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Anita's heart races as she positions herself on top of me, her soft breasts pressed against my chest. She hesitates for a moment before lowering herself onto my throbbing cock. I moan in pleasure as she eases herself down onto me, taking me deeper inside her with each inch.

Anita's eyes flutter shut as her hips begin to grind against mine, and she moans softly, "Oh god...don't stop..." Her nails dig into my slender waist, leaving small marks that I know will turn into bruises later. I groan, unable to resist the temptation any longer.

"Go slow, honeybug…we have all the time in the world.", I whisper in a bid to comfort her, caressing her thigh, and moving my hand up and down.

I sit up and grasp her cheeks in my hands and pull her closer, feeling her in all her glory. I make her gasp, making her arch her back, throwing her head back in ecstasy. The sound of our skin slapping together echoes through the room as we move in perfect sync.

Anita leans forward, wrapping her arms around my neck as she meets each thrust with enthusiasm. Her nails dig into my shoulders lightly, leaving small crescents of pain that only serve to heighten our arousal, moaning into my chest as I feel her hot breath waft all over my body.

My heart races with anticipation as I watch Anita lose herself in the pleasure between us. She has the prettiest fucking body I've ever seen; every curve and dip calling out for my touch. I can't believe I'm the only man on this planet who has the privilege to see her in this primal state, making her lust over me. As I watch her breasts sway with each thrust, it takes everything in me not to come right then and there.

"Oh God," she cries out, her body tensing beneath me. "I'm close!"

Despite my restraint, however, Anita seems to be reaching her climax sooner than expected. Her fingernails dig deeper into my back, with faint blood gushing out, and her legs coiling around my body like a serpent embracing its prey. She comes undone - waves of pleasure wash over us both as she convulses around me, milking every last drop of cum from my spent cock.

We collapse onto the bed together, panting heavily as the atmosphere is filled with only the heavy gasps of trying to catch our breath.

As she wheezed, she whispered while huffing hot breath against my chest with a smirk that makes my dick twitch again. "See? Told you it would be worth it." She brings her head up before leaning down to capture my lips in a passionate kiss that leaves me breathless.

Pulling back from the kiss and looking into Anita's eyes, I can see the love and lust mixed like two perfect ingredients for this unforgettable night. As we lay there basking in post-orgasmic bliss, I know that this is exactly where we belong: wrapped up in each other's arms


Anita and I lay entwined on the soft, rumpled sheets. The corners of the room are bathed in the warm glow of candlelight, casting dancing shadows on the walls as the flickering flames create a warm and cozy atmosphere.

I trace the curve of Anita's hipbone with my fingers, marveling at the way her skin responds to my touch, smooth and warm. I watch as her chest rises and falls with each silent breath, the rise and fall of her breasts as she takes drags out of her cigarette. I smirk, before breaking the ice;

" We got so caught up, we forgot to use protection, you know?"

Anita looks at me surprised, almost forgetting that I just came inside her.

"N..Now that you mention it, y..yeah."

She looks away and sighs while exhaling a trail of smoke. This vulnerable side of hers is making me want to bully her even more!

I bring myself closer to her ears and whisper in a seductive tone,

"Imagine cute little products of ours, honeybug. If we have a girl, I want her to be as beautiful as you. And if it's a boy, he'll grow up to be as handsome as me~." I take in another deep breath, and whisper while coiling one arm around her arched back, "My, my, how cute would they look, hm?"

Anita brings her cigarette to her mouth with a shaky hand, with her right cheek flushing up while still looking away. Her expression turns dreamy with a smirk spreading across her face. I smile and whisper in a seductive tone, almost hypnotizing her.

"I'd pamper them and take care of them when you go to work, so you wouldn't have to worry about anything. And once you'd come home tired from work in the evening, imagine how cute they'd look running up to you and hugging your legs! That'd be the best feeling in the world, right?"

Anita's breath hitches, and I feel her heartbeat rising. Her eyes fall on my fingers making circular symbols on her stomach, exactly above where her womb would be. She's going through a wide spectrum of emotions: happiness, excitement, joy, and contentment.

My fingertips zip around her stomach making a circle, as I deliver the final blow,

"Mhm. So, how about it, honeybug? I want at least 2 children with you~"

Anita nods, reaffirming me and my plans for us. She sucks in a deep breath through her teeth, and right as she's about to speak, she seems to finally snap out of her submissive trance. Her brown hair flails up and down as she jumps from the bed and skips to the doorframe, giggling with the biggest blush I've ever seen across her face.

"You're just too much, honeybee~"

Charlote_Anderson Charlote_Anderson

I apologize for being late, I was busy with my other novel.

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