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16.66% Reborn as Madara Uchiha / Chapter 2: First meeting of the village (rewritten)

Chapter 2: First meeting of the village (rewritten)

In the newly established village, children played carefree, their laughter echoing through the air, filling the streets with joyous melodies as they chased each other under the warm sun. Meanwhile, adults gathered in clusters, their voices carrying snippets of lively gossip and tales of old, mingling with the scent of freshly baked bread from nearby hearths. Amidst this bustling scene, members of different clans engaged in animated conversations, exchanging stories and news, their voices weaving a colorful tapestry of shared experiences.

The once elusive experiences were now the 'new normal,' where settled civilians no longer cast judgmental looks toward shinobi, unlike in other parts of the nation.

Now, they were part of a 'greater clan' – a village where they could coexist without fear of attack, finally finding a sense of security.

Now, they coexist peacefully as villagers.

Despite the harmony among them, only one at the top was frank enough to admit that their newfound happiness was short-lived.

As the honeymoon phase ends, they will realize that they were under different management all along, where benefits only last if politics don't descend too far.

In the Uchiha mansion, where the children were training with excitement in their eyes after being 'entrusted' by their Patriarch, Madara wished for headache relief pills in his room.

Especially after receiving a scroll—an invitation reminiscent of the Sengoku period—inviting him to attend the village's inaugural meeting hosted by the Senju clan patriarch.

Madara closed his eyes, suppressing his emotions in front of his five attendants, before letting out a heavy sigh.

His frustration was palpable, though not unexpected.

Regardless of Tobirama discovering the invitation to the Kaguya clan and the 'newly developed' training regimen, he would still target Madara and the Uchiha.

He was the greatest racist who, in real life, uses the word Uchiha as if he were saying N-

"Kagami, give me a scroll," Madara said elegantly, exuding an aura of authority, intentionally to impress impressionable people like Kagami.

Kagami, without wasting a minute, swiftly placed the scroll in front of Madara, along with a calligraphy brush and ink bottle, anticipating his needs.

Madara maintained a stoic expression as he held the brush, but inwardly, he admired Kagami's footwork, noting the absence of wasted movement and appreciating his foresight in anticipating Madara's needs.

He didn't blame Tobirama for taking him under his wing.

Though if anyone views from a distance, it may seem Madara was irritated by Kagami where Madara activated his Sharingan to frighten him a bit.

If you read Madara's mind however, he was just using Sharingan to quickly copy handwriting of past letters made by OG Madara he kept beside him or else the silver haired strategist would notice a difference in Madara's handwriting.

Like he expected, it did not take much time since his hands were already used to writing in this manner, where a brief look was enough.

Madara, who was holding a brush, was now elegantly writing as much as possible, writing pleasantries only Uchiha in a higher position in the clan use, in contrast to the clan's attitude towards people in front of them.

Even the bloodlusted Kaguya clan had exquisite writings, as calligraphy in this period is highly revered and practiced among nobles and high-ranking clan members.

Just as the Uchiha danced on the battlefield, Madara's hands danced on the paper with the same fluidity he exhibits in combat.

Satisfied with the content he wrote, he called Naori, who was compiling a list of Uchiha present in the clan as part of her duties.

"Deliver it to the Senju Patriarch and if anyone questions your presence there, just mention my name."

Naori was surprised, but she didn't question him and promptly left.

Kagami felt disappointed, thinking he would have the honor of delivering it.

Madara noticed his demeanor but pretended not to acknowledge it.

'I have no intention of letting Tobirama steal Kagami away like in the original timeline. But don't worry, young one, your time to shine will come.'

Naka, Baru and Rai also wished for that honor shortly before resuming back to their assigned work.

While Madara could have assigned them instead of Naori, he lacked confidence in their ability to resist Tobirama's indirect provocation or charm.

Naori, on the other hand, despite having an impressive temperament in the clan, was one of the few who still had bad blood with the Senju, at least this is what he heard from Kagami.

So Madara is confident there is no way Naori falls for Tobirama schemes, given that she was the only one smart enough to be unmoved by his speech.

Madara then began to read a report handed out by Naori. The document was well-written, exhibiting her excellent talent in calligraphy, which Madara admired as he reviewed the content.


'Hmm.... it looks nice,' Madara lowered his head for a moment, observing the design of the montsuki-hakama (men's kimono) he wore: a solid black kimono with the Uchiha crests, paired with striped black and white hakama, and a solid black haori. He completed the ensemble with zori sandals.

While he had the classical Uchiha outfit he wore yesterday, he decided to wear montsuki-hakama instead, subtly showcasing a change in his 'philosophy' in front of others, as his attire would less likely resemble the OG one

Though honestly, he just liked the dress and wanted to wear it to the point of making excuses.

"Naori and Kagami let's depart while Bara, Naka and Ran look after the clan in my absence and notify me if only matters are important."

While Kagami had a naive, excited look, Naori was stoic with a hint of bitterness in her eyes, reluctant to see the Senju patriarch and brother of his again.

While moving towards the exit, Madara observed the Uchiha compound for the first time.

It was oddly mixed between the Meiji period and Sengoku period in Japan in terms of infrastructure.

Recalling seeing the monitor ,CCTV and fridge in Naruto, Madara guessed that the time period he was in was like the early modern times of his old world, since advancement technology used after 60 years was too significant, suggesting it was likely adopted by shinobi from capitals and cities in their respective nations, predicted to mirroring events that happened in his old world.

While looking around, he found it odd that Fūma and Yūhi clans members were also prominently present in the compound but he still lacked knowledge about their presence so he returned his focus to the exit.

As they exited the compound, curious gazes of the civilians greeted them.

While being the founder clan of this village, the Uchihas hardly left their compound, which was just 5% of total land area.

None however dared to look at Madara, knowing him as a patriarch of the Uchiha, one of the two founders of Konoha, by interpreting the way he dresses and walks.

So their eyes naturally landed on one seemingly young attendant of his.

Kagami grew nervous, while Naori was indifferent to their gazes.

Madara on the other hand praised inwards for his decision, knowing the three attendants of his would give them hostile stares, that would otherwise help Tobirama in his plan for segregation, following footsteps of the Wilson administration.

As he walked down the street, he recalled the content of the scroll.

Due to the long distance between each clan, where the Aburama clan insisted to stay near to the forest for their insect and Hyuga insisted to stay close to riverside for their koi fish and bonkai, the meeting was held at the newly made Sukiya-zukuri, near to the mountain.

Madara wondered whether it was destroyed or remained intact during the Naruto timeline since he never saw it.

While he did like to enjoy the scenario, he saw it plenty of times during his time in Japan, so he wasn't that interested and proceeded to the entrance.

When he and his two attendants entered, they were greeted by the maids, who bear the symbol of Senju on their kimono.

Seemingly defenseless and frail, only sensors like him knew they were actually kunoichi similar to his maids, though just sensing their large chakra were hardly reliable to measure their performance.

Still, he guessed they must be seasoned veterans, maintaining their expression while lacking any sign of intimidation towards him, which professionalism earn his respect.

As they led them to a room, 3 of them were puzzled.

"Welcome Madara, glad you came here early."

Hashirama was smiling, excited to see the other clan heads and sit on furniture he received personally from Fire Daimyo.

Lounge chairs, adorned with cushions that only nobles had the privilege to use.

'So, my hypothesis was correct, the era was indeed like the modern early era.'

Madara, originally from the modern era of his old world, felt no awkwardness sitting in the chair; it was as familiar to him as brushing his teeth or combing his hair.

His two attendees however, were intrigued, since chairs weren't a thing yet among the clan, where zabuton(japanese cushions) was typically used instead.

As time passed, where maids were serving them refreshment such as matcha tea, the rest of clan heads came, where one of them came in packs.

From the crowd, he noticed Tobirama came with the clan leaders and their respective attendants from Sarutobi, Shimura, Hatake, Nara, Yamanaka and Akimichi clan.

While the rest had a fair distance, signaling their lack of intimacy among clans which was normal, as alliances of different clans were pretty rare in general.

As he observes and senses chakra, Madara wonders why Uzumaki and Ryūchi clan heads did not come with them considering their proximity.

Others meanwhile were struggling to figure out how to sit on the chair they had never seen before while the host of the meeting was nowhere to be seen.

After a minute of discussion, they sat the same way as Madara, doubting the prideful one would try to make a fool of himself by sitting incorrectly.

Hashirama soon joined them and sat in the same manner, after coming back from his mansion to find instructions on how to sit on those chairs.

Tobirama fumed at his sweaty brother, using the supposed art of talking by his stern eyes that surpassed Yamanaka's mind technique, while the Akimichi head nervously laughed in hopes of lightening the mood.

'What a drag,' Nara head thought who yawned on the chair, almost sleeping on the spot.

'Feel quite nice.' Madara thought amidst their silent quarrel, pleased he doesn't live in a world where chairs with cushions don't exist while maintaining his dignifying posture.

Others were caught off guard by how comfortable the lounge was, wondering whether they felt relaxed due to the lounge chair or for peace and stability the village had.

Madara, noticing that there were only 15 seats at the table, found it peculiar that no seat had been reserved for the patriarchs of the Fūma, Yūhi, Uzumaki, and Ryūchi clans, who had yet to arrive.

'They did not send an invitation?!'

Madara found it hard to believe Tobirama would be that blatantly rude to others and even to his own allies, so he was expecting a good answer.

As their silent quarrel ends, Tobirama coughs, drawing the attention of the audience in the room.

"Welcome to our first meeting held in our village, I am glad we are all here, settling our differences aside and settling for peace."

As he continues, Madara tries his best not to doze off by Tobirama's speech full of pleasantries where his student, the future 3rd Hokage, pale in comparison in terms of nonsense he says that sounded believable if Madara did not watch the anime.

Tobirama was a born politician and leader, only held back by his combat capability and prestige compared to his brother.

After his speech ended, the meeting finally started, which is the primary reason everyone came here.

"First purpose of the meeting is to formalize the name of our village, so that a new one village-one Daimyo system can be established."

"So let's decide which name would be appropriate for our village."

Madara remains silent, noticing the butterfly effect, where now he is no longer able to figure out the timeline where the appointment of Hokage will come.

Minor inconvenience, but this was the price he had to pay if tries to change the timeline which already diverged the moment he came.

Meanwhile, others were brainstorming names for the village.

Despite how easy it sounds, it is harder than they presumed where not only the name should be neutral but also sound great.

They know the village was nothing more than a formalized large-scale shinobi organization, where good branding was needed to attract nobles who were now assigned missions to the village given it has significantly larger scale to employ shinobi than a clan, giving them confidence to spend their money to finish their task, which enticed the clan heads to come here in the first place other than getting a stable residency.

But it was harder than they presumed, each coming up with names that indeed sounded great, but may displease others in the meeting.

As for the Nara head, it seemed he was deep thinking in this matter where he was lying on the chair, unless you are part of Senju alliance or was a reincarnator like Madara, who very knew he was already asleep!

Battery saving mode was in their blood which got activated the moment it went down to 99%.

Two hours passed, and none had come up with a suitable name.

So, Madara, who was bored to death, finally gave in and proposed a new name for the village to others.

Konohagakure no Sato as an official name. Konohagakure or Konoha as an informal name.

While Madara did not really like the name, he didn't have any good name in his mind so he took a page from the OG.

All of them agreed, seeing no problem with it. It did not displease anyone and since the village is surrounded by forest, the name did not sound out of place.

"So Konohagakure no Sato it is then." Tobirama confirmed before briefly gazing at Madara who was wearing an elegant outfit he hadn't seen him wearing before though it was least to his surprise.

His mannerisms were vastly different, seeing him reserved and maintaining a poker face, which was unlike him, seeing him multiple times on the battlefield.

'Arrogant and prideful.' It is what Tobirama felt about him which he strangely can not feel by looking at him.

If he didn't see his handwriting and wasn't a sensor, he would immediately believe Madara in front of him was an imposter!

Then again, Tobirama did notice a change in their style of diplomacy, since the Naori he sent earlier did not have Uchiha pride he is used to seeing, nor say foolish provocative words that always lands them in the bottom of social interaction among the clans.

But still believe he has the same extreme

extreme visionary eyes like his brother, a dream that would remain a dream, so he doesn't think his plan will falter before it starts.

Of course, if the situation demands it, he would change his plans; being too rigid would cause more harm than good.

Afterwards, Tobirama moved on to the next topic of discussion, which focused on smaller, lesser-known clans and civilians. At least 30 small clans had joined the village, along with a substantial number of civilians from across the Land of Fire.

Hashirama insisted on fair treatment of them, where they are now part of the village, hoping the major clan here cleared up animosity that may threaten peace here.

Most people in the room remained silent and tacitly agreed, as they did not perceive them as a threat.

So what if smaller clans and civilians come here?

They would be bottom of the barrel anyway.

It was an insignificant topic not worth mentioning in their eyes, much like how nobles deemed the poor unworthy of consideration.

However, Madara had other considerations.

'Well played, Tobirama...' Madara inwardly praised him, recognizing the hidden intentions behind the smokescreen.

He hated to admit it, but it was a rare moment where he appreciated his time in the company, where politics was the name of the game. It allowed him to see the bigger picture in play.

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