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17.07% Poisoned Eggs at Hogwarts / Chapter 14: Chapter 14 Deterrence

Chapter 14: Chapter 14 Deterrence

 Egger didn't wander around the castle for too long. After getting the Marauder's Map, he returned to the room.

  When Guoba saw Ige coming back, he screamed and crawled to the pillow. He patted the pillow with his tiny fingers and asked Ige for a hug.

  Looking at Guo Ba's appearance, Egg felt warm in his heart and always felt very comfortable.


  Time flies by, and another half month has passed. The students at Hogwarts have become completely accustomed to Egg's existence. Everyone knows that there is such an existence that does not belong to the category of students. This allows many people to see opportunities, especially The first and second grade students, since they are not old enough to leave school, often ask Egger to go to Hogsmeade to buy some things for them. Egger is also happy to help, and he can often get one or two gold coins from one trip. Long.

  Egger, who has a seamless stretch bag, can bring back a lot of things in one trip. From time to time, he also helps some stores such as Honeydukes advertise. Of course, the store will also pay Egger some advertising fees.

  At this moment, Egger had just returned from Hogsmeade and saw Elsa sitting on the stone platform of the castle corridor with red eyes and hugging her knees. Next to her, a black-haired girl was constantly trying to persuade Elsa.

  Iger recognized the girl. The girl's name was Alice Li. She was an overseas Chinese living in Cornwall and Elsa's best friend.

  "What's wrong?" Iger smiled and approached Aisha: "Severus' hooked nose gave you points again?"

  Aisha burst into tears when she heard Iger's words, and then shook her head: "It's okay."

  Egger was thinking about Alice who was standing aside. Alice glanced at Elsa with some embarrassment, and then explained to Egger: "That annoying Marcus Flint from Slytherin, Quidditch a few days ago. When Chip was knocked off his broom by a Hufflepuff student, he took revenge and cast a curse on him when he wasn't paying attention."

  Alice looked very angry: "It happened to be seen by Elsa. You know, Elsa was a prefect and deducted ten points from Flint on the spot. As a result, Flint insulted Elsa as a mudblood and humiliated her to death. Parents, they also said that Aisha is a psychopath because she sticks with you every day. Oh my god, I can't imagine why a second-grade child can be so vicious! Didn't his parents teach him what parenting is? Those disgusting people Slytherin!"

  Egger's face was expressionless, and he turned and left, walking in the direction of Slytherin. Elsa stopped him worriedly, fearing that he would do something stupid.

  Egger waved his hand with a smile, and Aisha fell asleep immediately.

  "I hope she can have a good dream." Iger reached out and pushed, and Elsa's body slowly leaned against Alice.

  "What are you going to do?" Alice asked, looking at Egg's back.

  "Go give him a good beating. Do you want to take a photo?" Iger said with a smile.

  Looking blankly at Egg's leaving figure, Alice looked at Aisha beside her and couldn't help but laugh: "You have good eyesight, that boy is so handsome."

  A few minutes later, at the door of the Slytherin common room, Egg looked at a little Slytherin snake: "Is the one named Flint in the common room?"

  The student in front of him looked at Egg for a moment, then shook his head: "Flint is probably at the Quidditch pitch. Today is Slytherin's training day."

  The other party was very considerate, and Iger thought it might be because of Snape. The title of Snape's disciple allowed Iger to walk around the school. After all, no one wanted to offend that insidious hooked nose.

  In fact, this is also the case. Someone once mocked Egg behind his back about what he could learn at his age, and even Snape couldn't teach him. Then Snape accidentally heard it, and then he was deducted more than 40 points in a week...

  The students didn't know whether it was because they ridiculed Egg or because they questioned Snape's teaching standards, but no one made any comments after that.

  But Egg obviously doesn't know these things. His state is more like being outside the school. Most of the familiar students are Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, and there are some Ravenclaws, but the Slytherin races Molecule Egger is obviously unwilling to contact him. Although they will show some kindness to Egger, there are not many people whom Egger knows well, at least Flint is not one of them.

  On the Quidditch field, a group of little snakes in green robes were riding on broomsticks for training, sharpening their knives in preparation for the next battle with Ravenclaw. There were many Sri Lankans sitting in the stands around them. Leitlin's students.

  Putting aside the bad attitude towards other houses, Slytherin actually loves each other quite a lot. However, compared to Gryffindor, Slytherin-style friendship obviously has more of a sense of class. This is also The reason why Iger is reluctant to contact them.

  At least Iger didn't look down on Hagrid because of his bloodline, nor did he dislike Elsa because she was born a Muggle, nor did he look down on the Grangers because they were Muggles. In fact, Iger himself didn't even know his own identity. Who are his parents? He has such violent magic power. Maybe his parents are also some kind of magical creatures?

  Putting his hand on his throat, Egg silently released a loud voice.

  "Who's Flint?"

  For a moment, Egger's voice completely covered the entire Quidditch pitch, and people looked at Egger on the sidelines in surprise.

  "I am, what's the matter?" A boy with buck teeth fell off the broom and looked at Egger strangely.

  Egg shook his head slightly, the incestuous marriages in pure-blood families have begun to become deformed, yet they still promote pure blood every day.

  If there really is a so-called pure blood, then where did the world's first wizard come from? Coming out of a rock?

  That's not a wizard, that's a monkey...

  With his thoughts turning, Ige didn't think too much. He came here to find a place for his eldest wife. As for whether there will be a younger wife in the future, that depends on the situation.

  "You called Elsa a mudblood?" Egg looked at Flint expressionlessly.

  Flint was a little surprised. He didn't expect Egg to come to him. Looking at Egg's small size, Flint couldn't help but laugh: "Is there any problem? I am a Mudblood..."

  Before he finished speaking, Egg raised his palm, and a red light shot out. Flint's figure immediately flew out like a cannonball, spinning powerlessly in the distance, life or death unknown.

  The little snakes around suddenly screamed, raising their wands and pointing them at Egg, and kept cursing something in their mouths.

  "Shut up!"

  Egger's loud voice suddenly drowned out their shouts and curses. He raised the wand in his hand, and a red light that shattered the bones immediately blew up an unoccupied audience tower in the distance.

  The crowd fell silent immediately, watching in horror the plume of smoke coming out of the tip of Egger's staff.

  Egger looked around: "Who has any questions? I can give you some advice!"

  Looking at the petrified Slytherin students, Egg raised his index finger and waved it slightly: "Since you don't dare to resist, you can only obey and don't challenge my authority again, otherwise I will make you pay a price you cannot afford. Now! Who else has any objections?"

  "I'll ask again, who else has any objections!" Egger looked around with a sullen face.

  Looking at the frightened students, Egg snorted: "If there is no objection, if you don't send that big bucktooth to the school doctor's office, I can't guarantee whether he will die in a while."

  A group of students woke up from a dream, hurriedly lifted Flint who was unconscious in the distance, and ran away in a hurry.


  "You're so handsome Iger!" Half an hour later, in Iger's room, Aisha hugged Iger's little face and kissed her hard.

  Egger pointed at his lips eagerly: "Kiss here, kiss here."

  Aisha glanced at the door with a red face, then lowered her head.

  During the first kiss...after a while...the first kiss ended...(Forgive me, I was blocked before, so I don't dare to write casually...)

  "Aisha...I..." Iger's breathing was a little rapid, and his eyes were a little hot.

  Aisha quickly pushed Egg aside, her face so red that it looked like steam was coming out: "You are too young...I will be imprisoned in Azkaban..."

  As she said that, Aisha couldn't help but laugh, and Ige also grinned silly.

  After cleaning up, the two came to the auditorium. As soon as they entered the door, all the curious eyes of the students in the auditorium looked at Egg, with an inexplicable light shining in their eyes.

  "Well done, Egg!" A red-haired boy chuckled and stepped forward to put his arm around Egg's shoulders.

  Iger couldn't help but laugh. The boy's name is Charlie Weasley, the second son of the Weasley family and Percy's older brother. Compared to Percy who has a straight face every day, Iger obviously likes Charlie more. Charlie's birthday is 72 , who is already in seventh grade this year, is the seeker of Gryffindor, and is also the seventh-grade boy prefect of Gryffindor.

  The relationship between the two is pretty good, but Charlie only wants to teach Iger to play Quidditch. Iger said that he still prefers riding Buckbeak to broomsticks.

  A group of lion cubs were lively surrounding Egg, and in comparison, the Slytherin long table looked a lot bleak.

  The little snakes have a very complicated mentality towards Egger. They are frightened by the opponent's power, but they can't help but want to make friends with him...

  After a while, Snape walked into the auditorium with a sullen face, swinging his big bat-like robe. When passing behind Iger, he pressed hard on Iger's little head.

  He can only do this. Egg uses the Iron Armor spell all day long, and all aggressive behaviors will be blocked by that annoying transparent cover.

  "Professor..." A Slytherin prefect looked timidly at Snape who walked by with a sullen expression.

  Snape waved his hand and said with a cold expression: "Twenty points will be deducted from Slytherin. He is not good at academics and is weighed down by an eight-year-old child. If I were you, I would have broken my wand and gone home." went."

  The students suddenly looked at Snape in surprise. This was the first time in such a long time that they saw Snape deducting points from Slytherin. People looked at Egg with obviously even more surprise.

  Egg smacked his lips helplessly. Looking at Snape's sinister face, he knew that the old guy was probably going to give him some fucking homework again.

  What is it this time? Silent casting, wandless casting, is tonight a mindless casting?

  Egg thinks it is very possible. The big bat has always felt that his brain is not as big as a mung bean. Maybe he really wants to try it.

  The chaotic hawk cries came, and a large group of owls flapped their wings and flew into the auditorium from the skylight. Egg laughed because he heard Luck's weird laughter.

  Lark flapped his wings and landed in front of Egg, with a long and large package hooked on his talons.

  Opening the letter on the package with some confusion, a few lines of words came into view.

  Find a place where no one is around to open your package.

  It contains your new broomstick.

  For a true Gryffindor.

  I know yours was given to Miss Smith.

  Don't let others see it, lest they all want it.

  ——Professor Minerva McGonagall.

  Egg raised his head. At the teacher's seat, Professor McGonagall had a smile on his serious face.

  Iger felt that he was invincible, so he first got a handful from Dumbledore, but he never expected that Professor McGonagall would also give him one.

  After stuffing the package into the seamless stretch bag, Egg felt a little happy.

  I love this place so much.

  Egg thought, turned and left the auditorium.

  Ten minutes later, in Hagrid's hut, Egger and Hagrid opened the package eagerly.

  A brand new Nimbus 2001 appeared in front of the two people.

  "I know it! I know Egger!" Hagrid patted Egger's shoulder with his big hand: "Professor McGonagall is a good person. She has always been very kind to her students. This broomstick is very expensive."

  "How expensive is it?" Egg turned to look at Hagrid.

  Hagrid lowered his head: "I remember that the Nimbus 2000 is three hundred galleons, and the upgraded version of the Nimbus 2001 is three hundred and fifty. It's a lot more expensive. Professor McGonagall's monthly salary is only over eighty galleons." ①

  "So I owe a lot of favors? Isn't it a bit too expensive as a gift?" Egger said flatly.

  "I see that you have to go to Gryffindor." Hagrid nodded in agreement: "But don't take it too seriously. Although the salaries of the professors in the school are not very high, they all have other sources of income."

  "Other income?" Egger was a little curious.

  "Yes." Hagrid smiled: "I heard that Snape has contacts with many potion dealers. Professor Sprout sells some unnecessary plants or fertilizers. Professor Flitwick is from the Duel Club. In his spare time, A class taught at that time also cost a lot of money. Professor McGonagall would sometimes write some papers on transfiguration, or give classes to wizards who wanted to learn Animagus. You must know that not all young wizards will choose to come to Huo. Gwarts goes to school, UU reads Some families have children who are taught at home, and such a class costs a lot of money, so don't worry."

  "How much more can I earn like that?" Iger was still a little embarrassed.

  "A lot, the salaries of teachers at Hogwarts are never what you see." Hagrid looked at Egg and nodded: "Let's just say that the potions brewed by Snape are of the type that are hard to find in the market. "

  Egg was stunned. So, Snape is actually an invisible rich man?

  How the hell is this okay? How can you leave such a rich man alone and not lick him?

  Only then did Egger understand what Dumbledore meant, why Snape was asked to provide all the potions that Egger needed.

  This is why Snape is letting him take care of himself!

  Madman Deng is such a good person!

  "Like Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration, how many people spend tens of Galleons just to listen to her class. She has basically taught her students in recent decades. Her classes are not as cheap as you think, no matter what Is it transfiguration or other aspects of magic?" Hagrid said: "Even Mrs. Hooch, who only teaches first-year flying lessons, is a referee consultant for the international Quidditch competition."

  Only then did Egg realize a problem. Although the teaching level at Hogwarts was not very good, none of the teachers themselves were simple.

  Especially Hogwarts, it is not simple. Not to mention the annual funding from the school board and graduates, just guarding a Forbidden Forest is enough for Hogwarts to stand...

  "Where is Professor Trelawney?" Egg looked at Hagrid and asked.

  "Then I don't know." Hagrid shook his head: "I heard that she has the blood of a prophet, but I have never seen it. The students who left the school obviously thought she was a little crazy."

  Egger was a little speechless, he was having such a miserable time...

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