The two men beside the man with the red rose tattoo were shocked beyond words, seeing their brother lying on the ground, unable to lift his head.
Feeling angry about the situation, the two gangsters looked at Leo, who was one meter away from them. He looked calm, with a sinister smile, looking at them.
"You bastard, I will kill you!!" They both shouted. When they tried to attack Leo, they saw him moving so fast that their eyes couldn't catch up. It shocked them.
Leo sent a powerful kick toward his target's knee with his right foot. Another loud crack sounded, like the sound of bones being broken, followed by a roar of pain.
"AARGH!!" The man was now slumped on the ground, unable to move his legs.
The last person panicked; he took out his dagger and stabbed Leo in the back when Leo was busy kicking his friends.
Happy reading! ^___^