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46.15% Beta Testing the Apocalypse / Chapter 42: Chapter 042

Chapter 42: Chapter 042

With Winry in a somewhat unorthodox relationship with the Elric brothers, Leon was left alone with Bulma, seated on the edge of a workbench with his legs spread while she knelt in front of him, using her pillowy breasts to give him a tit job.

"How is it...?" asked Bulma, wearing an alluring smile as she gave the tip of Leon's artificial dick a lick, teasing, "There are a few more 'exotic' options available, but this one is the most faithful recreation of the actual thing. Of course, I added a few interesting features..."

Turning a dial at the base of Leon's artificial cock, resembling a cock ring, Bulma caused it to swell from a modest but functional fifteen centimeters to well over twenty. Then, instead of explaining further, she combed aside her bangs with her right hand, lowered her head, and began sucking it for a while before gazing up at him with upturned, smiling eyes when she saw him leaning his head back, eyes closed and hand resting on her head.

Releasing Leon's artificial cock with a loud pop, prompting him to open his eyes and stare at her, Bulma rose to her feet and mused, "I think we need to renegotiate the terms of our agreement..." while unknotting the arms of the blue boilersuit fastened around her waist and letting it fall to the floor, exposing the fact she wasn't wearing any panties.

"What did you have in mind...?" asked Leon, placing his hands on Bulma's hips and guiding her as she climbed onto his lap and skillfully directed his cock to the entrance of her pussy. Before lowering herself, however, she linked her arms around his neck and shoulders, using them as support as she stared down at him with a seductive grin and answered, "I can't very well set a price on my own body. You'd never be able to afford it. Instead, I'll charge for maintaining and upgrading this does ten orange crystals a month sound~?"

"Way too expensive, but I'll figure something out," replied Leon, lowering Bulma against him as a way of 'sealing' their contract. He was tempted to point out that she was one of the chief 'beneficiaries' of his new body, but he honestly couldn't care less at that moment. His only concern was that he could truly feel another person for the first time in months. Thus, while Mordred would probably chastise him for being swayed by pleasure, Leon was too enamored by the feeling of Bulma's hot and tight pussy wrapping around his cock to care about anything but fucking her senseless...




"You promised her ten orange crystals a month, even though you're the one providing the materials, resources, and funding she requires for her other projects...?" asked Mordred, looking incredulous but not too upset as Leon had waited until 'after' they had sex to break the news.

"I know it's a lot..." replied Leon. "But it's only a temporary arrangement, and I'll see to it that it doesn't come out of the estate's finances and the Frontier Expedition Squad's operational funds..."

Though she closed her eyes, massaged her forehead, and exhaled an exasperated sigh, Mordred decided not to press the issue further since Leon said he would cover the costs personally. Thus, after a moment of silence, she shook her head and muttered, "Fine. Whatever. But you need to be more wary around that woman, Leon. She's very clearly using you to further her ambitions. From now on, never make deals that revolve around sex or an exchange of benefits. And if she starts trying to seduce you, you need to put your foot down..."

"I'll make sure this is the only time something like this happens..." replied Leon, placing his hand on Mordred's thigh as she was seated next to him while he was lying atop her bed.

"And I'll hold you to your word..." said Mordred, her expression softening as she placed her hand over his, gently caressing it as she added, "We all make mistakes. Just don't make it a habit..."

Adopting a smile, which was reflected in the artificial muscles of his face, Leon mused, "Don't worry. She might have had a chance in the past, but I'm surrounded by too many amazing women to be swayed and controlled by a single one. Isn't that what you were aiming for...?"

"Something like that..." replied Mordred, her voice low as she adopted a smile and leaned over Leon, punctuating her words with a kiss. When the tips of fingers grazed against her abdomen, however, she grabbed his wrist and pulled back her face so they could meet each others' gazes as she said, "I'll keep going if you insist, but too much stimulation is poison for the heart, mind, and body. It's best to space things out, but since you just received a new body, I wouldn't criticize you if you sought out Kisara, Miu, and a few others before settling down..."

"It's a tempting thought..." admitted Leon. "But you're probably right. I've already gone at it for more than two hours today. That's way beyond what an ordinary human would be capable of, so I'll just head back to my room and do my usual routine before heading out. Those orange crystals aren't going to acquire themselves..."

"Just don't forget to take breaks..." said Mordred, giving Leon a protracted kiss before seeing him off at the door in her birthday suit. Leon felt a little exasperated when she subsequently stepped out into the hallway without care, freeing her Pokemon from the nearby Servant's Quarters, but as that particular section of the manor was off-limits to most males, sans himself and the only male member of the Crimson Valkyries, Felix Argyle from the same world as Subaru, Petra, and a handful of others, he ultimately shook his head and departed in the opposite direction...




After crossing through the large tower/spiraling stairwell that separated his wing of the manor from the wing used by the Crimson Valkyries, Leon was surprised when he nearly hit someone opening the door connecting to the main hallway. Fortunately, they reacted in time, stepping back with deft and graceful footwork.

Recognizing the unmistakeable figure of Miu, this time wearing her purple bodysuit and hot pink jacket, Leon raised his right brow and asked, "Were you just coming from my room...?"

Blushing and turning her face to the side, Miu, peering at Leon's new form from the corner of her eye, answered, "I...I heard about your arrangement with Bulma and wanted to see if I could help..."

"You're offering to help me collect crystal fragments...?" asked Leon.

"It's like I said before..." muttered Miu, slowly turning to face Leon as she explained, "I want to repay you for what you've done for me, my Grandpa, and Kisara. We wouldn't even be alive if it weren't for you, so I'm prepared to spend my entire life repaying that debt and the many others I'll accrue by summoning my friends, the other Masters of Ryouzanpaku...and, most importantly, my parents..."

"And you're aware I don't want that, right...?" asked Leon, shaking his head as he added, "You could never be truly happy serving me, Miu, and that's the only thing I truly and sincerely desire from you..."

Adopting a narrow-eyed smile and covering her mouth with her right hand, Miu suppressed a faint chuckle before folding her hands over her lap and musing, "Yes, I thought you might say something like that. But, to be perfectly honest, knowing that the only thing you want from me is for me to be happy makes me want to repay you even more. So, at the risk of sounding selfish, is it okay if I continue serving you for a while longer? It's one of the things that makes me the most happy right now..."

Instead of responding with words, Leon drew Miu toward him, enjoying the feeling of the fabric of her bodysuit against his palms as he cupped her voluminous ass and kissed her. He felt like he was 'enabling' her a bit by providing constant distractions, but even if the joy he provided for her was superficial, he would rather see her happy than sad...




*plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap*

Though they delayed things until their return from the Tower, Leon was going to town on Miu, his hips smacking against her ass from behind as she cried out and moaned on all fours. It was technically her first time having sex, but since she had been training since before she could form long-term memories, her hymen was nonexistent, and her insides were so well-trained that if he didn't possess an artificial dick, Leon wouldn't have been able to endure more than a few thrusts before she milked him like a cum-guzzling succubus.

"I'm going to break...!" exclaimed Miu, but it was Leon's artificial dick that was nearing its limits. So much so that when she climaxed, causing her to clamp down like a vice, most of the fluid giving the artificial cock its shape was forced back into the 'ring' at its base. As a result, when Leon pulled it out, it was like trying to remove a semen-filled condom that got stuck in Miu's pussy.


With a dazed and unfocused look, Miu continued lying face-down-ass-up despite most of her body going slack, providing Leon a genuine feast for the eyes. Her asshole was much lighter than Mordred's and Bulma's, and her vulvae were almost artistically constructed, closing like a bulwark the moment he pulled out, practically begging to be parted anew.

Removing his faux and visibly damaged dick, Leon placed it in his Storage before pulling out a malleable, bright pink, and slightly translucent sex toy that was roughly 20cm in length, notably bulbous around the center, and with a broad, almost mushroom-like head. It was nothing like an ordinary penis, but it had higher sensitivity, and Bulma had assured him that it was 'very' durable.

Feeling Leon press something foreign against her pussy, Miu was briefly confused but consciously pushed against him when he began moving his hips forward. She was a little taken aback by how large it was compared to the last one, but once they got past the bulbous middle section, it was practically pulled into her by the pressure and suction of her pussy.

"It's so...big..." panted Miu, her face flushed an almost sickly shade of red and body trembling as she felt like Leon was applying pressure directly to her womb. What neither she nor Leon knew was that Bulma had dubbed it the 'Battering Ram' for that exact reason...

Grabbing Miu's hips, Leon struggled to pull back due to the faux cock's shape and the 'gripping force' of her pussy. Thus, instead of pulling hard and possibly slipping out, he only pulled out a few centimeters, resulting in him basically jackhammering the entrance to her cervix, which, perhaps as a result of her being from an anime, was directly in the 'line of fire.'

Exhaling short, high-pitched moans that sounded similar to hiccups, Miu instinctively clenched her pussy as tightly as she could, but that was the opposite of what she should have been doing. As a result, Leon had a much easier time knocking against her womb than he had pulling out, leading to the slightly pointed tip of the artificial cock gradually probing her cervix, causing it to slowly but inevitably widen. It thankfully didn't widen to the point of allowing the artificial cock to slip directly into her womb, but with a bit of 'training,' it wouldn't be impossible...

Fortunately for both Miu and Leon, Bulma was able to repair and reinforce his faux flesh dick so it wouldn't be broken as easily in the future...




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