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Chapter 511: Dolly's Determination


At the same time, on the opposite side of the men in black, Ayu hid in a small alley, watching Misaki from the shadows.

Prototype and Misaki, the two people responsible for the disappearance of the Clown, were now in Ayu's sights. She stared intently at Misaki's necklace, her eyes shining with a deep longing...

Meanwhile, Dolly and Misaki arrived at their destination. Dolly, full of enthusiasm, led the way, dragging Misaki along to fulfill her wishes, which Misaki regretted, especially when they rode the roller coaster...

"This is fun!"


While Dolly screamed in excitement, Misaki screamed in fear. Misaki had very low stamina and resistance to physical activities, so she was exhausted after getting off the ride...

But Dolly was the complete opposite. She still had a lot of energy, especially with the Apocalypse Virus in her body. Her strength and endurance had increased, making a trip to the amusement park a breeze...

"I want to see a hippo!"

"Ha?! Really?"


Misaki looked at her like she was strange, but she gritted her teeth and stood up. Today was Dolly's day, and Misaki wanted it to be an unforgettable experience....


"Shokuhou Misaki... Hmm, understood. No problem..."

Listening to the report from his subordinate, a young man of about 20 years old contemplated calmly. He had received crucial information about one of the Level 5s...

This young man is the leader of one of the dark side groups in Academy City. Deadlock is a group formed by espers whose power development has stagnated and will not progress further. Unlike Scorpion, Yuki's gangster group, which mainly consists of Level 0s, Deadlock recruits all espers from Level 0 and below Level 5...

Deadlock harbors a deep resentment towards high-level espers, especially all Level 5 espers. They believe that the AIM Diffusion Field emitted by espers, especially those of Level 5, affects their development, preventing them from advancing in the power curriculum. Because of this, Deadlock keeps an eye on the Level 5s and has sometimes caused problems for these espers.

To correct the injustice these espers unknowingly create due to their AIM diffusion fields, Deadlock believes that killing these espers is the only solution. Obviously, this is a lie; the reason for their stagnation is mainly due to the parameter list. Each esper has a limit they cannot escape from...

However, despite their growing numbers and their attempts to create problems for the Level 5s, they have been defeated time and again. After all, numbers don't always win, especially against a Level 5...

Because of this, there have been many times when this group was on the brink of destruction and nearly disbanded. Likewise, each member doubted the mysteries of the AIM field and the parameter list being the problem, but a few days ago, they received news that dispelled all doubt...

Railgun, the number 3, had advanced in the power list, surpassing the parameter list. This brought hope to this broken group of espers. The parameter list is not everything; it does not dictate their growth. They could still advance...

They wanted to kill all these Level 5 espers, especially Mikoto. After all, she was the one stealing their growth...

Unfortunately, there was nothing they could do against Mikoto; she was too strong...

Hunting Level 5s is not easy; this is common sense. But today, they received a rather juicy report: the number 5, Mental Out, had left her 'Palace,' making her the number one target.

Misaki is considered one of the weakest Level 5 espers, as she lacks physical and destructive attack abilities. However, she is also considered the most dangerous due to her ability to invade minds.

After all, Misaki could control an entire squad of Level 4 espers and order them around, which was terrifying.

(But if her ability stops affecting me, there's no problem...)

If they could avoid the mental control, Misaki was just a weakling they could kill without any resistance. Fortunately for them, the person who shared the information also sent them a power suit capable of evading mental control...

A power suit, specially made to deal with Misaki...

Because of this, Deadlock no longer hesitated; today, they would finally succeed...

Today, there would be one less Level 5 esper in this city....

"To kill all these selfish espers..."


"Misaki-chan, it's a giraffe.... It's so pretty~"

"It really is~✨"

At the zoo, both Dolly and Misaki enjoyed looking at the different animals. They were all beautiful and had their unique traits; some were fierce, while others were timid. For Ayu, this trip to the zoo was worthwhile, while for Misaki, some questions began to surface in her mind...

Why is Dolly so enthusiastic?

Since Dolly left the laboratory, she had been hiding in Misaki's house. Misaki had prepared everything for her comfort. Such attention made Dolly stay home and obey all of Misaki's words, until today when she insisted on going out...

Misaki didn't think it was due to boredom. Dolly wasn't the type of person to compromise her safety and Misaki's safety for whims; something was happening that Misaki still didn't know...

But she had a feeling it wasn't good...

(Maybe I'm overthinking?)

Shaking her head, Misaki refused to ask and didn't want to use her power to read Dolly's mind...


Suddenly, something made Misaki uneasy; a strange sensation ran through her body, and the crown that protected her began to rotate...

Misaki frowned and stayed alert, but the more she looked around, the more her expression sank.

After all, she expected to use her ability to control a random person and have them keep watch, but now the place where she and Dolly were had emptied. She didn't know when it happened, but everyone had disappeared....

Misaki's ability is strong as long as she's surrounded by people. If there was no one to control, then she would be a fish on the chopping block....

*Pa... Pa...

Just when Misaki and Dolly were about to escape, they heard footsteps. Before the eyes of both girls, a group of people in power suits appeared...

These people came from all directions, blocking their escape route...


"It's okay, Dolly, don't worry."

Consoling Dolly, Misaki gritted her teeth. She had been too confident, always accompanied by others to avoid situations like this, but because it was Dolly, Misaki didn't think too much. Now it was too late for regrets...

(I was careless....)

Misaki thought of the worst. If Dolly's existence had been exposed, then she had no choice but to abandon everything and flee the city. Though reluctant to leave, she had no other option. The chances of escape were slim, but not all was lost.

"Who are you, gentlemen, and what do you want from us?"

Despite Misaki's calm voice, her hand was already in her bag, pressing the button to control these men...

Unfortunately, it didn't work. The helmets these men wore were special, designed to block all external bioelectric signals, making them immune to mental control...

"Hmph! Enough talking; it's time to make you pay for your selfishness."

Snorting coldly, the leader waved his hand. His subordinates understood and slowly approached the duo...

Misaki took a step back reflexively. Her ability didn't work, and this was the worst-case scenario. But Dolly stood out in this moment, stepping forward as electricity began to flicker around her...

"It's okay, Misaki-chan! This time, I'll be the one to protect you."

There was no doubt in Dolly's eyes, only determination. Since escaping the laboratory, she had always been the one protected, but now it was her turn...


Just thinking about this made a smile form on her face, and the electricity around her began to increase...


TN: Oh shoot nearly forgot to upload, I'll post many chapters when I wake up (I am uploading this in half sleep state at midnight xD)

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