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11. The Power of Blue Flames. The Final Fire Fist.

│3rd Person POV│

[Grand Line, New World, Partridge Island Shore…]


A loud explosion resonated through the air. Ed's body ballooned up massively before it exploded, releasing large swaths of purple poisonous gas in all directions.

"Not good!"

"It's poison gas!"

"Quickly retreat, evacuate this place."


This scene left Thatch and Ace stunned, particularly Ace, who was tasked with dealing with Ed. Despite being sure of victory, the sudden self-destruction of Ed and the subsequent spread of terrifying poisonous gas caught him off guard.

Even after utilizing the Flare-Flare Fruit's power to his current limit, he was unable to cover such a large area.

"Damn bastard!"

Roaring inside, Ace was overcome with anxiety and anger. Amidst the chaos, he ordered a retreat and launched a relentless attack.




In a short period, he unleashed countless huge fire fists to evaporate the poisonous gas.

However, his efforts proved insufficient as this time, the poisonous mist was significantly greater in quantity and quality.



Screams echoed as members of the Second and Fourth Divisions of the Whitebeard Pirates succumbed to the poisonous gas, writhing in pain on the ground.

The distressing scene soured Thatch and Ace's faces even further.

Thatch intensified his assault on Poison Wolf, and Ace, in a desperate attempt to get rid of the poisonous gas, continued to launch his signature move with reckless abandon.

He completely disregarded the strain he was putting on his body by using his Devil Fruit's power in such a way.

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of their efforts was limited.

The poisonous gas, spreading on a large scale, even approached the area where Ron and others were situated.

"No, retreat quickly!"

"Retreat, retreat to the seaside."

"Enter the seawater to hopefully avoid the attack of the poisonous gas."

The doctors on the scene, recognizing the imminent danger, ran toward the sea area even faster.

Although entering the seawater might prove to be futile as they had seen the poisonous gas corroding even the fishes in the sea earlier, staying on the shore meant spelled death even quicker.

"It's really troublesome."

Ron's eyes revealed a sense of helplessness as he faced the sudden turn of events just after being forced to fight for his life.

Unable to enter the sea due to his Devil Fruit powers, he had no choice but to confront the poisonous gas threatening him.

"I hope you don't disappoint me!"

Muttering in his heart, Ron discarded the longsword he had picked up before. Looking at the poisonous gas coming from all directions, he raised his hand and roared out with all his might, "Blue Flames!!!"

Blue flames bloomed, and as the surrounding temperature increased, Ron waved his hand sharply, creating a large blue flame spherical barrier in the area in front of him.



The poisonous gas and the flame barrier made contact, resulting in a harsh sizzling sound.

Soon, it became evident that the poisonous gas was unable to breach the flame barrier and Ron also discovered that he didn't have to keep adding flames to the barrier to keep it strong. He only had to maintain control over the shape of the barrier.

"That is?"

"Captain Marco's Phoenix Flame?"

"Captain Marco is here?"

"No, something's wrong; the person wielding this power is Ron!"

"Oh my god, how did Ron obtain Captain Marco's fruit power?"


The revelation caused an uproar as everyone's eyes focused on Ron's area. The strange and unbelievable sight of Ron using the Phoenix Flame garnered attention and curiosity.

"What are you still not moving?"

Seeing them wasting time by exclaiming unimportant things at such a juncture, Ron was baffled.

After confirming that his Blue Flames could keep the poisonous gas at bay, he felt relieved in his heart.

Then he said, "Everyone, please evacuate towards me. Bring out the injured too!

"All the doctors, be ready to detoxify people as soon as they come over, suppress their injuries, and heal them after I clear the poisonous gas."



The members of the Second and Fourth Divisions brightened up, recognizing Ron as their hope for survival in this dire situation.

Without hesitation, they moved towards Ron's area with the poisoned individuals.

Conversely, the Poisonous Wolf Pirates got no attention nor were they offered any assistance. Under the attack of the poisonous gas, they perished on the spot.


"That's Blue Flames!"

At the same time, Ace and Thatch also witnessed Ron's actions.

They breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Ron was capable of blocking the poisonous gas with his powers and even rescuing the poisoned people.

Immediately afterward, they felt happy inside as their insistence on bringing Ron along with them proved to be correct as his intervention played a vital role in minimizing the losses of both divisions.

Ron's assistance directly minimized the casualty of both the Second and Fourth Division members, while also bringing hope for a possible cure for those poisoned in the aftermath of Ed's self-destruction.

"That brat! He has the Phoenix Fruit's ability? Is Marco dead?"

Meanwhile, Poison Wolf was left dumbfounded.

Except for him, the entire Poison Wolf Pirate Group had been killed, and the unexpected turn of events baffled him.

Ron's possession of the Phoenix's ability not only blocked the poisonous gas from claiming more lives but also hinted that those already poisoned could be cured and saved.

Those still alive were now unlikely to be in danger anymore.

"Kid, I want you to die!"

Not caring about Thatch's attacks anymore, Poison Wolf roared and transformed into a two-headed wolf that was more than ten meters tall and more than twenty meters in length, charging toward Ron with malicious intent.

"Not good!"

Thatch's expression changed drastically as he realized that he couldn't stop Poison Wolf with his speed.

He was filled with shame upon his weakness but he suppressed it for the moment and called upon Ace to intercept Poison Wolf before he could reach Ron.


Ace, although weakened from the high-intensity use of his abilities, still reacted swiftly.

Just like Ron, Ace was also practicing the Enhanced Marine Six Styles, and his understanding of Sea Moonwalk had already reached beyond the Entry-level.

This showed that Ace was more talented than Ron in terms of learning Martial Arts. Well, considering his lineage, it was not that shocking.

Using Sea Moonwalk not only allows one to traverse any water surface but also enhances the speed of the standard Moonwalk, far surpassing the speed of the regular Marine Six Styles Moonwalk.

Utilizing the standard Moonwalk with all his might, he positioned himself in front of Poison Wolf, preparing for a final, powerful attack, one last Hiken.


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Shameless P@treon plug. I've got one;


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