The man smiled, revealing his yellow teeth before saying in a low, husky tone, "Hey, beauty, you should follow us..."
Bella frowned, looking at the man in the middle who pointed at her. She saw the red rose tattoo on his neck; she remembered never crossing paths with this man.
Then, she turned to see two men. They also had similar expressions and vibes, like the man in the middle; they all looked like gangsters. They were not good people.
Her fist tightened. She tried to think faster about who sent these people to arrest her. Jessica? Laura Kiels? Only these two people appeared in her mind.
Leo glanced over his shoulder.
"Do you know them?" he asked in his low tone.
"Nope. This is the first time I see them."
Leo turned his gaze to the three men in front of them. He sent a cold gaze to them.
"Who the heck are you to ask her to go with you?" Leo asked in an angry tone. "Move, or you'll end up in the hospital!"
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