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Chapter 300 Yiwen I Am A Dragon~

In the gorgeous and magnificent corridors of the palace...

"Please come here..."

Wearing a long robe and led by the minister of the Kingdom of Fiore, a boy with short brown-red hair was walking in the palace.

The young man is naturally Yin Wen. After he revealed his identity as the top ten magisters in front of the guards guarding the palace, it didn't take long before he received the news that the king had summoned him. Under the leadership, walked towards the palace.

"I'll take you here. His Majesty will be waiting for you inside. Please enter by yourself."

After the minister brought Yin Wen to a relatively secret conference room, he stopped and smiled at Yin Wen.

"sorry to bother you."

Yin Wen smiled at the minister, gently pushed open the door of the conference room in front of her, and walked into it.


The minister breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Yin Wen enter the meeting room.

"Your Majesty, it's true that he has somehow got involved with the Holy Ten Magisters and those monsters..."

After Yin Wen entered the conference room, the minister walked in the corridor with his hands behind his back, his eyes flickering with worry.

As the minister of the Kingdom of Fiore, he is well aware of how terrifying the strength of the ten holy magisters, who are hailed as the pinnacle of the Yinshugal continent by the Magic Council, are a group of monsters in human skin. If it moves, the mountains will collapse and the earth will crack.

Even the Magic Council expressly forbids the Holy Ten Magisters from fighting in private, so we can know how terrifying the strength of those known as the Holy Ten is...

But it is also the minister who knows what kind of existence the Holy Ten are, so he is worried about his own king. In the minister's view, there must be no good things for humans to have a relationship with monsters...

Meanwhile, in the conference room...

"Young! Yin Wen, long time no see!"

Old Thomas sat at the main seat in the conference room. After seeing Yin Wen, he stood up from his seat and greeted Yin Wen.

"Long time no see, Your Majesty the King."

Yin Wen walked up to Old Thomas and greeted him cordially.

"Yin Wen, are you planning to take me to watch your guild's magic fight competition when you visit me this time?"

"Since this is the case, let's set off without delay!"

"As for the guards around, you can rest assured, I have dismissed them all."

Old Thomas looked at Yin Wen and asked excitedly.

"Eh? Is there such a thing? I forgot all about it..."

After hearing what Old Thomas said, Yin Wen was stunned. Why didn't he remember that she had promised Old Thomas to go to Fairy Tail to watch the game? !

Moreover, Fairy Tail doesn't have any serious competitions recently. After all, the ring of Fairy Tail is occupied by that **** Kurnuki to take a nap. Whoever wants to enter the ring must fight Kurnuki...

As for the magisters in the guild, except for Naz and others who are still fearless of death, the others are already tired of fighting Kurnuki. On the anti-exaggerated Kurnuki, the effect is very weak...

"Uh, that, that's..."

Yin Wen scratched her cheek, looking embarrassed.

"What? So you didn't come here to sneak me out to watch the game! It's so boring..."

"Then tell me! Yin Wen, why did you come to see me today?"

Looking at Yin Wen's expression, Old Thomas knew that Yin Wen didn't come to take him out to play. His expression changed suddenly. His originally excited face became dull. He sat back on his seat and looked listlessly at Yin Wen. Wen asked.

"It's actually like this..."

"I want to borrow a secret treasure from your treasury."

"Actually, a secret treasure in your treasury is of great help to me. I need to use that thing to improve my strength..."

Yin Wen didn't make any detours, watching old Thomas speak bluntly.

"Secret treasure?"

Old Thomas frowned slightly, and he stroked his beard on the bar, as if hesitating.

"Even if you say that, I can't promise you directly!"

"After all, there are too many secret treasures in our treasury, and some things cannot be moved at will..."

"So I don't know which secret treasure you want to borrow from my treasury? You have to tell me the name, right?"

Old Thomas thought for a while, but did not directly agree to Yin Wen, he was afraid that what Yin Wen borrowed would endanger the foundation of their Kingdom of Fiore.

"I don't know His Majesty Thomas, have you heard of Dragon's Tears?!"

Yin Wen told Old Thomas the name of the secret treasure she needed.

"Dragon's Tears, oh, I seem to remember that thing, I do have this thing called Dragon's Tears, I remember I found it in the Kingdom's Dragon Cemetery..."

Old Thomas scratched his cheek, looking pensive. After thinking for a while, he seemed to think of something, and watched Yin Wen preach.

"Yes, it should be that thing..."

Yin Wen nodded slightly, indicating that what Old Thomas said he found in the dragon cemetery was the dragon's tears he was looking for.

"Speaking of that thing! It is said that it was just an ordinary magic crystal at the beginning, but because it was thrown in the cemetery of the dragon, it was finally released by the defeated and dead dragons after death. It is the product of the fusion of unwillingness from the heart, resentment and magic power..."

Old Thomas nodded to Yin Wen, expressing his understanding. At the same time, Old Thomas prevented Yin Wen from hearing about Dragon's Tears and didn't know what Dragon's Tears were, so he told Yin Wen what Dragon's Tears were. Tell Yin Wen to listen.


Yin Wen sat beside Old Thomas, listening carefully, and at the same time handed Old Thomas a glass of water.

From the moment Yin Wen entered this conference room, Old Thomas's mouth almost never stopped. Yin Wen thinks that Old Thomas should be very thirsty, right? perhaps…

"Oh, thanks…"

Seeing the water that Yin Wen handed over, Old Thomas was taken aback for a moment, and then thanked him with a smile. He did talk a lot just now, and his voice was a little dry and hoarse.

The corners of Old Thomas's mouth raised slightly. It seemed that Old Thomas hadn't chatted with others so easily, like friends, for a long time. He took the water glass from Yin Wen's hand and took a few gulps without thinking about it. , and then continued to speak.

"However, are you sure you really want to use that thing to increase your power? Although there is indeed a huge amount of energy in it, in fact, this power is very unstable, and it is a very dangerous and unknown thing..."

"To be honest, that thing was placed in my bedroom at the beginning, because it was shiny and beautiful, so I displayed it as a beautiful ornament..."

"As a result, just staring at it carefully, I can hear the wailing of the giant dragons in my mind. It is very permeating, and I can't sleep well at night!"

When Old Thomas said this, a trace of anger flashed in his expression, as if he was very dissatisfied with Dragon's Tears.

"As a result, I was so angry that I threw all that thing into a forbidden warehouse, and sent the kingdom's ace troops to take care of it. If you really need that thing, it's okay to give it to you. Anyway, that kind of thing is put away. It is useless to me, but it will cause some thieves to worry about it. Instead of waiting until it is thrown out, causing trouble, and finally being called up by the Magic Council for accountability, it is better to give it to you in advance..."

Old Thomas was very free and easy, and he didn't seem to have any desire to possess Dragon's Tears, or in other words, Old Thomas had too many good things in his hands, and he didn't care about missing one or two treasures at all.

"Thank you very much if you could give me that thing."

After Yin Wen heard that Old Thomas could give him the Tears of the Dragon, she showed a slight smile and thanked Old Thomas at the same time.

"It's okay, it's just one or two treasures. I can't count all kinds of treasures in this world. It doesn't matter if I give you one or two."

Old Thomas first waved his hand to Yin Wen, expressing that he didn't care at all, one more treasure or one less treasure, he already had enough treasures, so much that he built many treasure houses in the kingdom and sent many troops to guard them .

"It's just that I have to remind you, first of all, that kind of thing is very dangerous, very unknown, and a very bad thing! After all, it contains the resentment of countless dragons before they die! By the way, you know what a dragon is, right? It is rumored that in the ancient times, the masters of the continent were all tens of meters long, monsters with claws and teeth, and could swallow people in one bite!"

Then old Thomas told Yin Wen again, saying that Dragon Tears is a very dangerous thing. At the same time, he also vividly acted out for Yin Wen the appearance of a dragon howling, showing that the dragon is extremely ferocious...

"Secondly, I remember that human beings should not be able to use that thing. Anyway, we have been studying that thing for a long time, trying to extract the magical power stored in the power, and then use it, but all ended in failure. Gen Jun We speculate that the dragons should have cast some kind of curse on that thing, and only the dragons can extract the power from it..."

In the end, Old Thomas looked at Yin Wen and asked Yin Wen a question deep in his heart in a very subtle way. There were some flaws in Yin Wen's expression.


It is a pity that it is a pity that Old Thomas looked Yin Wen up and down for a long time, and Yin Wen still had the poker face with a faint smile on his face, and there was no flaw at all, so Old Thomas couldn't handle Yin Wen well. mental state...

"Anyway, I'll give you that thing. I'll notify the army guarding outside the forbidden warehouse and ask them to hand it over to you directly..."

After Old Thomas realized that he didn't see the flaws in Yin Wen's face, a look of disappointment flashed across his expression, and he watched Yin Wen preach at the same time.

"thanks for your help."

Yin Wen didn't expect Old Thomas to agree to him so easily, but since Old Thomas had already agreed to him, he naturally wouldn't say anything more, but just gave him the kindness of Dragon Tears Keep it in mind.

At the same time, Yin Wen did not forget to sit up gently from her seat, and smiled slightly at the old Thomas in front of her, expressing her gratitude to the old Thomas.

"No, it's fine..."

"Don't forget what you promised me, the big performance will be fine."

"If there is still a chance, you must take me to the Fairy Tail Guild to enjoy the martial arts up close."

Old Thomas waved his hand, and he just smiled lightly for Yin Wen's thanks.

To him, the Tears of the Dragon is just a treasure, and it is useless at all. He still has the indifferent attitude towards the Tears of the Dragon at the beginning. In the eyes of old Thomas, the value of the Tears of the Dragon is not yet Great performance of martial arts...

"Don't worry, I will organize a match for you alone."

Yin Wen stood up, intending to organize a friendly match within Fairy Tail for the old Thomas in front of him, to express his gratitude to the old Thomas.

"Well, let's go~"

"Remember to go directly to the forbidden warehouse to get it."

Old Thomas waved his hand, knowing that Yin Wen couldn't sit still, and he didn't stop him. After all, no one likes to chat with a bad old man like him, and even his daughter doesn't kiss him now...

Thinking of this, Old Thomas suddenly felt a little sad.


Yin Wen looked at old Thomas and smiled slightly.

"By the way, you just wanted to ask me if I was a dragon, right?"

Before Yin Wen left, she planned to tell old Thomas a little secret.


Old Thomas Tong Kong trembled, he didn't expect Yin Wen to catch the meaning behind his words.

"In a sense I am indeed a dragon."

"Then see you next time, dear old Majesty Thomas~"

After Yin Wen finished speaking, her figure disappeared into the palace in an instant.


"Pfft ha ha ha ha..."

"What's that? The latest joke going on out there?"

"But I did laugh, thank you! Yin Wen!"

After Yin Wen left, Old Thomas sat on his seat and laughed out loud, tears streaming down his face.

As for what Yin Wen said, it is indeed true. In a sense, Yin Wen is indeed a giant dragon...

It's just that old Thomas didn't believe it. He would rather believe what he deduced than what others told him directly.

As for how Yin Wen extracts the magic power in Tears of the Dragon, Old Thomas thinks that Yin Wen has mastered some kind of technology that their royal family of Fiore King has not mastered~

"I hope you can make good use of Dragon Tears! Yin Wen!"

Old Thomas muttered to himself after Yin Wen left.

The reason why Old Thomas gave Yin Wen the Tears of the Dragon was not only to hope that Yin Wen would participate in the big martial arts performance he held in the future, but also to sell Yin Wen and Fairy Tail behind Yin Wen as a favor. Why does Thomas value Yin Wen and Fairy Tail so much...

It is because old Thomas knows that with Yin Wen's strength, if Yin Wen is bound to win the Dragon's Tears, then their Kingdom of Fiore will be completely unable to hold on, so instead of fighting against Yin Wen, it is better to take the Dragon's Tears Tears were given to Yin Wen as a gift.

At the same time, as the king of the Fiore Kingdom, Old Thomas has information channels that no one else has. He learned from those councilors who were squeezed out by Fairy Tail that the Magic Council of the Yinshugal Continent is now , has been basically controlled by Fairy Tail, that is to say, Fairy Tail can be said to have controlled the magic world of Yinshujiaer. If this is the case, old Thomas has no reason to fight against Fairy Tail...


"I'm alone again, so boring!"

After a while, old Thomas sat in the empty meeting room, looking lonely and bored.

A few minutes later…

A certain temple on the border of Fiore Kingdom...


Accompanied by streaks of black light, a figure suddenly stood in front of the temple.

The visitor was naturally Yin Wen who came from the capital of the Kingdom of Fiore, using elementalization, to come quickly...

"Is this where the thing is?"

Yin Wen stood in front of the temple, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she saw a pretty woman with short black hair standing in front of him, the woman was holding tightly to the hilt of the sword at her waist with one hand, and holding a sword in the other. Putting a gorgeous staff, she seemed to have been standing outside the temple for a long time, waiting for Yin Wen for a long time.

"Are you the one who wants this thing?"

"This thing is very dangerous, so I hope you don't take this thing away from the temple..."

After seeing Yin Wen, the pretty woman narrowed her eyes slightly and asked softly.

"Yes, that's me!"

Before the beautiful woman in front of her could finish her sentence, Yin Wen nodded slightly, acknowledging her identity, and at the same time waved lightly at the staff in the woman's hand.

Immediately, the magic staff tightly held in the woman's hand disappeared, and it appeared in Yin Wen's hand in the blink of an eye.

"Remember to report to your superiors, saying that Yin Wen Berserion, a member of the Fairy Tail of the Magisters Guild, has taken away the staff~"

Holding the Tears of the Dragon in one hand, Yin Wen waved at the woman, then her figure turned into a jet-black light and disappeared on the spot.


The woman stared at Yin Wen who disappeared. She originally wanted to persuade Yin Wen to give up taking the Dragon's Tears. As the guardian of the Dragon's Tears, she knew exactly how dangerous this thing was, but Before she could finish her sentence, no matter whether it was Yin Wen or the Dragon Tears she guarded, they all disappeared without a trace.


"The gap in strength is too great, is this the Holy Ten?"

The woman stood outside the empty temple, in a daze for a long time, and then sighed decadently.

As an elite in the Fiore Kingdom's army, the woman thinks she can't lose to any magisters from the magisters' guild. Even in her eyes, the magisters who grew up in the greenhouse in the guild can't be defeated in terms of killing alone. It must be stronger than her who grew up in the army.

However, when she really faced and stood behind the most powerful man in this continent, the woman realized how ridiculous her previous thoughts were, not to mention guarding the staff, she didn't even know how the staff disappeared. Find.

After standing outside for a long while, this beautiful military elite reluctantly returned to the temple behind him and reported to his superiors, Yin Wen asked her to report the situation. UU reading

the other side…

Among the uninhabited mountains! Yin Wen used additional magic to set up a barrier to prevent the spread of magic power!

Then he raised the staff in his hand! That is the tear of the dragon formed by the resentment of countless giant dragons!

"Then let's get started! Don't let me down! The dragon's tears..."

While Yin Wen was speaking, she directly activated the Yuyu Fruit Green Dragon form in her body, transforming into a huge green dragon hundreds of meters long!

It was also at the moment when Yin Wen transformed into a giant dragon, the tear of the dragon emitted a scarlet light!

Endless power radiated Yin Wen's whole body, which came from the hatred of giant dragons towards Akunologia four hundred years ago, and the infinite magic power transformed into it finally woke up at this moment!



Immediately, accompanied by bursts of dragon chant, it poured into Yin Wen's body crazily!

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