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66.66% Summoning India/USA-1941 / Chapter 2: ch 1

Chapter 2: ch 1

3:30 am EST

11 August 2040

North America Aerospace Defence Command Headquarters

Peterson space force base,colorado springs

Chaos! That's the only word that can describe the situation in North America Aerospace Defence Command  also

Known As NORAD 

Setup in 1957 as a joint project between Canada and The USA to protect North American Airspace and early warning against

Soviet nuclear attack. In case of nuclear war the facility was also built as a fallout shelter for the federal government

In case of emergency like this one

Major General Matthew commander of NORAD is the command room standing in middle of this chaos

The reason for this chaos.they have lost all contact with their fleet in the Indian Ocean which was doing joint military

Exercise with the ships from Indian and Australian navy. They tried contacting New Delhi but similarly they failed to get in contact with India. They have got similar response from Australia. No contact whatsoever and not just india and Australia they are unable to contact Canada or any other NATO allies

This has 2 meaning either the entire country alongside their fleet is faceing some technical malfunctions or Their fleet and The capital of India has been nuked and the India have already launched a nuclear counter strike against either Pakistan or China. But no that's not what has happened because no matter how powerful a nuke is it can't make a country disappear along with the fact that doesn't explain the lack of contact with other countries

The only thing they know is that NASA also lost contact 90% of there satellites and The ISS and that the US was surrounded bye, a wall of blinding White light along its borders and cost. It doesn't matter what happened General Mathew knew that It will be a major headache.

Some time before

Bharatiya navy base, Andaman and Nicobar islands

Aboard USS Gerald R Ford

Admiral Jonathan Kent, along with his entire fleet was shocked into silence when the white light surrounded them group

He immediately contacted his Indian counterpart Rear Admiral Guswant Singh asking him what is happening and if this is

Part of the exercise they are conducting The rear Admiral also surprised but not panicked. (They don't panic. They are The Indian Navy) as he was sure they could deal with any hostiles as they are the most powerful navy in the world second only to

The US. So while Maintaining a calm face he told both the American and Australian Admirals that no this is not a part of their exercise and he doesn't know what is this white light but he is trying to contact Delhi but they are unable to contact the mainland. Similar situation were happening all over the Indian borders and there over sea military bases but they didn't know

Know that

12 August 2040

The PMO, Kartavya Path, New Delhi

The prime minister of Bharatiya Ganarajya(The Republic of India ) was not old like his predecessor becoming the prime minister at the age of 33 becoming the youngest person to become the prime minister of India.The prime minister was talking to his assistant about his speech on there 93rd Independence Day. This is his first Independence Day since being re-elected into the office for his second term.

Alright Ayush for gods sake shut up there no need to worry your speech for 15th August is perfect! Shouts my assistant Saksham Bharadwaj an IAS officer and my old friend. Well let me introduce myself I am Ayush Sehrawat and as you all knowI am the prime minister of India Serving my second term in office and I am 39. So continuing with our discussion I say Yes I know but still it is a big announcement now india is not dependent on outside world and is self sufficient in everything Or have resources to be self sufficient in everything. So calm Down and lis-saksham starts to say same thing but is cutoff Mid sentence when the door of my office is banged opened by Jatin Dhankhar my Head of security and an SPG commando And in panic says sir we have to get you out of here and to the emergency bunker. What! why ? What's wrong and what about

Ayaan and sam- sir your son and wife are being transported to Safdarjung Airport where the air India one is ready to take off as we speak. Now we have to get you out of here ASAP sir .

Seeing this I nod let him escort me to my state car which along with an entire convoy of about 25 cars once I get in the convoy starts driving inside Jatin brief me of the situation which he admittedly don't know much about himself self just that they lost contact with the outside world and all the infrastructure has disappeared I was plane confused with this but I asked him to connect me

With The Cheif of defence staff within a couple minutes I get in contact with the CDS. I tell him about what he probably knows more about The situation than myself but I ordered him to start The Cold Start Protocol to meet me asap along with my cabinet and Heads To which he replies in affirmative.

Soon we reach at our destination where The Air India One, a heavyly modified boings 747 is ready to take off I quickly get onboard the plane and find my wife for 14 years Samaira and my 10 year old son Ayaan as I enter my son immediately comes and hugs me and my wife ask me what is happening to which I say it don't know but soon I have a meeting with my cabinet so I don't wait for much longer and leave after reassuring my family that everything will be alright. To which they nod as I give them another hug.after talking to my family I go to take a bath and rest for a while before my meeting with my cabinet of ministers but before that I go to the conference room and call all the chief ministers and tell them that a lockdown is to be maintained and police and other law enforcement are to kept on alert to maintain order after which I go and take some rest

As the prime minister rests blissfully ingnorant of the shit storm happening all over the world as the Indian army mobilises not

Knowing the next war the fight will not be against Pakistan or China but against the British and later against the Axis

Indian Navy base,Andaman and Nicobar islands

Onboard INS Vishal aircraft carrier

Rear Admiral Gushwant Singh was having a major headache as as soon as the contact was established back with Delhi he was ordered that the cold start protocol was started and his fleet was to move out of the port and secure the Bay of Bengal and be ready for for war. Well at least this ship would see some action. There another headache about how he should explain this to the Americans and Australians.he is sure that admiral Kent is going to blow a gasket. well time to get to work

Sellmonbhai22 Sellmonbhai22

Well there's the frist chapter I hope you like it and please comment to show your support guys

also guys please join my discord server


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