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70% vectors in marvel / Chapter 12: Chapter 6 : WAKE UP part 4

Chapter 12: Chapter 6 : WAKE UP part 4








In the alleys of the city young mutants ran. In a moment, the one with bicolor hair ran into the albino again, quickly bonding.

Their pursuers began to catch up with them without options, so the mutants entered a building under construction near their location.

Upon entering, they encountered construction sites and obstacles that they jumped over.

The girl, with great speed, threw everything in the way against the men, while the albino, with grandmotherly speed, struggled to continue advancing towards the exit of the building under construction.

The criminals, however, soon found the emergency exit and quickly deployed anti-mutant collars and their respective weapons, unleashing deadly fire.

With the shooting, workers and passers-by quickly left the area around the building.

The mutants entered the next floor, with the albino reserving energy for his own attack.

The moment the criminals entered the second floor, Aleis, with a stomp, crossed the floor in destruction, creating hundreds of projectiles that, with his manipulation of the vectors, accelerated like remote-controlled bullets towards the guys.

Rogue realized that only a few fell into the trap and that the rest came up prepared to catch them with special collars.

Immediately, she warned her partner and they tried to flee to the third floor without success.

With each step, the guys in suits that covered their faces pointed menacingly at the young people, who seemed to give up.

However, the criminals' weapons began to rise into the air and turn in the direction of their users.

Bang! One of them shoots.

Bang! Another one.

Bang! Another one. Bang! Another one. Bang! Another one.

Bang! Another one. Bang! Another one. Bang! Another one.

Bang! Another one. Bang! Another one. Bang! Another one.

Bang! Another one. Bang! Another one. Bang! Another one.

Bang! Another one. Bang! Another one. Bang! Another one.

Bang! Another one. Bang! Another one. Bang! Another one.

Bang! Another one. Bang! Another one. Bang! Another one.

Bang! Another shot follows.

The bodies fall like flies to the ground, unconscious, with damage to their heads and limbs saved by their special suits.

As the students hurried towards the exit. Before leaving, the boy stopped, staring at the fallen men, feeling a mixture of fear and curiosity that invaded him.

"What is that?" The boy asked, not knowing where to direct his gaze, while one of the wounded men looked at him with anger and contempt, causing a chill that prompted him to leave the building looking at his face.


With police sirens echoing through the nearby streets, passersby began recording and insulting the mutants who immediately fled the town














As I stayed hidden in the side alley, my thoughts wandered between the urgency of the moment and the need for a long-term plan.

I knew we couldn't stay hidden forever, but we needed to find a safe haven where we could regroup and plan our next move.

I looked up, watching the stars twinkling in the dark night sky now obscured by skyscrapers.

It was a reminder of the immensity of the city and its dangers. Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching the alley.

My heart began to pound as I prepared for the worst. But instead of being my pursuers, they were my companions emerging from the darkness, each with a look of relief on their faces.

"Are you okay?" Bobby asked, his voice full of concern as he approached me.

I nodded, feeling a weight lift from my shoulders as I saw everyone safe.

-I'm fine. And you?- The others nodded, sharing quick stories about how they managed to escape the crowd and lose our pursuers.

It was a small respite from the chaos around us, but it was enough to renew our resolve and our unity.

"We have to find a safe place where we can rest and plan our next move," the bi-colored haired girl said, her voice firm despite the tiredness evident on her face.

We nodded in agreement, knowing that we couldn't afford to let our guard down even a moment longer.

We set off, seeking refuge in the shadows At night, an idea began to form in my mind.

I remembered the bar where we had left Professor Scott and Logan drunk, and I thought that calling the X-Men would be a way to deal with the dangerous guys who were chasing us.

With a determined step, I headed back to the streets of the city, trusting that my companions would soon follow me.

I knew that facing the criminals directly was not a viable option in our situation, but returning to the x-men could give us an advantage.

















Following the explosion in the building, Wolverine emerges from the rubble, his body rapidly regenerating from wounds and burns.

Particles of dust and smoke slowly clear around his towering figure. He looks with suppressed fury at the perpetrators of the anti-mutant attack who are still nearby, observing the chaos they have created.

"We mutants have many names: freaks, homo superior, even children of the atomic bomb," Wolverine begins, his low, hoarse voice echoing with a tone of bitter irony.

He slowly approaches the attackers, his step confident and menacing.

"But we, we already existed before that horrible day even happened."

His gaze is penetrating and ferocious, fixating on each of those responsible who take a step back instinctively.

In the distance, emergency sirens begin to sound, approaching the scene of the disaster.

On the horizon, the silhouettes of other members of the X-Men appear, quickly approaching to provide support.

"They fear us because we are different, because we represent what they cannot control," Wolverine continues, stopping a few feet from the attackers.

The smoke around him rises, creating a dramatic backdrop to his hardened figure.

"But fear does not give them the right to try to exterminate us." One of the attackers, a man with a hard, determined look, steps forward, holding a device that appears to be a detonator.

"You are a threat to humanity," the man spits, his hand shaking slightly as he confronts the mutant.

"We will do whatever it takes to protect our species." Wolverine smirks, baring his teeth in a grimace of defiance.

"I see...protect," he says sarcastically.

"Destroying lives, spreading terror... is that protection for you?" Before the man can respond, a beam of energy hits the device in his hand, sending it flying away and disabling it.

Cyclops approaches from behind, his gaze steady and determined behind his visor.

"That's enough," he says, joining Wolverine.

"We will not allow any more violence." The attackers are now surrounded, with more members of the X-Men having gathered at the site.

Despite the tension, Wolverine remains calm, his posture relaxed but ready to act if necessary










The moment the young mutants found themselves surrounded by one of the masked guys in the streets, the people at the anti-mutant protest recognized them and quickly lashed out at the four for the damage to the city.

Chaos broke out in the streets as angry crowds surrounded the mutants, accusing them and demanding justice for the damage they had caused.

They found themselves trapped in the middle of the angry mob, unable to escape the growing danger around them.

The voices of the protesters rang through the air, filled with rage and resentment toward us mutants.

They tried to explain that they were not responsible for the damage, that they were just young people trying to defend themselves, but their words were lost in the clamor of the crowd. The looks of hatred and distrust were fixed on their necks as the situation became increasingly tense.

They soon realized that they were in real danger and needed to find a way out before the situation got even worse.

With police sirens echoing through the nearby streets, passersby who had stopped to watch began recording and insulting the mutants.

However, their voices were interrupted by the blare of police sirens, which, in an unexpected twist, also began to rise into the air along with police cars and spectators' phones.

The master of magnetism had arrived.








Suddenly, I felt my spine tremble with cold and fear. In front of me, I saw how twenty police cars were floating in the air as if nothing had happened, and there was Magneto, with his brotherhood of mutants.

My classmates also looked surprised by this fact, especially the girl who looked like she was about to faint on the spot.

Magneto's commanding presence and his ability to control metal left everyone in shock.

He was a brutal reminder of the divide between mutants and humans, and the threat they posed to those who did not share his worldview either.

As the police cars floated in the air, I felt the tension rise around us.

We didn't know what was going to happen next, but we were aware that we were in the middle of a confrontation between two powerful forces: the mutants led by Magneto and us, the young mutants fighting for our lives.

Suddenly my vision becomes blurry. I felt as if time stopped around me, and my brain seemed to split in two, fighting against the presence of the malevolent entity.

"How long has it been, child? A month? A year?" the voice asked, and I knew instantly who it was.

The Shadow King's voice echoed in my mind, filling it with fear and confusion.

"You?" I responded, in disbelief and fear. I couldn't believe that the Shadow King was still inside me, lurking in the shadows of my mind.

"Don't you recognize me, child?" he continued, his mocking tone echoing in my head.

"How are you still alive?" I asked, my trembling voice revealing my fear of being possessed by that evil entity again.

"Didn't they tell you I'd come back eventually? Anyway, it's about time I woke up," he replied coldly, as if he was looking forward to this moment.

"Wake up? What do you mean?" I inquired, trying to maintain my composure despite the growing sense of danger.

"Don't worry, kid. I'll just wait for the right moment to take over your body, when your mental defenses fail," he said with a twisted laugh at his words.

Panic gripped me as I struggled to remain conscious, knowing that any mental weakness could mean my doom and the rebirth of the Shadow King in my body.








"At that same moment I will wake up in your body and you will sleep for eternity"











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.. to be continue....

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