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My New Life

As I woke up in my new apartment gifted to me by Hiruzen, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. The small bedroom with a single bed and closet, the kitchen-living room and one bathroom were more than enough for me. I checked the time - it was only 6:30 am.

 Remembering Kotetsu's words about my first month allowance being in the mailbox tomorrow morning, I decided to start my day early. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a broom from the closet to clean up the place.

 After finishing, I quickly checked my mailbox and found a small package with 20,000 ryo inside. It was a generous amount for one person to live on for a month. Glancing at the clock, I realized it was already 7:40 am and the academy would open at 8. I didn't want to be late, so I left the building and began running at an average 9 year old speed, cautious of Hiruzen potentially keeping tabs on me.


The heavy wooden doors of the academy swung open, and I rushed inside, hoping to make it to class on time. Kazuma, my best friend since childhood, sat at our usual table in the back corner of the classroom. I slid into the seat next to him, and he flashed a grin. "Yo, Hitoshi," he said. I returned the greeting with a nod as our teacher Mizuki walked in.

 We settled into our seats, but whispers between Kazuma and me filled the air as we tried not to get caught talking by Mizuki. Finally, the bell rang for break time, and Kazuma grabbed my arm excitedly. "Come on, I want you to meet the rest of our group," he said.

 We made our way through the bustling hallways of the academy until we reached a small park nearby. The grass was patchy and littered with trash, far from deserving its title as a park.

 "Hitoshi, these are my friends," Kazuma announced proudly as he introduced me to three other 9-year-olds.

 "I'm Mitsumano Nobutsuya from class 3C," said a dark-haired boy with piercing blue eyes. "I love dango and kunai."

 "I'm Doshiro Manazane, future Hokage," declared a blond-haired boy with deep brown eyes.

 And finally, a shy voice spoke up "I'm Shosho Sukehei, and my goal is to earn lots of money through ninja missions." This last member had bold blue hair and striking green eyes that seemed hesitant as they met mine for the first time.

I smiled warmly, taking in the diverse group of individuals that stood before me. Each one had a unique aura, a vibrant energy that resonated with their dreams and aspirations.

It was clear that we were all bound by our shared love for the ninja arts, our unwavering determination to carve our own paths in this world.

 As we settled down on the slightly worn-out benches, a sense of camaraderie enveloped us.

Mitsumano pulled out a bag of freshly made dango from his backpack, offering one to each of us. The sweet aroma wafted through the air as we savored the delicate treat, bonding over our shared love for this traditional snack.

 Doshiro leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with ambition. "Hitoshi, have you thought about what kind of ninja you want to be?" he asked eagerly.

 I pondered for a moment, considering the question deeply. "I've always been fascinated by the art of stealth and assassination," I replied,"So, I guess I would want to make it into the anbu."

 The group kept on talking about their goals, likes, dislikes and even just random things. But after three hours I said goobye to everyone and left to buy the supplies I needed.

 Leaving the park, I made my way through the bustling streets of Konoha, feeling a renewed sense of purpose after meeting my new group of friends. The sun shone brightly overhead, casting a warm glow on the busy marketplace I entered.

 My first stop was the clothing store, where bolts of vibrant fabric lined the shelves. A middle-aged woman stood behind the counter, her smile welcoming as she beckoned me closer.

 "Looking for something specific, young ninja?" she asked kindly. "Not, really I am just looking for some hoodies, shirts, pants and underwear," I replied, my eyes scanning the array of fabrics.

 "The ones I have now are a bit short so I need new one."I continued stretching my eyes in front of her and showing her my problem, since my jacket was closer to my elbow than my wrist. The woman nodded in understanding, guiding me towards a rack filled with different attires.

 Together, we selected some attires mainly green, blue, white and black since those were my favorite colors. I paid, thanked her and left the store. Next on my list was food.

 I went to the market and went around buying foods which I thought would make a good diet but wouldn't completely blow my allowance so mainly vegetales, carbohydrates and meat since those were the things that were most prevalent in the land of fire and therefore the cheapest.

 As I finished with everything carrying enough bags that it would look if I was an LA girl on a shopping spree if I was still in my previous world, rather than an orphan buying essentials. So as I couldnt carry anymore I decided to head home.

 As I made my way back home, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm orange glow on the village. People were starting to gather in the streets, chatting and laughing as they went about their evening routines.

 I smiled to myself as I thought about the new friends I had made today. They were all so different, yet we all shared a common goal of becoming powerful ninjas. It was comforting to know that I wasn't alone in this journey.

 Reaching my small apartment, I dropped my bags on the floor and collapsed onto my bed. My body was exhausted from the day's activities, but my mind was buzzing with excitement.

 As I unpacked my purchases and stocked my closet and fridge, I felt a sense of satisfaction. It may not have been much, but it was enough to sustain me for the month. However, as I counted the money I had left, I realized I only had a little over 6000 ryo. With this in mind, I made the decision to refrain from any unnecessary purchases for the remainder of the month.

Joanjudo Joanjudo

So, this is my first chapter written on a computer and not on a phone or iPad it felt really weird. Either way hope you liked it

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