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Chapter 44: Let's Raise a Dragon

Snape was a clever and suspicious man, and confronting him directly could arouse his mistrust. Therefore, Evan had to beat around the bush, guiding Harry and the others to speculate in a different way and then let the conclusion reach Snape's ears for him to ponder. That was the correct way to handle a smart person.

Evan hadn't expected things to go so smoothly. Initially, he thought Snape's potion storage would be heavily trapped, but it turned out to be alarmingly unsecured. Remembering how Hermione in her second year managed to steal ingredients for the Polyjuice Potion from Snape, Evan realized the simplicity of it all. Still, for safety, he used an Odour Remover to erase any lingering scents from his person.

As Evan was reminiscing, Hermione suddenly grabbed his wrist and started dragging him outside.

"Hermione, where are you going?" Harry asked, puzzled.

"Of course, we're going to see Hagrid," Hermione replied without looking back. "Whether someone stole Snape's potions or Snape staged it himself, the easiest way to get past Fluffy is to use Polyjuice Potion to turn into someone Hagrid knows and then ask him directly!"

"So we just need to ask Hagrid if anyone unfamiliar has been inquiring about Fluffy recently, and we might have our next clue," Harry added, excited.

"Smart!" Hermione nodded in approval.

Evan had no objections. It was a good time to check on Hagrid anyway, to see if he had already obtained the dragon egg.

They quickly arrived at Hagrid's hut, where, unlike usual, the chimney above the fireplace was billowing with smoke. Hermione led the way, knocking on Hagrid's door, and upon entering, they were hit by waves of heat.

Harry and Ron frowned uncomfortably; it was too hot inside, even for a winter's day.

Within a minute, their foreheads were beaded with sweat, but Evan's eyes lit up, drawn to the blazing stove against the wall.

More precisely, he was looking at the large, sooty egg in the center of the flames...

"Come on, have some food! Don't be shy." Hagrid cheerfully presented a bowl of rock cakes and some jerky on the table, then promptly sat down, conveniently blocking Evan's view of the fireplace.

Hermione and Harry also noticed something off about Hagrid; his demeanor and movements were slightly more anxious than usual, preferring to sweat in the sweltering room rather than open a window.

"Hagrid, why is it so hot in here?" Ron complained.

"Nothing... it's just been too cold lately," Hagrid replied with a beaming smile, then quickly pushed the rock cakes and jerky towards them. "You've got classes in the afternoon, right? Eat up and get going."

Hermione's suspicions grew, but there were more pressing matters at hand. Remembering the purpose of their visit, she asked urgently.

"Hagrid, we're here to ask you something. Snape's potion storage has been robbed, and we suspect the thief might have brewed Polyjuice Potion to impersonate someone you know to get close to you and find out how to get past Fluffy... So, has anyone unfamiliar asked you about Fluffy recently?"

Hagrid looked surprised at the news but quickly regained his composure, murmuring softly.

"Well, apart from you lot, no one's asked me that."

At this, Hagrid's expression hardened, and he cast a suspicious glance at them. Hermione's words had alerted him, and now he wondered if they were impostors—why else would they be so interested in Fluffy?

Suddenly, Hagrid looked around and noticed someone was missing...

"Eh? Where's Evan?" Hagrid asked, puzzled.

Harry and the others, still indignant about Hagrid's suspicions, now realized that Evan, who had been sitting behind them, was gone.

Wondering where he could be, they then heard Evan's voice from behind Hagrid.

"Is this a dragon egg? Doesn't look very pretty."

Hagrid jolted up, turning to look behind him. Through the gap beside Hagrid's enormous frame, Hermione and the others could now see Evan standing by the stove, gazing at the huge, sooty egg, as big as their heads, in the heart of the flames.

"That's a dragon egg! Hagrid, where did you get this thing from? Must've cost you a fortune, right?" Ron recognized it instantly, excitedly squeezing next to Evan, with Harry joining in to observe the rare dragon egg.

Only Hermione noticed the assortment of books on the table: "The Care and Feeding of Fire Dragons for Fun and Profit," "Twelve Essential Tips for Dragon Rearing," "From Novice to Dragon Master," and more.

Hagrid covered his face with his calloused hands, knowing there was no hiding it now.

"Hagrid, keeping dragons is illegal. If you're caught, you'll end up in Azkaban," Hermione said, her interest in the dragon egg notwithstanding, she felt compelled to remind him.

"Don't worry, no one will find out," Hagrid assured confidently, patting his chest. "I've always wanted to raise a dragon, and I know how to take care of them. There won't be any mistakes."

Hermione, however, was concerned. A dragon was too big, grew too fast, and it wouldn't take a month before Hagrid's small hut would be bursting at the seams.

Turning to discuss the matter with Evan, Hermione was interrupted before she could speak by Evan's excited voice.

"After it hatches, can I help you take care of it, Hagrid? I think this might be a Norwegian Ridgeback."

Hagrid was also surprised that Evan could identify the type of dragon upon seeing the egg. Even he had only known it was a Norwegian Ridgeback after consulting various books.

This meant Evan possessed extensive knowledge about dragons...

"Of course, you can help, as long as it doesn't interfere with your classes. But I must warn you, it might be a bit challenging," Hagrid agreed, nodding his head. Evan's eager attitude made Hagrid feel he had found a kindred spirit.

Evan, already aware of Hagrid's plans to raise a dragon, had read plenty of related books beforehand and had a fair understanding of breeding. The two immediately started discussing the matter, engrossed in their own world, leaving Harry, Ron, and Hermione somewhat sidelined...


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