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Chapter 6 : the note and the date

The waitress approached me, handed me a note, and said, "Can you give this note to your friend?" I smiled and replied, "Why don't you give it to him yourself?" She laughed and said, "I wanted to, but I saw his reaction when I talked to him and feared trying again might give him a heart attack." I burst into laughter, catching Brad's attention. When he turned to see what was happening, he See's me talking to the waitress with the note in my hand. I bid farewell to the waitress.

On the way back, I saw Brad looking upset, so I asked, "Brad, what caused your mood swing? You were smiling a moment ago." He turned to me angrily and said, "Nothing." Surprised by his response, I insisted, "Tell me, did something happen? I'm your friend." I thought something had occurred, but his answer made me burst into laughter. He said, "I told you I liked the waitress, yet you went and got her number. And you claim to be my friend." Seeing me laugh made him flare up reluctantly, and he began saying, "You're mocking me now, you asshole ." He wanted to leave, but I held him and said, "Wait, you crying baby." I took the note out of my pocket and handed it to him."When he opened it, he found a phone number with a note below it saying, 'Call me.' I continued, 'Th waitress gave me her number and told me to give it to you.' The expressions of anger changed to a smile, and he began saying, 'Really? Did she really give you her number for me?' I replied, 'Yes, you fool,' and he started apologizing, 'I'm sorry. I jumped to conclusions. You're a great friend.' He approached me, hugged me, and I pushed him away, saying, 'Relax, boy, and save this emotion for the waitress.'

We continued our way home. Upon arrival, we found Adam sitting on the couch while Jacob was cooking. We greeted them and I headed to my room to change. I took out 200 dirhams from the money I got from the hunt and joined the guys. Sitting with Adam, I called Jacob and Brad, saying, 'I want to ask you a question. What is the amount I need to contribute for my share of the rent?' Adam was beside me and punched my shoulder, saying, 'We told you, idiot, we're not rushing you. Wait until you settle, then ask about how much you should pay.' I responded, 'I know that, but I got some money, and I want to pay my fair share of the rent.' Brad stand up and approached me, saying, 'As I told you before, the total cost of renting the apartment is 800 dirhams, so you'll pay 200 dirhams.' I put my hands in my pocket, took out the money, and handed it to him.

Adam and Jacob looked at each other and asked, 'Where did you get this money overnight?' I explained to them what happened with the girls and the fish I saw for the first time. Then Adam asked me, 'Did you get her phone number?' I looked at him and smiled, saying, 'No, I didn't, but Brad got the number of an attractive waitress.' 'Oooooh, an attractive waitress!' exclaimed Jacob and Adam. I saw Brad turning red with embarrassment. The guys started teasing him. After a while, everyone went to their rooms. I entered my room, lay down on the bed, and kept thinking about the girl who took my fish, wondering if we would have another chance to meet. Feeling extremely tired, I decided not to go hunting the next day. Moments later, I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up at 11 in the morning." "I left the room to have breakfast and found Brad dressed elegantly, getting ready to go out. I said to him, 'Good morning, Brad. Where are you going all dressed up?' He smiled at me and said, 'I'm going out with Amy.' Intrigued, I asked, 'Wait, Amy? Are you talking about the waitress from yesterday?' He replied, 'Yes, she's the waitress from yesterday, and her name is Amy.' Surprised, I exclaimed, 'Wow, she gave you her number yesterday, and today you're going out with her?' He began to boast, describing what he said to her and how he convinced her to go out with him. Brad left, and I stayed alone in the house.

I started watching TV, playing on my phone, and thinking about how to spend the rest of the day. After two hours, Brad returned with happiness evident on his face. I asked, 'How was the date?' He responded, 'It was wonderful; she's an amazing girl.' He came and flopped on the couch, laughing and saying, 'I'm lucky.' Curiosity got the better of me, so I asked, 'What did you do on the date?' He began to answer, 'We went by the seaside and started getting to know each other, and...' He didn't finish his sentence as his phone rang. He got up, answered the phone, and after finishing the call, he turned to me and said..."

Black_shadow_ol Black_shadow_ol

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