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I did not expect to be able to write another chapter.

Ty you guys gain for 500k Views (1M is next)


I actually made a Patreon (No extra chapters just dono, appreciate whoever gonna do it)Maybe perks🤔🤔


The President's gaze swept across the meticulously compiled dossier, each page unraveling a distressing narrative of covert operations, inhumane experiments, and flagrant violations against metahumans. With every passing moment, a blend of shock and contemplation danced across his features.

"Mr. President," Xavier's voice resonated firmly yet compassionately, "the announcement you're about to make will foster unnecessary fear and persecution against individuals like these children."

A tense silence enveloped the room, broken only by the President's deep contemplation. Slowly, he lifted his gaze from the dossier, his countenance a canvas of conflicted thoughts. The weight of responsibility hung heavy in the air as he grappled with the staggering revelations laid before him.

"This... this changes everything," the President murmured, his tone tinged with a mixture of disbelief and realization. He glanced at Xavier and the assembled team, a burgeoning understanding reflected in his eyes.

A sense of urgency pervaded the room. The President, now privy to the obscured truths behind Striker's malevolent actions, contemplated the far-reaching implications of the impending public announcement against metahumans. Thoughts swirled in his mind, contemplating the consequences of unveiling the harrowing truths contained within the dossier to the public eye.

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention," the President finally addressed Xavier and the team, a tone of resolve resonating in his voice. "I need some time to process this, but I assure you, the decisions I make will be rooted in the truth."

With a somber nod, Xavier acknowledged the President's words, understanding the weight of responsibility placed upon the leader's shoulders. The telepathic hold gently released its grip, allowing the thoughts of the others in the room to resume.

As the President retreated into contemplative silence, the team exchanged glances, understanding that the landscape of public perception might soon shift in favor of the metahuman community.

The X-Men returned to the sanctuary of the X-Mansion, seeking solace within its familiar walls after the tumultuous events at Striker's base. Theon, accompanied by Remy, introduced the young boy to Bobby and Anna.

"Bobby, Anna, this is Remy," Theon said with a warm smile. "He'll be my little brother now."

Bobby extended a hand in a welcoming gesture. "Nice to meet you, Remy. You're part of the family now."

Anna knelt down, offering a gentle smile. "We're thrilled to have you here. We're all here to support each other, okay?"

Remy's gaze flitted between Theon, Bobby, and Anna, a mix of apprehension and curiosity in his eyes. "Are you like him?" he asked, glancing at Theon with a glimmer of admiration.

Bobby grinned. "Not exactly like Theon here, but we've got our own unique abilities. I control ice," he said, conjuring a small snowflake to twirl in his palm.

"And I can absorb people powers" Anna added with a wink.

Theon placed a comforting hand on Remy's shoulder. "They're part of the X-Men, just like me. You'll fit right in."

Remy's initial hesitation eased as he observed their powers, his eyes wide with wonder at the unique abilities each possessed.

Meanwhile, Xavier summoned Forge and Theon to his office, a sense of urgency permeating the usually serene atmosphere within the X-Mansion. Familiar with the gravity of Xavier's summons, Theon and Forge swiftly made their way to the professor's study.

Upon entering, Xavier sat behind his desk, his expression serious yet resolute. "Forge, Theon, thank you for coming promptly. Recent events have emphasized the necessity of reinforcing our school's defenses."

Forge nodded in understanding. "I'll begin outlining plans for enhanced security measures. Ensuring the safety of everyone here is our priority."

Theon, seated nearby, listened attentively. His gaze shifted between Xavier and Forge, determination evident in his eyes. "I'll assist Forge in any capacity needed. We need to be prepared, even if we hope to never have to employ these measures."

Xavier offered a solemn yet appreciative nod. "I hope these measures will remain precautionary, but it's imperative to guarantee the safety of our students and staff."

Apologies for the oversight! Here's the continuation and addition:

Exiting the office, Forge turned to Theon, a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "Hey, Theon, mind sharing some of that adamantium with me? I've got a few ideas brewing in my workshop."

Theon arched an eyebrow, considering Forge's request. "I'd love to, but first, we need to figure out a solution for the Vibranium compound to counteract the adamantium's toxicity. I want to create the perfect metal."

Forge nodded in agreement. "Agreed. We could explore synthesizing a hybrid metal, integrating the unique properties of Vibranium to neutralize adamantium's adverse effects. It'd require meticulous molecular alignment to achieve stability."

Theon's mind raced with possibilities. "Precisely. We could introduce specific molecular bonds to regulate energy absorption while maintaining structural integrity. It's crucial to prevent the metal from compromising the user's biological systems."

"Right," Forge affirmed, contemplating the complexities of their endeavor. "I'll begin simulations to examine alloy combinations and potential bonding configurations. We'll need to ensure compatibility without compromising either metal's intrinsic characteristics."

As they delved deeper into the scientific jargon and brainstormed intricate theories, Remy lingered by Theon's side, absorbed in the discussion despite the complexities eluding his comprehension.

Their conversation meandered into uncharted territories of metallurgy, their minds ablaze with innovation and possibility. Theon and Forge, united in their quest for a groundbreaking solution, forged ahead in their ambitious pursuit to enhance the school's defenses.

In the backdrop of the ongoing scientific discourse, Remy watched, fascinated by their discussion and undeterred by the complexities of their technical exchange. His loyalty to Theon was steadfast, his decision to remain by his side unwavering.


Power: [Bio-darkness manipulation]

(Hairo) Demon Slayer

Users can manipulate biologically/bodily based or biofield-originated darkness and shadows and use for many things such as teleporting via darkened areas, use one's self as a living portal of darkness, turn invisible in shadowed areas, draw reserves of dark energy from obscure dimensions, to potentially blacking out a target's senses.

Evandar Evandar

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