Todoroki immediately sends a wave of ice that spreads out like a snake chasing after its prey.
I laughed and Dodged to the side while doing a duck-and-roll, which brought me to the far left side of the box, Todoroki however didn't give up he continued to send wave after wave of ice towards me I continued Dodging until I decided that was enough Ice on the field for what I wanted to do.
Suddenly all the ice that had gathered inside the house box started to move and liquefy becoming water that all gathered up into a giant ball of water that floated above the field.
Todoroki's eyes widened and he stomped on the ground to send a glacier of ice to the floating ball but I quickly controlled it to move out of the way, I also used the ice he just made to add to the now massive ball of H2O that was above the air.
Todoroki realized he was outmatched and gritted his teeth showing true emotion for the first time this entire time.
The Water moved over to me and started to shape into a giant shape of a man I jumped into it, my head was tiny compared to it so it made it look strange at first a giant water body without a head.
Todoroki sends more and more Ice at me but each freezing attempt is just met by it melting immediately and entering the water mech.
I laughed and the mech held out a hand which I popped out of any stood on.
"COME ON TODOROKI!!" I screamed down at him he glared up with ice-like eyes, "USE YOUR ENTIRE QUIRK! WITHOUT IT YOU STAND A WAPPING ZERO % OF DEFEATING ME!!" I yelled down at him and he shook in anger at my asking of him to use his fire side.
"No! I won't use that! I won't use his power!!!!" He sends a glacier of ice that could rival the amount he sent in the sports festival, this actually does freeze my mech of water making it unusable.
I jumped down using a small disk of water to soften my landing.
"Well, you have impressed me Todoroki, Illinois give you that… But your stubbornness will be your downfall." I said and controlled the actual ice to wrap around his legs, the ice melted on one side of his body making me scoff.
"So you won't use his power to fight but you will to melt the ice? How idiotic…" I place two disks of ice under my feet and Skate at him at great speeds.
He tried to send more ice at me but I just shattered it with my ice control and eventually, I was right in front of him, Before he could react I punched him right in the nose making him fall on his ass.
He held his bleeding nose and looked up at me with shaking eyes filled with conflicted emotions.
"You've disappointed me greatly, good night." I kick the side of his head knocking him out.
"Well, that was anti-climatic…"
At the time of writing this chapter, it is half 12 and I have college in the morning on Tuesday so I wrote this 500-word chapter so you guys wouldn't be left on a cliffhanger too long.
This chapter should be out at ten in the morning so, at the time you reading this I am most likely in my course doing work lol.