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53.01% Redoing My Life (Modern Family) / Chapter 44: All According to Plan pt.1

Chapter 44: All According to Plan pt.1

Jeremy and Jacob strode confidently through the corridors of Stardust Studios' headquarters, they both had confident smirks on their faces. 

Both men were acutely aware of the significance of this gathering, convened to discuss the overwhelming success of the Blair Witch Project. They had seen the projections for the movie's profit months ago, but the actual profits had exceeded expectations, sparking a wave of dissatisfaction among their peers regarding the sharing of profits.

Upon entering the lobby, Jeremy and Jacob mingled with their colleagues with the ease of seasoned professionals. Their handshakes were firm; their smiles, courteous.

"Ralph, my friend, it's great to see you," Jeremy warmly greeted one of the eldest attendees, Ralph Langston, a close companion of his late father.

"It's good to see you too, Jeremy," Ralph responded.

"Did you receive my messages?" Jeremy inquired.

"Yes, I've seen them. I agree with some of your points," Ralph replied.

"I hope, then, you understand the necessity of renegotiating with Daniel…"

"Let's not forget, Jeremy, the role this young man has played in the studio's resurgence," Ralph interjected sharply.

"I'm fully aware of that..."

"My attendance today is driven by the need to secure a larger share of the profits from the Blair Witch project. While I agree that adjustments to his contract are needed, I oppose removing him from the creative process, as you've suggested."

"Ralph..." Jeremy attempted to interject.

"There's nothing more to discuss," Ralph concluded, effectively ending the conversation.

Jeremy watched the retreating figure of his father's old friend. "The old fucker can't see what we're trying to accomplish here," he muttered under his breath.

As the conference was about to begin, Jeremy and Jacob caught sight of Chris. They weaved through the gathering to speak with him, seeking to gauge his stance and determine where his allegiances lay.

"Chris, great to see you," Jacob greeted, offering a handshake, with Jeremy quickly following suit.

"Jeremy, Jacob," Chris acknowledged with a nod.

"We're all looking forward to putting all this unpleasantness behind us," Jeremy initiated, his tone hinting at deeper implications.

"Yes, this is all for the studio's future," Jacob chimed in, carefully observing Chris's reaction.

Chris nodded, his response measured. "I understand your concerns. I have given it a lot of thought. We will need to talk to Daniel; it's crucial we all work together for the studio's best interest," he said, his words carefully chosen to avoid revealing too much.

Jeremy and Jacob shared a brief, approving look, interpreting Chris's words as an indication that he might be slowly aligning more with their perspective. Happy with this development, they made their way to the conference room as the meeting was about to start.




The conference room was spacious, with a large, polished wooden table dominating the space, surrounded by comfortable, high-backed leather chairs. Natural light streamed in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, offering a panoramic view of the studio lot. A large screen for presentations and video conferences was also present.

With the initial pleasantries exchanged and everyone seated, the meeting formally began.

Chris, the head of the studio, sat with a commanding presence at the table's head, with the rest of them seated on his sides. The room fell into a respectful silence as Jeremy rose to speak,he greeted everyone and quickly got to the point.

"We are at a crossroads Ladies and Gentlemen," he began, his voice steady and confident. "In recent years, our studio has experienced unprecedented success, a testament to Chris's visionary leadership. His daring initiatives have significantly elevated our standing within Hollywood."

Applause filled the room, a shared acknowledgment of their collective achievements.

"However," Jeremy continued, skillfully navigating the delicate topic at hand, "this success has also highlighted certain disparities within Stardust Studios." He paused, glancing around the room, making eye contact with each board member in turn.

"The Blair Witch Project, a movie our studio made, is currently dominating the box office. It's projected to conclude its theatrical run with earnings surpassing 300 million dollars."

"Based on the initial projections we received months ago, we expected the revenue to be around 100 million. Even then, it was clear that the studio was not poised to receive the most of the profits, considering the film was produced with our resources and personnel. We deserved a larger slice," Jeremy stated, addressing the room.

Elena Simpson, one of the shareholders, raised a point. "But didn't Mr. Adler finance the majority of the film? We only gave the green light because it was a low-budget project, and Adler promised to cover all expenses."

"I agree. There shouldn't be an issue here. We could have financed it entirely on our own," another shareholder contributed.

Ralph added, "And if I recall, it was you, Jeremy, and Jacob, who were particularly against moving forward with this project."

Jeremy sought to clarify his stance, "What I'm emphasizing is that this situation has led to a significant operational imbalance."

Jacob stood to support his colleague. "Exactly. While Daniel Adler is undeniably talented, he currently has an excessive amount of influence within Stardust."

This comment sparked whispers among the board members, with curious looks shared around the room. Chris maintained his composure, offering no immediate reaction, which Jeremy interpreted as a potentially positive sign.

The room fell silent until a board member interjected, her voice tinged with skepticism. "And what exactly is your proposal for addressing this 'imbalance'?"

Jeremy exchanged a glance with Jacob before replying, "We believe it's time to renegotiate Daniel Adler's contract. We need a more equal distribution of profits from the Blair Witch Project and, of course, the upcoming two movies as well."

Chris finally spoke, his voice calm yet firm. "Jeremy, Jacob, while your concerns are noted, we must also remember the value Daniel has brought to Stardust. He is the reason for our success. We have two movies in the works, one of which is projected to cross the billion mark, both of which are intellectual properties of Daniel Adler."

Jeremy was quick to respond, "Chris, we understand and appreciate Daniel's contributions, but this is about the long-term health and governance of the studio."

Chris didn't respond further.

To Jeremy and Jacob, Chris's silence seemed like acquiescence.

"Let's not make any hasty decisions," Ralph finally said. "I propose we take some time to consider all our options."

Chris nodded and decided to adjourn the meeting after discussing other matters. There was no resolution, but Jeremy and Jacob were confident they had made their case.




I felt the hot summer sun on me as I drove to pick up Haley. With summer in full swing, I had decided to leave my studio worries behind and enjoy life for a while. "Titan's Curse" was going to be released by the end of the summer, so I had a lot of free time.

John, Lucia, and I were still trying to convince Joanna on the live performance, and she was coming around to it. I was very optimistic we would be able to do it by the end of the summer.

Parking the car, I made my way to the door and pressed the doorbell. The door opened promptly, revealing Alex. Things were always awkward between me and Alex; we had barely gotten a chance to talk.

"Hey, Alex," I said, mustering a friendly smile.

Alex returned a tentative smile, her gaze briefly flitting away before locking with mine again. "Hey, Daniel."

"I'm a bit early," I admitted.

"Come on in," she invited, stepping aside.

"Thanks," I responded, entering the house.

In the kitchen, I encountered Claire. "Good afternoon, Mrs. Dunphy," I greeted.

"Hello, Daniel," she replied.

From upstairs, Haley's voice floated down. "Is that Daniel I hear?"

"Yes, honey, he's here," Claire confirmed.

"I'm not even ready!" Haley exclaimed.

" Haley, I'm early. Take your time," I called back, hearing a door softly click shut afterward.

Claire then inquired, "Planning any more horror movies?"

Claire had become a big fan of the movie, and this had caused our relationship to warm up a bit. I chuckled internally, remembering a terrified Phil the last time Claire mentioned seeing the movie again when I was here.

"Possibly in the future. I've got some ideas brewing," I answered.

"Would you like anything to drink?" she offered.

"I'm okay, thanks. I'll just wait for Haley," I declined, noticing Alex seated on the couch with a book. Seizing the chance for a chat, I joined her on the couch.

"Hey," I said as I settled beside her, noticing a copy of "Sea Monsters" on the desk.

"How did you like the book?" I asked, nodding towards it.

"It was fantastic," she replied, a smile lighting up her face as a blush crept up her cheeks.

Our conversation flowed naturally from there. She was curious about my storytelling and creative process, while she mentioned having some ideas of her own. I encouraged her to pursue them if she was interested.

"You might even outdo me, given how intelligent you are," I complimented.

"Thank you," she said, her blush deepening, her earlier tension easing away.

"Looking forward to the next Percy Jackson book?" I queried.

 "Absolutely! I have so many questions," she exclaimed.

"Feel free to ask," I encouraged.

She asked a barrage of questions about Percy Jackson's future, potential love interests, Greek mythology , and the existence of other pantheons.

Her enthusiasm was infectious, and I chuckled, "You've really dived deep into this, haven't you?"

She momentarily looked sheepish, but I quickly reassured her, "It's great to see you so invested in the story. It's what every author hopes for."

You're asking some big questions there," I replied, careful not to spoil anything. "Let's just say Percy's journey is far from over, and Annabeth plays a crucial role in it. As for Thalia, her destiny is intertwined with the prophecy in ways you might not expect." 

Alex leaned in, hanging on every word. "And about the other gods, like the Roman, Norse, Hindu...?"

"I'll let you in on a little secret, just between us…," I whispered.

Her curiosity peaked, "What is it?"

"I'm planning another series after completing this one, with the Roman gods taking center stage in that one," I revealed quietly.

"I knew it!" she exclaimed.

She asked me more about the series and I answered as best I could.In the end I decided to offer her something.

"You know what, Alex?" I said, seeing her enthusiasm.

"What?" she inquired, intrigued.

"How about a sneak peek at 'The Titan's Curse'?" I offered.

Her eyes widened. "The Titan's Curse? That's the..."

"Third book, yes. So, what do you say? Want to be the first to read it?" I asked.

"Yes, absolutely! Thank you!" she beamed.

"I'll bring it over next time," I promised, sharing a smile that mirrored her own excitement.

As we were discussing various mythologies, I received a text from Lucy:

Check the entertainment news channels. Now.

Catching a glimpse of the TV already on in the background, I said to Alex, "Could you switch to the E! channel, or something similar?"

Without hesitation, Alex grabbed the remote and flipped to E!.

The two hosts were talking about something, then I saw the news banner on the bottom: Stardust Studios and Daniel Adler at Odds: Potential Lawsuit on the Horizon?

One of the anchors began to report, "It seems there's a bit of a storm brewing between Daniel Adler, the teenage literary sensation, and Stardust Studios, the makers of the blockbuster movie Toy Story."

"The partnership also produced 'The Blair Witch Project,' with Mr. Adler as the producer. The movie became an instant success two months ago, earning praise from audiences and critics."

"Insider news from the studio indicates that Mr. Adler and certain executives don't see eye to eye," the host elaborated, painting a picture of a brewing conflict within the studio.

"What's going on?" Alex asked, her eyes widening as she turned to me.

Feigning surprise, I responded, "I'm not sure."

Just then, Haley descended the stairs, ready to go out. "I'm all set, let's go," she announced, approaching us.

Catching a glimpse of the TV, she paused. "What's this about?"

She then saw the news headline. "You're being sued?" she exclaimed.

"It seems so," I admitted.

"Why would they sue you? And why are you so calm?" she asked, concerned.

"It's a contractual issue, but it's nothing to worry about," I told her.

"Are you sure?" Alex chimed in, equally worried.

"Yes, it's all part of the business. These things happen," I assured them.

"If you say so," Haley replied, somewhat reassured.

"Let's head out," I suggested, eager to change the subject.

Turning to Alex, I added warmly, "And Alex, it was great talking to you. I'll remember to bring the book next time."

"What book?" Haley curiously asked.

"Just something I promised her," I clarified.

"Thank you, Daniel," Alex said with a smile.

We then left the house and got into my car.

Haley, still a bit concerned, began, "The news sounded serious. Are you sure everything's okay?"

"Trust me, Haley, everything is under control. Now, where would you like to go?" I redirected the conversation, trying to alleviate her worries and focus on our day ahead.

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