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16.49% Reincarnated In Mahabharat with Seven Deadly Sins System / Chapter 16: Paundraka Vs Aryan

Chapter 16: Paundraka Vs Aryan

"Mahendra Bahubali! Come forth, for I, Paundraka Vasudeva myself have come to fight you. "

Paundraka said arrogantly.

Aryan heard Paundraka's arrogant challenge and couldn't help but find it amusing, given the imposter's theatrical impersonation of Krishna. Regardless, he readied himself for the confrontation, responding with confidence.

"Paundraka Vasudeva, your imitation of Vasudev Krishna is quite impressive, I must admit. However, it's time to see if your skills match your appearance."

With that, Aryan accepted the challenge and his chariot also approached Paundraka. 

After coming face to face, Paundraka, maintaining his haughty demeanor, spoke again, "Prepare yourself, Mahendra Bahubali, for you shall witness the might of Vasudeva, Paundraka Vasudeva."

Immediately afterwards, Paundraka held his hand high and with the chanting of mantras, a gigantic axe flickering with lightning appeared in his hands. 

With a flick of his hands, he threw it towards Aryan, leaving behind a trail of thunder and destruction. 

In response, Aryan immediately threw Moksha towards the axe. 

* boom *

An explosion occurred the moment the axe and the spear collided. After a few seconds, the spear ultimately persisted, blasting the axe into fragments and continued flying towards Paundraka. 

"Hmph, insolent. "

Paundraka got enraged and summoned a Gada / mace. 

After leaving his hands the Gada multiplied into hundreds of Gadas and a triumphant smile reappeared on Paundraka's face. 

In response, Aryan simply activated the fifth form of the spirit spear and it multiplied into an army of small kunai-like spears. 

The result was still the same and Aryan won the confrontation. 

As Moksha returned to his hands, the few scratches and nicks on it had already started to heal. 

In the meantime, Aryan used it's power to summon a large number of python like wooden vines from the ground, which coiled around each other and turned into a huge wooden golem. 

Seeing this strange power, Paundraka didn't dare to be careless either and immediately hurled a couple of flaming swords at the wooden golem after summoning them. 

The battlefield crackled with tension as Aryan's summoned wooden golem clashed with Paundraka Vasudeva's flaming swords. The massive construct, formed of intertwining wooden vines, moved with surprising agility despite its size, defending against the fiery onslaught.

As the flaming swords clashed with the wooden golem, flames and wooden splinters filled the air. The battlefield became a chaotic spectacle of fire and earth. Paundraka Vasudeva's illusionary imitation of Lord Krishna was momentarily overshadowed by the raw power of the battle before him.

Aryan watched the battle unfold from his chariot, his eyes locked on Paundraka. He knew that to defeat this imposter and obtain the Sin of Pride's ability, he would need to outmaneuver his opponent.

The wooden golem, imbued with Moksha's power, fought valiantly, its limbs moving fluidly as it defended against the relentless attacks. Aryan, meanwhile, focused his energy, preparing for his next move.

Paundraka Vasudeva, determined to prove his strength, unleashed a series of devastating flaming swords and lightning axes, each one hurtling toward the wooden golem.

* boom * * rumble *

The impact caused the ground to tremble, sending shockwaves through the battlefield.

Aryan knew that he couldn't rely solely on the golem. He drew upon his own abilities, tapping into his connection with Moksha.

As he activated Moksha's Form Eight: Pollen Garden, a barrier of shimmering blue energy formed around him, protecting him from the fiery onslaught. The barrier is made of pollen from the Sacred Tree which have the capabilities of slowly healing and subsides the pain while also helping in recovering stamina faster. 

With the protective barrier in place, Aryan extended his right hand, and from it, a twin headed spear with a spearhead shaped like the claws of a crab appeared, it was the third form of Moksha : Fossilization. 

This form has the ability to petrify an individual whom it pierces, rendering them unmovable and immobilized as a statue even if they are still alive.

With precision and speed, Aryan hurled the spear toward Paundraka Vasudeva, the force behind it causing the very air to ripple. The imposter's eyes widened as he attempted to evade, but the spear homed in on its target.


But he still managed to avoid it at the last moment, the twin headed spear struck Paundraka's chariot instead with explosive force, turning it into a stone sculpture before shattering it into splinters due to to the force behind the attack and sending the imposter tumbling backward.

He struggled to rise, visibly shaken, his peacock feather crown askew.

The Kalinga soldiers watched in awe as Aryan demonstrated his formidable power, causing the undefeatable enemy in their eyes to end up in a sorry state. Aryan's abilities surpassed their expectations, filling them with renewed hope.

"Argh! I'm Vasudeva, Paundraka Vasudeva. No one can defeat me."

Paundraka Vasudeva, however, refused to be defeated so easily. With a fierce determination, he rose to his feet, his illusory armor and Krishna-like appearance slightly tarnished. He summoned a golden discus, the fake Sudarshan chakra he got from Lord Shiva's boon, spinning it above his head, and launched it toward Aryan.

It's speed was too fast and it easily bypassed the wooden golem, approaching Aryan. 

Aryan's protective barrier crackled as the golden discus collided with it, creating sparks and a blinding flash of light. The sheer force of the impact caused Aryan's chariot to stagger backward.

Not one to be outdone, Aryan intensified his connection with Moksha. The wooden golem, despite its battle scars, moved forward with renewed vigor. It extended its massive arms, capturing the golden discus within its wooden grasp, halting its deadly trajectory.

The soldiers on both sides watched in astonishment as the colossal wooden golem held the golden discus in check, preventing it from returning to Paundraka's hand. Aryan's command over Moksha's abilities had grown exponentially.

Aryan knew that this battle could not drag on. He had to end it decisively. Drawing upon the energy of his Surrounding, he activated the fifth form of the spirit spear. 

"Form Five: Increase! "

An army of small kunai-like spears appeared above his head. But he didn't stop therethere and activated another subsidiary technique of the fifth form- Increase. 

" Fight Fire with Fire! "

Instead of spreading out in different directions, all of the small blades that comprise Moksha focused into a single downwards strike against Paundraka. 

With a mighty thrust, he launched the spears toward Paundraka Vasudeva, who struggled to regain control of the golden discus. The spears traveled at incredible speed, piercing through Paundraka's defenses.

But in response, an illusory golden image surrounded him, acting as a barrier. 

But the group of spears struck again and again, colliding with Paundraka's illusionary form. Slowly but surely the barrier flickered and faltered as the powerful energy pierced through his being.

* bang *

In a blinding burst of light, Paundraka Vasudeva's defenses shattered, leaving behind only the image of the defeated imposter.

The battlefield fell silent as the soldiers from both sides witnessed the fall of the would-be deity.

Aryan stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion.

He had defeated Paundraka Vasudeva, the imposter who had masqueraded as Lord Krishna.

But it had already sucked up all his energy. He couldn't even lift his hand to summon back Moksha to his side anymore.

But thankfully, just before he fell down, Moksha automatically flew to his side, turned into a plush bear and hugged him to prevent him from falling. 

It's just that the plush bear was in a very bad state at this time with multiple wear and tear. It would take it at least a few days before fully recovering. 

Daddy_strikes_ Daddy_strikes_

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