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[Kratos - God Of War III - 3]

Powers & Abilities


Transcendental God Physiology: As the son of Zeus and to the mortal woman Callisto, Kratos was born a demigod, already granting him superhuman physical prowess. Already beyond most mortals and monsters, to where armies of them pose no threat to him, his acquiring of the power of Hope and becoming a true God; the God of War, as well as numerous absorption and exposure of various powers during his life dramatically enhanced Kratos' powers, allowing him to kill all the Olympian Gods and Titans. After leaving Greece, with the magics he had lost to him, and being older, it's ambiguous whether Kratos' godly physical prowess and abilities have grown or reduced over time. Despite suppressing his power, Kratos is still far more powerful and capable of dispatching armies of monsters in the Nine Realms.

Immortality: Kratos has been cursed for his sins to never be able to die, henceforth how he survived his suicide with the Blade of Olympus. 

Superhuman Strength: Kratos possesses incredible superhuman strength, which only grows over time, eventually reaching immeasurable levels. While being originally defeated by Alrik, later, he was able to easily subdue and rip apart many large and powerful beasts and creatures such as Undead Legionnaires, infected humans, monsters, and magical beings using only his bare hands, including even the Hydra. Kratos was later capable of matching, overpowering and even killing the Gods themselves with his raw strength, such as Ares, Helios, who he casually decapitated with his bare hands, Poseidon, who he ripped out of his watery construct, beat down with his bare hands, gouged his eyes and snapped his neck, Hades, who he pushed back and then ripped out the soul of using the Claws of Hades, and finally Zeus, who he was able to beat to death. He also prevented both Cronos and Atlas, the two strongest Titans, from crushing him with their fingers and even overpowered Cronos when he tried to crush him with two hands. In his battle against Hercules, who is considered to be unrivaled in terms of sheer strength, Kratos proved himself stronger, capable of stopping his charges and even forcing him backward and also able to break free from his bear hugs, throwing Hercules with great ease over a great distance, overpowering and pummeling him to death despite his brother's invulnerability. 

Nigh-Invulnerability: Kratos is extraordinarily durable. He can easily fall from great heights and walk away unharmed, and could easily withstand crushing, stabbings, beatings, and powerful magical attacks with little injuries, attacks that would instantly kill any normal human, beast or even other demigods, having taken numerous exceedingly strong physical attacks from the Gods and Titans and mostly survived with only minor wounds and damage.

Superhuman Speed and Reflexes: Kratos is incredibly fast, having wielding tremendous superhuman speed, and also has stupendous fighting reflexes, capable of matching the likes of Zeus who has the speed of lightning, Castor and Pollux using Chronokinesis in combat. He was also able to keep up with Hermes using his boots enough to successfully stay on his tracks and after he was weakened, defeat him. His speed surpassed the Sisters of Fate, as shown when he could easily fight and outpace two of them at once, tagging them while also avoiding their attacks. 

Superhuman Agility: Kratos has tremendous agility, capable of easily climbing mountains and buildings, jumping great heights and landing without any problems, and swinging on ropes to cross long gaps. His coordination is also remarkable, being able to easily stay on top of struggling beasts.

Superhuman Stamina: Kratos possesses an almost unlimited amount of stamina compared to a mortal man, allowing him to remain constantly active for days without tiring. This allows him to accomplish such feats as spending days scaling the temple of Pandora to reach Pandora's Box or taking down enormous monsters that require him to stay on the move constantly. Should Kratos expend all his stamina, he only momentarily requires rest or food to restore it. 

Regenerative Healing Factor: Kratos' regenerative healing factor allows him to heal and regenerate from injuries at a fast rate, making him able to recover from attacks that would normally kill other beings. He can also regenerate even from being hit by divine beings or divine weaponry, although in case for divine weapons, they can still leave behind scratches and scars. If needed, Kratos can focus his energy and rage to heal himself almost instantly from even severe injuries, being able to heal from damage caused by the likes of Baldur and Thor.

Superhuman Senses: Kratos' senses are heightened, which make him aware of his surroundings and able to sense danger when it's near.

Rage Empowerment: Kratos was able to tap into his overwhelming volumes of rage for greater physical prowess and the ability to increase his superhuman strength, speed, agility, stamina, and durability, making him much stronger than normal. He can also harness the ultimate powers of his rage in several magical weapons in his arsenal. In Greece, he was only able to channel his anger through the powers of the Blades of Chaos, Blade of Olympus, and the blessed ashes of Prometheus and the power of Thera, but by the time of his journeys in the Norse lands, Kratos' experience and relentless training to master his rage granted him the ability to freely call upon concentrated bursts of his powerful Spartan Rage, allowing him to become more powerful and unleash a wild but focused aggressive barrage of attacks. He even managed to develop his skill with the ability to where he was able to manifest it in numerous forms, capable of only healing himself or unleashing a devastating attack from the power of his weapons.

Elemental Powers (Greece)

Power Absorption: Throughout his life, Kratos has been shown to absorb power from various sources, be it Gods or Titans. Among the greatest power, he has absorbed the Power of Hope, unlocked Pandora's Box, and even succesfully went inside the Flame of Olympus. This therefore allowed him to kill the immortal Olympians and despite releasing it in his suicide attempt, it seems that the part of Hope is still inside him. Kratos also seems to absorb the greatest feature from Gods or out of powerful creatures he kills. He absorbed Hades' soul in God of War III, which was incredibly important to Kratos' power level. Kratos also became the God of Death in some ways, as he killed Thanatos, which most likely added to his already immense powers. 

Atmokinesis: With the Blade of Olympus, Kratos can summon a massive tornado by slamming the blade to the ground.

Aerokinesis: With Typhon's Bane, Kratos can fire gusts of wind and homing wind blasts and generate whirlwinds and tempests.

Electrokinesis: Kratos had gained the power to manipulate electricity from various sources throughout his life. First, he gained Lightning of Zeus from Python's Belly, allowing him to empower his blade with lightning to shock enemies and create electrical fields and mines as well as his chain and also create a large vortex of electric energy. He then acquired the Gauntlet of Zeus, which allowed him to use electricity to greatly increase his speed and enhance his blows with electricity as well as unleash lethal jolts. He was also given two versions of lightning magic: Zeus' Fury, which allowed him to generate powerful thunderbolts, and Poseidon's Rage, which allowed him to generate a circle of electricity around himself and summon lightning bolts from the sky. The Eye of Atlantis granted Kratos the power to unleash furious strikes of lightning from the orb and generate arcs of lightning. Although he lost that power after Zeus stripped him of his godly powers, he was given back the power to manipulate lightning by Chronos' Rage, allowing him to create blue orbs of electricity and after sufficiently leveling it up, he can also cause the orb to explode at will. Hephaestus also granted Nemesis Whip, one of Kratos' weapons, the power to emit electricity to shock others and also unleash blasts of thunder energy.

Pyrokinesis: Throughout his journey, Kratos has been gifted with several powers to manipulate fire. First was the Fire of Ares, which allowed him to empower his weapons to create fiery explosions with combos and overall enchant attacks with fire as well as create searing cores of fire. The second was the Thera's Bane, which temporarily allowed him to greatly increase the power of the Blades of Athena and also create exploding searing cores. Rage of the Titans was acquired when he freed Prometheus from his torment, allowing him to clad himself of fire and generate fiery bursts and torrents. Upon arriving in the Norse Realm, Kratos somehow acquired the power of Spartan Rage, which allowed him to empower his fists with what appeared to be fire and empower thrown stones to explode upon impact. He can also use the Blades of Chaos to channel their fire energy, albeit only after he stabs his enemies.

Cryokinesis: With the Ice of Poseidon, Kratos was granted the power to create tempests and waves of ice, empower his weapons with ice, fire ice shards and manifest spikes of ice. The Horn of Boreas allowed him to summon icy tempests. After arriving in the Norse Realm, Kratos' power to manipulate ice lies with the Leviathan Axe, which while wielded by Kratos can fire waves of ice energy and freeze enemies.

Geokinesis: With Atlas Quake, Kratos was capable of creating strong earthquakes and throwing large boulders. In the Norse Realm with the help of Spartan Rage, Kratos could also shake the ground and throw large boulders.

Chronokinesis: With the Amulet of Uroborus, Kratos could manipulate time in a variety of ways, such as casting blasts able to decay enemies, healing himself, restoring massive broken structures, and slowing down enemies. He was also able to use the Loom Chamber's threads to go back in time before he was killed by Zeus. Also, with the help of the Amulet of the Fates, Kratos could slow down time. In the Nordic Realm, Kratos could use the Talisman of the Worlds and other talismans, as well as enchantments to slow down time and enemies.

Photokinesis: With the Primordial Fire, Kratos could summon orbs of light and hurl them towards his enemies.

Soul Manipulation: With the Soul of Hades, Kratos was granted the power to summon blasts of soul energy and unleash the deceased souls that inhabit the Underworld upon enemies. The God of Death later granted Kratos the power to summon the souls of the Underworld in the form of the magic of the Army of Hades. Although he lost the power to do this after losing his godhood, Kratos received the Blades of Exile from Athena which grants him the power to resurrect and control the souls of his deceased Spartan brethren. He later obtains a stronger version of the power after obtaining the Claws of Hades, allowing him to rip out other's souls and control it to attack enemies as well as summon souls of the enemies he had defeated.

Divine Energy Manipulation: With the Blade of Olympus, Kratos was able to fire powerful blasts of divine energy.

Void Creation: With the Scourge of Erinys, Kratos was granted the power to create voids of darkness capable of sucking in enemies, stealing their life force and yielding it to Kratos.

Magical Revelation: With the Eyes of Truth, Kratos was able to dispel all sorts of illusions, magic barriers and dark magic spells used by The Furies.

Underwater Breathing: With either Poseidon's Trident or Triton's Lance, Kratos could breathe underwater indefinitely and swim with incredible speed.

Clone Creation: With the Oath Stone of Orkos, Kratos can create copies of himself to aid him against his enemies.

Petrification: With either Medusa or Euryale's heads, Kratos can turn enemies into stone.

Flight: Kratos, using Icarus' wings, could hover above the ground and fly through the air.


Gifted Intellect: Though often knocked for just being a brute, Kratos could demonstrate a surprising amount of intelligence and wisdom to deal with numerous non-combative threats in his way. By the time he settled in the Norse Pantheon, Kratos' intelligence and wisdom has grown further due to his experiences. His intelligence primarily manifests itself in a remarkable degree of deductive analysis throughout his journeys, which has only sharpened in time as he experienced both numerous intellectually challenging situations and manipulations/deceits. Numerous times, he was able to solve complex puzzles and problems that were made by some of the greatest intellects of Greece. 

Master Leader: Kratos was an exceptionally effective leader, being given the title of general of the Spartan Army and leading his soldiers to numerous victories, and later led his own men when he became the new God of War unchallenged until the Gods themselves interfered. Even Atreus admits despite not getting along with Kratos that his father is definitely capable in leading the way for both of them, and usually follows him without hesitation. Despite his initial reluctance, Kratos was able to lead the armies of Ragnarök against Asgard effectively, giving decisive commands that were followed through without hesitation. Faye even foresaw that Kratos' leadership skills would allow him to unite all the Nine Realms after Ragnarök.

Expert Deceiver: To a certain extent, Kratos has been able to trick his enemies by making use of their emotions to his advantage, using Megaera's anger against him and feigning defeat to Zeus to catch him off-guard. During his first journey with Atreus, he was able to successfully keep up the facade of being a simply exceptional mortal rather than a God, limiting his powers to a sufficient degree to keep his son from suspecting it, before eventually coming clean.

Indomitable Will: Determined and dedicated to anything he sets his mind to, Kratos has demonstrated great willpower and fortitude during his journeys. During the Greek Era, Kratos was driven by his need for vengeance and refused to give up until he killed those who wronged him, and was able to accomplish feats that were believed impossible, such as killing a God, getting into the Domain of Death to save his brother, obtaining Pandora's Box, escaping from the Underworld, changing his fate, and killing Zeus. His enormous mental strength was depicted by how he could successfully break free from illusions and resist great magics, as shown when he broke free from the Furies' illusions, stopped Hades from ripping his soul, and resisted Aphrodite's seduction. 

Master Combatant: Supplementing Kratos' extraordinary physical powers is his nigh-unmatched battle prowess, being phenomenally lethal and dangerous in all forms of combat, both armed and unarmed, acquired from years of training as a Spartan warrior, which already sufficed to make him the youngest captain and later the greatest general of the Spartans, having killed and slain thousands of enemies for Sparta. His combat skills was further honed by experiencing numerous difficult ordeals during his service to the Gods and triumphing over armies and powerful monsters, eventually his prowess reached levels where with the divine weapons granted to him and his superior physical prowess, Kratos bested and killed all the Gods and Titans in his path, despite them having significantly greater experience in combat and also natural usage of divine magic, displaying evidently superior fighting skills. 

Hammer Expertise: Kratos was able to use the Barbarian Hammer easily and with remarkable skill.

Axe Mastery: Kratos is extremely skilled with wielding an axe in combat, with him wielding Faye's Leviathan Axe with devastating proficiency to skillfully kill numerous monsters. At one point, Kratos was able to kill off Magni with a series of precise blows at fatal spots in a matter of moments. He was even able to successfully wield the Leviathan Axe against Thor and his usage of Mjölnir, fulfilling the purpose of Leviathan's creation, managing to overwhelm Thor enough to finally make him draw his hammer and eventually best and disarm Thor of his hammer with the Axe in their final duel, and managed to impale Odin in the shoulder with the axe.

Chain Mastery: Kratos is exceedingly skilled in the manipulation of chained weaponry such as the Blades of Chaos; his trademark weapon, the Blades of Athena, the Blades of Exile, the Claws of Hades, and the Nemesis Whip, with great precision and proficiency to devastatingly assault his foes over any distance and at high-speed, use them as a means to swing over chasms and also use them as a restraint on his foes.

Shield Mastery: Kratos is exceptionally skilled in using a shield, as demonstrated with his Guardian Shield, masterfully using it for numerous purposes, such as effectively defending against numerous projectiles or close-range attacks and even able to use it offensively, skillfully countering close-range attacks and delivering numerous attacks.

Spear Mastery: Kratos is also exceptionally skilled at wielding spears in combat, having wielded the Spear of Destiny and Arms of Sparta with great skill. Upon receiving the Draupnir Spear, a magic ring which creates limitless amount of its namesake spears, his skill proved to be still as sharp of ever, able to use the spear to successfully overpower Heimdall in combat and even match Odin's own in their fateful confrontation.

Master Marksman: He is also a highly skilled marksman, capable of using ranged weapons (throwing weapons and bows) with devastating ease and proficiency. He is also able to apply his marksmanship with the Leviathan Axe, as he can throw it at his target and can summon it back to him.

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Although primarily using weapons, Kratos is also an exceptional martial artist and hand-to-hand combatant, proficient in numerous techniques of Greek wrestling, boxing, and Pankration, able to skillfully wrestle and throw down enemies and unleash fast-paced barrages of uppercuts, punches, kicks, elbow strikes, knee strikes, and spinning haymakers that can easily and quickly overwhelm most opponents. His unarmed fighting skills can easily subdue even powerful monsters and multiple opponents, even at one point dispatching numerous Asgardian soldiers with a single hand while the other was carrying Freyr. Even without weapons, Kratos was able to defeat the extremely skilled hand-to-hand fighter Baldur in single combat three times, although not without extreme effort and being initially pressured by his skill, as well as battle back Thor in unarmed combat, managing to maneuver out of Thor's grip and deliver numerous blows on him, even at one point gaining the upper hand and pummeling him decisively for a short moment. He also easily disarmed and bested Modi while enraged, and even overpowered Freya using solely his skill in unarmed combat, reversing her hold on him, delivering attacks that knocked her off him when she tried to break his neck, and even disarming her of her sword at their final exchange, all while having the use of only one hand. Kratos even outmaneuvered Odin in the final battle against him unarmed, lifting and tossing him aside and helping Freya and Atreus swiftly beat him down.

Master Swimmer: Kratos, thanks to his superhuman stamina, is a skilled swimmer, capable of swimming at great distances and going underwater to reach his destinations.

Bestowed Abilities (Greece)

Poseidon's Rage: Harnessing the power of sea storms, Kratos can vaporize his enemies with powerful streams of lightning.

Medusa's Gaze: Torn from the Gorgon Queen's serpentine body, Kratos can harness the power of Medusa's head to turn his enemies to solid stone.

Zeus' Fury: Granted to him by the King of the Gods himself, Kratos can hurl thunderbolts at his enemies from afar. Can be charged for a devastating blast of lightning.

Army of Hades: The God of the Underworld granted Kratos command of the Dead. Kratos summons invincible vicious warrior spirits to tear his enemies to shreds. Ares himself could not withstand such an assault.

Rage of the Gods: Granted to him by the Goddess Athena, Kratos could focus his rage and power to give himself godlike powers, becoming invincible and granted infinite power (magic), but only for a short time.

Typhon's Bane: Torn from the eye of the imprisoned Titan, Typhon, this ability manifested into the shape of a bow. Kratos could harness the power of wind to fire blasts of wind or create small tornadoes.

Cronos' Rage: Before his fall in the Great War with the Gods, Cronos, the leader of the Titans hid away the last of his magic. Granted to Kratos, he could place orbs of electricity that would electrocute anything nearby and explode.

Euryales Gaze: Torn from the body of Medusa's sister Euryale, Kratos can use the Gorgon's head much like the Medusa's Gaze.

Atlas Quake: Granted to him by the mighty Titan Atlas, Kratos can pound the earth with his fists to send shock waves of debris in all directions.

Rage of the Titans: By freeing Prometheus and allowing him to be consumed in fire, his ashes, tainted with the power of the Titans, have been given to Kratos and allow him control of fire as well as making his durability and speed go up.

Efreet: By summoning the Fire Demon Efreet, Kratos can command it to pound the ground with it's fists and burn enemies in the process.

Light of Dawn: Drawing power from light itself, Kratos can create orbs of light and force and hurl them at his enemies.

Charon's Wrath: With the mask of the ferryman of the Underworld, Kratos can send forth a blast of green flame that will slowly end the life of those it touches.

Divine Reckoning: With the Blade of Olympus in hand, Kratos can plunge the weapon into the ground and envelop himself in a vortex of energy that decimates nearby enemies.

Army of Sparta: Calling forth the spirits of his Spartan comrades, Kratos can command them to form an impenetrable phalanx around him and attack his enemies with spears and a rain of arrows.

Soul Summon: Harnessing the power of the Claws of Hades, Kratos can call forth various ethereal beasts to attack his enemies.

Nemean Roar: By slamming the Nemean Cestus into the ground, Kratos can send forth a barrage of powerful shockwaves.

Nemesis Rage: Using the Nemesis Whips, Kratos can send forth a surge of electric energy that will attach to an enemy and attack others as well.

Rage of Sparta: By drawing upon the the power of the Blade of Olympus, Kratos can become temporarily invulnerable and move at greater speeds.

[Sage MARVEL (Earth-616)]

[ Mental Computation: Sage is a mutant with astonishingly advanced intellectual capabilities forged from a mind that works in the same way as a supercomputer would.

Photographic Memory: Sage perfectly remembers everything she experiences. She can instantaneously retrieve every memory and any information she has perceived.

Multitasking: Sage is able to perform multiple tasks at once by allocating a partition of her brain to each task. For example, Sage can use her mind to replay a movie she had watched previously, play a game of internet chess, and focus on battling an opponent without any one task distracting her from another.

Kinetic Memory: Sage can perfectly execute any skill she has had a single lesson in without the need for practice.


Genetic Sight: Sage can perceive the DNA in cells, living or dead, within close range. Combined with her innate analytical capabilities, this allows her to determine familial relationships between people and to understand a person's current and potential abilities.

Jump-start: After analyzing the DNA of another mutant, Sage is able to unleash latent mutant powers or enhance existing mutant powers. The process is irreversible and can often result in unpredictable side-effects. She can also restore mutant abilities lost due to injury.

Self Mastery: Sage has complete control over her personal physiology. She once consciously used her immune system to purge herself of mind controlling nanites. Her alter self, Diane Fox, can alter physical appearances to accommodate her own character.

Telepathy: Trained by Xavier himself, Sage learned a great degree of telepathic talents that include detecting minds, mind reading, projecting thoughts, astral projection, casting realistic mental illusions, and a level of psionic defense unique to her.

Firewall: Sage is capable of creating her own unique psionic protection against outside mental influence. By erecting a psionic "firewall" Sage is able effectively protect herself from direct mental attacks, probes and detection of the mental variety while creating a defensive force that reflects any offensive mental action back at her attacker. The wall is effective in both directions, nearly eliminating her own psionic abilities while active. ]

Latent Powers

Telekinetic Flight: While under the influence of her alternate personality, Sage could fly and carry another person aloft, while displaying a tell-tale psychic power signature.

Superhuman Strength: Sage's alternate personality, Diana, demonstrated superhuman levels of strength, easily shattering iron manacles and knocking an opponent flying with a single punch.


Gifted Intelligence: Sage's mutant intelligence makes her one of the smartest people on the planet through raw computational power and perfect recollection. This allows her to be an expert in every field that is well-documented or calculable, such as combat and technology, but less so for others, such as sociology and psychology.

Examples include:

Expert Engineer: Sage has displayed remarkable technical aptitude for electronics and mechanics, though she typically improves on existing designs rather than innovating new devices.

Examples include miniaturizing the advanced technology contained within her cybernetic sunglasses, familiarity with repairing components of the X-Men's Blackbird, and creating a solid-light version of an image inducer and an autonomous support artificial intelligence.

Peerless Hacker: Sage has access to countless digital records, public and private. She claimed she had access to any data network on the planet. Her more impressive feats include gaining full access to the surveillance systems of a multiversal alien invasion force and retrieving information from the "black box" of a deceased Celestial.

Hyperpolyglot: Sage is fluent in over 123 different languages.

Master Martial Artist: Sage is skilled in the martial arts, and is a formidable hand-to-hand combatant due to her having complete conscious control over her own body.

Weapons Expert: Sage is also self-taught in a wide range of firearms, which she can use with considerable skill and accuracy.

Interrogator: Sage's cold demeanor and ability to detect lies through body language has proven so intimidating that thugs and soldiers give up information quickly.

Pilot: Sage was seen to skillfully pilot the X-Men's Blackbird, and a space-mech.

Medical ExpertiseTrauma Treatment: Sage treated Captain Britain after he was nearly killed by Rouge-Mort.

Forensics Expert: Sage is able to instantly and expertly identify a type of wound by its blood spatter pattern, pinpoint a shooter's position from bullet holes and determine causes of death of corpses.

Mutant Genetics Expert: Sage is able to identify all kinds of genetic material, human, mutant and alien and, to a limited extent, simulate the effects of changing a genome.

Indomitable Will: Sage was born with an indomitable will and was trained by Charles Xavier to enhance it further. This has allowed her to resist being controlled by nanites, usurp possession, and prevent telepaths from reading or influencing her mind.

[Zeldris - Mokushiroku no Yonkishi]


Ominous Nebula「Ominosu Nebyura」: Zeldris' innate power. This power creates a vortex that surrounds and attracts all living beings around him that are sliced at a god-like speed by pure reflexes when anyone comes in contact.

God「Goddo; literally meaning "Demon King"」: According to Zeldris, the Demon King lent a portion of his magic power to him for him to use.[41] When using his father's power, Zeldris is able to completely nullify all magical attacks.

Hellblaze「 Herubureizu; literally meaning "Hellfire"」: A mysterious ability possessed by Zeldris that allows him to generate black flames.[43] It also has the additional effect of nullifying an immortal's regeneration.

Dies Irae「Diesu Ire; literally meaning "Day of Wrath"」: Zeldris summons a portal over his desired target, and releases a massive lightning bolt to strike them down.

Combined Techniques

Combined Technique: Haso Kyutotsu「Gōgi Hasō Kyūtotsu; lit. "Sphere Destruction Spear Thrust"」: Zeldris uses his Hellblaze-infused sword to impale the opponent caught in Gelda's Kaijinso.

Combined Technique: Tyrant Killing「Gōgi Tairanto Kiringu」: Zeldris and Meliodas attack the enemy with their swords imbued in the power of darkness.


Zeldris was bestowed with the Commandment of Piety「Keishin」 by the Demon King. Any who turn their back to Zeldris are treated as committing an act of treachery and are cursed into serving the Demon King, and by extension Zeldris himself who is acting as the Demon King's representative. After being forced to absorb all the Commandments by Cusack, Zeldris held all the Commandments but at the cost of having his body possessed by his father, the Demon King. However, thanks to the intervention of his brother, Elizabeth, the Sins and Gelda, the Commandments were forced out of Zeldris' body and freed him from his father's grasp.

Faith - Anyone who shows a lack of faith will have their eyes set ablaze.

Love - Anyone who holds hatred in their heart will be unable to afflict harm on anyone else.

Pacifism - Anyone who kills will rapidly have their own time stolen away, causing them to rapidly age and die.

Patience - Anyone who shows intolerance of pain will be inflicted with further pain.

Piety - Anyone who shows their back to the wielder will become an obedient slave of the Demon King and by extension, the commandment's holder.

Purity - Anyone who conducts impure deeds will be inflicted with illness.

Repose - Anyone who fights without rest will get their magic sealed away.

Reticence - Anyone who expresses hidden feeling and/or emotions will be rendered unable to speak.

Selflessness - Anyone who holds desire from another person will lose their memories, emotions, and sense of self.

Truth - Anyone who lies or goes back on their word will be turned to stone.]

[Erina Nakiri - Food Wars]

[ Erina has no particular cooking or cuisine specialty. Instead, her cooking is based upon using high quality ingredients and incredible creativity with the feeling of regality. Erina's cooking and skill easily allowed her to acquire the 10th seat of the Elite Ten Council at the end of her third year of middle school, signifying that she is indeed the best chef of her class and one of the best chefs currently in Tōtsuki. Despite being no more than a mere high school girl, Erina's skill level is already on par with most professional chefs. The clearest demonstration of Erina's cooking prowess came during her Stagiaire assignment where a French cuisine head chef, who single-handedly built the reputation of the said restaurant almost to their first Micheline star, submitted and gave Erina full command of the kitchen in just a few short hours. The 1st Seat of her year, Sōma Yukihira admits that her skill surpasses his own. In the BLUE finals, she was still able to defeat him and win the tournament, despite his dish causing her to have the strongest stripping pulse in the Nakiri family history.


God's Tongue - Erina's tongue is considered the best in the world, able to taste a dish to the highest degree. Thanks to this ability, Erina has been a culinary prodigy since she was no more than 4 years old.

Perfection - Due to Erina having no cuisine specialty, she is capable of making any dish on any genre of dish and making them better and achieve perfect deliciousness.

Multiple Cuisine - Erina is capable of creating any dish into a pro class dish in any genre or cuisine types. This ability synergizes well with her Perfection skill and God's Tongue.

Ingredient Knowledge - Erina is more adapted to the multiple ingredients' history, composition, taste, and dish capability due to her training since she was a child. This skill is shown clearly on her Hokkaido Seminar on her giving ammunition to the rebels of Central.

Adaptation - Erina learned this skill from Sōma when he inspires her to his cooking ability and when she's beginning to open up to him. She clearly shows this on her Red and White Battle when she nows showing herself to adapt to cooking of both Sōma and Jōichirō's way of cooking Team Saiba's Hachis Parmentier.

Culinary Logic - Due to her childhood, Erina is very natural when it comes to logic of the cuisines to create a perfect dish. She excels in this ability when she's judging on Sōma's cooking and then she criticizes his dish on what is the logical ingredient to achieve a dish to achieve a correct limit of the dish's flavor. This is highlighted when she began teaching her dorm-mates in Polar Star Dorm, Ikumi, and Aldini Twins in the Hokkaido seminar that she prepared for them to excel in the Hokkaido examinations.

Culinary Creativity - Erina just learned this ability from Sōma's Yukihira Style cooking experience during her times together that involves both him and her. She highlighted this ability more on when she created Le Plat Véritable ~Delinquent Daughter Style~ to show Azami the freedom of cooking.]

[ Shō Kusakabe - Fire Force ]

[ Shō's Fourth Generation pyrokinetic ability allows him to take heat from the expansion of the universe and slow down time. During the Cataclysm, the link to Adolla from Earth is strengthened to an extent that he no longer requires Grace to "bless" and amplify his link.

He quickly and easily overwhelmed Faerie despite his ability countering Shō's time manipulation, easily bested his brother in their first fight and rematch, as well as managed to defeat Faerie twice despite his own immense power and advanced age.

Master Swordsman: Shō has showcased himself to be a masterful swordsman. Using his katana he can battle a trained assassin to a standstill. While trying to avoid killing his prey, Shō is able to fight using his sword's sheath to bludgeon them or consistently attack with the flat side of his blade. He was capable of of completely overpowering his brother while using only the flat side of his blade, while his brother was an incredibly skilled pyrokinetic in his own right.

Immense Speed: Shō is an extremely quick combatant regardless of his abilities. Being able to contend with Shinra's Rapid-Man Kick and properly judge when to counter-attack his fast moving target. Even when his Fourth Generation abilities were perfectly countered by Faerie, Shō was able to effortlessly defeat him through sheer speed. Even without the advantage of moving freely in stopped time, he was not only capable of reacting to and fending off Joker's insanely fast strikes, but was also capable to following Shinra's movements while he was using Rapid. His already superhuman speed and reaction time is complimented by his Fourth Generation ability.

Immense Strength: Shō also possesses superhuman level strength, allowing him to fling Shinra across a room and shatter solid concrete. While striking with his Katana he was capable of completely shattering several pillars and knocking his brother around with barely any effort. With a single strike, he managed to send Shinra into a column with enough force to completely destroy it, while only holding his blade by it's pommel with one hand.

Adolla Burst

Like his brother, Shō has the rare and mysterious Adolla Burst, and the Adolla Link. Through using his Adolla Link with the Evangelist, Shō is able to use the Fourth Generation ability called Severed Universe, which is capable of stopping time. Severed Universe gives the illusion of super speed [6] and, using it in conjunction with his katana, Shō is capable of defeating Shinra, Arthur Boyle and Hibana with a single strike each. Severed Universe involves stealing the heat that causes the natural expansion of the universe, resulting in time standing still for everyone, making them frozen in place; the sole exception being Shō himself who remains at his normal speed.

The major flaw of this technique is it exposes Shō's body to extreme cold and he begins to freeze almost immediately. This makes Shō avoid using it for extended periods of time and deactivate it to thaw out the ice forming on his body. Another weakness is that simply moving at the speed of light or higher will render the ability essentially useless. The ability is also possible due to Shō having the Grace of the Evangelist, which strengthens one's link to Adolla. Once he loses the Evangelist's blessing he is unable to use it. As the White Clad's plans unfold and Adolla begins to merge with reality, Shō is able to use it without relying on the Evangelist.

[Goetia - Fate/Grand Order]

[ Goetia is the ultimate Spell system created by Humans. A hive mind formed by the 72 Demon God Pillars, beings from a higher dimension, each of whom possesses as much Magical Energy as Kingu, who was using a Holy Grail as their Magical Reactor Core.[15] With what he achieved, his Class was determined as Beast. Grand Caster and the likes are nothing but fake ranks. Created by humans, this is the great disaster that has most effectively misused Human History. His name is Beast I, one of the seven Evils of Humanity, the Beast possessing the Logos of "Pity" (『憐憫』の理, "Renbin" no Kotowari?, localized as "principle of "pity""); man's luxury to pity and be disappointed at others. That in itself is the beastly nature of Goetia.

In his Beast form, Goetia's Saint Graph Structure is Nega-Hume type, his Saint Graph Signal measures 169,998, and his Saint Graph Output is ranked Second Planetary Class, surpassing even that of the Alien God that manifested in Olympus or Bewitching Queen Draco, who were Third Planetary Class. During the Heian-kyō Singularity, Da Vinci claimed that the Alien God's Saint Graph output was second only to Goetia, implying she and Goetia surpassed any other Beast, Lostbelt King, Divine Spirit, or Grand Servant that Chaldea had encountered until then. Mash states that even Ivan the Terrible is nothing compared to the power of the King of Magecraft. Entities of the Planetary Class can only be possibly harmed with Planetary Class weapons such as Lostbelt Morgan's Rhongomyniad.

Goetia possesses an almightiness that causes the entire logic of the World to obey him and a sense of intimidation that seems to say that he hates all of mankind. He is regarded as an Omnipotent being that even King Solomon could not reach. Although Goetia regarded Solomon in his regular Caster form as a pathetic fool that would be no match for him, he claimed that the real alive Solomon could have stopped him. Goddess Rhongomyniad, who had a deep knowledge of Goetia's true nature, being a Divine Spirit that had acquired a level of perspective on par with his, understanding both his ideal and his purpose and having learned secrets about his abilities such as that his temple resides outside of time, believed that Tiamat may surpass him in power.]

[ Combat

Those who make eye contact with him will have their Soul removed from their body and sent to a Purgatory of Goetia's own creation. It is not as effective against Servants and other spiritual bodies, but his gaze still forces them to drown in their flaws and relive past mistakes.


Class Skills

Territory Creation (A Rank): Creation of a "Workshop" territory that is advantageous to himself as a Magus. That ability of his that had created the Temple of Jerusalem is of the highest peak of Territory Creation.

High-Speed Incantation (A Rank): The ability to hasten Magecraft incantation speed. Formerly his incantation speed is only average, but now it is comparable to High-Speed Divine Words. That is due to the inside being Goetia, and thus his weakness from when he was alive... his characteristic weakness... isn't there.

Item Construction (C Rank): Creation of tools tinged with Magical Energy. Perhaps because he is specialized in contracts, his Item Construction ability is on average level.

Personal Skills

Solomon's Rings (Rank EX): The ten Rings that Solomon attained Omnipotence, given by God. The mark of the king, the progenitor of magecraft. In the case of all ten rings present, any and all kinds of magecraft performed by mankind is invalidated and put under his subordination. They are regarded by Dr. Roman as the greatest catalyst possible a master can prepare to fight in a Holy Grail War. After wishing upon the grail to become a human, Solomon no longer possess all ten rings. The only reason he was in possession of one during the Solomon Singularity is that it was the same one Marisbury Animusphere had used as a Catalyst to summon him to win the First Fuyuki Holy Grail War of the Fate/Grand Order timeline which Dr. Roman kept up to that moment.

Nega-Summon (EX Rank): Completely cancels (invalidation, invincible, absorption, reduction) all Noble Phantasms of summoned Heroic Spirits either by absorbing them, negating them, disabling them, or ignoring them. There is only one "exception" and because of this exception, this Skill that had absolute Authority is heavily demoted. In the Solomon anime movie it is also shown to be capable of unsummoning Servants themselves by erasing the Summoning Spell that called them, as Goetia is the original, supreme summoning Spell system invented by Humans. As long as his enemies are Heroic Spirits, they cannot surpass him. However, it only works on those summoned. It does not work on Mash Kyrielight as she is not a summoned Servant.

Summoning (EX Rank): A Magecraft that evokes spiritual bodies from the past, or possibly from the Future. After the death of King Solomon, the concept of "72 Demon Gods" that he left behind nested inside the remains of his corpse and was reborn after a long time as "someone" that put on the mask of King Solomon. Although Goetia cannot perform Heroic Spirit summoning nor invoke normal Familiars, he can freely summon any of the 72 demons on the present age. Maybe it is easier to understand if described as a converter that projects the "imaginary demons" nested within King Solomon's inner world onto the physical World.

Revelation (- Rank): A Skill that hears of "the voice from the Heavens" and performs the most suitable of actions. Due to this being a Skill possessed by the Soul, it cannot be used by Goetia nesting inside King Solomon's corpse.

Clairvoyance (EX Rank): Eyesight of good quality. Apprehension of long distance target and elevation of kinetic vision. When the rank is high enough, even x-ray vision or future prediction becomes possible. Solomon's Clairvoyance gives him an unobstructed view of both the past and the future. Due to Clairvoyance being a Skill embedded to the body, it can be used by Goetia. Romani Archaman claims that due to the potency of said skill, it can essentially be considered Omniscience. However, without the guidance of Revelation it ultimately drove Goetia to begin the Human Order Incineration.

Independent Manifestation (A Rank): A special Skill. A superior version of Independent Action. Furthermore, due to the existence fixation, it also possesses the effect of resistance toward attack by means of instant death and time manipulation. Those with the skill do not receive influence from the Human Order Incineration by means of singularities, or from the compilation of Human Order by means of *****, manifesting as long the requirement is fulfilled.

Noble Phantasms

Goetia's main Noble Phantasm is Ars Almadel Salomonis, a band of light made up of all the Magical Energy gathered from Earth and the entire era where it manifests. Having converted 3,000 years worth of Human History into heat, the lightbelt is formed by Hundreds of Millions of beams of light, each as strong as the Holy Sword wielded by the King Arthur from the Fuyuki Singularity. Said attack can also penetrate the planet, and there is nothing on the surface of the Earth that surpasses its heat value. Despite Surtr's Loptr Laegjarn being powerful enough to incinerate the entire World, it only affects the present, and it would need to extend to the past as well to match the Human Order Incineration. Corrupted Ushiwakamaru considers Ars Almadel Salomonis the only Noble Phantasm that can destroy the Sea of Life and rival Tiamat. Sherlock Holmes states that even Goetia's light bands would be unable to destroy Chaos.

Goetia harvested so much Magical Energy to travel back in time to the Genesis of Earth and create a World without a Concept of Death. Reaching the apex is something not even Solomon could attain, and would have supposed absolute proof that he is the highest existence of the planet. In other words, the beginning of the great venture of becoming God.

Goetia's second Noble Phantasm is the Temple of Time Ars Paulina, a Conceptual Universe that exists in the Imaginary Space outside the normal flow of time. It is a Reality Marble that Goetia fabricated by amplifying the remains of King Solomon, and its structure is the same as Justeaze's Great Holy Grail. As long as this temple remains in Goetia's possession, the 72 Demon God Pillars will continuously revive, making him Immortal. Relinquishing possession of it causes the Pillars to be undone and Goetia becomes vulnerable.

Goetia also possesses Ars Nova, the first Noble Phantasm of Solomon. While he knows about it, he is not aware of its true nature.

Solomon has three Noble Phantasms: Ars Nova, Ars Paulina and Ars Almadel Salomonis.

Ars Nova: The Time of Parting Has Come, He Is the One who Lets Go of the World (訣別の時きたれり,其は世界を手放すものアルス・ノヴァ, Ketsubetsu no Toki Kitareri, So wa Sekai o Tebanasu MonoArusu Nova?) is the first Noble Phantasm of Solomon. It is the crystallization of the legend in which Solomon returned his rings to Heaven of his own will, and the only act he performed as a "human" hero. The Noble Phantasm possessed by the true Solomon and not by Goetia. A poem of farewell in which he lets go of every accomplishment, miracle, and magecraft he has.

Ars Paulina: The Time of Crowning Has Come, He Is the One Who Begins All (戴冠の時きたれり,其は全てを始めるものアルス・パウリナ, Taikan no Toki Kitareri, So wa Subete o Hajimeru MonoArusu Paurina?) is the second Noble Phantasm of Solomon. It is Solomon's Reality Marble workshop that exists outside of the universe and outside of time, located in the space of imaginary numbers. It is powered by Solomon's Magic Circuits. Death in this space does not "count" in reality, so it is possible to revive those who die in this space with enough magical energy.[1] As long as the Temple remains in Goetia's possession, the 72 Pillars will continuously revive, thus he is immortal; relinquishing possession of it causes the Pillars to be undone and makes Goetia vulnerable.

Ars Almadel Salomonis: The Time of Birth Has Come, He Is the One Who Masters All (誕生の時きたれり,其は全てを修めるものアルス・アルマデル・サロモニス, Tanjō no Toki Kitareri, So wa Subete wo Osameru monoArusu Arumaderu Saromonisu?) is the third Noble Phantasm of King Solomon. The "|" of original sin. At a first glance, it looks like a ring of light that encircles the Earth.[2] In reality, it is an aggregation of hundreds of millions of beams of light, cast over the satellite orbit and with a size close if not equal to that of North America. Each one of these lines carries extreme damage values comparable to Excalibur, an A Rank Noble Phantasm. The band of light is made up of all the Magical Energy gathered from Earth and the entire era where it manifests. Thus, there is nothing on the surface of the Earth that surpasses the heat value of this Noble Phantasm.[ It is for this reason that it is ranked as an Anti-Humanity Noble Phantasm. According to Corrupted Ushiwakamaru, this Noble Phantasm has enough power to destroy the Sea of Life and rival Tiamat.]

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