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Chapter 2: Let's See What We Have Here

I opened my eyes, half expecting for lasy night to be nothing more then a dream or hallucination. However if its the latter i need more sleep

Getting the useless thoughts out of my head i stood up in bed and streached the sleep away while releasing a long unfamilar yawn in a voice far to high pitch and child like to be mine.

All my thoughts went to a screatching halt 'Wait i minute' i thought to myself, blinking the sleep from my eyes revealed the same unfamiliar apartment from yesterday altho today i could see a mirror next to my bed. Approaching it i couldnt stop the grin from crossing my features a pair of bright blue eyes and wiskered cheecks greeted me, along with a set of bright orange/yellow hair, along with a horrible bright orange jumpsuit.

My grin quickly turned into a frown when i say the horrendous orange jumpsuit. "No No No I'm afraid this just won't work. I Can't look badass if i wear something like this i need more style. But how am i going to get it?"

a quick look into naruto's memories it is clear that he is despised not like most naruto fanfictions like to show with a yearly fox hunt, but as in charged extra for items most people would only pay 3 ryō i would have to pay 9 ryō for. so its quite unfortunate, however not much of a problem' i thought with a smirk 'today is the 19th of the month the one day a month naruto always anticipates why? because its the one day a month naruto can talk to the hokage and not be openly despised by the villagers.'

I closed my eyes and hummed to myself 'well seems i have to get ready, lets see what naruto has that isn't completely horrendous.'


(Several Hours Later) (Hokage Tower)

"Alright thats enough, Kurosawa what is next on my list for today?" Hiruzen asked his secretary.

"That would be your monthly village walk with naruto-san Lord Third" Kurosawa said with a slightly forced smile.

Hiruzen's eyes widen he completely forgot about naruto did he even walk around the village last month with naruto? if he didn't he would have to make it up to him.

"Today is Tsukiday isn't it?" Hiruzen asked lowly

"Yes, Lord Third" Kurosawa responded this time with a slightly less formed smile, the hokage needs these breaks every once in a while even if she personally didn't like naruto she couldn't deny that the hokage always looked livier when ever he returned for the day. So while she disliked naruto she was greatful that the hokage was always happier after talking to him, the pranks where a different story however.

"Alright its time i head out, by the way do i have another meeting with the civilan council or clan heads today?" hiruzen asked his secretary.

"No not today fortunally" Kurosawa said with a slight smile.

Hiruzen Sighed greatfully "I love this village to my core but sometimes the council and clan heads can be to much" hiruzen said while opening the front cabniet of his kage desk from which he pulled out a small pipe its down end stuffed with tabacco before pulling it to his lips.

"Alright pause all pending reports for the next 3 hours while im out" Hiruzen told Kurosawa who only nodded.


(10 Minutes Later)(Naruto's Apartment)

After some intense rummaging through Naruto's belongings, I settled on an outfit that wasn't entirely cringe-worthy. It was a mix of dark colors with a touch of orange, much more subdued than that eye-searing jumpsuit. "Well, it's not exactly fashion-forward, but it'll do," I muttered to myself, adjusting the collar.

Feeling a bit more confident, I headed out, deciding to explore the village before my meeting with the Hokage.


(2 Minutes Later)(Streets of Konoha)

As I strolled through the streets of the Hidden Leaf, I couldn't help but notice the glances thrown my way. Even if i'm more confident in myself and am less worried about what others think of them i could smell the animosity in air.

'Guess Naruto's treatment was atleast somewhat worse pre-cannon, intreasting but ultimately worthless' i felt like glaring back at the villagers while thinking this but ultimately desided against it 'why should i care for there opinion they won't do a then with there lives' i told myself as i ignored the stares.

Soon however my thoughts drifted back to the Hokage upon seeing the Hokage monument 'right i have to met jiji - i mean the Hokage soon'.

As I approached the Hokage Tower, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for my first small challange in this world passing off as naruto. Upon entering, I was met with a slightly surprised look from Kurosawa, the Hokage's secretary. "Ah, Naruto-san, you're early today," she remarked, her forced smile returning.

"Yeah, just trying to be responsible for once, I'm going to be a shinobi in 2 years so i have to start somewhere" I replied with a grin. Kurosawa seemed taken aback but quickly recovered, directing me to the Hokage's office.

In the Hokage's spacious office, I found the old man puffing away on his pipe. "Hey Lord Third, ready for our village walk?" I asked, trying to match Naruto's usual enthusiasm.

Hiruzen raised an eyebrow but chuckled, "You're unusually early, Naruto. But what happened to JiJi?" he asked with a small smile, i blushed at my own ignorance.

"Ah, well im going to graduate from the academy in 2 years so i need to be more responsible and professional, part of that is showing you more respect l-lord third" 'i fucking stuttered, fuck this shit might be harder then i thought. what ever is left of naruto is fucking with me, whatever i guess as long as i dont say dattebayo im good' i thought to myself.

The Hokage chuckled "Like not pulling pranks on your teachers or painting the hokage monument?" I blushed "well it's good training, i can sort of avoid the animal masks" i replied with a sheepish tone (The Real Naruto didn't know what they are called)

Hiruzen actually stopped at that, letting out a long puff of his pipe before putting a hand to his chin before smiling "I guess you have a point naruto, I guess you have a point." he said with a smile "how about we get going now we get going now, we have a whole 3 hours ahead of us".

I nodded "Yea, lord third there are a few things i wanted to talk to you about regarding my education in the Shinsu academy" I said somewhat energetically.

Time passed as we strolled throughout the market district of the village, the hokage shard some stories of the village's history some of which i haven't heard before from the light novel or manga. He even went into detial on some of the villages traditions, and how significant landmarks came to be like the start of the hokage monument. All of it was intreasting so i made mental notes of it, it seemed to make the hokage happy and so i only smiled and listened asking some questions here and there on things that didn't make much sense to be.

We stopped by some markets and i picked out some new clothes and school supplies i wanted (including a small storage seal) before ending it with Ichiraku Ramen and Holy Shit was it good i can see why naruto loves it so much.

Some more time passed before we returned to the Hokage Tower. Hiruzen looked at me with a genuine smile, "Thanks for the walk, Naruto. It was good to talking to you."

I nodded, "Anytime, Lord Third you looked a bit stressed out im just glad you look better." I grinned at him.

It wasn't only the hokage who left looking happy i did to and couldn't help leaving the hokage tower feeling a sense of accomplishment.

'That was fun, but i still have work to do so might as well get to it'.Back in my apartment, I sat on the familiar couch, closing my eyes and thinking on everything that happened today.

'I got new clothes, got to walk with the hokage, got new supplies and even a new chakra seal to study' i thought with a grin.

'Tanoshī koto ga hajimaru to tsutaete kudasai'

BlitzKrieG_K BlitzKrieG_K

Made a whole calander for naruto here it is.















Kaze no Kōri


Chikyūday (Earthday)

Kazeday (Windday)

Kaminariday (Thunderday)

Umiday (Waterday)

Honōday (Fireday)


Tsukiday (Moonday)

Taiyōday (Sundown)

Yumiday (Dreamday)

Also the Shinsu academy is what im calling the Ninja Academy from Naruto since i don't remember any offical name being used for it.

One last thing i used google translate to help me with this so sorry if the grammer isn't the best.

And i almost forgot if you want to see some illustrations when the sex scenes inedibly come up go look for my archiveofourown account with this same name for when it comes out

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