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90% Harry Potter and the Magical Tok'ra / Chapter 9: 9- To Be or Not To Be... A Lord

Chapter 9: 9- To Be or Not To Be... A Lord

Four days... four long, painful days of interviews, agreements and traveling. It was exhausting, if it wasn't for Einar constantly cheering me up and telling me that if I considered this boring and exhausting then in his words:

*Try living in a lake for millennia with only fish to keep you company.

After agreeing that indeed does sound horrible I stopped my griping. First, I had to finish my debriefing with the DoD and SGC. Then I took a port key with Savannah to the MACUSA headquarters in New York City and had to be debriefed by them, as well as sign various documents pretty much just saying that I cannot inform the British Ministry or any non read-in civilian about what I saw in either the SGC or MACUSA, which I agreed with since not the biggest fan of the British Ministry, although I am not sure why... But I digress. Once all my tasks in the America's was finished, we took an international portkey to the British Ministry where I was again interviewed. Thankfully, unlike in the SGC and MACUSA I did not have to go through legilimency and I was not forced to take veritaserum. According to Savannah, the British Ministry has been panicking since I disapparated and nobody could find me so, they were just happy that I was back. There was a quick talk with Savannah that happened behind closed doors that I was not included in which was fine. I did ask her then about it. And all she said was:

"Pretty much you are a ward of MACUSA now and I'm going to be your bodyguard. They were not happy about it. But once I threatened to take you back to Ilvermorny instead of you staying at Hogwarts they relented and allowed me to continue becoming your bodyguard and caretaker."

I was quite happy with that. If they took her away and just stuck me with random British Auror I would have been very upset, especially since without Savannah neither Einar or I would have any information on the Stargate or the Tok'ra. So in the end after four long days of traveling and interviews, I am finally done with all this stupid politics, all the stupid ministry is that was until Savannah spoke up.

"So I know that you're tired, but I think that we should go to Gringotts bank right now."

"Why? Can't we just do it tomorrow?" Harry groaned showing off his 12-year-old side.

"Well, for one" Savannah started, "the MACUSA safe house is not ready yet, apparently it was partially abandoned so yeah we can't stay there yet. We would instead have to stay at an in like the Leaky Cauldron which did not look great from my records as far as comfort and security. So we would have to either stay there or stay nowhere. I would prefer to stay in a Potter holding and the only way we can do that is by going to Gringotts and finding out where they are."

"Isn't there just some like public record of where the potter residences are?" Harry asked while following Savannah down Diagon Alley.

"No, there definitely is not Harry. You see while normal witches and wizards do have semi-public records of house addresses, most if not all noble house such as Potter, Malfoy, Greengrass and such have one public home and all others are hidden. For the Potter's that home was the cottage in Godric's Hollow until it was placed under the Fidelius charm, I am positive that you have several other properties under various charms and wards hidden to all. Gringotts should have catalogs with emergency port keys in case the current heads of houses died and their heirs needed to get to those places after taking the Lord position. So we'd have to go to the bank and work on that."

Harry was not happy with that although having Einar become fascinated with all the magic was defiantly entertaining. So despite being tired and exhausted but eventually he relented.

Walking up the smooth white polished stairs to Gringotts bank Savannah and Harry headed to the first goblin available.

"How may I help you wizards?" spoke the goblin.

Savannah spoke up taking charge which was expected out of the adult of the party. "Yes we would like to speak with the Potter accounts manager please. This is Mr. Harry Potter, and I am his bodyguard and chauffeur Savannah Writter of MACUSA.

The goblin took one glance and replied, "Very well... one moment please", as the goblin wrote something and then set it on a silver plate. A moment later another goblin came "right this way Mr. Potter... Miss Writter."

As the two wizards follow the goblin into a room down the hall. They were escorted to a table where they sat down. "One moment please, your account manager Gornuk will be here just momentarily."

The two people one witch and one wizard sat down and waited. A couple of moments later another goblin entered. "Greetings, Mr. Potter I've been wondering when I would see you. I had expected you to make an appointment shortly after you turned 11 However, that did not occur. I hope everything is all right."

Harry was very confused " I'm sorry I wasn't aware I needed to honestly, I don't really know anything about my family aside from that my parents are dead. I haven't at all been told a lot about the wizarding world aside from basics. I was hoping to learn more and possibly get information on the Potter residences and any other information that you could provide regarding my family history and status."

The goblin grimace slightly and spoke "very well... as the account manager for the Potter's I know all of the various properties that you speak of however, in order to get to any of the secret properties not on the public list, such as Godric's Hollow you will need to first have the approval of your magical guardian, or you would need to be emancipated and thus take up your lordship."

Savannah also slightly grimaced at that and she said, "Oh, great, well I guess we need to talk to Dumbledore."

The goblin looked confused "Mr. Dumbledore is not the current magical guardian of Mr. Potter."

This confused both of them. "We were under the impression that Albus Dumbledore was his magical guardian.

"No, despite what the ministry would say the current magical guardian listed here is Harry's Godfather, Sirius Black." This got Harry's attention and excitement rose within him as he now had family in the godfather. This hope was quickly crushed with Savannah's next words.

"However, that mass murderer cannot still be his Godfather. Wouldn't he have been immediately disqualified for betraying them?"

"Yes. He would have. However, he is still the magical guardian according to magic herself. So either he did not betray them, or magic is lying, in either case Sirius Black is the official magical guardian of Harry Potter."

""Is there anything else?"" Savannah and Harry spoke together?

The goblin replied, "Yes, Since Mr. Black or Lord black as he is rightfully known is incommunicado while at Azkaban the only other way is to become emancipated and become Lord Potter. Would you like to proceed with that? I must warn you that becoming Lord Potter will make you an adult legally, and thus you may be prosecuted as an adult if you do anything illegal. You will also thus have to pay taxes as well. Do you wish to proceed?"

Harry Potter had a great decision to make to become Lord potter or stay as simply Harry?

KumaBear27101 KumaBear27101

Now that the first 6 chapters of the original story are out and with the addition of my three original chapter, I will not be publishing everyday.

I will do my best to do 1 or two chapter a week. Maybe more if I am not procrastinating.

I have this story planned out for a good while just need to make it work and finalize some key points.


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