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Chapter 361: Spiritual Contract

After a few minutes, both of them calmed down. Eggy sobbed while Yuki examined his pitiful arm, where the bite marks were visible. In the end, he had to truly take advantage of this woman to make her stop biting him. His breathing was slightly labored, and his fingers were damp.

Meanwhile, Eggy wanted to dig a hole and die. This jerk really did it. Her legs were crossed, and her body felt very sensitive.

The strange sensation down there brought fear and an inexplicable anticipation.

"Enough of these games, Eggy, this is your loss."

Turning his head, Yuki saw Eggy's pitiful appearance and smiled.

"I can't marry anymore... I can't..."

Eggy pointed a finger at him, her eyes dead, and her skin as pale as a corpse.

"Fine, I'll take responsibility..."

"Of course, you must! This Queen has been violated! It's an unforgivable crime that must be punished with death!"

Shaking his head, Yuki didn't know what to think; this girl was becoming more irrational. He also lost.

Suddenly, Eggy stood up and pointed at him.

"Listen well, I won't accept this in any way. I won't bear having a future husband like you, you're too weak to be my spouse. So, until you become the most powerful person in the starry sky, I won't marry you."

Yuki really wanted to roll his eyes; this misunderstanding between them was getting deeper. But as he was too lazy to explain, he let the misunderstanding continue. After all, it was beneficial for him.

"But I have to admit that you are stronger than this Queen. Moreover, you have a quite complicated and interesting spiritual world, so I have temporarily approved you."

Speaking up to that point, Eggy crossed her hands and hit a strange mark on her hand.

At the same time, her skirt fluttered, and her slender body emitted strange rays of light. The reason the light was strange was that it was black.

Black represented darkness, and darkness was the opposite of light. But before their eyes, the very dark black was emitting light, making it naturally extraordinarily strange.

However, even stranger was that the black light flowed down along the girl's body, forming a strange pattern on the floor.

The pattern seemed to be the face of a sinister and terrifying monster, constantly writhing. It was a Nightmare Monster.

"This is my spiritual connection. From today, I will be your contracted spirit. I will guide you and make you the most powerful Spirit Master in the world... Now come, if you have the determination to become this Queen's future husband, enter the circle."

Sighing, Yuki didn't speak; he let his actions speak for themselves.

He walked silently and let the monster in the circle consume him gradually.

Watching Yuki fearlessly and doubtlessly entering the circle, a smile formed on Eggy's face. At the same time, the giant crown in the spiritual world started spinning, and the Demon King in the floating castle trembled slightly.

But everything happened so quickly that the moment he was swallowed by the monster, Eggy disappeared.

Thus, the first Spirit Master in the Shinobi world was born...


"So, these are this year's Genin..."

In the Hokage's office, several Jonin gathered, carefully watching a crystal ball.

"Yes, your duty is to train these kids."

Hiruzen exhaled a puff of smoke, nodding to the Jonin.

As the new generation, these Jonin were selected to teach these Genin. Each of them was considered outstanding in their field, as they were the best of the village. To create stronger and stronger ninjas, these Jonin were necessary.

Hiruzen looked at each of them and sighed. He didn't forget Kakashi, who was attentively observing his future team.

"Nevertheless, it's a pleasant surprise that you're joining us, Kakashi."

With a hand on her hip, Kurenai smiled.

Kakashi is a comrade from her generation. However, being in Anbu for so many years, their interactions were minimal. But she still remembers the most outstanding ninja of their generation.

"Indeed, it's a pleasant surprise. I never expected you to enjoy teaching, Kakashi."

Asuma agreed. For someone like Kakashi, suddenly showing interest in training Genin was unexpected.

"Things change..."

Faced with the inquiries from his comrades, Kakashi just shrugged. He didn't want to do this, but he had no other choice. He had to follow orders.

"It's good that all of you came."

Suddenly, the shadow in the room expanded, and from it, an Anbu hunter materialized.

Seeing this Anbu hunter, the Jonin squinted their eyes, but they weren't surprised. After all, this Anbu had been in charge of missions and intelligence in Konoha, appearing and disappearing in the shadows.

For some time, each of them had been working alongside this Anbu hunter, who had replaced the Third Hokage.

Although they felt uncomfortable about it, they had to admit that he did a good job managing the village and checking missions. This reduced failure by 90%, and ninja deaths became rarer.

"Anbu Captain."

"Third Hokage."

Looking at each other, both the hunter and Hiruzen, the atmosphere in the room was tense. However, it didn't last long. The image in the crystal ball changed, and with it, the Genin teams were decided.

"I suppose each of you is aware of the purpose of this meeting. Each of you is the best of the best in the village, specialized in different areas, and I trust you can cultivate amazing ninjas."

Each Jonin listened in silence as a scroll materialized in the Anbu captain's hand.

In it, he explained their various objectives and the importance of this generation.

"At the end of the tests, only 3 teams should remain; the rest should return to the academy. Additionally, the chosen 9 from this new generation are obligated to participate in the upcoming Chunin Exam."

"Wait a moment, Captain!"

Although they were calm during the explanation, they couldn't stay silent at such absurd requests. Interrupting, Asuma spoke.

"This is too much. Even if they are geniuses, participating in the Chunin Exam is impossible."

They understood that only 9 were chosen, but having these 9 participate in the Chunin Exam made no sense. It accelerated their training, and the quality of their learning would decrease.

"This is a problem you must solve. After all, you are the best of the best. This kind of goal is within your capabilities."

Ignoring Asuma's complaints, the Anbu captain continued for a few more minutes before sinking back into the shadows.

"By the way, this year's Chunin Exams will be a bit exciting. Good luck."

But before completely disappearing into the shadows, the captain's voice echoed, and the Jonin in the room clenched their fists. This kind of request was almost impossible.

"Hokage-sama, this goal is impossible."

"Yes! These Genin won't be able to handle the task."

Seeing the Anbu gone, the Jonin quickly appealed to the Hokage, who just closed his eyes.

"Don't "Don't worry. I'm sure that if Captain Anbu said they can do it, then they can. This generation is something special."

With Sasuke and Naruto in this generation, Yuki was already on high alert. Despite the absurdity of the orders, it was for the development of these kids. Not to mention the children of different Konoha clans, like Hinata and the others.


Seeing Hiruzen shake his head, the Jonin knew there was no hope and left the room to meet their respective students.

Only Kakashi continued to gaze at the crystal ball, where the images of Sasuke and Naruto were visible.

(Naruto Uzumaki...)

"He asked you, didn't he? Kakashi..."

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

Sighing at Kakashi's response, Hiruzen thought it was just a matter of time. After all, Kakashi was one of the Sharingan bearers and the perfect mentor for Sasuke.

The monster moves quickly and is good at recruiting people.

Although it was also a good opportunity for Hiruzen, with Kakashi, a trusted ninja, the responsibility for Sasuke became lighter.

"Whatever happens, you must prevent Sasuke Uchiha from becoming a monster. We already have enough of those."

"I'll try to meet your expectations, Hokage-sama."

With both hands in his pockets, Kakashi didn't linger any longer and left.


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