"Majin! You have guts to enter the dwelling of I, Storm Dragon Veldora!"
Despite how he behaved in the anime, Aria had to admit, the Storm Dragon truly looked domineering. She could see why the inhabitants of the world are intimidated by its mere existence.
His scales that gleamed like dark steel were definitely durable, enough so that Aria was sure he could easily tank an Ultimate Skill user, after all, True Dragons are Ultimate existences.
As for the rest of his body, it took on bluish colour, with his eyes being a striking gold.
But what stood out to Aria was his height, so much so that she couldn't help but disappointedly mutter, "Small."
"W-what?" Veldora who saw her staring at him silently thought that this strange Majin had frozen in fear at his majesty and identity, so he couldn't help but stutter in shock, thinking he misheard.
Aria rolled her eyes at his exaggerated reaction, and repeated, "I said you're smaller than I thought you'd be."
Aria's words left the Storm Dragon stupefied. A mere Majin was calling a True Dragon small? The audacity!
The Storm Dragon was about shout once again, but a sudden thought entered his mind, making him scrutinise Aria for a moment.
Aria who saw his gaze raised an eyebrow, it wasn't rude or anything, it was one of pure curiosity, 'Isn't this the moment he asserts his authority? If so, why is he just staring at me ? Did he sense something when that portal spat me out at the entrance of the cave?'
Before Aria's thoughts could continue further, a menacing growl along with a burst of aura came from her right.
Aria and Veldora both looked to her right, only to see Fenrir glaring daggers at the Storm Dragon.
And this was also when Veldora finally asked the question on his mind, clearing his throat he asked, "Are you two not scared of me?"
"Nah~ Your current predicament makes it hard to feel scared of you." Aria smiled knowingly as she glanced at the [Infinity Prison] around him. She wondered if her current strength was enough to break it, 'In fact, it might be possible if I try imposing my 'Intent' or 'Will' as I attack, or I might be able to outright negate the 'effect'.
Aria's mind was drifting to her status as a [Living Anomaly], though she was once again brought out of her reverie, this time by Veldora's booming voice.
"Silence." Aria's eyes narrowed, having someone shout in her mind wasn't something she appreciated, especially when she was thinking.
"A-ah, my bad." The Storm Dragon felt a sense of danger even as he was trapped, the moment he met Aria's gaze.
Turning to Fenrir, she asked, "Fen, what did you say to him for him to have such an outburst?"
Fenrir's eyes lit up with joy when he heard the nickname his Mother called him by, and so with newfound excitement he answered, "Mother, this lizard kept on rambling on about he was a mighty True Dragon, and that we lesser monsters should respect him.
So when I enlightened him about Mother's majesty and unparalleled might, he couldn't help but be in awe." Fenrir finished, staring down at Aria with puppy eyes, clearly he was asking for some praises.
'I know the essence said my creations would be loyal…But isn't this a little too much, I'm not the Bone Daddy Ainz.' Aria's lips twitched, she didn't know if she should be amused or annoyed. 'Maybe I shouldn't have given him inherent knowledge of the world when I created him.'
That's right, Aria had indeed given Fenrir basic knowledge of the world, like species, Demon Lords, Heroes, Skills, etc. She left out some information she was not yet aware of, like whether Tempest existed yet, or who the current Demon Lords.
Though she did give him information about being's that she guessed had a definite chance of existing in the current era, along with beings who he should be careful of.
"If that was all you said then it's fine." Aria just shrugged, and patted Fenrir, she had no reason to hide her strength, and if people didn't believe her, oh well. As long as they didn't go out of their way to offend her, she would let them be…Probably.
Veldora who heard her words was at a loss at what he should feel, on one hand his pride couldn't accept her words, and another she was not afraid of him… 'Forget about my pride. I'm feeling lonely here, I shouldn't annoy them or they might leave.'
"Come on Fenrir, we're leaving." Aria's words made Veldora panic, so he couldn't help but scream.
"Stupid Lizard! Didn't Mother tell you to not shout at her!?" Fenrir was literally about to jump on the sealed Veldora, but Aria's stern voice made him pause.
"Sit." Like a real dog, Fenrir immediately flopped down.
Seeing the abandoned puppy look he was giving her, Aria's expression softened, "Dear, I appreciate you looking out for me, but my heart isn't so small that I will get offended by every little thing."
Hearing her words, Fenrir looked at her in awe, "As expected of you Mother! Your magnanimity is boundless as your strength!"
Aria just rolled her eyes, she was now prepared for all her creations to end up like Ainz's subordinates.
"A-ahem, I didn't get your name, lady?" Veldora asked, timidly. The Storm Dragon realised that he had already annoyed her twice, by shouting in her mind.
Aria who saw his behaviour couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction and joy, she knew it was her flaw acting up, but she didn't mind giving into it for now.
"Let's go, Fenrir." Aria turned around and started walking, before once again hearing the Storm Dragon.
"Wait! I-I mean, please don't go. It's really lonely here, with no one to talk to, since everyone is afraid or would die because of the levels of magicules here." Veldora admitted.
Aria paused her steps, sighing softly, she turned around and faced him, "Alright, I will accompany you for a bit, but not for free." She curbed any sadistic feelings when she heard what he said. After all, she doesn't know how it feels to be alone for 300 hundred years, and for enduring that, she respected Veldora.
'This is probably my human side speaking, cause I'm sure, with my new state of being and experiencing insanity before my death, even I can endure 300 years without going crazy.'
Veldora couldn't help but scream in happiness, "Subarashii!"
'He said it.' Aria smiled amusedly, just for that, she would forgive him for shouting in her mind, again.
"Stupid Lizard, be quiet, Mother said this is not for free." Fenrir said, dissatisfaction clear in his voice.
"Sorry." Veldora meekly answered, before clearing his throat, regaining his dignified voice, "Tell me what you desire, Majin? Is it power? A name? Or do you want to be my subordinate?"
"I want to analyse you." Aria answered straightforwardly without entertaining his other options.
"Eh?" Veldora couldn't help but break character once again. Why wouldn't he? It was something so incomprehensible. Analyse him? A True Dragon? Inconceivable! But since he didn't want them to leave, he suggested, "How about giving you name and my Divine Protection?"
"If I said I will analyse you, I will analyse you. This isn't something you can negotiate, Veldora." Without waiting to hear his answer, Aria was already in front of the crystal with her hand on it.
"And…Done." Aria smiled, satisfied by her result, which was confirmed by the Voice of the World.
『Confirmed. Unique Skill [Infinity Prison] has been successfully acquired. 』
『Confirmed. Extra Skills [All of Creation], [Analytical Appraisal], [Water Manipulation], [Wind Manipulation], [Spatial Manipulation], [Black Lightning] and [Black Flames] has been successfully acquired. 』
"Already?!" Veldora was once again surprised, when he felt waves entering him, he instinctively try to reject them, but to his shock he couldn't resist it. Now he couldn't help but wonder who the two in front of him were, 'Is she perhaps an Awakened Demon Lords who has risen up during the years I was sealed?'
"It wasn't too hard. I just had to accelerate my thought process by the millions." Or at least that was part of the process. Aria had in fact used her status / ability as a [Living Anomaly], and strongly 'willed' herself to bypass the rules of the [Infinity Prison], allowing her analysis to reach the infinitely vast imaginary space to the exact location Veldora was sealed.
The rest after that was easy, she used her natural calculation power—which was on the level of a True Dragon or above—along with [Thought Acceleration] to analyse the Veldora. And since the Storm Dragon had lost a lot of magicules over years, he couldn't resist her, who could even be a challenge for a True Dragon in their prime.
Also, while she was at it, she analysed the [Infinity Prison], since her sin of gluttony had acted up, and she couldn't pass up an interestingly useful skill. 'I feel so old now. I'm sure more than a centuries passed in my mind. Having a genetic archive doesn't mean I have complete data—one is instinctive and the other calculated—But unlike Twilight Valentine, my creations will never suffer from gene splicing thanks to my essence.'
Veldora didn't know what to say, so he worriedly asked, "Since I let you analyse me, you won't leave, right?"
"Are you implying that Mother's words hold no weight?!" Fenrir shouted in a way that Aria would from now on deem passionate. Since, she was well aware, that he just wanted to please her and be useful.
Hopping onto Fenrir's back, much to his delight, Aria made herself comfortable on his fluffy fur, "If I said I'll do something, I'll do it, little Dragon."
"L-little Dragon?" Aria smiled mischievously, at his reaction, oh how she was going to enjoy teasing him for taking up her time.
A/N: I bet you didn't expect a chapter this fast did ya? Well because of this and work, I wasn't able to read the LN, still not even halfway through Vol 18. So if there's any plot holes, it's either because I'm a dumbass, or I haven't read it yet.
Anyways enjoy the chapter.
"Hmm…I guess it's about time we go." Aria said, pausing the conversation she was having with Veldora, much to his dismay.
"D-do you have to? I was getting onto the part where I fought with Dagruel."
"You don't need to tell me, I know it was a draw." Aria smiled knowingly, as she patted Fenrir, signaling him to get ready to go. She had already milked Veldora for all he was worth, whether it be skills or information.
Thanks to him, Aria now had a rough estimate of where she was in the timeline, and she could also use Storm Magic, which required Veldora's specific factor, as her Essence gave her an archive of a elemental-less True Dragon factor.
'I don't even know how that is possible, but who cares, I'm pretty sure I could have learnt True Dragon Magic because of Essence of Blank. More importantly, with the Unique Skill I gained the moment I entered the world, I can actually personally make use of my archive instead of being limited to creating with it. So yeah, using all species intrinsic skills should be possible.'
The Unique Skill she had gained was truly one that suited her; [Evolution].
Aria instinctively knew that the skill allowed her to evolve skills and race in the direction she desires. It had four sub-skills, namely; Thought Acceleration, Organic Domination, Mass Reproduction, and Mimicry.
The first was self-explanatory, she used it to analyse Veldora, and thanks to Living Anomaly or Essence of Blank she was able to increase her thoughts from the usual thousand factor of Unique Skills to over a million.
As for Organic Domination, it gave her total control over organic matter and the ability to analyse it. With this skill, Aria can create, manipulate, shape, transform, heal and/or destroy everything that lives. She could easily manipulate diseases and create biological duplicates or plagues.
Mass Reproduction, on the other hand, was more or less useless for Aria who had her essence. It allowed her to create offspring using biological material that bears her DNA, which also extends to magicules.
Mimicry was probably the most helpful skill from this Unique Skill. Similar to Rimuru, Aria could now replicate an analyzed target's form and racial characteristics, with capabilities equal to or above the original. With this sub-skill, she could easily swap between intrinsic skills of species, by making their specific DNA—or factor dominant.
"W-what? How did you know it ended as a draw?" Veldora was confused as fuck, before realisation hit him, "Could it be that Dagruel already told you?"
"Something like that. Anyways, there is one favour I want to ask of you before I leave, give me a name." Aria asked, or more like she demanded.
"Hm? How can you not have a name if you're an Awakened Demon Lord?" Veldora asked curiously.
'Oh? So that's the conclusion he came to after everything that played out. I can see why.' Aria thoughts lasted less than a nanosecond, before she answered, "I have a name, Aria, but it's not engraved onto my soul."
"Oh, I see. So would you like to be Named 'Aria'?" Veldora said in a understanding tone and asked.
"No need. I will always be Aria, whether the name is engraved or not. Echidna will do." Aria stated with a calm smile.
Veldora who heard her words, couldn't help but look at her with respect, so he asked, "Are you sure you want name your self 'Viper'?"
"I know Echidna means viper, and the name is more suitable for me than you think." Aria hopped off of Fenrir, and while midair, in less than a second, she shifted into her monster form for the first time.
Veldora couldn't help believe what he was seeing, but he had no choice but to, as he had seen her transform before his eyes.
"Boo." If before Veldora had slight doubt, it was all gone when the hundred-headed silver serpent opened its maws, releasing booming voice akin to Aria's.
"W-What are you?"
The serpent's amber eyes shone with a strange light, and its booming voice once again rang out in the sealed cave along with its Haki, "Can you not tell, Brother?"
"What?! [Dragon Spirit Haki]?!" For someone to have that type of intrinsic Haki, it only meant one thing, they were a True Dragon!
"So, will you name me?" Over a hundred eyes locked onto Veldora's sealed form, making him feel uncomfortable, and unfortunately for him, he couldn't look anywhere but her eyes, as the runes along her body made him feel dread.
"A-are you sure you want me to name you, S-sister?" Veldora stuttered the last word meekly.
Transforming back to her human form in a moment, a teasing smile spread across her lips, "Oh my~ Is big brother Veldora trying to win some brownie points from his little sister~?" She said, while using [Thought Communication] to make him understand the concept of 'brownie points'.
"S-so that's what it is…I-I guess you could say that I am, both Velzard and Velgrynd always attack me for no reason, so I don't want my little sister to do the same." Veldora admitted, in a rather pitiful way at that.
Aria who heard his complaint couldn't help but roll her eyes. No reason? Bah! Who was he kidding! He had literally destroyed Luminous' kingdom.
"Then you have no need to worry, I'm not so easy to piss off, so hurry up and name me, you don't want to piss me off now do you?" Aria said the first part nonchalantly, while flashing a gentle smile as she said the second half.
Not easy to piss off? What bullshit! Veldora really wanted to roar at the injustice he was experiencing.
But of course he didn't, from their interactions so far, he could tell that this little sister of his is way more reasonable then their older sisters—something that actually made him shed a tear, it means her older counterparts hadn't polluted her mind.
It was an achievement that deserved a, 'Subarashii! Ahem. If I keep her waiting too long she might snap.'
Clearing his throat to recover whatever dignity he had remaining, the Storm Dragon announced, "Starting from today, you shall be known as Echidna!!!"
"I guess that's it, huh?" Aria muttered as she clenched and unclenched her hand, unsurprised at barely feeling any change.
"Mhm. It was Equal Naming, so you wouldn't feel your strength increase much, Echidna."
"You can call me Aria, it's the name I have more attachment to, and only those who I'll come to consider friends and family will be allowed to call me by it." Aria stated.
Veldora couldn't help feel happy at what he heard, a sister of his actually considered him family! It was probably the best happiest news of his life! Still, he felt that this could be better, so he suggested, "Aria, since the naming we did is known as Equal Naming, wouldn't it better if we shared a name too?"
"Are you really trying to gaslight me, Veldora?" Aria eyed him with an amused smile.
"Of course not! Actually, what does gaslight mean, is it some sort of attack?"
"Nothing. Anyhow, I do not mind sharing a name with you, it'll actually make things more convenient and interesting for me in the future." Aria said with a smug smile, as if she knew something he didn't.
"Don't think too much. Tempest. That shall be surname we will share, so from now on you shall be known as Veldora Tempest, and I, Aria Echidna Tempest."
"What a good name, sister! Starting from today I'll be Veldora Tempest!"
"That's enough. You don't need to shout anymore." Aria said, making him immediately shut up.
"Good. Now it's time Fenrir and I finally leave." Aria reminded, making Fenrir who was ignored all this time perk up, while throwing a glare at the stupid Lizard who has hogged all his Mother's attention.
Aria who saw this chuckled and reassured him, "Don't worry dear, your fur will always be better than his scales."
"Of course, Mother!" Fenrir gave Veldora a look that Aria could somehow decipher as, 'Heh. Shame on you stupid lizard, I'll always be Mother's favourite.'
"Fenrir, you really are cute!" Aria couldn't help but laugh as she pet him, the wolf of course relished her affection.
Veldora, on the other hand, was depressed. His majestic scales apparently couldn't compare to mere fur! But before he could dwell on whether he should change his scales, Aria's voice sounded.
"See you later Veldora. By the way, you don't have to worry about dying to get out of the [Infinity Prison], just remember, if you meet an intelligent slime, you're free to grant them our shared name." Veldora couldn't even give a response, as Aria had already walked through a portal she created.
'But an intelligent slime? This new sister of mine might really not be as sane as I thought.'
A/N: Shorter than previous chapters, but hope you enjoy.
By the way, try recommend titles for Aria as a True Dragon, the ones I currently have in mind are:
Deviant Dragon (I was considering this TBH).
Monstrosity Dragon.
Aberrant Dragon.
Chaos Dragon (This one is kinda cliche in my opinion).
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