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14.63% Poisoned Eggs at Hogwarts / Chapter 12: Chapter 12 Golden Cup

Chapter 12: Chapter 12 Golden Cup

  Egger hummed a song and walked on the streets of London, trying his best to look happy, although psychologically speaking, Egger was not happy now.

  The wizard robe on his body made Egger particularly noticeable when he walked on the street. However, Egger had many tricks up his sleeve. He fired a shot at a thief in an alley and knocked him unconscious, and soon he had money to buy clothes.

  Egger was not worried about people from the Ministry of Magic finding him. Dumbledore had told him that because he needed to keep releasing spells, he went to the Ministry of Magic to wipe away any traces of Egger.

  Although there was no trace on his body, an old acquaintance still noticed Iger.

  Looking at Kingsley, who was wearing a small hat with complicated patterns in front of him, Iger grinned: "Hey! Kingsley, how are you doing lately?"

  "It's okay, but I don't think your behavior is very good." Kingsley looked at Egg with wide eyes.

  "Don't worry about those details, he's just a thief." Egg laughed.

  "That's why I didn't send you to Azkaban." Kingsley said with a grin on his face.

  Egger tilted his head: "No, you won't, for Dumbledore's sake."

  "Dumbledore will not interfere with Aurors." Kingsley teased Egg.

  "But the Society of the Phoenix." Egg shrugged and waved his hand towards Kingsley, who looked confused: "I'm going to buy some clothes and then find an amusement park. Do you want to come with me?"

  Kingsley was confused for a moment. When did a child know about the Order of the Phoenix? Is confidentiality so bad?

  Watching Egg running away from Le Dian Dian, Kingsley felt that his brain was a bit lacking. He planned to go back and send a letter to Dumbledore to ask what was going on.

  In the London City Playground, Egger was wearing brand new sportswear, and his robe was put into a seamless stretch bag.

  After looking at the busy amusement park, Iger wandered around and bit down on the big colorful lollipop in his hand. Iger suddenly trembled and felt a warm feeling in his mouth. Iger felt like one of his teeth had fallen out.

  How can you eat sweets at the age when your teeth are changing? With an annoyed look on his face, Iger spat out his teeth on the ground angrily. He subconsciously pulled out his wand and planned to burn his baby teeth with a blazing fire. However, the Muggles walking around made Iger give up this idea.

  "You shouldn't eat such large pieces of candy at the age when your teeth are changing." A soft voice came. Behind Iger stood a man with brown hair. The man looked gentle and had a kind smile on his face.

  The man's smile made Egg feel good. At least in Britain at this time, there were not many Muggles who were so civilized.

  "Thank you for your concern. If I drink some potion, it will grow back soon." Egg nodded. Madam Pomfrey has a good tooth-changing potion. I heard that many students have asked her for help, although Snape also has it. , but students are definitely not willing to ask him for help with things like changing teeth.

  Iger estimates that he may not have the leisure...

  The man laughed and rubbed Egg's head softly: "Changing teeth is a big deal, and it cannot be solved by drinking potions. I am a dentist, and I happened to take my wife and daughter to the amusement park today. Over the weekend, where are your parents? I suggest asking him to take you to my hospital to disinfect you."

  Egg shrugged: "I'm so sorry, I'm an orphan, and my only theoretical guardian is currently eating cockroaches in a castle in Scotland..."

  (Ah...sneeze! In the castle, a certain old man with a white beard sneezed.)

  The man was stunned. Egger's answer was a bit unexpected, and he didn't react for a moment.

  "I'm so sorry...child." The man looked at Egg at a loss: "What's your name?"

  "Egg Morisses." Ige grinned. The man made him feel very close: "What about you?"

  "Chris, Chris Granger, I'm a dentist." Chris laughed: "I think you may not like my profession very much. To be honest, I have never been very popular with children." ①

  Egg nodded: "I think that's the case...but I think it's okay."

  "How about you have dinner with us?" Chris invited Iger: "You look to be the same age as my daughter. I think you should be friends. By the way, I can also help you look at your teeth."

  Egg thought for a while, then nodded: "Thank you for the invitation."

  A few minutes later, Chris took Iger to find his wife and daughter. Chris looked at Iger and smiled: "Iger, this is my wife Jane Granger, and this is my daughter Hermione Jane. Granger."

  Egg looked at the beautiful little Loli in front of him and was confused. Is it such a coincidence?

  Iger didn't react at all when Chris said his surname was Granger. Living in London, there are too many people with the surname Granger. Many English people have this surname, so there is nothing surprising.

  But the other party turned out to be Hermione's father, which was very surprising...

  Hermione's face was pretty, if only she didn't show her front teeth. Of course, Iger thought it would be better if her shaggy hair could be softer.

  At this time, Hermione raised her chin like a proud little swan, looking a little arrogant.

  Iger couldn't help but shook his head. Although the little girl is indeed a future beauty, even now Iger can see a little bit of it, but the process of raising a loli may not be that interesting.

  "Hello, my name is Egg Morriss." Egg looked at the two ladies in front of him and said with a smile.

  Chris looked at the two people and explained: "I just saw that Egg lost a tooth, but he was alone. I was thinking that we could have dinner together in the evening and help him take a look at his teeth."

  "In that case, fine." Jane looked at Egg and smiled gently, gently pushing Hermione next to her: "I think Hermione would like to play with you."

  Egger touched the back of his head in embarrassment, not knowing what to say.

  "What grade are you in now?" Hermione asked, looking at Egg.

  Iger spread his hands: "I never went to school."

  The scene suddenly felt awkward. Chris looked at his daughter's confused eyes and shook his head slightly. He hoped that Hermione would know how to contact others.

  Hermione looked at Egg sheepishly, her face flushed: "Do you want to read some books? I have school textbooks, I can teach you."

  Egg shook his head and laughed: "It doesn't matter, no need, I have taught myself everything in school."

  Hermione was suddenly surprised, and the Grangers also looked at Egg in amazement.

  "What's seven times eight?" Hermione looked at Egger obviously in disbelief.

  "Fifty-six..." Egger said expressionlessly: "Such a simple thing doesn't seem to have much meaning, right?"

  Hermione was a little embarrassed: "I thought it was very difficult when I was learning..."

  "What has Egg learned?" Chris looked at Egg curiously.

  "Something more profound than these, such as cooking glory, casting wealth, exploring death, reversing the future, etc.?" Iger said jokingly, and then looked at the sky, guessing that it was almost time for dinner, Iger decided not to go with him. The Granger family has had too much contact, after all, the other party is currently a Muggle.

  The Grangers looked at each other, not quite understanding the meaning of Egger's words.

  "What does that mean?" Chris looked at Egg blankly.

  "Close your ears and listen." Egg waved the wand in his hand to prevent passers-by from hearing what they were saying, and then looked at the Grangers: "Magic, I am a wizard."

  Looking at the disbelieving looks of the three people in front of them, several little birds popped out from the tip of Egger's staff and started chirping.

  "Hogwarts is the best magic school in Europe, and I'm there so far." Egg looked at the three people whose eyes were gradually changing and laughed: "The daughter also has the qualifications to learn magic. When the time comes, the school will send Specialized people came to negotiate with you two. Although it sounds a bit ridiculous, I think there must have been some weird things that happened to Hermione that you can't explain, right?"

  Hermione looked at Egger in surprise, and nodded in confusion. From the looks of the Grangers, it was obvious that they knew something.

  "But, you have already enrolled in school, does that mean that our Hermione will not be able to keep up with your progress?" Mrs. Granger looked at Egger worriedly.

  "I am an exception. Wizards enter school at the age of eleven. I am currently living in Hogwarts due to some circumstances. In fact, I haven't enrolled yet." Egg smiled.

  "I have already learned these...weird abilities before I entered school." Chris looked at his daughter with some sadness: "There must be many outstanding little wizards like you, right?"

  "Actually, no. Young wizards who are not in school are not allowed to use wands, and their magic abilities are limited. As I said, I am an exception." Egg shook his head helplessly: "The price of being too powerful is that I am very likely to Of course, it is only very possible to live less than ten years old, and the chance of survival cannot be ruled out."

  The Granger family looked at Iger with some worry: "What are the odds?"

  "Dumbledore, the principal of Hogwarts, said that so far, only one person has survived." Iger shrugged: "But I think I will be the second one."

  Egg assured the three of them: "Someone will definitely inform you when Hermione turns eleven. That's it. I hope I can see her alive then."

  Having said that, Egger avoided the sight of the surrounding crowd, waved goodbye to the three of them at a corner, and then disappeared into a phantom.

  "I feel like I'm dreaming..." Chris muttered looking at the place where Egg disappeared.

  "Me too..." Mrs. Granger put her arms around Hermione. It was obvious that the impact Iger had given her was a little too strong.


  "I'm glad you can help the school solve a communication problem with Muggle families."

  At night, Dumbledore sat behind the long table and looked at Egg with a smile: "You seem to be very happy, how about you consider staying in school after graduation?"

  "Give me your position and I will consider it." Iger twisted a huge black cockroach and threw it into his mouth. Feeling the cockroach's tiny legs crawling around in his mouth, Iger felt a chill: "I really don't know. Why do you like to eat this?"

  "I think it's pretty good. Cockroach piles have always been one of my favorite candies." Dumbledore looked at Egg with a smile: "Especially putting them in bee sugar will have a wonderful reaction. It looks like It's amber."

  Egg feels even more disgusting...

  "So, why did you come tonight?" Dumbledore looked at Egg with a scrutinizing gaze.

  "I just want to ask you, can you enter Gringotts' protection?" Egg asked.

  Dumbledore nodded: "I think there should be no problem. Unless those goblins launch a rebellion again, there should be no way for them to stop me."

  "I think we should go find the second item, because I have already thought about what I want next." Egg laughed.

  Dumbledore looked at Egg with a scrutinizing gaze: "I have to tell you Egg, the Philosopher's Stone is not my private property, and I'm not sure whether it can be of any help to your Obscurus."

  Egger suddenly felt a little disappointed, and at the same time he felt horrified by how wise Dumbledore was. Before he could say anything, Dumbledore had already guessed what he was thinking.

  "But there's no harm in giving it a try, right?" Dumbledore couldn't help but chuckle when he saw Iger's disappointed look, and looked at him jokingly: "I will communicate with my old friend. He is already alive. It's been long enough, I guess he should be tired of it."

  "Actually, just give it a try. I'm not here to live forever." Egg shook his head.

  Dumbledore nodded: "This is our agreement, Egg. I don't think the Sorcerer's Stone will refuse an outstanding new owner. Of course, if you don't mind, I hope you'd better keep it a secret. After all, it will be known by someone with ulterior motives." If you do, you may be in danger."

  Egg nodded and looked at Dumbledore: "Then when will we set off?"

  "Any time." Dumbledore stood up, motioned for Egg to put on his arm, and then waved to Fox, who disappeared into the office with the two of them.

  A burst of light flashed, and Egg looked at the surrounding rock walls in a daze. He turned to look at Dumbledore: "Where is this?"

  "Underground of Gringotts, if we are going right." Dumbledore looked around: "This place is really humid, isn't it?"

  Egg nodded in agreement and looked at the rock walls with water droplets condensed all around.

  "Professor, do you know where the Lestrange family's treasury is?" Egger asked.

  "Not surprisingly, it should be one of the most tightly guarded vaults. I do know where the Malfoy family's vault is, so we need to use the elimination method." Dumbledore walked forward with Egg, far away Here, a scarred fire dragon roared, and a few goblins could be seen from time to time.

  The two of them hid all the way to the lowest vaults. UU Reading Dumbledore waved his wand, and their clothes dried quickly.

  "The waterfall just now has a manifestation magic, and any disguise will be seen through." Dumbledore explained, and then walked forward calmly.

  "It seems that we are here. Those pretentious families like to put their vaults in places they think are the safest. They probably never thought that I would bring a child here for a tour, otherwise I would definitely keep all the collections in myself. Home."

  Dumbledore waved his wand, and the door of a vault rumbled open, but it failed to alert anyone.

  The magic given by the goblins on the door could not stop Dumbledore for a second, and all the doors were opened by Dumbledore.

  "What are we looking for?" Dumbledore looked at Egg.

  "Helga Hufflepuff's golden cup." Egg walked into a vault: "Be careful, Professor, anything touched will explode and continue to split."

  Dumbledore waved his wand again: "This is obviously not a problem."

  A few minutes later, Egger looked at the golden cup in his hand: "Are you sure this is it?"

  Dumbledore nodded affirmatively: "I can see Riddle's remnant soul. It is obviously him. This golden cup was originally given to the elves by Hufflepuff to transport magical food. I I thought he wouldn't like this thing, after all, according to his style, creatures like house elves have always been frowned upon."

  Egg looked at the gold cup with complicated and exquisite patterns in his hand. Next to the gold cup were two big solid gold handles: "I think he is interested in Hufflepuff's identity."

  "I think so." Dumbledore nodded in agreement. He waved the Elder Wand and cast spells on the items in the vault again. Then he closed the door of the vault and disappeared again with Egg.

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