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47.36% Extra Rising / Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Moment before Disaster

Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Moment before Disaster

As the evening descended, I and Egil revved up our bikes outside of North station, ready to depart for our next destination. The engines roared to life, vibrating with excitement. 

Egil riding a superbike that matched his size, and me with my café racer.

"Tik Meathouse seems not full yet, you down?" I said to Egil after checking on my phone. 

"Yep, anywhere I could stuff my stomach," Egil said with nonchalant, rubbing his stomach. "I'm starving as hell."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Figures, let's go then."

As I tightened my helmet, Egil, ever the enthusiast, grinned at me, his eyes gleaming with an adventurous spirit. "Last one there buys dinner!" he called out, his voice barely audible over the rumbling engines.

I flashed a confident smirk in return, my competitive nature sparked by the challenge. 

"You're on!" I exclaimed, gripping the handlebars, my eyes fixed on the road ahead. 

An unspoken yet clear signal passed between us. We exchanged a quick nod and took off on our bikes, skillfully navigating the city streets with a rush of adrenaline.

The city lights blurred past as we skillfully maneuvered through the lanes, deftly avoiding traffic. Both of us pushed our motorcycles to their limits. 

My focus narrowed, the wind whipping against my face, heart pounding with exhilaration.

Egil also not one to back down, kept pace, the thrill of the race evident in his enthusiastic shouts. "Woo!"

"Pft…hahaha!" I also let out a laughter of excitement.

Our laughter carried on the evening breeze, mingling with the sounds of the roaring engines as we darted past intersections and overtook slower vehicles. Our vehicles were going in full throttles.

The competition was fierce, but the camaraderie between the two friends was palpable, a bond forged through shared adventures from past and the one yet come.

'Life should be enjoyed!' I bemused to myself.

The café drew nearer, and we eased off the throttle, bringing our bikes to a smooth stop. The warm glow and tantalizing aroma spilled from the entrance, beckoning us to step inside.

Both riders were grinning from ear to ear, a shared sense of triumph evident in their expressions. The exhilarating ride left us both filled with excitement. 

Egil turned to me. "Looks like I won this time," he teased, flashing a victorious grin.

I removed the helmet from my head with a chuckle, ruffling my jet-black hair. "Fair and square," I admitted, a hint of teasing in my voice. "Dinner's on you tonight."

With a playful punch on my shoulder, Egil nodded in agreement. "Deal!" he exclaimed before suddenly realization struck. "Wait, no. Why am I the one treating?" Egil asked, confused.

I also looked at him with a confused face and said, "Eh? Cuz that's the deal?"

"Huh?" He exclaimed.

"Winner buy dinner," I explained to him, still in a confused tone, but I'm laughed inside. "You said that, aren't you?" 

"…" Egil frowned, pinching his chin and made a difficult face trying to remember whether he really said that. 

Suddenly his eyes widen and look at me with an accusing gaze, "No! I clearly said loser buy dinner. Don't try to trick me, Vin." 

"Haha, joking, joking. Sorry, it's my treats." I laughed out loud and patted his shoulder. 

We both entered the restaurant, joking playfully together, our laughter booming over the evening air. The aroma of various cuisines instantly greets us even before we entered.

"Welcome, how many people?" a young waitress around our age asked as she welcome us into the restaurant.

"Two, please." I answered while Egil was already looking for vacant seats.

The waitress flashed a polite smile and said: "Yes, feel free to choose any seat you like."

We nodded to her and went ahead to the table Egil been eyeing. We settled in at a corner table.

With a refreshing sensation of cool drinks, I look around the restaurant. This place is not especially high end in any means, but there're unique charm to them. 

The cozy ambiance of the interior, bustling with activities, makes it more like a pub in fantasy story, where people could catch their breath after the exhilarating adventure with your companion.

Seated comfortably, I perused the menu. My eyes lighting up at the various foods of Amara's cuisine. 

There were some that look the same as the dishes on Earth, which I wonder if they taste the same too, but right now, my interest in something else.

'Monster Cuisine,' there's a section where they use monster as ingredient. 

Each dish seemed more intriguing than the last, with the uniqueness that will never found on Earth.

The description was cryptic yet enticing, mentioning the dishes' exotic origins, and the ingredient used in the dish. 

It boasted flavors beyond the ordinary, a blend of spices and textures that promised a culinary adventure unlike any other.

Amara, a land steeped in fantasy after that apocalypse 500 years ago, was renowned for its unique ingredients and bold, unconventional recipes. 

Of course, even now there're normal livestock that were used regularly but with various unknown things appearing,

Plus human that was known as creature that ruled by their curiosity?

Monster ingredient and other magical things became a staple in Amaran cuisine along the way that you can see them in any household, celebrated for its distinct taste and rumored benefits.

My mind raced with curiosity and a touch of apprehension, wondering about the flavors and the tales hidden behind this enigmatic dish.

'In the game, there're only some of these dishes that have useful effect but now I can taste them all!'

Egil, noticing my fascination, chuckled. "You gonna go with monster meal for dinner, Vin?"

I grinned back, unable to contain my excitement. "Yeah, any recommendation?"

"You like something savory on spicy side right? If so, I recommend this," He said, pointing to the dish with the name Roasted Spicy Chucklume.

I glanced at what he indicated and my eyes widened.

'This bastard…'

I read the description. The dish made from a monster called Chucklume which was a diminutive, low-powered monster that resembles a small, chubby chicken, but with a shimmering, iridescent plumage that changes color depending on its mood.

Because of their cute appearance, many new player careless about them or try to tame them, but these bastards just attack out of nowhere when they're angry. 

Worst they got ability to affect the moods of other chucklume too. So what happened when they live in a flock? Bro got gang up till dead. 

'I definitely eat them'

The waitress approached, breaking our conversation. Her warm smile suggested familiarity with patrons, intrigued by the monster meat. "Have you decided on your order?"

I glanced at Egil, who gestured for me to go first. "I'll have this," I declared, pointing to the dish Egil recommended, feeling a surge of anticipation tingling in my veins.

The waitress nodded, unfazed by the choice. "Excellent choice. And for you?" she turned to Egil.

Meanwhile, Egil's eyes scanned the menu with an unbridled enthusiasm, his gaze fixating on the meat-centric options. 

"Give me everything meaty you've got!" he exclaimed, flashing a wide grin. "Sweets are good, but as expected, meat is the best!"

The waiter chuckled at Egil's enthusiasm and jotted down his order, impressed by the young man's voracious appetite for all things meaty.

As the waitress sauntered away to place our order, my nerves danced with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The thought of indulging in an exotic culinary delight sent thrills through me.

As we waited for their food, Egil and I engaged in lively banter, discussing the earlier race. Egil recounted the moments of his victory in exaggerated details, while I teased him about his obsession with horsepower and meat.

Our laughter echoed through the cafe, drawing a few curious glances from nearby patrons. Despite our different preferences in food and interests, I could feel the camaraderie that I missed on Earth with Egil. 

Became an adult was not always a good thing. Many people come into your life, but many more leave along the time, whether with a choice or not. Some that standing with you now might not be there in the future. That's just a reality of human life.

'To be a teenager again is not that bad,' I thought to myself. The past can't be change, the future is unsure, only present need to live to the fullest.

Before long, the aroma of freshly prepared dishes wafted from the kitchen, signaling the arrival of our orders. 

Plates laden with aromatic roasted chucklume before Vincent, while a tantalizing array of grilled meats adorned Egil's side of the table.

I cast my eyes on the dish infront of me. Though the ingredients used were different, it looked no different from a slightly bigger chicken, tidbit smaller than turkey.

Using the fork and knife served, I dived into the meal. Juice flew down as I cut the meat, pooling the plate, making appetizing dipping.

As I lifted a piece of the Roasted Spicy Chucklume to my mouth, the aroma filled my senses, and the flavors exploded on my taste buds. 

The meat was succulent and tender, with a hint of spiciness that danced on my tongue. The juiciness of the Chucklume blended perfectly with the spices akin to Sichuan cuisine, packing a punch of flavour. 

The aftertaste also leaving behind a lingering warmth that made me feel content and relax. I don't know if it is just me feeling, or it's an effect of using chucklume, but since it's delicious, I don't really care. 

On the other side of the table, Egil attacked his meaty feast with gusto, savoring the hearty flavors with an almost childlike delight. 

Juices from the perfectly grilled cuts dripped onto his hot clay plate, emphasizing the succulence of the meats he so ardently celebrated. The vapor of delicious smells drifted through the air, tempting the taste buds.

In between bites, Egil declared, "See, Vincent, meat is the answer to all cravings!" as if the assertion had been proven time and time again.

I grinned in response, "Maybe for you," taking another mouthful of juicy chucklume.

"Vin, you have to try this!" he exclaimed, gesturing to the array of grilled meats on his plate. "This one here, it's like heaven in my mouth!"

I chuckled at his unabashed enthusiasm, savoring the unique flavors of the Chucklume. "Well, I'm glad you're enjoying your meaty paradise over there. This Chucklume is surprisingly good."

The conversation flowed effortlessly and as the evening progressed; the restaurant filled with a lively ambiance. Patrons chatted animatedly, clinking glasses in celebration. 

The atmosphere was infectious, and the experience felt like you can just forget about the hustle and bustle of the outside world.

Between bites, I couldn't help but appreciate the uniqueness of Amara–a world where monsters were not just creatures to be battled but also ingredients in a culinary masterpiece. 

The creativity of the chefs in crafting dishes from these beings that once seen as Babayaga to human added an extra layer of excitement to the dining experience.

We continued to enjoy our meal, the banter between us flowing effortlessly. As we sipped on our drinks, our conversation took an unexpected turn toward our preferences in women. 

I leaned back in my chair, a playful glint in my eyes. "So, Egil, tell me about your ideal type. Someone who loves meat as much as you do?"

Egil laughed heartily, taking a moment to ponder the question before responding. "Nah, nah, nah," he said, shaking his head. "I'm looking for a girl who's as bold as a lion, has a voice as sweet as a nightingale, and can challenge me in an arm-wrestling match!"

I chuckled at Egil's eccentric description, raising an eyebrow in amusement. "Quite the unique taste you've got there. Where you even find someone like that?"

'Even among heroines, there's none like that' 

Egil shrugged with a mischievous grin. "Who knows? Maybe there's a hidden gem out there waiting to challenge me to an eating contest while singing opera."

I laughed, finding Egil's offbeat preferences highly entertaining. "Well, I think I'll stick to someone who appreciates a good conversation and maybe shares a love for exploring new things."

"Eh, boring!" Egil teased, throwing a playful jab at my more conventional tastes. 

As he continued to share his elaborate criteria for the ideal woman, I couldn't help but added with a smirk remembering my waifus, each one of them cross my mind, "I just love a good woman—someone who spreads her wings to be her best."

I clarified with a chuckle, "I mean, someone who embraces their uniqueness and strives to be the best version of themselves. You never know where you might find-"

My words caught in my throat, eyes widen in shocked. 

"Hmm?" Egil looked at me with bewildered face since I stopped speaking but I ignored it.

Why? Because in a split second, my attention was momentarily caught by a familiar face amidst the bustling crowd outside. 

Although she was wearing a hoodie, covering her head, there was no way I could be mistaken. A face that had crossed my mind moments ago. 

My heart skipped a beat as recognition dawned, but what I saw both excited and shocked me.

Terrifying thoughts raced through my mind as I noticed the absence of the prominent scar that was supposed to etch from her cheek to her neck. A scar that, by all accounts, shouldn't have been able to heal completely yet.

'How?' I pondered by myself.

I had a vivid impression of that scar in the game–since there's an important quest in order to heal them.

A flicker of unease tugged at me, a premonition of something amiss. How could this be? The scar was as much a part of her identity as the glint of mischief in her eyes. 

Yet, from what I saw, she, seemingly untouched by the once-inescapable blemish.

The bustling crowd around her quickly hides her presence, but I'm sure that was her. Questions flooded my mind, competing with a sense of apprehension. How was this even possible? But wait…

"C'mon me," I muttered under his breath, 'Remember back the story of that scar.'

The scar that made her unable to continue her dream, throwing her onto the path of an explorer. 

She got that in incident before the plot began, she didn't specify the time it happened but it's an incident regarding dungeon…

Suddenly, a chill brushed against my spine. Maybe it's some premonition bullshit but, a sense of urgency propelled me forward to take action. 

But before I could do anything, a massive magic circle materialized around the area we're in, enveloping it completely. My eyes widened in shock, panic rising swiftly within me.

I found myself in a whirlwind of confusion. The sight of the colossal magic circle left me bewildered and on edge. 

Though I couldn't discern the circle's purpose, a sinking feeling settled in my gut, signaling imminent trouble.

"Get out of here, now!" I shouted. Towards who? I don't know, but urgency palpable in my voice.

Egil and other patrons expression also frozen on the sight. 

"What happened!?" Egil shouted, standing up from his seat, eyes trembling in shocked.

Chaos descends inside restaurant.

My eyes darted around, following the quickly expanding magic circle covering the vast area, trapping many of us like prey ready to be stomped.

I casted my glance around trying to find the trace of that girl but the ground beneath us began to tremble violently. 

The magic circle's ominous presence added to my foreboding sense that danger loomed ahead. Unlike normal, this magic circle was more malevolent and sinister.

My mind raced, trying to make sense of the surrounding chaos for the way out, but panic threatened to engulf my thoughts.

Whatever this unexpected turn meant, I knew we had to escape the unfolding situation as quickly as possible.

"Egil, we have to go now!" I tried to warn my friend, but before I could finish my sentence, the ground beneath us began to crack and fissure, the cafe's floors shaking violently. 

With a sudden rush of wind and crackling energy, my vision blurred. The world crumbled around us. 

"Ugh!..." many painful exclamations resonated simultaneously.

The arcane in surrounding shook in violent, an overwhelming force threatening to shatter my consciousness. In that instant, the bustling café was no more.

The intense vibration surged through every fiber of my being, a relentless tremor that seemed to shake the very foundations of reality. 

The intensity surged through the air, leaving everyone frozen in fear. There was no time for anyone to react before the ground beneath us ruptured.

Pain seared through my senses, a sharp and intense jolt that tore through my very core. The fissures spread like a spider's web, fracturing the once-stable floor. 

Egil, like the others, was caught off guard, expressions of shock etched on every face ugly or not. The chaotic energy that engulfed us robbed everyone of their ability to comprehend the sudden transformation.

As the magical storm raged, the vibrations reached a crescendo, a torment that exceeded the limits of the physical realm. Every nerve in my body screamed in protest, the pain almost too much to bear. 

Yet, amidst the agony, a strange realization emerged–the vibrations were not just physical; they resonated with something deeper, something arcane. 

I tried to enhanced myself with but it's useless. Instability in arcane made it impossible. 

No one could move. No one could react. The pain became a paralyzing force, locking everyone in a moment of excruciating torment. It was as if time itself had suspended, trapping us in the clutches of an unseen force.

And then, with an abrupt cessation of the vibrations, the pain subsided. The crackling energy dissipated, leaving behind an eerie silence. 

Darkness swallowed my senses, and I felt myself plummeting into the unknown void.

In that suspended state, with no grasp on reality, there's only one thing in my mind before awareness gone:

'I'm fucked!!'

Farze Farze

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