Reviews of What Do You Mean I'm The Captain Of A Yandere Mercenary Company? by Draekai - Webnovel



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Authors excuses are just pathetic honestly . In dome replies he states that there is no gender bender tag but then ate the same review he mentions it is not necessary to mention it. This is a Author that states that he does not need to lie while lying

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Captivant. Addictif. Passionnant. J'ai beaucoup apprécié.

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Learn something new everyday. Had to google what futa was. Author creating their own table. Kudos and good luck on your writing endeavors

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LV 15 Badge

This is quite well written and enjoyable to read. I love the Captains and Amber's legs. Keep up the great work.

View 1 Replies

This book is well written. I had it pop up last weekend for “free 24h Reading”. I totally spent a good 10 hours drinking tea and reading this. I’ll be honest I wasn’t sure what a Futa was prior to reading this. So like any normal person in this day and age I googled it. What a mistake that was. My idiocy aside I would say this is well done and worth a read. I thought the “Adult” chapters would be weird to read(from my heterosexual male perspective)given the main character’s gender(or lack of gender,idk what is politically correct), but honestly there is little difference from other Adult scenes I have read on WN. What I am trying to say is uhh don’t let the adult scenes dissuade you from reading this. The world building is decent, the characters are funny and a little crazy. Give it a shot.

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Every novel this author writes is a weird fetish novel, the issue with that is not the fact that it’s a weird fetish book (people can choose to read it or not) it’s the fact that author hides the tags of his novels to trick people into reading it because he knows they wouldn’t if they knew the tags. He did it on his last two novels and he did it here too. Stop tricking people into reading your weirdo agenda you polarizing cretin.

View 14 Replies

Hay Y not have the MC take out a couple more guys and take all of there things and have them rent a ship to come with them and thecan make stops along the way to get there new ship (if they go to the iner colonies) instead of getting one on the outside colonies or have one made/custom mod to whatever is needed and if they staying on outsaid colonies then they can start business on them (not in one place) and scenes they r on there original planet that they started at y now they can start at least 1 business here and this way they can have the DOC to help with it and then they can always know whats going on because she is here and they will trust her 100% then they can setup up 2 more stores or at least they can set up a store in the middle colony and then they find a couple of gangs to buy there stuff and this way they can keep get free products for the first time and more capital to start up and they can also take the guys contact information of where they get there stuff and have theme hire at least 2-4 ships.... 2 to be ready for the gangs or people that want it with-in 48 hours and then u can have the other 2 ships do regularly transport times and all that and on the middle station and the station they started at to get big really big really really big Warehouses that have to line security at least in the building and either have to hire people that the building owners would use this way there r all trained people and the person how and they can use at least 1 or more of these warehouse or buy a building at each colonie and have a basement or some kind or securit tunnel to go to a place that has more supplies so this way when they come on the colonies and drop the merchandise it will never be on the road again so no one can hit there trucks/cars or whatever the MC has to deliver or bring to resupply or whatever the store and they would have to change there routs downstairs and make new places to hid there merchandise stufff and all that because if they end up getting 1 place hit then they would definitely lose way to much and would lose a lot to money and merchandise.... And the MC still has to get the all of the organical mods for the MCAs body so this way she can keep up when running and fighting and everything and anything else it can be used for and maybe get the Alv mods to if she wants and she still has to get 1 sidearm just incase she can use her sniper and the MC needs to have another handgun (just like the her partner has) because honestly only having 1 handgun sucks and it is a big very big inconvenience in a fight when u dont have a second one in ur hand.... ( the shotgun doesnt applie to this situation) hope a lot of things get fixed soon and I cant wait to see what happens next!!!!

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I really really really want more chapters to come out and so that the MC can be the best version of yourself she can be.... ummmm honestly someone like this is just wired and should be caged up and not on the actual ship she wants to go to.... And the MC can use a little move violence in her because everything that happened with slave guy..... And there r a bunch of other times the MC hasnt lets say put on a show and all that especially when something happens.... And this would give the MC a perfect time to bring y her partner is so fast with everything like reflexes and all the other stuff natural about the body that can be upgraded too and how she can get the mods too scenes the doc is right there!!!

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Good novel, had me hooked after the first chapter. I recommend checking the Authors Thoughts of every chapter, something i had missed out on at first. There you will find a daily log of every crew member, hugely progressing your understanding of their characters.

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Another masterpiece from drakei i would love it if tera had some cybernetic mods.

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This author strikes again specifically with more manbearpig or in other words, futa, content. Really the review is self evident…if you for whatever reason genuinely enjoy reading futa, treat this as a 5 star, because I treat it as lower than 0

Reveal Spoiler
View 1 Replies

Just the way that they make former videogame mechanics more realistic really clicks for me.

Reveal Spoiler
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I just read the chapter that just came out and thought of a couple different things that should be changed... So y hasnt the MC asked about all the things her lover can do yet and what mods does she has!!! And hasnt the MC gotten upgrades as well!!! in the chapters it goes with out saying that the doctor and her lover r way faster then the MC so MC needs to do something about and quickly!! And the MC should have 2 hand guns not 1 because it would be better to shoot with then 1!!! And the slave girl should a hand gun on her thigh and a knife on her back or whatever because is she gets attacked from one that came from behind should wouldnt be able to use her sniper rifle... there r a lot of things the should be I hope the author takes it into consideration.

View 1 Replies

I really like the story and plot. And it's overall going to catch your attention then keep later on in the story.

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you forgot to add genderbender tag *_*

View 4 Replies


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Is there anyway that u can put out more chapters a day???? Like 2 a day??? please??

Reveal Spoiler
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I really what to read more chapters then whats being put out... and the MC really needs to get all the mods/upgrades to her body as possible so she doesnt get hurt anymore and can react fast and all that and she should tell the 2 girls she is with and the med doc where she/he came from and home he/she got there and every!! they at least deserve to know especially scenes they r together anyways!!

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pregunta el vuelve a ser hombre o se queda como mujer par ala eternidad xd?

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Thanks for adding more chapters a week!! I was hoping this would happen!! Now I just hope the MC and the other 2 go see the doc so that the MC and the Alv "if needed" get upgrades so the MC can have faster reflexes And all the extra things so there hole body is way better then better because honestly the MC is the one that is the slowes out of everyone so by her not having the upgrades she is slowing everyone down and most likely to either get killed or get someone else killed !!

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excelente livro , imersivo e impactante , de prende ao conteúdo

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Lol....didn't mind me. Just decided to mark this novel as one of the top new novels that i have to surpass...soon enough!!!

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To be honest I'm a fairly vanilla guy and I honestly just started reading this on a whim. It's also the first time reading anything from this author as well as this genre, but I was surprised how much I enjoyed this. The premises is about a guy from earth who transmigrates to a Space opera/sci-fi VMMORRPG after making a new female character. You can tell it was heavenly inspired by I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship, so I Became a Space Mercenary so if you have read that, you'll enjoy this.

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story is very good 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

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The author must be from the trash 'alphabet community' to think these people actually exist.....sigh God must have forgotten us. Well... I just found this trash when searching for harem novels so I'll drop a one-star review, no personal beef with the author... 'cause to begin with, I despise all their kind. May misfortune rain down on you...

View 24 Replies

I just got done reading the new chapter that is out and thought more about my idea that I had the other day about the MC and her team hitting the gang that just tried to kill them and this is it... So now that they didnt get attacked again y not have them steal all of the gangs stuff when they get back to the station... like go take out the hole gang and take all of there mechs and guns and supplys they have and even there ships... like take a couple of the higher up guys and keep them but torture them so this way they can get all the information they need absolutely any and all ships they have and how to get the dron ship that came after them... This way they can have all of the supplies they can ask for after they find their stash and then they will have an even bigger ship at least for a little while till they decide if they wanna sell it or keep it in their crew and let the their crew get bigger and this way they can expand and grow plus they have a hole debris field to go back to unless its useless because it was only drons that wjere there... but they also have the first batch that slowed them down to go back to too... but I forgot if they where drons too but they can at least go back to the firt like 40 that where supposed to slow them down if they had pilots so they can take anything they can but by them taking out the rest of the geng when they get back they wont have to worry about being targeted again and they can take everything from them.... and when I say everything I mean everything... They take all of there money,drugs and weapons and if they have there own market like the lady that they sold the other drugs to head then have them go take that over too and tell everyone to gathere in front of them then kill them all and take all of the stuff they have at the market then go resell it at the other market that the lady has or the black market and they can also sell all the other drugs to that lady as well... And when she askeds y they hit this gang have them tell her that they took a job to escort someone and this gang was involved and we decided to make the first move so thwy wouldnt come back aftwr use... so if u want u can put the word out and tell everyone that if we r on a job its only a job but if they have plains to come after us after the job is done then their whole crew will be wiped out just like this one was and we did this one just to make this statement not to mess with us!!

View 2 Replies

this is not a proper review will write one if this novel is for me, just got a question. Will there be any yuri in the harem not a fan

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I just got done reading the new chapter and its good!! But I was thinking of something that I HOPE THE AUTHOR WOULD ACTUALLY THINK ABOUT.... Now that a ship like the drone came up and cans ee how it workd and even the one that they r escorting Y not have the MC ask for a customized ship!!!??? Have her have it built by the same company that buils the ship she has now!!! And when she places the order y not have her say that the ship needs to be like a dron ship, then it must have the best shild possible along with being able to Launch missiles of any kind at any point in time, and she can switch them or be able to load whatever one she want that she deems fit for the situation and then the ship needs to have all of the best of the best guns on it... long range, short range and mid rang and even some that can fire super super close to the ship if it looks like they will be boarded and on the inside of the ship have Automated weapons at the ready for every corridor that leads to the outside ship, so if they're ever breached, they can have the mode down in everything if they even cut through the hole or go through the air locks... it doesn't matter so they can still be mowed them down with an automated system in the inside of the ship and maybe even have a system that would be on the outside of the ship and be able to use it so they can try to minimize the ships that r trying to doc with them!!! And when I say that this ship should be one of it kind I MEAN IT SHOULD BE ONE OF ITS KIND AND HAVE THE MOST ADVANCED SHIP AND WEAPONS EVER!!! And have the MC even design the ship or at least give specific specs on what she wants on the ship and even the layout so that it would be easy for her and her crew to move around but not anyone else that came on bored because it wouldn't make sense to them and even have it equipped with self-protection automated guns It would also have like barricades and things like that or be able to automatically seal places or whatever so that if they get boarded at any time, they would be able to set up an ambush and be able to block off their advancement and maybe even have an AI implanted in the ship this way it can help as much as possible too!!! and it would be would be best if the MC can find a store or something on its personal terminal so that no one can ever make this ship and it would only be accessible to the MC and maybe the store part on the personal terminal has other things the MC would need this way it would be able to buy things that r brand new and when the MC buys something have it just show somewhere that has no one around and gives the coordinates to a place where the order would be dropped at this way she can act like she found it or she can brin the person she trust the most to a point where there is no one and just have it materialize out of thin air and she just as to collect it!!! And anything that she orders from its personal terminal is way way way cheaper than it would be to order it from a place in the galaxy or planets or stations that r out there and no one will be able to copy this ship because it would be a one of a kind! or anything that she gets on its personal terminalon!! I think this would be awesome this way so the MC can get whatever IT wants!!! but have IT still get things out side its Personal terminal. This way there can be records of it being bought and stuff like that for certain things but when she gets things through the terminal all the paperwork and necessary documents and everything else are always backed up by it so there won't be any issues at all!!! And I would hope that the mew ship would have a place to hold the ships of the MC and the people that join her and have it so the MC has a place where repairs can be made and or things can be repaired there and everything and have a med bay, a place to mabe to make things, a place to make the materials needed to make the things, tons and tons of storage and everything... basically have the ship have everything u can think of!!! And if u go this route maybe have the first Purchase be free or so cheap. That it doesn't take all of her money in everything this way. She doesn't have to worry about having no money or not being able enough to be able to get the ship anything she needs for it and have her personal terminal be able to sell her power arms or even mechs and any and all guns too or she can just buy them herself like she has been!!! Honestly I think this would be awesome!!!

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Authors excuses are just pathetic honestly . In dome replies he states that there is no gender bender tag but then ate the same review he mentions it is not necessary to mention it. This is a Author that states that he does not need to lie while lying

View 1 Replies

Captivant. Addictif. Passionnant. J'ai beaucoup apprécié.

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Learn something new everyday. Had to google what futa was. Author creating their own table. Kudos and good luck on your writing endeavors

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LV 15 Badge

This is quite well written and enjoyable to read. I love the Captains and Amber's legs. Keep up the great work.

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This book is well written. I had it pop up last weekend for “free 24h Reading”. I totally spent a good 10 hours drinking tea and reading this. I’ll be honest I wasn’t sure what a Futa was prior to reading this. So like any normal person in this day and age I googled it. What a mistake that was. My idiocy aside I would say this is well done and worth a read. I thought the “Adult” chapters would be weird to read(from my heterosexual male perspective)given the main character’s gender(or lack of gender,idk what is politically correct), but honestly there is little difference from other Adult scenes I have read on WN. What I am trying to say is uhh don’t let the adult scenes dissuade you from reading this. The world building is decent, the characters are funny and a little crazy. Give it a shot.

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Every novel this author writes is a weird fetish novel, the issue with that is not the fact that it’s a weird fetish book (people can choose to read it or not) it’s the fact that author hides the tags of his novels to trick people into reading it because he knows they wouldn’t if they knew the tags. He did it on his last two novels and he did it here too. Stop tricking people into reading your weirdo agenda you polarizing cretin.

View 14 Replies

Hay Y not have the MC take out a couple more guys and take all of there things and have them rent a ship to come with them and thecan make stops along the way to get there new ship (if they go to the iner colonies) instead of getting one on the outside colonies or have one made/custom mod to whatever is needed and if they staying on outsaid colonies then they can start business on them (not in one place) and scenes they r on there original planet that they started at y now they can start at least 1 business here and this way they can have the DOC to help with it and then they can always know whats going on because she is here and they will trust her 100% then they can setup up 2 more stores or at least they can set up a store in the middle colony and then they find a couple of gangs to buy there stuff and this way they can keep get free products for the first time and more capital to start up and they can also take the guys contact information of where they get there stuff and have theme hire at least 2-4 ships.... 2 to be ready for the gangs or people that want it with-in 48 hours and then u can have the other 2 ships do regularly transport times and all that and on the middle station and the station they started at to get big really big really really big Warehouses that have to line security at least in the building and either have to hire people that the building owners would use this way there r all trained people and the person how and they can use at least 1 or more of these warehouse or buy a building at each colonie and have a basement or some kind or securit tunnel to go to a place that has more supplies so this way when they come on the colonies and drop the merchandise it will never be on the road again so no one can hit there trucks/cars or whatever the MC has to deliver or bring to resupply or whatever the store and they would have to change there routs downstairs and make new places to hid there merchandise stufff and all that because if they end up getting 1 place hit then they would definitely lose way to much and would lose a lot to money and merchandise.... And the MC still has to get the all of the organical mods for the MCAs body so this way she can keep up when running and fighting and everything and anything else it can be used for and maybe get the Alv mods to if she wants and she still has to get 1 sidearm just incase she can use her sniper and the MC needs to have another handgun (just like the her partner has) because honestly only having 1 handgun sucks and it is a big very big inconvenience in a fight when u dont have a second one in ur hand.... ( the shotgun doesnt applie to this situation) hope a lot of things get fixed soon and I cant wait to see what happens next!!!!

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I really really really want more chapters to come out and so that the MC can be the best version of yourself she can be.... ummmm honestly someone like this is just wired and should be caged up and not on the actual ship she wants to go to.... And the MC can use a little move violence in her because everything that happened with slave guy..... And there r a bunch of other times the MC hasnt lets say put on a show and all that especially when something happens.... And this would give the MC a perfect time to bring y her partner is so fast with everything like reflexes and all the other stuff natural about the body that can be upgraded too and how she can get the mods too scenes the doc is right there!!!

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Good novel, had me hooked after the first chapter. I recommend checking the Authors Thoughts of every chapter, something i had missed out on at first. There you will find a daily log of every crew member, hugely progressing your understanding of their characters.

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Another masterpiece from drakei i would love it if tera had some cybernetic mods.

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This author strikes again specifically with more manbearpig or in other words, futa, content. Really the review is self evident…if you for whatever reason genuinely enjoy reading futa, treat this as a 5 star, because I treat it as lower than 0

Reveal Spoiler
View 1 Replies

Just the way that they make former videogame mechanics more realistic really clicks for me.

Reveal Spoiler
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I just read the chapter that just came out and thought of a couple different things that should be changed... So y hasnt the MC asked about all the things her lover can do yet and what mods does she has!!! And hasnt the MC gotten upgrades as well!!! in the chapters it goes with out saying that the doctor and her lover r way faster then the MC so MC needs to do something about and quickly!! And the MC should have 2 hand guns not 1 because it would be better to shoot with then 1!!! And the slave girl should a hand gun on her thigh and a knife on her back or whatever because is she gets attacked from one that came from behind should wouldnt be able to use her sniper rifle... there r a lot of things the should be I hope the author takes it into consideration.

View 1 Replies

I really like the story and plot. And it's overall going to catch your attention then keep later on in the story.

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you forgot to add genderbender tag *_*

View 4 Replies


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Is there anyway that u can put out more chapters a day???? Like 2 a day??? please??

Reveal Spoiler
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I really what to read more chapters then whats being put out... and the MC really needs to get all the mods/upgrades to her body as possible so she doesnt get hurt anymore and can react fast and all that and she should tell the 2 girls she is with and the med doc where she/he came from and home he/she got there and every!! they at least deserve to know especially scenes they r together anyways!!

View 0 Replies

pregunta el vuelve a ser hombre o se queda como mujer par ala eternidad xd?

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Thanks for adding more chapters a week!! I was hoping this would happen!! Now I just hope the MC and the other 2 go see the doc so that the MC and the Alv "if needed" get upgrades so the MC can have faster reflexes And all the extra things so there hole body is way better then better because honestly the MC is the one that is the slowes out of everyone so by her not having the upgrades she is slowing everyone down and most likely to either get killed or get someone else killed !!

View 0 Replies

excelente livro , imersivo e impactante , de prende ao conteúdo

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Lol....didn't mind me. Just decided to mark this novel as one of the top new novels that i have to surpass...soon enough!!!

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To be honest I'm a fairly vanilla guy and I honestly just started reading this on a whim. It's also the first time reading anything from this author as well as this genre, but I was surprised how much I enjoyed this. The premises is about a guy from earth who transmigrates to a Space opera/sci-fi VMMORRPG after making a new female character. You can tell it was heavenly inspired by I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship, so I Became a Space Mercenary so if you have read that, you'll enjoy this.

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story is very good 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

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The author must be from the trash 'alphabet community' to think these people actually exist.....sigh God must have forgotten us. Well... I just found this trash when searching for harem novels so I'll drop a one-star review, no personal beef with the author... 'cause to begin with, I despise all their kind. May misfortune rain down on you...

View 24 Replies

I just got done reading the new chapter that is out and thought more about my idea that I had the other day about the MC and her team hitting the gang that just tried to kill them and this is it... So now that they didnt get attacked again y not have them steal all of the gangs stuff when they get back to the station... like go take out the hole gang and take all of there mechs and guns and supplys they have and even there ships... like take a couple of the higher up guys and keep them but torture them so this way they can get all the information they need absolutely any and all ships they have and how to get the dron ship that came after them... This way they can have all of the supplies they can ask for after they find their stash and then they will have an even bigger ship at least for a little while till they decide if they wanna sell it or keep it in their crew and let the their crew get bigger and this way they can expand and grow plus they have a hole debris field to go back to unless its useless because it was only drons that wjere there... but they also have the first batch that slowed them down to go back to too... but I forgot if they where drons too but they can at least go back to the firt like 40 that where supposed to slow them down if they had pilots so they can take anything they can but by them taking out the rest of the geng when they get back they wont have to worry about being targeted again and they can take everything from them.... and when I say everything I mean everything... They take all of there money,drugs and weapons and if they have there own market like the lady that they sold the other drugs to head then have them go take that over too and tell everyone to gathere in front of them then kill them all and take all of the stuff they have at the market then go resell it at the other market that the lady has or the black market and they can also sell all the other drugs to that lady as well... And when she askeds y they hit this gang have them tell her that they took a job to escort someone and this gang was involved and we decided to make the first move so thwy wouldnt come back aftwr use... so if u want u can put the word out and tell everyone that if we r on a job its only a job but if they have plains to come after us after the job is done then their whole crew will be wiped out just like this one was and we did this one just to make this statement not to mess with us!!

View 2 Replies

this is not a proper review will write one if this novel is for me, just got a question. Will there be any yuri in the harem not a fan

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I just got done reading the new chapter and its good!! But I was thinking of something that I HOPE THE AUTHOR WOULD ACTUALLY THINK ABOUT.... Now that a ship like the drone came up and cans ee how it workd and even the one that they r escorting Y not have the MC ask for a customized ship!!!??? Have her have it built by the same company that buils the ship she has now!!! And when she places the order y not have her say that the ship needs to be like a dron ship, then it must have the best shild possible along with being able to Launch missiles of any kind at any point in time, and she can switch them or be able to load whatever one she want that she deems fit for the situation and then the ship needs to have all of the best of the best guns on it... long range, short range and mid rang and even some that can fire super super close to the ship if it looks like they will be boarded and on the inside of the ship have Automated weapons at the ready for every corridor that leads to the outside ship, so if they're ever breached, they can have the mode down in everything if they even cut through the hole or go through the air locks... it doesn't matter so they can still be mowed them down with an automated system in the inside of the ship and maybe even have a system that would be on the outside of the ship and be able to use it so they can try to minimize the ships that r trying to doc with them!!! And when I say that this ship should be one of it kind I MEAN IT SHOULD BE ONE OF ITS KIND AND HAVE THE MOST ADVANCED SHIP AND WEAPONS EVER!!! And have the MC even design the ship or at least give specific specs on what she wants on the ship and even the layout so that it would be easy for her and her crew to move around but not anyone else that came on bored because it wouldn't make sense to them and even have it equipped with self-protection automated guns It would also have like barricades and things like that or be able to automatically seal places or whatever so that if they get boarded at any time, they would be able to set up an ambush and be able to block off their advancement and maybe even have an AI implanted in the ship this way it can help as much as possible too!!! and it would be would be best if the MC can find a store or something on its personal terminal so that no one can ever make this ship and it would only be accessible to the MC and maybe the store part on the personal terminal has other things the MC would need this way it would be able to buy things that r brand new and when the MC buys something have it just show somewhere that has no one around and gives the coordinates to a place where the order would be dropped at this way she can act like she found it or she can brin the person she trust the most to a point where there is no one and just have it materialize out of thin air and she just as to collect it!!! And anything that she orders from its personal terminal is way way way cheaper than it would be to order it from a place in the galaxy or planets or stations that r out there and no one will be able to copy this ship because it would be a one of a kind! or anything that she gets on its personal terminalon!! I think this would be awesome this way so the MC can get whatever IT wants!!! but have IT still get things out side its Personal terminal. This way there can be records of it being bought and stuff like that for certain things but when she gets things through the terminal all the paperwork and necessary documents and everything else are always backed up by it so there won't be any issues at all!!! And I would hope that the mew ship would have a place to hold the ships of the MC and the people that join her and have it so the MC has a place where repairs can be made and or things can be repaired there and everything and have a med bay, a place to mabe to make things, a place to make the materials needed to make the things, tons and tons of storage and everything... basically have the ship have everything u can think of!!! And if u go this route maybe have the first Purchase be free or so cheap. That it doesn't take all of her money in everything this way. She doesn't have to worry about having no money or not being able enough to be able to get the ship anything she needs for it and have her personal terminal be able to sell her power arms or even mechs and any and all guns too or she can just buy them herself like she has been!!! Honestly I think this would be awesome!!!

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