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Chapter 2: Meet the family

Three years later


As I looked at myself in the mirror, and thought about this new body's features. I had red hair and purple eyes, just like my parents. My oval face and chubby cheeks made me look younger than I was. I wore a simple red hoodie with a blue shirt underneath and red pants. I felt comfortable and happy in my clothes and in my skin.

The last three years had been the best of both my lives. Even when I was a baby and couldn't do much, I had enjoyed being with my family. They loved me unconditionally and gave me a new identity. I was no longer Michael, the lonely orphan from another world.

I was Kowai, a beloved son of the Uzumaki clan.

I was ready for anything.

But before I could explore the world and discover its secrets, I had to learn from my parents. They had so much to teach me, so much to share with me. They had a wealth of knowledge and experience, from their own lives and from their ancestors. They had a legacy to pass on to me, a legacy of chakra, seals, and ninjutsu.

"Kowai, come here, sweetie. I have something to show you." My mother called me from the back door. She had a smile on her face, but I could see the fatigue in her eyes. She worked hard, every day, to take care of me and our home. She was the best mother in the world, and I couldn't have asked for better.

I walked to her, and hugged her. She kissed my cheek, and lifted me up. She carried me to the backyard, where my father was waiting. He was sitting on the ground, holding a brush and a bucket of ink. He was writing weird symbols on a scroll, with a focused expression on his face. He looked like he was doing something important, but I knew he was just having fun. He was the best father in the world, and I loved him more than anything.

"Look, Kowai. Your father is practicing his seals. Do you know what seals are?" My mother asked me, as she set me down next to him.

"Seals are techniques that use chakra to manipulate things?" I answered, looking at the symbols. As I looked at my father quickly scribble with his brush I couldn't wait to start learning seals too, one of the most powerful things in the world.

"Very good, Kowai. Seals are the hidden art of our clan, the Uzumaki. Do you remember the Uzumaki, Kowai?" My mother asked me, as she sat down beside me.

"Uzumaki are our people?" I answered, looking at her. She nodded, and smiled.

"Yes, Uzumaki are our people, and our pride. We have a long and proud history, from the land of Whirlpools. It's where your father and I were born, and where we lived before we came here. It's where our family and friends are, or were. It's where we learned to use chakra, and seals, and ninjutsu." She paused, and sighed.

"But it's also where we lost everything, Kowai. Our home, our people, our peace. We had to flee from the war, from the enemies, from the danger. We had to find a new place, a safe place, a hidden place. We had to start over, with nothing but each other, and our hope." She looked at me, and smiled again. "And then we had you, Kowai. You are our miracle, our blessing, our joy. You are the reason we keep going, the reason we keep fighting, the reason we keep living. You are our son, our pride, our love."

I felt a surge of warmth, and happiness, and wonder. I hugged her, and kissed her, and whispered in her ear.

"I love you, too Mom. I love you, too Dad."

They hugged me back, and whispered in my ear.

"We love you too, Kowai. We love you more than anything."


I watched as my father finished writing the last seal on the scroll. He put down the brush, and wiped his forehead. He looked at me, and winked.

"Ready to see some magic, Kowai?" He asked me, in a voice that sounded playful and excited.

I nodded, and clapped my hands. I loved watching my father use his seals. They were amazingly intricate, and powerful. They were like nothing I had ever seen before.

He picked up the scroll, and held it in front of him. He bit his thumb, and smeared some blood on the seal. He muttered some words, and then threw the scroll on the ground.

"Sensing Barrier!" He shouted, in a voice that sounded loud and confident.

A dome of light erupted from the scroll, and a humming sound filled the air. I gasped, and shielded my eyes. I saw a barrier of chakra surround our house, and a design of several circles with the kanji for boundary (界) and barrier (結界) inscribed in them.

"What is this, Dad?" I asked, in an amazed tone.

"This is a sensing barrier, Kowai. It's a technique that allows us to detect any intruders or enemies that enter our territory, it works by filtering out the chakra of us three and if a person with a higher amount of chakra than a chunnin enters it, I will get notified like a small brain zap. It's a way of protecting ourselves, and our home." He replied.

He pointed at the four corners of the barrier, where four smaller scrolls were placed.

"These are the four corner sealing barriers, Kowai. They are the ones that generate and maintain the sensing barrier. They are also the ones that can activate a powerful barrier technique, if we ever need to. It's a way of fighting back, and defending ourselves."

He looked at me, and smiled.

"Do you want to learn how to use these seals, Kowai? Do you want to learn how to be a true Uzumaki?" He asked me, in a voice that sounded hopeful and encouraging.

I looked at him, and nodded.

"Yes, Dad. I want to learn. I want to be a true Uzumaki." I said, in a voice that sounded eager and determined.

He smiled, and hugged me.

"That's my boy, Kowai. That's my Uzumaki." He said as sudden boisterous laughter started coming out of his mouth.

Joanjudo Joanjudo

Welp next chapter down as I said I am going to try and flesh out the characters, and also I know that Kowai is acting like a child when he was 18 but he is just enjoying something he previously didn’t have and never experienced so I would let him have some fun.

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