the two girls next to him. Just like Walsh had teased earlier.

"Where okay on all, for now. We usually do small supply runs everyday and we get water from the quarry when needed." Walsh answered.

Nodding, Lucas goes to stand up, motioning Andrea to get up.

"I wanna take a quick look of the perimeter. I'll get back to you if I need anything." Lucas said to Walsh, stepping around him to the door. Walsh takes Lucas' spot, looking over the weapons. Making sure everything is clean and ready to be used. The two sisters followed Lucas out of the RV. Walsh and Dale remain behind, a tension palpable between them.

"You girls wanna join me?" Lucas asked, digging through his cargo pockets, talking out note taking gear. "I'm just gonna walk around, see what's, what."

"Sure." A cheerful Andrea grabbed Lucas' open arm, pulling him away.

"Hey!" Amy yelled, running after her smirking sister. Lucas just shakes his head with a shit eating smirk on his face.


The day went by very quickly for Lucas. It sucks how the good days go quick and the ass ones are always slow. He wished the day could've been longer, he was having fun. He spent all day with the sisters. Talking and joking with them, every now and then joining Andreas teasing Amy. Even getting lucky a couple of times and catching Andrea off guard, but most of the day was just them relaxing and talking with each other, as Lucas looked around the place.

The tents were all spread out, good for privacy, but not helpful for the security of the camp. Not when some tents were hidden away behind some outcrops of trees. And others went further down the trail, closer to the quarry. Other than that the location was pretty good, defensive wise.

They just need to focus a bit more on preparing defenses, temporary ones. Lucas was not going to be staying here forever. It was a decent temporary spot, but that's it.

Meeting back up with Walsh, Lucas went over some ways to better defend their position. The main one being setting up a line of rope or wire with some of the used cans, as a warning system. He also talked to him about getting everyone to move their tents closer, or at the very least further away from the woods. The last thing Lucas suggested was cutting down some of the small trees and shrubs, so it would be easier to see into the woods. Preferably, Lucas also wanted a trench line built in front of the woods; but with the group they had that could take a while. And he was hoping they would be moving out soon.

Walking back to his tent for the night he was stopped by the sisters. They both looked happy and relaxed from their easy day, and a little tired from the hot Georgia sun.

"Ladies." Lucas said to the girls. Andrea laughed in response and Amy blushed, her smile growing.

"You headed to bed already? Tough day for the big bad Marine?" Andrea teased.

Lucas just chuckled, giving her an over exaggerated eye roll. "Won't ever see me pass up some good sleep. Come to join me?" He said as he finished taking his blouse and boots off.

"Who, little old me?" Andrea sarcastically asked, placing a hand on her check, acting embarrassed. 

"Only got room for one. So one of you better hurry up and decide." He smirked as he took off his shirt. Showing off his broad chest and toned body. "I hope that's not what you're wearing to bed, it's going to get awfully hot." The young marine teased the two wide eyed sisters as he looked over the bodies, slipping into his tent.

He held in a laugh as he heard the commotion outside, before the two sisters came barreling inside. 

"You're right it is a little warm in here." Andrea said, peeling off her shirt, and shimming her tight jeans past her thick thighs. Now only in a pair of matching light blue underwear, giving her sister a triumphed looked. Amy responded with a heated glare before also taking off her pants. She was wearing an adorable pair of white panties, but she didn't take off her shirt. She still looks just as sexy as her older sister, with an added cuteness because of her shyness.

Andrea still looked incredibly sexy in just her panties, but Lucas was always a sucker for the top only look. It'd look better if she was in one of his shirts or hoodie, but he wasn't complaining. 

Lying back with his hands behind his hand, Lucas took in the amazing view of the blond sisters. "Well, what are you two waiting for? Get over here."

Andrea was the first to move, curling up on his left side, trailing her hand up his abs. She buried her head into Lucas' neck, biting her lip as she enjoyed his scent. Shivering slightly when Lucas brought his hand up, to rest on her juicy ass. Giving it a nice squeeze. 

'Fuck. This was totally a mistake.' Lucas thought to himself. 'I'm just blue balling myself at this point.' He knew nothing was going to actually happen. Maybe a little petting but that's about it.

Looking back over to Amy caused him to give Andreas ass another squeeze, followed by another moan from her, right into his ear; her breath on his neck sending chills over his body. The scene of a pants-less Amy looking shy in a corner was doing something for him. He beckoned her over, and she was quick to listen. The way she crawled over making him thankful he had taken his trousers off. 

When she finally made it over to him she meekly cuddled up to his right side. Opposed to her older sister's more lustful clinging, going straight for his neck. Amy cutely cuddles up to his side, gently putting her head on his chest. Looking up through her lashes innocently with a cute little shy smile.

'Well played.' Andrea thought to herself as she saw just how well Amy's cute little act pulled Lucas in.


While Lucas just laid there in pure bliss and excitement for the future. 

'Maybe the apocalypse won't be so bad after all.'


There's the second chapter, hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to send in reviews, keeps me motivated. And if you want, check out the patr eon, nothing extra on it or anything. Just another form of motivation for me, ADHD sucks. I'll try and get another chapter out soon.

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