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98.27% Uzumaki Legend / Chapter 57: Negotiation part 2

Chapter 57: Negotiation part 2

Mei sighed after taking a few minutes to respond to Kushina and Minato's offer. While she wasn't thrilled at the idea of a possible betrayal towards her country's Daimyo, but she had no choice, the offer was too good and the help of the Uzumaki clan would be crucial in the rebellion. "I accept. Though I hope the last part of the deal doesn't come true."

Kushina and Minato looked at each other and smiled before Kushina held out her hand to close the deal. The deal was perfect for the Uzumaki clan, besides spending practically nothing since the money they would lend would be used to buy sufferings that they themselves sold, so the Uzumaki clan will only get richer with this deal. In addition, with the entry of the future fuinjutsu guild in the country those profits would only multiply, not to mention that the country of water was the biggest producer of special ink for fuinjutsu that is extracted from marine snails that live mostly in this country. The Uzumaki clan will use Kiri's debt to acquire several ink factories.

Kushina's eyes seemed to sparkle as the money symbol appeared in her pupils. "That's the best decision you've made Mei-san. You'll see that with our help it will be easy to dethrone Yagura and end his reign of terror. Besides, if things get ugly in the future we won't rule out the idea of sending support" Kushina said with a smile.


At the ninja academy


"You have to stick the leaf on your forehead using your chakra just like I do" Kakashi said in a bored voice. It had only been half an hour since he had started his class and he had already regretted having accepted the teaching position

The kids tried to do what Kakashi had ordered but none of them could do it. The sheet wouldn't stay stuck on their forehead no matter how hard they tried.

Kakashi looked at this scene with approval, at least they were trying, but his gaze stopped on his little brother who was looking out of the window bored

"Hey Naruto, why aren't you doing what I said" Kakashi said.

Naruto looked at him and said "Do we really have to do this nii-san? You were supposed to teach us jutsus and not this child's game" Naruto said bored, all the classes he had today have been boring for him

Kakashi sighed at Naruto's complaints and replied "You have to call me sensei while we are at school Naruto. I can't teach any jutsu without you knowing how to use your chakra. This exercise is for you to learn how to control and manipulate your chakra."

"But this is too easy, I learned that exercise years ago" Naruto complained.

Kakashi sighed at Naruto's complaints, even though he knew Naruto was way ahead of most kids he couldn't do anything about it "Since you already mastered this exercise why don't you come here and teach it to us. If you get it I'll teach you the next step of the chakra control exercises" Kakashi said.

Naruto perked up when he heard Kakashi's words "Will you teach me the exercise of climbing trees without hands?" Naruto asked curious

"Don't tell me you also know the tree walking exercise?" Kakashi said a little worried. If Naruto knew that exercise he wouldn't be able to teach him anything else inside the classroom and he won't have anything to teach him today

Naruto shook his head and said "No, my dad told me it was not the time to learn it yet." ' Though I've been secretly trying' Naruto thought.

Minato and Kushina had to put the brakes on Naruto's training as they knew that if they didn't do it the academy would have nothing to teach him and it would be too hard to convince him to go to the academy. Although they could teach him everything themselves, Minato and Kushina want him to go to the academy to have a normal childhood and create bonds of friendship with the rest of the children of his generation and create nice memories of his childhood times as they knew that the future that awaited him was bleak

Naruto then stood up and walked to where Kakashi was. The kids who weren't his friends and Kiba looked at him expectantly that he couldn't do the exercise well. Sasuke looked away from the window for a moment to see what was going on, but his attention only lasted a few moments until he looked out the window again bored.

Naruto took a leaf from Kakashi's hand and said "You just need to bring your chakra towards the leaf and use it as glue to keep it from falling off, it is important to keep a steady flow of chakra towards the leaf otherwise it will fall off" Naruto said, and as he said it he stuck a leaf to his forehead without letting it fall earning the amazement of the other students, though none of them could understand what he had said. They had just unlocked their chakra only a few months ago and none of them knew how to use it well except for the clan children.

The girls who were already admiring him began to applaud him and the boys who were beginning to envy him looked at him angrily.

"hump, it was just luck" said Kiba

Naruto looked at him and rolled his eyes "It's not my fault you're so bad, dog" Naruto said making fun of Kiba making Naruto's female fans laugh at the dog boy

Kiba got angry and said "If you're really that good, why don't you wear two leaves on your forehead and do the exercise?" Kiba challenged him

"Just two?" Naruto said before walking over to his classmates and picking up his leaves. In total he collected ten leaves "Watch and learn dog. I'll only use ten leaves."

Naruto stuck two leaves on his forehead, two on his cheeks and what shocked everyone including Kakashi, he stuck the rest of the leaves on his chest above his clothes. If the exercise was already difficult to achieve by sticking the leaves to the skin, doing it on the clothes was even more so.

After sticking the ten leaves Naruto looked at Kiba with a smug look, which angered the boy even more, but before he shouted Kakashi interrupted them.

"Come on kids let's get back to class. Keep trying the exercise while I show Naruto the next step" Kakashi said.

Naruto perked up at Kakashi's words, but suddenly the bell rang signaling the end of the class

Kakashi looked at Naruto and said "Sorry Naruto, another day it will be" "Alright kids gather your stuff and head to the courtyard where Gai sensei is waiting for you" Kakashi said to the kids.

Naruto was very frustrated when he heard the bell 'You really had to ring now that I was going to learn something useful thought Naruto frustrated "Promise me you'll show me tomorrow?" said Naruto

Kakashi shook his head and said "Sorry, I have an important mission tomorrow and I won't be able to teach the class. I will only come back next week" Kakashi said saddening the boy. Before saying goodbye to the boy Kakashi said "Good luck in the next class Naruto, you will need it. I promise you won't be bored" Kakashi said while laughing.


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