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Dementor Riot

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Harry still had a crucial Quidditch match before heading off to Hogsmeade.

He looked worriedly at the storm outside, which was unsuitable for any outdoor sport. Luckly Quidditch matches were held regardless of the weather. 

Harry put on his Gryffindor Quidditch uniform, a scarlet robe. After Hermione and Ron came to the team's backstage area to encourage Harry, they went to the stadium's stands to watch the game.

Wood was hoarsely encouraging his team. The Gryffindor Quidditch team faced a formidable opponent this time: Cedric of Hufflepuff. Cedric was tall and strong, a suitable Seeker, and a formidable opponent.

Despite the storm, the Quidditch pitch was full. The wizarding world had an extraordinary passion for the game of Quidditch. 

Once outside, Harry was nearly blown over by the wind, and his umbrella seemed utterly useless. The rain seemed to fall from the ground to the sky, soaking Harry's clothes instantly with freezing rain. The loud howling wind was mixed with cheers from the Quidditch stadium's stands. Harry tried hard to listen but couldn't hear clearly; the rumble of thunder drowned out almost everything else.

Harry and the rest of the team struggled to keep their balance as they staggered toward the center of the Quidditch pitch. His glasses were covered entirely with rain; whenever he wiped them, the rain would smear them again immediately.

Finally, Wood led the entire Gryffindor team to the center of the Quidditch pitch. They could vaguely see Hufflepuff's canary yellow robes through the heavy rain.

In the stands, Ethan sat leisurely on the professor's bench, watching the struggling Gryffindor and Hufflepuff Quidditch teams on the pitch. The violent storm outside didn't affect the spectators at all. The stands were covered with various shielding and protection spells, completely isolating the raging storm. The stands were warm and cozy, and since the professor's seats were more spacious than the students', Ethan could even stretch his legs.

Next to Ethan sat Luna, wearing golden lion headgear. Since Luna had found the professor seats more comfortable than the student seats, she had sat there for almost every game. Sitting next to Ethan, Luna swayed her legs, occasionally showing her fair and slender ankles, and hummed strange songs.

She was holding a candy bag containing all kinds of sweets, which she had bought based on Dumbledore's recommendations in the Hogwarts School Magazine. Luna picked up the bag and motioned for Ethan to take a few. He smiled, took a few Zizi Honeydukes' candies, and threw them into his mouth.

The Hogwarts stadium was a vague blur in the storm, and Luna began to tell Ethan about her experience with the unicorns. Sitting in the Gryffindor section, Hermione stared anxiously at Luna, who was chatting and laughing with Ethan.

She still couldn't figure out why Luna and Ethan had such a good relationship. Hermione wanted to join in their conversation, but she naturally liked to follow the rules and couldn't sit on the professor's chair as boldly as Luna did. 

Bound by the rules, Hermione could only watch Ethan laughing with Luna, gritting her teeth in frustration. Finally, there was a sharp whistle on the Quidditch pitch, signaling the start of the game. 

Hermione's attention was drawn back to Harry. Unfortunately, due to the storm, everyone could only see blurry shadows moving on the field. 

Harry rode his Nimbus 2000, trembling as the wind tossed him to and fro. He tried hard to find the Golden Snitch, but it seemed impossible in the blinding storm. He could barely see five meters ahead.

His hands and feet were numb from the cold as he searched for the Snitch. Suddenly, a golden light flashed before his eyes. Harry's heart leaped with excitement—he had found the Golden Snitch!

The Snitch dangled in front of him momentarily, then shot straight up. Harry followed it, flying higher into the sky, not wanting to miss this chance. 

The Snitch led him up into the clouds. Rain pelted his face painfully, and purple lightning flashed through the black clouds. But Harry ignored the storm, gritting his teeth and urging his Nimbus 2000 to go faster in pursuit of the Snitch.

The Nimbus 2000 began to tremble violently, and the rain made the broomstick slippery. Harry held on tightly, determined not to let go.

Harry squeezed the slippery broomstick, trying not to let himself fall.

He quickly passed through the clouds, chasing after the Snitch.

"Come on!" Harry shouted, encouraging himself.

He gritted his teeth and passed through extremely gloomy clouds, reaching above the storm. Here, the wind and rain stopped, and everything was eerily quiet.

Harry freed one hand to shake the rain from his glasses, trying to look around for the Snitch's location. 

Immediately afterward, he saw the most terrifying scene in his life.

Hundreds of black-robed Dementors floated silently above the clouds, their faces hidden under their hoods, all facing him.

Several Dementors near Harry flew over and took a deep breath, aiming at Harry.

Harry felt himself freeze for a split second, an indescribable iciness bursting out of his bones.

His eyes darkened, and he passed out. Before fainting, he heard a woman's scream.

Harry dropped the broom and fell through the thick cloud.

The Dementors didn't let Harry go and hurried down with him.

Harry's condition caught everyone's attention, and the students screamed in horror when they saw the Dementors chasing after Harry.

Such a scream caught the attention of all the Dementors. They suddenly found more delicious food on the ground and gave up chasing Harry, rushing viciously towards the little wizards in the stands.

The Dementors were out of control for the second time.

The little wizards who noticed this became even more terrified, crying and trying to escape the Quidditch pitch, all the passages crowded into a mess.

Ethan stood up suddenly, looking at the crowded little wizards before him. He felt his scalp tingle for the first time.

It wasn't the Dementors that Ethan was afraid of. He was scared of a stampede. He couldn't even imagine what it would be like if Hogwarts had a serious stampede.

At this time, the professors stood up one after another, realizing the seriousness of the problem and beginning to try to evacuate the students.

Ethan sternly instructed Luna not to run around and to hold his waist tightly.

Luna obediently hugged Ethan's waist tightly, fixing herself firmly to him.

Ethan glanced around quickly. The surroundings were already very chaotic, with cries everywhere.

He saw Dumbledore using a loud voice to soothe the students' emotions and instruct them to evacuate.

Meanwhile, Sirius Black dashed towards where Harry was about to fall.

Ethan drew his wand, aiming it at the Dementors, ready to cast a Patronus Charm. "Expecto Patronum!" he shouted, a bright, silvery griffin bursting from his wand and charging at the Dementors.

Dumbledore, McGonagall, and the other professors joined in, their Patronuses adding to the force driving the Dementors back.

Sirius reached Harry just in time, catching him before he hit the ground. He quickly carried Harry towards the castle, away from the chaos.

With the combined efforts of the professors and their Patronuses, the Dementors were finally driven back. Although scared and shaken, the students began to calm down as Dumbledore and the other staff managed the situation.

His heart was still pounding, and Ethan looked down at Luna, who was clinging to him. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice gentle despite the adrenaline coursing through him.

Luna nodded, her expression serene as always. "Yes, thank you, Professor."

The immediate danger had passed, but Ethan knew that the Dementors' breach and the ensuing chaos would have lasting effects on the students and staff alike. He glanced at Dumbledore, who was already organizing a more thorough evacuation and medical assistance for those in shock or injured.

The storm raged outside, but within the protective walls of Hogwarts, the students were safe for now. Ethan silently vowed to investigate and ensure such a terrifying event never happened again.

Dark_Symphony Dark_Symphony

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