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Chapter 8: Chapter 8 : A Homeless Stranger's Warning: The Ring that Changed Everything

I found that she sent me pictures, and you can imagine what was in those pictures. Yes, she sent nude photos. What a wonderful morning – the first thing I see when I open my eyes is pictures of a naked girl. I realized that this girl would make my time very enjoyable. I responded by sending her heart emojis as a sign of my liking for her pictures. I got out of bed, washed my face, and got ready to go fishing. The same routine – bought bait, went to my spot, set up the fishing gear, and sat down to smoke. While smoking, I played music and started daydreaming, thinking about the girl who bought fish from me. I began to wish to meet her again. I spent two hours sitting with nothing happening; the fishing line didn't budge at all. I started losing patience, so I decided to give the fishing rod one last throw. If I didn't catch anything this time, I would leave. I cast the line and waited. After a while, the fishing rod moved, and I began to pull. What a surprise – it was a fish of the same kind I had caught before. 

I couldn't describe the amount of happiness I felt in that moment. I placed the fish in the bucket. I cast the line again, but in vain – I couldn't catch any more fish; the sea had swallowed all its inhabitants. I started talking to the fish I caught (I hadn't lost my mind) and said, "How can you be the only one left in this vast sea? Where did your sisters go?" After moments of waiting with no response, I decided to carry the fish and leave since luck wasn't on my side today. On the way back, walking by the sea, Instead of meeting the girl again, my happy luck had another plane. I faced a homeless person . He approached me and said, "Hello, young man, can I get a cigarette from you?" I looked at him and replied, "Yes, wait." I took out a pack of cigarettes and gave him one. As I was about to leave, the homeless guy grabbed my arm and, in a moment of anger, I turned towards him and in the moment I want to push him . He said, "I want to tell you something." I responded in frustration, "What do you want? I gave you a cigarette, and now I'm not in the mood for jokes." 

The homeless guy laughed a strange laugh and began to say, "Your life, young man, is about to change rapidly, but the decision will be yours whether it changes for the better or worse. Make the right choice." I didn't pay much attention to his words, as he was just a homeless person. I left him and went home. I found Brad sitting on the couch. I took out the fish and said to Brad, "Look, this is the fish I told you about. Isn't it beautiful?" I saw amazement on his face, and he said, "Wow, it's fantastic. You weren't lying when you described it." I said to him, " told you loser , Alright, Brad, now I'll go clean this fish, and I'll prepare a meal for us to have." I entered the kitchen, placed the fish in the sink, and started scaling it. I opened its stomach and began removing its intestines. To my surprise, I found a stunning gold ring inside. It was shining, and the craftsmanship indicated its value. In the center, there were inscriptions like black magic and symbols I had never seen before. There was also a gem radiating like a diamond. I started thinking, "Could this ring be real? What luck! I'll become rich. Look, it's heavy, so it's high-quality gold." I kept holding it in my hand, staring at it in disbelief. 

I kept holding it in my hand, staring at it in disbelief. How did this ring end up inside this fish? Then, I remembered the fish I sold, and a sense of regret started to creep in. "Wait, could all those fish I sold to that girl also contain rings inside them? Oh, what a fool I've been! What have I done?" My head started to ache; selling that damn fish was a curse. I could have been rich now. Who knows the value of this ring? Since it's made of gold and has a diamond-like gem, I'll make a fortune from it. I'll live comfortably, finally, life smiled at me. I hid the ring in my pocket, went to my room, and stashed it under the bed. I returned to the kitchen and continued preparing the food. A delicious smell wafted from the fish, even Brad left his spot and stood beside me. I told him, "Go, sit and wait until I finish cooking." He started joking, "No, no, I don't trust you, you scoundrel. I'm afraid you'll eat it all by yourself." We started laughing. After a while, the food was ready. I carried the fish and sat at the table to start eating. I asked Brad to get the bread and cola so we could begin the meal.

Black_shadow_ol Black_shadow_ol

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