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6.66% Reborn: Draconic system / Chapter 4: Tempest haven academy

Chapter 4: Tempest haven academy

Ahh, he sighed slightly before mustering a forced smile onto his face, knowing he couldn't falter to past memories. He quickly shook himself out of it, recognizing that crying over spilt milk was nothing more than a waste of time.

With a resigned sigh, Allen allowed himself a moment of vulnerability before mustering a forced smile, determined not to be consumed by past sorrows. He shook off the lingering melancholy, recognizing that dwelling on what could not be changed was futile.

Glancing at his phone, he noted the time was around 7 am. The realization spurred him into action, knowing that the awakening ceremony awaited at 8 am. He couldn't afford to waste any more time or risk missing such a pivotal event.

Swiftly, he moved to the bathroom. Upon entering, he couldn't help but long for his previous residence in his parents' house. However, a few weeks after their death, he was evicted. If it hadn't been for his savings, he would have long been in dire straits.

In the end, he could only afford a dilapidated room while managing to secure a part-time job to sustain himself. In the world he found himself in, he discovered that one matured faster than normal.

At the age of ten, most people were already above 5 feet and had already begun to show signs of puberty. This led him to get a girlfriend named Emma, the light blue-haired school belle he accidentally bumped into at school. They pretty much hit it off from there, and their life as a perfect couple in school began.

However, their relationship took a turn for the worse some years after he lost his parents. His status, which was naturally high at the academy, fell and plummeted to the bottom of the hierarchy. Following this, he lost almost all his friends, either due to their parents forcing them to or because they no longer wanted to be friends.

Eventually, even Emma left him, breaking his heart. He questioned her for the reason, but all he received was coldness. Naturally, he knew it wasn't as simple as it looked.

Only Jackie, who lived with his aunt and uncle, stayed close to him. A friend to the core, someone he now considered a brother. They shared an unwavering and unbreakable love for one another.

Stepping out of the bathroom with his hair dripping, his phone suddenly rang. Walking over with a towel wrapped around his waist, he checked and saw it was a video call.

"Eisha, I wonder why she's calling," he thought as he pondered why she had called him. Eisha, a co-waiter at the restaurant where he had gotten a part-time job, her image flashing by.

With her black hair streaked with red, and the soothing character she displayed, it was almost impossible for any man not to fall for her. But Allen, though he almost faltered, held strong, for the weaklings would not be spared.

Eisha was about a year older than Allen, and at first, he thought she did not have the will, meaning the resilience, to awaken the system. However, he soon discovered she had hemophobia, unable to resist fainting at the sight of blood. With her system being that of a healing type, she could only reluctantly quit.

He answered the video call, and the image of Eisha came onto the screen. "Hey Eisha, what's up?" he greeted with a warm smile that seemed to brighten her heart.

"Hey there, Allen, I'm fine, just checking up on you," she replied back with an equal smile. Her smile was enough to steal any man, however, having dated someone like Emma, he could naturally resist such a level of beauty.

"He looks so handsome," she thought inwardly as her mind was in turmoil. Allen, with his dripping hair and revealed chest, his slightly focused gaze... her cheeks couldn't help but become red, however, she quickly shrugged it off before Allen could notice.

"Shouldn't you be at the academy by now?" she questioned, her tone laced with concern and a hint of urgency. She knew all too well the consequences of tardiness: missing the crucial window to awaken his system, a mistake not to be taken lightly.

"Don't worry," he explained, his tone carefree as he brushed off her concern. He was confident he still had time, not foolish enough to miss such a crucial event. Meanwhile, Eisha's attention had wandered, her mind consumed by tantalizing thoughts that distracted her from the conversation.

Eisha, Eisha!, he called out at the distracted girl grabbing her attention back to him, hearing Allen's voice she flushed red again, this did not escape Allen's observation however he shrugged it off.

"Is that all you wanted to know?" Allen inquired, sensing there might be more on Eisha's mind. As she heard his question, Eisha hesitated, considering whether to ask if he was free tonight. Despite her readiness to take a chance, she remained timid, caught in the paradox of being prepared to act yet afraid to make a move.

"Good luck at the awakening ceremony," she said hurriedly before abruptly ending the call. Allen's phone slipped from his grasp as he processed her words, but he wasted no time, swiftly attending to all the necessary preparations.

In just a few short minutes, he had donned his uniform—a crisp white shirt paired with a striking red jacket adorned with a majestic Phoenix image embroidered on the back, a symbol of strength and resilience. Completing his ensemble, he slipped into sleek black trousers, every detail meticulously attended to as he prepared for the ceremony.

"Man, I look good," he smirked at his reflection, confident in his appearance. His handsome face and fit physique had a certain charm that could captivate any woman, as evidenced by Eisha's blush earlier.

However, his moment of self-admiration was short-lived as he sighed, reminded of his current financial struggles. With only a few thousand star credits to his name, he knew he needed to find a way to make money, any way possible, to alleviate his financial woes.

As he descended the stairs and stepped out onto the bustling streets, he was greeted by a symphony of sounds and sights. Cars of various designs whizzed by, the city adorned in vibrant neon lights. Despite the urban landscape, pockets of greenery dotted the surroundings, with occasional glimpses of wildlife adding to the mix.

Inhaling deeply, he savored the crisp, clean air that filled his lungs, the warmth of the morning sun kissing his skin. "Got to love that fresh morning air," he remarked with a smile, setting off down the bustling streets. As he walked, he couldn't help but notice the admiring glances of passersby, particularly from a group of giggling girls who couldn't help but steal glances in his direction.

Noticing the reaction of the passersby, he couldn't help but smirk to himself, basking momentarily in the attention. However, his reverie was abruptly interrupted by the ringing of his phone, snapping him out of his self-admiration. Quickly retrieving his phone from his pocket, he answered the call.

"Hey Jackie, what's up?" he greeted casually, even as he continued walking, confidently crossing the road as the traffic lights turned blue, causing the cars to come to a halt.

"Hey Allen, why aren't you here yet? It's already 7:45," Jackie who was currently seated in a large hall filled with multiple other students, questioned anxiously, his worry evident in his loud voice.

"Don't worry, Jackie, I'm almost there," Allen reassured him, sensing Jackie's panic. With the academy now within sight, he quickened his pace, determined to alleviate his friend's concerns.

As the call ended with Jackie's hurried instructions, Allen sighed before shifting his focus to more immediate concerns—like what food might be available in the cafeteria for the day. However, he didn't dwell on it for long as he finally approached the academy.

The sight of the grand building never failed to impress him, no matter how many times he had seen it before. The architectural beauty, the intricate designs, and the harmonious blend of colors all contributed to its magnificence. It was truly a masterpiece among masterpieces.

The academy stood as the largest building in the city, spanning kilometers in size. Its grounds housed numerous other buildings and facilities dedicated to nurturing new system holders to reach their fullest potential. Allen couldn't help but marvel at the sheer scale and purpose of the institution as he stepped onto its grounds.

Shrugging off his initial surprise, Allen made his way to the hall where the ceremony would take place, observing many other students hurrying to avoid missing their chance at awakening.

With deliberate steps, Allen entered the hall, joining the throng of students gathered for the event. As the doors closed automatically behind him, drawing everyone's attention, Allen remained unfazed, his focus fixed on finding Jackie, who had saved him a seat.

"Dude, that was close! The doors almost closed on you. Don't ever do that again," Jackie exclaimed, sweat glistening on his face, his concern for Allen evident. Allen nodded in acknowledgment, grateful for his friend's vigilance as he settled into his seat, ready for the ceremony to begin.

"I told you not to worry," Allen reassured Jackie with a soft smile before settling back in his seat. He scanned the crowded hall, hoping to catch a glimpse of Emma among the sea of students, but she seemed to be lost in the throng.

Suddenly, the closed doors of the hall were struck repeatedly, interrupting the anticipation of the ceremony. A desperate voice pleaded for the doors to open, claiming a delay. Despite the fervent appeals, the doors remained sealed shut, unmoved by the relentless pounding.

"Wait, please! I didn't mean to be late! Give me a chance!" The final desperate words echoed through the hall before fading away as the individual was ultimately dragged away, leaving behind a lingering sense of unease among the students.

The sound on the stage drew everyone's attention away from the evicted latecomer, causing a collective shiver to ripple through the audience as they contemplated the consequences of being late.

"Students of Tempest Haven Academy, I greet you on this monumental day," began Headmaster Dracyl, his voice resonating with authority. "Many of you may be nervous, but do not fret. Regardless of whether you awaken a system of high rank or not, it is still possible to make an impact on the course of history. So I beckon you not to fear, but to embrace whatever the outcome may be."

With those reassuring words, a sense of calm settled over the hall as Headmaster Dracyl concluded, "And with that, let the ceremony commence." The students, emboldened by his words, awaited eagerly for the moment that would determine their fate.

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