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Chapter 299 In Front Of The Fairy Tail Founder, Scold Fairy Tail

at the same time…

After a group of presidents of the Magisters Guild of the Kingdom of Fiore pushed Joseph into the Magic Senate.

In a small parliamentary building near the gate, behind a shutter, in the gap of light, a pair of eyes were staring at everything in front of them, until all the presidents of the Magisters Guild entered the council, the shutters It was slowly merged...


It was a gloomy room, and in the room, all the current members of the Magic Senate gathered here.

They are Yajima, the old councilor, Rob, the undercover hero in the paradise, Toki Anderba, the warden of the magister prison, and the new super genius of celestial magic, known as the successor of Yin Wen. Gerald Ferdinands, and the captain of the Special Operations Brigade against the Dark Order, Acting Councilor Rahal...

Yes, Yajima and others even brought the teenage Geral and the inexperienced Rahal closer to the parliament in order to gather more than half of the councilors who are heading towards Fairy Tail. In most cases, Gerald and Rahal will not express any opinions on the situation in the parliament...

Most of the time, Worod takes the lead, and Yajima, Rob, and Toki decide all matters of the council.

As for the other members of the council, most of them are just names. Those who should retire have already retired, and those who have not retired will not be able to interfere in the internal affairs of the council!

In short, what these councilors used to deal with Fairy Tail back then is now being used intact by Fairy Tail on this group of councilors, themselves, and it will be returned a hundredfold!


Rob watched as the last president of the Magisters Guild entered the Senate. After being blocked by soldiers, the reporters and editors of the newspapers walked from the shutters to the side of the crowd, holding a bong in his hand, and kept swallowing clouds. Breathing out the fog, the white clouds entangled in the room and drifted towards the roof, making the whole room look a bit smoky.

"What do you guys think of this matter?"

Rob stood by the long table, looked at the people sitting on both sides of the long table and asked.

"Amazing! Mr. Rob..."

"Today, the presidents of the Magisters Guild dared to come to our council to sue Fairy Tail, wouldn't they dare to come to our council tomorrow and sue our magic council?!"

"If this kind of thing really happens, will the entire Inshgar Continent, our Magic Senate, or our Fairy Tail have the final say?!"

"I think it must be dealt with seriously. For the sake of justice, for the stability of the society, for the stability of the entire Yinshujiaer continent, and even the stability of the magic community around the world, we must immediately eliminate the bad signs of these people!"

"By the way, I think it is necessary to rectify this unhealthy atmosphere in the magic world of Fiore Kingdom..."

Gerald sat at the table solemnly, with a serious expression and a strong voice. He was very angry at the behavior of the presidents of the Magisters Guild. As a last resort, he thought it necessary to send the forty All the magister guilds were temporarily out of operation, and they were asked to close for rectification.

As for the extent of the rectification to continue the business, it depends on whether these people have enough reflection, whether they understand their own mistakes, whether they understand the magic council and the painstaking efforts of the members of the magic council.

"well said!"

After hearing Gerald's words, Yajima looked happy. Although Gerald is not very old, he already has the style and posture of a member of the Magic Council. Not bad, very good. I must wait until the near future, Gerald , then he can carry a lot of the work of the council alone.

The future is really promising, the future is promising!

"However, Gerald, although what you said is good, we will eventually discuss a feasible and effective solution to the Fiore Kingdom and the leaders of the Magisters' Guild!"

"After all, our council is different from those dark magisters' guilds. We are a symbol of justice! We can't attack the presidents of the magisters' guild on trumped-up charges for no reason!"

"Although it is imperative for us to rectify the magic world of the Kingdom of Fiore, we must always learn from others!"

"Otherwise, how will the countless people and magisters in Yinshugal continent view our magic council? They will say that our council is domineering and has a bad style. This is not acceptable..."

While knocking on the table in front of him, Yajima made a sound of "Dangdang, Dangdang", and told everyone what they needed to do.

"So that's it, I've been taught!"

After listening to Yajima's words, Gerald nodded slightly. He knew that what he said was still too empty, and he needed a more practical way to deal with the current matter.

"Suck ~"

"This is not easy~"

Rob took a sip of the tea in the cup, narrowed his eyes slightly and thought about something. Rob, who has been in the Magic Council for three or four years, has seen too many dirty things, and he is no longer the big man with thick eyebrows and big eyes. , he was always quietly thinking about how to effectively countermeasures against the presidents of the Magisters Guild...

"Then why bother..."

"If you want me to say, pull all of them in and reflect on it. It won't take many days. If you shut them down for a year or so, I think they will be much more honest!"

Tochi Anderba sat on a chair and directly gave an effective solution.

"The question is for what reason to act on that stupid piece of crap..."

"I mean, what reason do we have to attack the presidents of the Magister Guild?!"

Rahal looked at Tochi Anderbar with a serious face and asked.

Rahal is still a righteous young man like he was back then, and he hasn't changed until now...

However, there is only one reason why Rahal would help everyone in Fairy Tail think of a solution. In his eyes, being an enemy of Fairy Tail is evil!

As Yin Wen's former subordinate, Rahal knows Yin Wen's strength too well. It is an 'absolute power' that cannot be defeated even if the current ten holy magisters are combined!

Rahal knew that Yin Wen's absolute power could not only help the light to sweep away all the darkness, but in turn, it could also help the darkness to sweep away all the light!

Right now, this group of stupid and ignorant presidents of the Magisters' Guild actually want to drive Yin Wen's terrifying power out of the camp of the Bright Magisters. In Rahal's eyes, this group of people can no longer be described as stupid Well, the actions of these people are undoubtedly evil in the eyes of Rahal, and they are heinous crimes that must be punished! If there is no punishment, one day the camp of the light magister will be played to death by these idiots...

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres; both Android and Apple are available. ]

So Rahal is not helping the evil, but saving this group of stupid magister guild leaders.

"Isn't this simple?"

"Now Senior Volod is meeting with the group of guild leaders alone, right?"

"In other words, Senior Worod had a disagreement with the guild leaders. In the end, Joseph Paula, one of the ten great magisters, threatened Senior Worod with his strength. All the guild leaders fought, but at the critical moment, a strong man from the Magister Guild Fairy Tail took action to stop the riot..."

"In this regard, I would like to commend the heroic behavior of the Fairy's Tail of the Magisters' Guild, who drew his sword to help in the face of injustice. This is a model for our generation of bright magisters!"

"As for the presidents of the Magisters' Guild headed by Joseph Bora, since everyone is a first-time offender, everyone except the principal offender shall not be held ultimately responsible!"

"I think that when the time comes, the presidents of these guilds will tell us who the main culprit of this operation is, and they will keep silent about this matter..."

Tochi Anderba touched his chin, and after thinking for a while, he directly gave a solution to the riot of the leaders of the Magister Guild in the magic world of Fiore Kingdom.

"This method is good!"

"In this case, the contradiction will be transferred, and it will become a contradiction between the principal offender and the accessory!"

"At that time, we will punish the main criminal and then release him. Then, there will be an infighting between the 'main criminal' and those 'accomplices'. Well, it will be a lot easier!"

When Rob heard this, his eyes lit up. This method of diverting the contradictions is really high and ingenious.


"You guys think this is a good idea?"

Tochi Anderba took out a cigarette from the box beside him, and while smoking, he asked everyone in the room.

"I agree!"

"I agree too!"

"Just do it..."

For a while, everyone in the room expressed their approval of Tochi Anderba's approach.

"That's it!"

After Gerald and other members of the House of Representatives agreed, Yajima nodded lightly, took the decision, and decided to follow Torchi Anderba's method.

In the dark room, the lights on the roof flickered in the smog, and the gloomy-faced people sitting in the room announced that in just a few minutes, all the magisters in Fiore's magic world The rectification plan of the guild presidents, in that house, no matter if it is an old man or a young man, it can be said that all the villains...

At the same time, the chairman meeting of the Magisters Guild of Fiore Kingdom, held by the chairman of the Magic Council, Worrod, is in full swing. At this moment, Worrod is sitting in the chair, looking at the group of Magisters Guild members in front of him with a smile. Presidents.

"The Fairy Tail of the Magister Guild has become more and more domineering in recent years!"

"Not only do they often rob our guild of tasks, sometimes they even fight directly against our guild members! The nature is bad!"

The president of the Magisters' Guild looked at Worod angrily and said that he was accusing Fairy Tail of evil deeds.

Of course, he wouldn't tell Volod that the reason why Fairy Tail's magisters wounded their guild's magisters was entirely because their guild's magisters provoked them first...

"That's right! That's right!"

As the voice of the president of the magister guild fell, everyone immediately greeted him.

"There's also that Yin Wen from the collapse of the star, who smashed meteorites into mountains at every turn. The nature is very bad. I think it must be severely punished!"

The president of the Magisters' Guild even assumed the role of a member of the Senate, angrily denouncing Yin Wen's behavior.

In fact, even King Thomas of the Fiore Kingdom had an ambiguous attitude towards Yin Wen hitting the mountain with a meteorite. Theoretically, the mountains in the Kingdom of Fiore belonged to Thomas, but Thomas It doesn't matter at all, as long as Yin Wen remembers to participate in the competition...

"And, and..."

"There's a guy named Lacusas in Fairy Tail who's not a good guy either!"

"Elusha, Milaj and others are not good people!"

"Every good thing in the Fairy Tail Guild, disband as soon as possible! Forget it!"

The meeting room right now is like a vegetable market. Dozens of presidents of the Magisters' Guild are talking non-stop. Looking at the crowd, Joseph, who was the happiest at the beginning, was actually very honest. He fixed his eyes on Worod, for fear that something he didn't want to see would happen.

"Isn't there a good thing in Fairy Tail?"

Volod looked at everyone with a smile, and his smile became brighter.


It wasn't until the magic crystal beside Worrod suddenly lit up that he seemed to have received some news that the smile on Worod's face slowly returned to calm.

"The symbol of the so-called Fairy Tail Magisters Guild that you just mentioned, is this it?"

After receiving the news, Volod suddenly interrupted the people who were talking. He stretched out his hand, and suddenly a small seedling grew out of his hand, and then under the eyes of everyone, it turned into a flying in the sky. Yes, the pattern of the mysterious fairy, the ball is naturally the symbol of the Fairy Tail of the Magisters Guild.

"Yes, yes, this is it!"

"I didn't expect you, Mr. Speaker, to know!"

"Please punish them by all means!"

"Yeah yeah!"

After seeing the sign in Worod's hand, all the presidents of the Magisters' Guild spoke excitedly.


"Really? It really is this sign?!"

After hearing the words of the crowd, Worold said with a smile.

"That Speaker Volod, a big man with a lot of money like you, recognizes the logo of the Fairy Tail guild, which shows how vicious the **** of Fairy Tail are."

"Yeah yeah!"

Just when Worod was laughing, several presidents of the Magisters' Guild complimented Worod, while once again emphasizing the viciousness of Fairy Tail's magisters.

"Haha, no! I knew this sign a long time ago~"

Volod still looked at everyone in the room with a smile on his face.

"Oh? You actually knew this logo a long time ago? It seems that the magisters of Fairy Tail have behaved badly a long time ago!"

After hearing what Volod said, the president of a guild smiled and preached.

"No! Fairy Tail only became so lively under the hands of that kid Makarov. I think back when I was still in Fairy Tail, the guild at that time was far less lively than it is now..."

Volod smiled and spoke to the guild leader.

"Really? It turns out that when you were in Fairy Tail, Fairy Tail was not as lively as it is now! Hahaha, it seems that the old boy Makarov really can't control the members of Fairy Tail..." Originally The president of the Magisters Guild, who was still complimenting Worod, suddenly realized something. His expression was startled, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he looked at Worod tremblingly and asked, "Wait, that Worod Chairman De, what did you just say? Which guild did you say you used to be in? Don't be joking!"

"I'm not kidding!"

"I used to be a member of Fairy Tail, of course I haven't quit now..."

"Speaking of this logo, I personally participated in the design!"

"Ah! I really miss it! The days when I founded the guild with Mebis, Prejito, and Yuri, in a blink of an eye, the guild has passed from Mebis to Prejito, and from Prejito The hand of Hito passed to the hand of Yuri's son Makarov..."

"By the way, what did you say about the Fairy Tail guild? Once people get old, their ears don't work well. I didn't hear clearly just now, so I hope you can say it again!"

With a smile on his face, Volod looked kindly at the presidents of the Magisters Guild present, and said something terrifying that made them shudder.

"So we just scolded Fairy Tail for half an hour in front of the founder of Fairy Tail?!"

The heads of the magisters' guild were pale and weak, but it was too late...

"You stopped talking?"

"I still want to hear you continue to talk about Fairy Tail~"

The moment Volod's voice fell, all the windows of the meeting room were suddenly closed and sealed by the branches outside the windows, and even the wooden door of the meeting room was tightly closed as if it had life.

"Since you don't talk about it, let me talk about it!"

The smile on Volod's face suddenly disappeared, and his eyes shone with golden magic power.


Joseph, who had been silent all this time, looked at Worod in horror. The worst thing happened...

Crocas, the capital of flowers…

"Special report! Special report! A big event happened in the Senate, a huge event! Does anyone need an urgent newspaper?"

Newsboys were running around the streets with a lot of newspapers in their hands.

"Then please give me a newspaper, thank you!"

Just as the newsboy was running around with the newspaper in his arms, a boy with short brown-red hair bought a newspaper from the newsboy.

"Thank you for your patronage~"

"Special report! Special report!"

The newsboy took the boy's money, and UU Reading handed the boy a newspaper, and then ran towards the crowded place with a smile, continuing to promote the newspaper in his hand.

"let me see…"

The boy with short brown-red hair opened the newspaper and flipped through it, and then his expression changed.

"Huh? More than forty presidents of the Magisters' Guild collectively attacked the Senate? What kind of madness is this?"

The boy with short brown-red hair was Yin Wen. At this moment, after he read the newspaper in his hand, his face changed, and he looked puzzled.

"Forget it, anyway, there are Senior Volod and the others in the council, so it's not a big problem..."

After Yin Wen finished reading the newspaper, she rolled up the newspaper casually, then walked to a trash can and put it on top of the trash can. He had already read the newspaper, whether it was recycled by others or read by others, it was already It has nothing to do with him, the only thing he has to do now is to discuss the Dragon Tears with Old Thomas, the king of Fiore Kingdom.

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