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68.62% HP: The wholesome life / Chapter 35: Chapter - 33 Please Stop Boba

Chapter 35: Chapter - 33 Please Stop Boba

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Out of all the classes, William was the most excited about Transfiguration.

Cedric was a genius in this subject, and during the summer break, he taught a lot about it to William.

Yet, despite William's love for transfiguration, he wasn't loved back by it,

Transfiguration just didn't seem to click with William. It became the only subject he was struggling to learn.

He can be considered a genius in magic spells and potions, especially in the former.

From his first magic spell on Malfoy, casting spells like the levitation charm and the defensive spells against dark creature taught by Professor Tywin came naturally to him,

Like a dog on his master's call.

He effortlessly mastered many standard spells from the first and second years,

Easily surpassing the abilities of his peers in terms of both speed and power.

That was his Genius.

However, Transfiguration was a different story.

Despite studying intensely during the summer vacation, his progress was very slow.

The natural ease he experienced in spells and potions seemed to have vanished.

William went from ferari to beetle, when it came to transfiguration.

Some people are like that-some could grasp the concept at a glance, while others had to go over it repeatedly without fully understanding its essence.

William undoubtedly belongs to the latter.

Ofcourse, William wasn't that bad. In Transfiguration studies, but he was just an average student.

It was all about comparison, it took William over two weeks to awkwardly turn a match box it into a crooked needle.

Comparatively, Cedric, when he was a beginner, managed to perfect the same task in just two days.

Two days versus fifteen days— for the basic task, just compare the difference of time it will take for complex tasks.

Cedric has nearly completed his self-taught Transfiguration studies for the third year and has even started preparing for his Animagus transformation.

When comparing the two, Cedric's talent in Transfiguration seems like diamond whereas william was just copper.

The Transfiguration classroom was on the second floor, allowing plenty sunlight to stream in through the windows,

making it noticeably warmer compared to Snape's potions classroom.

At the intersection, William, Cho, and Cedric parted ways, with the latter two heading into the classroom.

The class was already filled with a good number of Gryffindors.

They were well aware of Professor McGonagall's strictness and won't dare risk being late for her class.

However, while Professor McGonagall was their Head of House, many Gryffindor students secretly wished for William's mishaps to continue.

Sending professor McGonagall in the school infirmary.

Not for long—just a day or two.

Their hopes were likely to be dashed, though.

During noon, William pondered over the recent accidents in the classroom.

The conclusion he came up with was that all the teaching accidents that happened had Marina's involvement.

Who was currently hospitalized and absent from the class.

He remained hopeful that Marina's absence might ensure a Normal class without any accidents.

William trusted Professor McGonagall's teaching abilities, unlike some burnt old bat and some bone  less shrimp still lying on the hospital bed.

Boba trailed after William, swaying its tail.

Having slept all morning, the cat was now in high spirits and followed William outside to stretch its legs and grab some fresh air.

Unlike the usual cold and off-putting scent of snape's class,

this classroom had a unique aroma that piqued its interest.

Boba perking up its ears, constantly sniffed around, trying to pinpoint the source of that captivating smell.

Fortunately, Boba was well behaved, refraining itself from urinating in the area or marking its territory recklessly.

William casually chose a spot, and Cho settled down beside him.

With the exception of a handful of 1st years, most Gryffindor students chose to sit at a distance,

Afraid of being affected by william's bad luck when it will affect the professor.

"Where is Professor McGonagall ?" Cho asked, pulling out her textbook and scanning the room with curiosity.

She'd heard rumors about Professor McGonagall being the strictest professor.

With two minutes left until class, there wouldn't have been in any accidents on the way, Right?

Cho casted an odd glance at William.

It seemed like everyone was gazing at William with a like he had something expression.

William noticing everyone's gaze.

'Perhaps am I looking more handsome today?'

But then, he reasoned, 'No I'm already the most handsome man, so there's hardly any room for improvement, right'

At that moment, Boba sitting on William's table perked up.

It had finally discovered the source of its restlessness.

There, on the front podium, sat a cat!

This feline was a striking tabby cat, boasting a fine fir and a perfectly proportioned physique.

It was a beautiful cat, with black fur stripes.

The most interesting feature about this cat wasn't its distinctive facial lines near it's eyes but the look in his eyes.

Its eyes held a certain coldness, not typically feline, but more like a person.

A memory surged into William's mind a beloved pet from a novel in his past life, that foolish cat named Felix.

(Image here)

William and the cat were engaged in their intense staring match, sizing each other up.

Suddenly, Boba leaped into action, picking its small dried fish and jumping across the heads of a few Gryffindor students with its soft and short paws.

With a series of movement like spider man swinging in Manhattan, it headed straight for the tabby cat.

William's face paled with fear, resembling Snape's on the hospital bed.

Remembering his discussions with Cedric about Animagus transformations and observing the cat's odd behavior,

William's realization dawned slowly – as he recognized the cat!

It had to be McGonagall, someone who could guide Cedric in becoming an Animagus.

She was in her animagus form.

William now finally understood why Cedric hesitated when he asked him  about the seven registered Animagus.

And why, Cedric kept telling him to bring Boba to class in the afternoon.

Why he was unable to remember the names of all the registered animagus,

But kept insisting about Professor McGonagall liking towards cats,

and how she might give Ravenclaw some extra points.

Shit, Cedric just looked innocent, but in reality he was the devil, how could he even think of pranking someone as innocent ,naive and good looking as me. How could he be in Hufflepuff he clearly belongs with the Slytherin.

Due to William's strict diet control, over Boba's eating habits.

It has not turned into a pig.

It was agile and energetic, knocking over three ink bottles, trampling two quills, and then vaulting into the podium.

after jumping on Cormac McLaggen's head, moving swiftly like an antelope.

All of this happened in one swift movement, with the dried fish still in its mouth.

The tabby cat seemed puzzled, still cautioning William with her eyes when a little orange cat suddenly approached.

"Boba placed the dried fish on the table and politely nudged it towards the tabby cat.

William's face grew paler as he suddenly recalled something unsettling.

Cats, as peculiar creatures, might sometimes sniff each other's behinds to when meeting strangers.

Like the humans way of greeting people by asking, ' how are you' or 'Have you eaten?'"

' please don't do that Boba, quick, I need to do something to prevent Boba from getting killed but what.'

William didn't want a trip to the hospital, and he definitely didn't want Boba to... die!

Luckily, Boba circled around the tabby cat. But receiving the cold glares, Boba lacked the courage to proceed further.

William let out a sigh of relief. Being thankful for his cat's timid nature.

However, the very next moment, Boba unexpectedly took the initiative to lay down and emitted a soft "meow,"

signaling to the tabby cat that it was okay to lick and groom its fur.



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