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"Dom, really?" Mia snapped at her older brother while shooting him a bear venomous look.

"What? It's true Mia and I'm sure the kid would be the first to agree…he's a hitman for christ sake Mia, and I say all of this from a place of love and respect." Dom replied to Mia shooting her a serious hard look that fractured under his little sister's steely gaze.

Mia was about to say something when they were interrupted by a train of sleepy Gallaghers with Carl leading the group as Fiona brought up the rear beside Issac, the two sharing a quiet conversation about someone named Steve.

While they heard a car peeling out as it took off.

"Fi, if you want to go, go, I'll hire an actress to play our guardian if we need it." I told Fiona as we walked into my house.

"I-I don't know." Fiona replied to me while nervously rubbing her arms, while shooting Han a look, I realized that the fight between Fi and Jimmy was probably because Fiona had already caught the itch for Han, rather than struggling to turn Steve's offer down.

"Aww, does Fiona have a crush on the Asian persuasion?" I teased Fiona only speaking loud enough so that she could hear me while receiving an elbow to the ribs.

"Fuck you Izzy." Fiona snapped back at me though her voice was only loud enough for me to hear.

"Hahaha, I like Han better anyways." I laughed while slinging my arm over Fiona's shoulders pulling her closer and speaking to her softly.

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"I always thought you were a little crazy for taking up so much room for a kitchen table but I guess you saw a situation like this." Fiona said to me as all of us started sitting down at the table that has 6 chairs on both sides and one on each end.

Everyone was smiling and joking around after Mia said grace…but I felt like I was watching from the outside, sure I'd laugh when anything was directed at me or make my own jokes.

It wasn't until I felt Gisele's hand on my lower thigh, just above my knee that I was actually pulled into the moment.

Gisele sent me a small smile and a wink that told me she knew what had been going on.

"Thanks." I replied silently with my lips and eyes.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

Savannah's heart pounded in her chest as her brother's turned onto the road that would allow them to drive by Isaac's house.

'Why am I doing this? I haven't seen or talked to Alex in years, until now…and she only reached out to me because she wanted to find a guy she's been crushing on…my guy my Issac.' A fresh stab of guilt and pain speared Savannah's heart at those lines of thought.

'He's not mine anymore, we broke up he's moved on he even had sex with mom, fucking bitch. But I'll show him I want more than to just stay on the Southside now I want to be his equal. I want to love him and have him love me back…Alex won't last with him.' Savannah thought to herself as she saw his figure standing in his front yard with his brother's between him and her stomach doing somersaults.

Alex leaned over, pressing her body against Savannah's making it look intimate from an outsider's perspective, as they got a perfect view of Isaac, he looked so handsome and powerful separating his brother's holding one by the throat and the other by his collar.

"EEE, HE'S SO SEXY ! ! !" Alexandra Russo squealed.

"Thank you Savannah, I'll arrange it so daddy only buys guns exclusively from your mom for this." Alex thanked Savannah seeing as their business deal was complete.

"Good." Savannah replied to her but the hurt expression on Isaac's face at seeing the closeness between the two of them made her stomach twist, and not in a good way

'I guess Mom's right, we both still love each other.' Savannah thought to herself as a part of her tried to deny that Issac still loved her as her hand instinctively went to her stomach and a little bit lower.

"You two take me home." Alex ordered her brother's and like too boy's in love they immediately acted to do as she commanded usually Savannah would have said or done something right now to ensure her dominance as the leader of their three person team but right now she was too lost in her thoughts and feelings over Issac.

~ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ~

"We better get going before that free pass you gave us expires and we have Hobbs showing up here." Brian said as he stood up from the table breakfast had finished a little while ago and Dom was sharing stories about how he used to rob tractor trailers in L.A. to Carl who was mystified.

Han and Fiona were busy flirting with one another and I heard Han ask Fiona if she'd like to come explore the world with him, though Fiona didn't deny him out of hand she was also pretty evasive.

Mia walked over to my end of the table making me stand up and return her hug.

"Be safe and make sure you keep your phone on you in case I need to get a hold of you to let you know when the baby is coming, be sure to check in once a week." Mia pretty much started mothering and blathering as she held my shoulders and then gave me another hug.

"I will, big sis." I told her making the pregnant woman happy.

Next up was Brian coming over to give me a bro hug.

"Don't worry I'll try and keep Mia from bothering you every hour." Brian stage whispered while shooting me a co-conspiratorial wink.

Then Dom came over and pulled me into a hug.

"Next time we see each other I want a race. All Torreto's are driver's." He said with a smile on his face before he patted my back.

"I wouldn't usually want to whoop your ass and make an old man cry. But I'm so gonna kick your ass in a race." I joked with Dom who let out a loud happy laugh.

"H-hey, I want it on this." Brian said almost sounded like a little kid and I swear I saw his bottom lip pouting for a second.

'Aww, Brian thinks I'm going to steal his and Dom's little bromance from him.' I thought to myself as I shot Mia a smirk as she covered her mouth with her hand as her shoulders trembled.

"Sure, I'll whoop your ass too. We can make it a family thing." I joked which made everyone laugh.

"Alright Little Homie, you're kinda scary but cool." Roman said to me as we did a bro handshake and then a bro hug.

"See ya Roman, could you do something about your forehead now that you're a millionaire." I joked with the man who stuttered but gave up on saying something and waved me off.

While Tej pretended to try not to laugh but failed miserably as he walked over and did a bro shake with me.

"Man, it was cool meeting you. I still want a shot at your setup some time." Tej said and I realized he was a bit challenged when it came to communication but a lot of intelligent people are that way.

"It was cool meeting you too Tej, maybe sometime you can tell me how you got so good at safe cracking, and all those mad computer skills." I said to him as this time I pulled someone into a one armed hug.

"I'll definitely do that sometime." He replied to me with a smile.

Han and I just shook hands while I noticed Fi had disappeared for a bit.

"You hurt my sister, they'll never find your body." I told Han in a voice no one else could hear as I kept a firm grip on his hand making him gulp and nod.

Then Elena came over and gave me a hug but didn't say anything to me and followed Dom out of the house.

Everyone else soon filled out as well just leaving Gisele and I alone in the dining room.

"Give me a ride to the airport." Gisele said and though to most it would have sounded like a demand, I knew Gisele was looking for clarification.

"Yeah, let's go." I replied to her and she nodded while smiling.

Just as we were opening our respective doors to the Impala.

"You could join me…like your sister is joining Han to see the world…" Gisele said to me and I found myself smiling a sad smile.

"As much as I'd love to…one of us has to stay here for our family, I also have a popular business I need to take a part in to make sure it advances in the direction, I want it too…" I replied to Gisele trailing off by the end.

"I understand." Gisele replied to me with a soft smile before slipping into the Impala.

'Damn, it bothers me a lot that she seems disappointed by my response.' I thought to myself as I got in a few seconds after her.

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