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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Beginning, End and Restart!

[Main Character's point of View]

I woke up in an Asylum after beating my cellmate to death after he tried to make me, and I quote "his Arkham bitch" end quote. I teleported his body somewhere and used the next few days to collect my memories of this world prior to that event since I was not the biggest DC fan. I knew a few things but not much.

First, I crash-landed at the far ends of Gotham's outs tricks a couple of months ago with just a name, a cube, and no memories of my past self, and survived on the streets of Gotham thanks to my intellect and the temporary friendship I made with another street kid, Jason Todd.

We stole cars and sold them while I took parts of some to build a few things. Things were going well until he was adopted by the millionaire Bruce Wayne. I encouraged him and wished him good luck in his future endeavors while I slowed down and just stole car parts to build myself my own car.

I used my Osmosian abilities to get a high-paying job since I grew tired of sleeping in an abandoned building, even if it made a great hiding spot for the cube. I became a bouncer for one of Penguin's clubs via the perk of being a metahuman, or at the very least being seen as one, which is that age matters less than your abilities.

I gained a lot of money and Penguin took an interest in my intellect above my powers, due to the drunkenly created force field generator I made. I became his tech guy, and he started selling my product outside of Gotham for a hefty sum, which I had a big cut in since those things could be made with a few car body parts and were as bulletproof as most Bank safes.

He figured that Batman would care less about the product if it was not used in Gotham and he was right, Batman ignored it for a while but ignoring does not mean forgetting. He started investigating the product once Black Mask started using it to protect his assets.

Now this is where I think plot armor kicked me in the balls, Jason came to visit me out of nowhere and we started hanging out, talking about how our lives had changed in the very short time we had not seen each other and mundane things such as the New Robin debut.

I showed Jason the car I had meticulously built in preparation for getting my driving license and bragged about it containing all of the new force field's designs. The moment I finished that sentence, Batman fell from the ceiling and proceeded to throw an exploding Batarang at the Car but did not manage to damage it thanks to its forcefield I had specially built.

I said plot armor because I had somehow not managed to deduce that Batman was Bruce Wayne even with Rick and Azmuth's intellect. Thankfully, it seems that intellect kicked in once more since I was able to see through that part laid out acting on Jason's part.

Once the jig was up and I coated myself in metal, we started fighting and I ended up losing because I trusted Jason when he told me that I could walk away if I just gave them the name of Penguin's buyers and suppliers. I had waited for Batman to confirm and uncoated myself after he nodded.

As a thank you, for trusting his word, Batman gave me a gut punch which cracked a rib while knocking me and the air in my lungs out. I woke up with a collar around my neck and Batman trying to hack into my car. If not for plot armor, how could I have made such a dumb mistake?

I bragged out of pettiness that my car was un-hackable and if hacked too much it would self-destruct. I watched as Batman purposely failed to hack to initiate the self-destruct option in order to destroy the blueprints of my new forcefields.

I shed a tear when my baby blew up and told them that they owed me a car and I was going to get what I was owed. The next thing I knew, I was in the Batcave for a bit where a green man, Martian Manhunter, wiped my memories of their secret identities before they dropped me off to the police or so they think.

I do not know how I ended up in Arkham but if I had to guess, due to the mystery of my origins, they would have a hard time finding out who I am so the staff that was in charge of my files must have just called it quits and sent me or at least recommended that I am put in Arkham.

This would not be the first time this sort of thing happened; I heard stories like this happening to a few henchmen because some guy did not want to work overtime. Anyway, I ended up in Arkham, but I escaped within a week and now I am a free fifteen-year-old named, Marcellus Tennyson but I go by the nickname Jyöd.

My real name is not very street-like, so I decided to tell people that my name is Tyki Mikk, even Jason thinks my name is that. I am relieved my past self did that because, with the knowledge I have about magic from Merlin, I know just how important and advantageous learning someone's true name is.

It is better to have people use a false name for me since on the off chance they try to use it on something like a sealing ritual or something else it will not work. You can never be too careful when it comes to magic contingencies.

Anyway, the first thing I did after getting out of Arkham was retrieve my cube which I now remembered its name, the Eliacube, from where I hid it, to my relief it was still there. I then proceeded to see what I could do after making sure no one was around.

I already knew that I could use Osmosian abilities, I am immune to mind wiping, and I had both genius intellect and knowledge along with Merlin and Dubs skills, but I had to test the current limits of the Evo-matrix.

"The Grand Spark" had yet to awaken in me, I do not understand how I knew that but I just… knew it, I felt it like a piece of me was still asleep. I used the Evo-matrix and learned that I only had access to ten aliens at the moment, the original ten but they were different due to becoming Evos.

An example would be Upgrade, he was red and had the abilities of Malware. The best part of the Evo-matrix was that I had yet to get an alien I did not pick, unlike Ben. I could spawn the Evo-Matrix anywhere on my body.

I just placed it on my wrist for nostalgic reasons and to give people the illusion that they only need to bind my hands to stop me from using it. After I finished my capacity test, I lay low for a few days and as I suspected, Batman started hunting me down.

I was not afraid of him, I knew I could beat him but that was not what I was looking for, I did not want him dead as some people in my case would, I wanted to be even and even I shall be. I avoided him and Jason for a few days and waited until Bruce Wayne had a press conference during the day for Wayne Enterprise's latest shtick.

I used that window of opportunity to teleport inside the Batcave, I had been there twice, the first when they tried to mind fuck me and the second when I used Ghost Freak's invisibility and intangibility to get a better picture of the place.


An alarm rang once I appeared next to the Batmobile inside the Batcave and not three seconds later, I was greeted by three individuals. I could spend time describing them which some may view as dick ridding depending on how descriptive I am of their appearance, or I could just name them.

Option two, it is. The three people who greeted me were Batgirl, the first Robin now called Nightwing, and an old butler whose name is Alfred something.

"Hey there buddy, this place isn't really public. Mind telling us how you got here? And why?"

Nightwing asked. I sat on the Batmobile before I spoke.

"You can ask that last question to Batman, I am sure he will give you a good reason why he reneged our deal, gut-punched me BLEW MY CAR, HAD MR. GREEN MIND FUCK ME THEN SENT ME TO ARKHAM!"

They looked at each other due to the words I spoke in my outburst. Batgirl spoke as she looked at me.

"Why would Batman do such a thing?"

I rolled my eyes before continuing.

"Oh, why not, I guess I can tell you guys. It is because I know who he is… Miss Gordon and Mr. Grayson. I came here to get even; he blew my car so I'll take his car for compensation."

I brought my right hand up and at face level, the fact that I knew their secret identity was a shock to them.

"Young man-"

"By the way, tell that traitor Jason that he should stop being Robin if he doesn't want to end up beaten to death by a crowbar, and don't come crying to me when things go south cuz I warned him even if I shouldn't have."

I interrupted the butler, and I was about to teleport when Nightwing threw an Eskrima Stick at me as Batgirl threw a Batarang. I absorbed the metal on the Batmobile which covered my body in no time, the two projectiles hit and bounced off my body. They rushed at me and were close enough to strike me.


"「Aishikuru Kyassuru」"


I cast a spell that traps my targets inside huge pillars of ice. This would kill them if I was not careful and luckily for them, I was and the sharp ends of the pillars of ice hit the wall of the Cave, which caused it to shake.

The magic spell caused the two heroes to be trapped in the ice below the neck while the butler had gone somewhere, probably to contact Bruce. They would probably- no definitely have a cold tomorrow, I mean they could die of hypothermia but the Butler should be able to come back before they reach that point.

"Tell Bruce that, we are even now he leaves me alone and I will do the same but make no mistake if he comes after me thinking he is going to put me behind bars then he has another thing coming for him, if I go down, I'm not just taking him with me, I'm taking every league members whose identity I know with me… [Shunkan Idō]"


I teleported inside the abandoned building I was using, I quickly transformed into [Upgrade] and merged with the Batmobile. Over the course of the next minute, multiple parts flew out of the car. Those were transmitters, trackers and anything in between that Batman had installed inside it.

I also reprogrammed its code along with the self-destruct instruction before exiting the Batmobile and changing back into me. I got inside it before I teleported myself, my Eliacube along it outside of Gotham then I started to drive on the open road after almost causing an accident.


I left the road and went into the woods as I needed to make something. The Batmobile has Incorporated missiles, High-Voltage Shock that can be emitted throughout the chassis when someone tries to damage or steal it, good thing I did not try to open it before using Upgrade, and Laser Beams in front headlights.

I fashioned myself a Neutrino Bomb in the event that- WHEN Batman brings the Justice League on my ass. Knowing him, after discovering that I can use Magic, he is not going to just let it go but come after me with the intensity of a bloodhound in fact he is probably gathering some league members-


HM? What just happened? Why is everything dissipating into blue holographic particles? I look around and after a few moments, all that is left is blue and green space filled with small moon-like planets surrounding a green like mini sun. The strange thing is that some of the planets are donut-shaped.

"Good job dying within a week of getting your memories back… That seems to always be a canon event."

I looked around but did not manage who said that.

"Don't bother looking around, you won't be able to find me. Long story short, everything you saw was an illusion made by Gowther's Invasion which you mysteriously did not find weird that you forgot about having that ability while you were doing that sorry excuse for a training montage.

Think of this as a tutorial, baby wheel upon baby wheels, to remind you that with all that genius you can still fuck up and die. Just remember that you are THE

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P.S. You won't have your memories or knowledge of the DC Universes. Now I could explain everything and not be a total dick but the one before me didn't so… have fun you little shitbag."

That was all I heard before the mini-green sun flashed a blinding white light.

[A/n: For those wondering how I did that, I went to the site:]

Isekai_enjoyer Isekai_enjoyer

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