The beautiful and majestic wedding ceremony made the time fly for everyone attending.
By the time the holy ceremony was completed, it was already close to lunchtime. The wedding lunch was equally grand, unforgettable, and delicious.
But Bella chose not to stay longer at the reception hall with the other guests. Her breasts are already bulging and full of milk for the twins.
Hurriedly, she headed upstairs with Tristan to their room to rest and pump breast milk before doing anything else, including returning home.
"Hubby, should I stay here until night?" Bella asked, feeling conflicted about leaving without him. "I can ask Mom and Noora to bring the kids; this hotel room is big enough for them to stay for a few hours while we wait for you."
Congratulations, Sean and Harper!
Happy reading, everyone...
Sigh, it's sad that there are only a few chapters left!